Detecting if an unsigned integer overflow has occurred when adding two numbers - c

This is my implementation to detect if an unsigned int overflow has occurred when trying to add two numbers.
The max value of unsigned int (UINT_MAX) on my system is 4294967295.
int check_addition_overflow(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
if (a > 0 && b > (UINT_MAX - a)) {
printf("overflow has occured\n");
return 0;
This seems to work with the values I've tried.
Any rogue cases? What do you think are the pros and cons?

You could use
if((a + b) < a)
The point is that if a + b is overflowing, the result will be trimmed and must be lower then a.
Consider the case with hypothetical bound range of 0 -> 9 (overflows at 10):
b can be 9 at the most. For any value a such that a + b >= 10, (a + 9) % 10 < a.
For any values a, b such that a + b < 10, since b is not negative, a + b >= a.

I believe OP was referring to carry-out, not overflow. Overflow occurs when the addition/subtraction of two signed numbers doesn't fit into the number of type's bits size -1 (minus sign bit). For example, if an integer type has 32 bits, then
adding 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF) and 1 gives us -2 (0x80000000).
So, the result fits into 32 bits and there is no carry-out. The true result should be 2147483648, but this doesn't fit into 31 bits. Cpu has no idea of signed/unsigned value, so it simply add bits together, where 0x7FFFFFFF + 1 = 0x80000000. So the carry of bits #31 was added to bit #32 (1 + 0 = 1), which is actually a sign bit, changed result from + to -.
Since the sign changed, the CPU would set the overflow flag to 1 and carry flag to 0.


