Angular overlay (spinner) when we have multiple request - angularjs

I have below HTML panel and binds to the controller, in the controller I have 4 calls to server to get my data, my question is how can I show spinner or overlay on top of this panel until all the requests to the server are resolved and I can show the data smoothly.
<div class="container-fluid margin10 padding10 myPanel">
<div class="row-fluid name" ng-bind-html=""></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-11">
<div ng-bind-html="'• ' + (viewData.msg.filtersStr | limitTo: 140) + (viewData.msg.filtersStr.length > 140 ? '...' : '')" ng-attr-title="{{viewData.msg.filtersTooltipStr}}"></div>
<div class="row top-buffer-margin">
<div class="col-md-4 text-right">
<div class="col-md-8"><span class="font10" translate="msgs.details.confidence"></span>:</div>
<span ng-bind-html="viewData.msg.severity" ng-class="viewData.msg.severityColor" class="font10 col-md-4 confidence-span"></span>
<table class="table-striped col-md-12 top-buffer-margin">
<th class="col-md-3"></th>
<th class="col-md-2 text-center" ng-bind-html="'<i>' + ('msgs.details.countColHead' | translate) + '<i>'"></th>
<th class="col-md-4 text-center" ng-bind-html="'<i>' + ('msgs.details.dynamicCalculation' | translate) + '<i>'"></th>
<th class="col-md-3 text-right" ng-bind-html="'<i>' + ('msgs.details.CalculationColHead' | translate) + '<i>'"></th>
<tr class="">
<td class="col-md-3">
<div><span translate="msgs.details.number1"></span></div>
<td class="col-md-2 text-center">
<span ng-bind="viewData.msg.number1.dynamicCount "></span>
<td class="col-md-4 text-center" >
<span ng-bind="viewData.msg.number1.dynamicCalculation "></span>
<td class="col-md-3 text-right"
ng-bind="(viewData.msg.number1.percentageCalculation > 0 ? '+' : '') + viewData.msg.number1.percentageCalculation + '%'">
<tr class="">
<td class="col-md-3">
<div><span translate="msgs.details.number2"></span></div>
<td class="col-md-2 text-center">
<span ng-bind="viewData.msg.number2.dynamicCount "></span>
<td class="col-md-4 text-center">
<span ng-bind="viewData.msg.number2.dynamicCalculation "></span>
<td class="col-md-3 text-right"
ng-bind="(viewData.msg.number2.percentageCalculation > 0 ? '+' : '') + viewData.msg.number2.percentageCalculation + '%'">
<tr class="">
<td class="col-md-3">
<div><span translate="msgs.details.number3"></span></div>
<td class="col-md-2 text-center">
<span ng-bind="viewData.msg.number3.dynamicCount "></span>
<td class="col-md-4 text-center">
<span ng-bind="viewData.msg.number3.dynamicCalculation "></span>
<td class="col-md-3 text-right"
ng-bind="(viewata.msg.number3.percentageCalculation > 0 ? '+' : '') + viewData.msg.number3.percentageCalculation + '%'">
The controller is like this:
(function() {
'use strict';
.controller('myController', myController);
/** #ngInject */
function myController($scope, BinsResource, msgEvents, appConstants) {
var msg = null;
$scope.viewData = {msg: {}};
var init = function() {
var getMsgDetails = function() {
msg = $scope.selectedMsg;
$scope.viewData.msg = {
ruleName: msg.ruleName,
date: moment.utc(msg.time).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
time: moment.utc(msg.time).format('HH:mm'),
severity: msg.severity,
severityColor: msgsService.getSeverityClassColor(msg.severity, appConstants),
number1: buildEventsData(msg, appConstants.measureType.number1),
number2: buildEventsData(msg, appConstants.measureType.number2),
number3: buildEventsData(msg, appConstants.measureType.number3)
var params = prepareDataForBinsHttp(msg);
//number1'number1', params).then(
function(response) {
var calculationObject = calculateCalculation(, msg);
$scope.viewData.msg.number1.dynamicCalculation = calculationObject.calculation;
$scope.viewData.msg.number1.dynamicCount = calculationObject.count;
function(error) {
//TODO : Display callback error
//number2'number2', params).then(
function(response) {
var calculationObject = calculateCalculation(, msg);
$scope.viewData.msg.number2.dynamicCalculation = calculationObject.calculation;
$scope.viewData.msg.number2.dynamicCount = calculationObject.count;
function(error) {
//TODO : Display callback error
//number3'number3', params).then(
function(response) {
var calculationObject = calculateCalculation(, msg);
$scope.viewData.msg.number3.dynamicCalculation = calculationObject.calculation;
$scope.viewData.msg.number3.dynamicCount = calculationObject.count;
function(error) {
//TODO : Display callback error
$scope.subscribe(msgEvents.message._ALERT_ITEM_SELECTED_, function(selectedMsg){
$scope.selectedMsg = selectedMsg;
if(selectedMsg != null){
I want my HTML be blocked until getMsgDetails() does all its calls to server and calculation and was ready to populate the HTML, how can I do this?

I think your best option, is to use the following angular library
It will display a spinner, or a loading message, until all the promises are solved (it is configurable as well)
Demo here:!/


Custom filter angular on ng-repeat for stike text if disabled

I'd like to add a custom filter on my angularJS app. I want di strike text like this way if the object in the ng-repat has the isDeleted flag set as true. Code: here the HTML:
<table id="tableText" class="table table-hover table-striped" ng-init="allNews()">
<th ng-if="!cancelDelete">Elimina</th>
<th ng-if="cancelDelete">Annulla</th>
<tr ng-repeat="news in allNews | filter: deleteTitleText(news)">
<div ng-hide="editingData[]">{{ news.title }}</div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="news.title" /></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]">{{ news.arg }}</div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="news.arg" /></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]"><input type="checkbox" disabled ng-model="news.isDeleted"></div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="news.isDeleted"></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]"><button id="modify" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="modify(news, $event)">Modifica</button></div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><button id="accept" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="update(news)">Accetta</button></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]"><button id="delete" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="delete(">Cancella</button></div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><button id="cancel" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="cancelModify()">Annulla</button></div>
The JS:
app.filter('deleteTitleText', function () {
return function (news) {
if (news.isDeleted == true) {
news.title = "<span><del>" + news.title + "</del></span>";
news.arg = "<span><del>" + news.arg + "</del></span>";
return news;
This is a good way to implement this kind of filter? For now I receive this error: angular.js:13920 Error: [filter:notarray] Expected array but received: function (). Thanks
<table id="tableText" class="table table-hover table-striped" ng-init="allNews()">
<th ng-if="!cancelDelete">Elimina</th>
<th ng-if="cancelDelete">Annulla</th>
<tr ng-repeat="news in allNews">
<div ng-hide="editingData[]">
<span ng-hide="news.isDeleted">{{ news.title }}</span>
<span ng-show="news.isDeleted