Overflow and underflow in unsigned integers

Suppose, I'm trying to subtract 2 unsigned integers:
247 = 1111 0111
135 = 1000 0111
If we subtract these 2 binary numbers we get = 0111 0000
Is this a underflow, since we only need 7 bits now?? Or how does that work??
Underflow in unsigned subtraction c = a - b occurs whenever b is larger than a.
However, that's somewhat of a circular definition, because how many kinds of machines perform the a < b comparison is by subtracting the operands using wraparound arithmetic, and then detecting the overflow based on the two operands and the result.
Note also that in C we don't speak about "overflow", because there is no error condition: C unsigned integers provide that wraparound arithmetic that is commonly found in hardware.
So, given that we have the wraparound arithmetic, we can detect whether wraparound (or overflow, depending on point of view) has taken place in a subtraction.
What we need is the most significant bits from a, b and c. Let's call them A, B and C. From these, the overflow V is calculated like this:
A B C | V
0 0 0 | 0
0 0 1 | 1
0 1 0 | 1
0 1 1 | 1
1 0 0 | 0
1 0 1 | 0
1 1 0 | 0
1 1 1 | 1
This simplifies to
A'B + A'C + BC
In other words, overflow in the unsigned subtraction c = a - b happens whenever:
the msb of a is 0 and that of b is 1;
or the msb of a is 0 and that of c is 1;
or the msb of b is 1 and that of c is also 1.
Subtracting 247 - 135 = 112 is clearly not overflow, since 247 is larger than 135. Applying the rules above, A = 1, B = 0 and C = 0. The 1 1 0 row of the table has a 0 in the V column: no overflow.
Generally, “underflow” means the ideal mathematical result of a calculation is below what the type can represent. If 7 is subtracted from 5 in unsigned arithmetic, the ideal mathematical result would be −2, but an unsigned type cannot represent −2, so the operation underflows. Or, in an eight-bit signed type that can represent numbers from −128 to +127, subtracting 100 from −100 would ideally produce −200, but this cannot be represented in the type, so the operation underflows.
In C, unsigned arithmetic is said not to underflow or overflow because the C standard defines the operations to be performed using modulo arithmetic instead of real-number arithmetic. For example, with 32-bit unsigned arithmetic, subtracting 7 from 5 would produce 4,294,967,294 (in hexadecimal, FFFFFFFE16), because it has wrapped modulo 232 = 4,294,967,296. People may nonetheless use the terms “underflow” or “overflow” when discussing these operations, intended to refer to the mathematical issues rather than the defined C behavior.
In other words, for whatever type you are using for arithmetic there is some lower limit L and some upper limit U that the type can represent. If the ideal mathematical result of an operation is less than L, the operation underflows. If the ideal mathematical result of an operation is greater than U, the operation overflows. “Underflow” and “overflow” mean the operation has gone out of the bounds of the type. “Overflow” may also be used to refer to any exceeding of the bounds of the type, including in the low direction.
It does not mean that fewer bits are needed to represent the result. When 100001112 is subtracted from 111101112, the result, 011100002 = 11100002, is within bounds, so there is no overflow or underflow. The fact that it needs fewer bits to represent is irrelevant.
(Note: For integer arithmetic, “underflow” or “overflow” is defined relative to the absolute bounds L and U. For floating-point arithmetic, these terms have somewhat different meanings. They may be defined relative to the magnitude of the result, neglecting the sign, and they are defined relative to the finite non-zero range of the format. A floating-point format may be able to represent 0, then various finite non-zero numbers, then infinity. Certain results between 0 and the smallest non-zero number the format can represent are said to underflow even though they are technically inside the range of representable numbers, which is from 0 to infinity in magnitude. Similarly, certain results above the greatest representable finite number are said to overflow even though they are inside the representable range, since they are less than infinity.)
Long story short, this is what happens when you have:
unsigned char n = 255; /* highest possible value for an unsigned char */
n = n + 1; /* now n is "overflowing" (although the terminology is not correct) to 0 */
printf("overflow: 255 + 1 = %u\n", n);
n = n - 1; /* n will now "underflow" from 0 to 255; */
printf("underflow: 0 - 1 = %u\n", n);
n *= 2; /* n will now be (255 * 2) % 256 = 254;
/* when the result is too high, modulo with 2 to the power of 8 is used */
/* for an 8 bit variable such as unsigned char; */
printf("large overflow: 255 * 2 = %u\n", n);
n = n * (-2) + 100; /* n should now be -408 which is 104 in terms of unsigned char. */
/* (Logic is this: 408 % 256 = 152; 256 - 152 = 104) */
printf("large underflow: 255 * 2 = %u\n", n);
The result of that is (compiled with gcc 11.1, flags -Wall -Wextra -std=c99):
overflow: 255 + 1 = 0
underflow: 0 - 1 = 255
large overflow: 255 * 2 = 254
large underflow: 255 * 2 = 104
Now the scientific version: The comments above represent just a mathematical model of what is going on. To better understand what is actually happening, the following rules apply:
Integer promotion:
Integer types smaller than int are promoted when an operation is
performed on them. If all values of the original type can be
represented as an int, the value of the smaller type is converted to
an int; otherwise, it is converted to an unsigned int.
So what actually happens in memory when the computer does n = 255; n = n + 1; is this:
First, the right side is evaluated as an int (signed), because the result fits in a signed int according to the rule of integer promotion. So the right side of the expression becomes in binary: 0b00000000000000000000000011111111 + 0b00000000000000000000000000000001 = 0b00000000000000000000000100000000 (a 32 bit int).
The 32-bit int loses the most significant 24 bits when being assigned
back to an 8-bit number.
So, when 0b00000000000000000000000100000000 is assigned to variable n, which is an unsigned char, the 32-bit value is truncated to an 8-bit value (only the right-most 8 bits are copied) => n becomes 0b00000000.
The same thing happens for each operation. The expression on the right side evaluates to a signed int, than it is truncated to 8 bits.

simulate jg instruction(datalab's isGreater)

I am doing CSAPP's datalab, the isGreater function.
Here's the description
isGreater - if x > y then return 1, else return 0
Example: isGreater(4,5) = 0, isGreater(5,4) = 1
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
Max ops: 24
Rating: 3
x and y are both int type.
So i consider to simulate the jg instruction to implement it.Here's my code
int isGreater(int x, int y)
int yComplement = ~y + 1;
int minusResult = x + yComplement; // 0xffffffff
int SF = (minusResult >> 31) & 0x1; // 1
int ZF = !minusResult; // 0
int xSign = (x >> 31) & 0x1; // 0
int ySign = (yComplement >> 31) & 0x1; // 1
int OF = !(xSign ^ ySign) & (xSign ^ SF); // 0
return !(OF ^ SF) & !ZF;
The jg instruction need SF == OF and ZF == 0.
But it can't pass a special case, that is, x = 0x7fffffff(INT_MAX), y = 0x80000000(INT_MIN).
I deduce it like this:
x + yComplement = 0xffffffff, so SF = 1, ZF = 0, since xSign != ySign, the OF is set to 0.
So, what's wrong with my code, is my OF setting operation wrong?
You're detecting overflow in the addition x + yComplement, rather than in the overall subtraction
-INT_MIN itself overflows in 2's complement; INT_MIN == -INT_MIN. This is the 2's complement anomaly1.
You should be getting fast-positive overflow detection for any negative number (other than INT_MIN) minus INT_MIN. The resulting addition will have signed overflow. e.g. -10 + INT_MIN overflows. has a table of input/output signs for add and subtraction. The cases that overflow are where the inputs signs are opposite but the result sign matches y.
SUBTRACTION SIGN BITS (for num1 - num2 = sum)
num1sign num2sign sumsign
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
*OVER* 0 1 1 (subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive)
*OVER* 1 0 0 (subtracting a positive is the same as adding a negative)
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
You could use this directly with the original x and y, and only use yComplement as part of getting the minusResult. Adjust your logic to match this truth table.
Or you could use int ySign = (~y) >> 31; and leave the rest of your code unmodified. (Use a tmp to hold ~y so you only do the operation once, for this and yComplement). The one's complement inverse (~) does not suffer from the 2's complement anomaly.
Footnote 1: sign/magnitude and one's complement have two redundant ways to represent 0, instead of an value with no inverse.
Fun fact: if you make an integer absolute-value function, you should consider the result unsigned to avoid this problem. int can't represent the absolute value of INT_MIN.
Efficiency improvements:
If you use unsigned int, you don't need & 1 after a shift because logical shifts don't sign-extend. (And as a bonus, it would avoid C signed-overflow undefined behaviour in +:
Then (if you used uint32_t, or sizeof(unsigned) * CHAR_BIT instead of 31) you'd have a safe and portable implementation of 2's complement comparison. (signed shift semantics for negative numbers are implementation-defined in C.) I think you're using C as a sort of pseudo-code for bit operations, and aren't interested in actually writing a portable implementation, and that's fine. The way you're doing things will work on normal compilers on normal CPUs.
Or you can use & 0x80000000 to leave the high bits in place (but then you'd have to left shift your ! result).
It's just the lab's restriction, you can't use unsigned or any constant larger than 0xff(255)
Ok, so you don't have access to logical right shift. Still, you need at most one &1. It's ok to work with numbers where all you care about is the low bit, but where the rest hold garbage.
You eventually do & !ZF, which is either &0 or &1. Thus, any high garbage in OF` is wiped away.
You can also delay the >> 31 until after XORing together two numbers.
This is a fun problem that I want to optimize myself:
// untested, 13 operations
int isGreater_optimized(int x, int y)
int not_y = ~y;
int minus_y = not_y + 1;
int sum = x + minus_y;
int x_vs_y = x ^ y; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int x_vs_sum = x ^ sum; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int OF = (x_vs_y & x_vs_sum) >> 31; // high bits hold garbage
int SF = sum >> 31;
int non_zero = !!sum; // 0 or 1
return (~(OF ^ SF)) & non_zero; // high garbage is nuked by `& 1`
Note the use of ~ instead of ! to invert a value that has high garbage.
It looks like there's still some redundancy in calculating OF separately from SF, but actually the XORing of sum twice doesn't cancel out. x ^ sum is an input for &, and we XOR with sum after that.
We can delay the shifts even later, though, and I found some more optimizations by avoiding an extra inversion. This is 11 operations
// replace 31 with sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT if you want. #include <limit.h>
// or use int32_t
int isGreater_optimized2(int x, int y)
int not_y = ~y;
int minus_y = not_y + 1;
int sum = x + minus_y;
int SF = sum; // value in the high bit, rest are garbage
int x_vs_y = x ^ y; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int x_vs_sum = x ^ sum; // high bit = 1 if they were opposite signs: OF is possible
int OF = x_vs_y & x_vs_sum; // low bits hold garbage
int less = (OF ^ SF);
int ZF = !sum; // 0 or 1
int le = (less >> 31) & ZF; // clears high garbage
return !le; // jg == jnle
I wondered if any compilers might see through this manual compare and optimize it into cmp edi, esi/ setg al, but no such luck :/ I guess that's not a pattern that they look for, because code that could have been written as x > y tends to be written that way :P
But anyway, here's the x86 asm output from gcc and clang on the Godbolt compiler explorer.
Assuming two's complement, INT_MIN's absolute value isn't representable as an int. So, yComplement == y (ie. still negative), and ySign is 1 instead of the desired 0.
You could instead calculate the sign of y like this (changing as little as possible in your code) :
int ySign = !((y >> 31) & 0x1);
For a more detailed analysis, and a more optimal alternative, check Peter Cordes' answer.

Depiction of binary digit changes during promotion from signed to unsigned integers/what happens?

y is promoted to unsigned int and compared with x here.Does binary number comparison happen everytime? Then if(12 == -4) is done, why can't it promote LHS to unsigned and print "same"?(considering 12 = 1100, -4 = 1100)Please correct if I am wrong.
int main()
unsigned int x = -1;
int y = ~0;
if(x == y)//1.what happens if( y == x) is given?.O/P is "same" then also.
printf("same");//output is "same"
printf("not same");
printf("%d",x);//2.output is -1.Won't x lose it's sign when unsigned is given?My hunch is x should become +1 here.
return 0;
Please also provide the binary number working for the above code and answers to 1. and 2. in the code comments.Thank you.
First check in your system for size of unsigned int.
in my machine: printf("%zu\n",sizeof(unsigned int));//4 byte
as we have 4 bytes to store an Uint data type, we can say
unsigned int x ;//
x:Range[0, Max_number_with_4byte]
Max_number_with_4byte: (2^32) - 1 = 0xFFFFFFFF
obviously x can hold only positive numbers because of unsigned.
but you give to x = -1;, suppose a circular behaviour, when we put back one step from 0, x reach to last point: Max_number_with_4byte.
and printing x to screen shows: 0xFFFFFFFF
see hex equivalent of x with printf("%x\n",(unsigned int )x);
and printf("%y\n",(unsigned int )y); to see equality of x,y.
consider y = ~0; we have 32 bits for y if ~ operator use in y all bits are changes to 1, in hex form we see FFFFFFFF. (we cant print binary numbers with printf and use equal hex representation)
you can see this online calculator how to convert -1 to 0xFFFFFFFF
Answer to your Question
y is not promoted to unsigned int. it is just changes its bits form 0 -> 1
Does binary number comparison happen every time?
Yes in every conditions for example in if(10 > 20) first both 10 and 20 converted to its correspondent binary numbers then compare.
if (12 == -4) see my above explanation.
-4 not equals to 1100 inside computer (your variable).
-4 = 0xFFFFFFFC see
An unsigned int =-1 should actually interpreted as the max unsigned int(4294967295); surely is not transformed into 1.

Bitwise operation and masks

I am having problem understanding how this piece of code works. I understand when the x is a positive number, actually only (x & ~mark) have a value; but cannot figure what this piece of code is doing when x is a negative number.
e.g. If x is 1100(-4), and mask would be 0001, while ~mask is 1110.
The result of ((~x & mask) + (x & ~mask)) is 0001 + 1100 = 1011(-3), I tried hard but cannot figure out what this piece of code is doing, any suggestion is helpful.
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
* n-bit, two's complement integer.
* 1 <= n <= 32
* Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 15
* Rating: 2
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
/* mask the sign bit against ~x and vice versa to get highest bit in x. Shift by n-1, and not. */
int mask = x >> 31;
return !(((~x & mask) + (x & ~mask)) >> (n + ~0));
Note: this is pointless and only worth doing as an academic exercise.
The code makes the following assumptions (which are not guaranteed by the C standard):
int is 32-bit (1 sign bit followed by 31 value bits)
int is represented using 2's complement
Right-shifting a negative number does arithmetic shift, i.e. fill sign bit with 1
With these assumptions in place, x >> 31 will generate all-bits-0 for positive or zero numbers, and all-bits-1 for negative numbers.
So the effect of (~x & mask) + (x & ~mask) is the same as (x < 0) ? ~x : x .
Since we assumed 2's complement, ~x for negative numbers is -(x+1).
The effect of this is that if x is positive it remains unchanged. and if x is negative then it's mapped onto the range [0, INT_MAX] . In 2's complement there are exactly as many negative numbers as non-negative numbers, so this works.
Finally, we right-shift by n + ~0. In 2's complement, ~0 is -1, so this is n - 1. If we shift right by 4 bits for example, and we shifted all the bits off the end; it means that this number is representable with 1 sign bit and 4 value bits. So this shift tells us whether the number fits or not.
Putting all of that together, it is an arcane way of writing:
int x;
if ( x < 0 )
x = -(x+1);
// now x is non-negative
x >>= n - 1; // aka. x /= pow(2, n-1)
if ( x == 0 )
return it_fits;
return it_doesnt_fit;
Here is a stab at it, unfortunately it is hard to summarize bitwise logic easily. The general idea is to try to right shift x and see if it becomes 0 as !0 returns 1. If right shifting a positive number n-1 times results in 0, then that means n bits are enough to represent it.
The reason for what I call a and b below is due to negative numbers being allowed one extra value of representation by convention. An integer can represent some number of values, that number of values is an even number, one of the numbers required to represent is 0, and so what is left is an odd number of values to be distributed among negative and positive numbers. Negative numbers get to have that one extra value (by convention) which is where the abs(x)-1 comes into play.
Let me know if you have questions:
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int mask = x >> 31;
/* -------------------------------------------------
// A: Bitwise operator logic to get 0 or abs(x)-1
------------------------------------------------- */
// mask == 0x0 when x is positive, therefore a == 0
// mask == 0xffffffff when x is negative, therefore a == ~x
int a = (~x & mask);
printf("a = 0x%x\n", a);
/* -----------------------------------------------
// B: Bitwise operator logic to get abs(x) or 0
----------------------------------------------- */
// ~mask == 0xffffffff when x is positive, therefore b == x
// ~mask == 0x0 when x is negative, therefore b == 0
int b = (x & ~mask);
printf("b = 0x%x\n", b);
/* ----------------------------------------
// C: A + B is either abs(x) or abs(x)-1
---------------------------------------- */
// c is either:
// x if x is a positive number
// ~x if x is a negative number, which is the same as abs(x)-1
int c = (a + b);
printf("c = %d\n", c);
/* -------------------------------------------
// D: A ridiculous way to subtract 1 from n
------------------------------------------- */
// ~0 == 0xffffffff == -1
// n + (-1) == n-1
int d = (n + ~0);
printf("d = %d\n", d);
/* ----------------------------------------------------
// E: Either abs(x) or abs(x)-1 is shifted n-1 times
---------------------------------------------------- */
int e = (c >> d);
printf("e = %d\n", e);
// If e was right shifted into 0 then you know the number would have fit within n bits
return !e;
You should be performing those operations with unsigned int instead of int.
Some operations like >> will perform an arithmetic shift instead of logical shift when dealing with signed numbers and you will have this sort of unexpected outcome.
A right arithmetic shift of a binary number by 1. The empty position in the most significant bit is filled with a copy of the original MSB instead of zero. -- from Wikipedia
With unsigned int though this is what happens:
In a logical shift, zeros are shifted in to replace the discarded bits. Therefore the logical and arithmetic left-shifts are exactly the same.
However, as the logical right-shift inserts value 0 bits into the most significant bit, instead of copying the sign bit, it is ideal for unsigned binary numbers, while the arithmetic right-shift is ideal for signed two's complement binary numbers. -- from Wikipedia

Is unsigned integer subtraction defined behavior?

I have come across code from someone who appears to believe there is a problem subtracting an unsigned integer from another integer of the same type when the result would be negative. So that code like this would be incorrect even if it happens to work on most architectures.
unsigned int To, Tf;
To = getcounter();
while (1) {
Tf = getcounter();
if ((Tf-To) >= TIME_LIMIT) {
This is the only vaguely relevant quote from the C standard I could find.
A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a
result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer
type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest
value that can be represented by the resulting type.
I suppose one could take that quote to mean that when the right operand is larger the operation is adjusted to be meaningful in the context of modulo truncated numbers.
0x0000 - 0x0001 == 0x 1 0000 - 0x0001 == 0xFFFF
as opposed to using the implementation dependent signed semantics:
0x0000 - 0x0001 == (unsigned)(0 + -1) == (0xFFFF but also 0xFFFE or 0x8001)
Which or what interpretation is right? Is it defined at all?
When you work with unsigned types, modular arithmetic (also known as "wrap around" behavior) is taking place. To understand this modular arithmetic, just have a look at these clocks:
9 + 4 = 1 (13 mod 12), so to the other direction it is: 1 - 4 = 9 (-3 mod 12). The same principle is applied while working with unsigned types. If the result type is unsigned, then modular arithmetic takes place.
Now look at the following operations storing the result as an unsigned int:
unsigned int five = 5, seven = 7;
unsigned int a = five - seven; // a = (-2 % 2^32) = 4294967294
int one = 1, six = 6;
unsigned int b = one - six; // b = (-5 % 2^32) = 4294967291
When you want to make sure that the result is signed, then stored it into signed variable or cast it to signed. When you want to get the difference between numbers and make sure that the modular arithmetic will not be applied, then you should consider using abs() function defined in stdlib.h:
int c = five - seven; // c = -2
int d = abs(five - seven); // d = 2
Be very careful, especially while writing conditions, because:
if (abs(five - seven) < seven) // = if (2 < 7)
// ...
if (five - seven < -1) // = if (-2 < -1)
// ...
if (one - six < 1) // = if (-5 < 1)
// ...
if ((int)(five - seven) < 1) // = if (-2 < 1)
// ...
if (five - seven < 1) // = if ((unsigned int)-2 < 1) = if (4294967294 < 1)
// ...
if (one - six < five) // = if ((unsigned int)-5 < 5) = if (4294967291 < 5)
// ...
The result of a subtraction generating a negative number in an unsigned type is well-defined:
[...] A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow,
because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is
reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be
represented by the resulting type.
(ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) §6.2.5/9)
As you can see, (unsigned)0 - (unsigned)1 equals -1 modulo UINT_MAX+1, or in other words, UINT_MAX.
Note that although it does say "A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow", which might lead you to believe that it applies only for exceeding the upper limit, this is presented as a motivation for the actual binding part of the sentence: "a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is
reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be
represented by the resulting type." This phrase is not restricted to overflow of the upper bound of the type, and applies equally to values too low to be represented.
Well, the first interpretation is correct. However, your reasoning about the "signed semantics" in this context is wrong.
Again, your first interpretation is correct. Unsigned arithmetic follow the rules of modulo arithmetic, meaning that 0x0000 - 0x0001 evaluates to 0xFFFF for 32-bit unsigned types.
However, the second interpretation (the one based on "signed semantics") is also required to produce the same result. I.e. even if you evaluate 0 - 1 in the domain of signed type and obtain -1 as the intermediate result, this -1 is still required to produce 0xFFFF when later it gets converted to unsigned type. Even if some platform uses an exotic representation for signed integers (1's complement, signed magnitude), this platform is still required to apply rules of modulo arithmetic when converting signed integer values to unsigned ones.
For example, this evaluation
signed int a = 0, b = 1;
unsigned int c = a - b;
is still guaranteed to produce UINT_MAX in c, even if the platform is using an exotic representation for signed integers.
With unsigned numbers of type unsigned int or larger, in the absence of type conversions, a-b is defined as yielding the unsigned number which, when added to b, will yield a. Conversion of a negative number to unsigned is defined as yielding the number which, when added to the sign-reversed original number, will yield zero (so converting -5 to unsigned will yield a value which, when added to 5, will yield zero).
Note that unsigned numbers smaller than unsigned int may get promoted to type int before the subtraction, the behavior of a-b will depend upon the size of int.
Well, an unsigned integer subtraction has defined behavior, also it is a tricky thing. When you subtract two unsigned integers, result is promoted to higher type int if result (lvalue) type is not specified explicitly. In the latter case, for example, int8_t result = a - b; (where a and b have int8_t type) you can obtain very weird behavior. I mean you may loss transitivity property (i.e. if a > b and b > c it is true that a > c).
The loss of transitivity can destroy a tree-type data structure work. Care must be taken not to provide comparison function for sorting, searching, tree building that uses unsigned integer subtraction to deduce which key is higher or lower.
See example below.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
uint8_t a = 255;
uint8_t b = 100;
uint8_t c = 150;
printf("uint8_t a = %+d, b = %+d, c = %+d\n\n", a, b, c);
printf(" b - a = %+d\tpromotion to int type\n"
" (int8_t)(b - a) = %+d\n\n"
" b + a = %+d\tpromotion to int type\n"
"(uint8_t)(b + a) = %+d\tmodular arithmetic\n"
" b + a %% %d = %+d\n\n",
b - a, (int8_t)(b - a),
b + a, (uint8_t)(b + a),
UINT8_MAX + 1,
(b + a) % (UINT8_MAX + 1));
printf("c %s b (b - c = %d), b %s a (b - a = %d), AND c %s a (c - a = %d)\n",
(int8_t)(c - b) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(c - b),
(int8_t)(b - a) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(b - a),
(int8_t)(c - a) < 0 ? "<" : ">", (int8_t)(c - a));
$ ./a.out
uint8_t a = +255, b = +100, c = +150
b - a = -155 promotion to int type
(int8_t)(b - a) = +101
b + a = +355 promotion to int type
(uint8_t)(b + a) = +99 modular arithmetic
b + a % 256 = +99
c > b (b - c = 50), b > a (b - a = 101), AND c < a (c - a = -105)
int d = abs(five - seven); // d = 2
std::abs is not "suitable" for unsigned integers. A cast is needed though.
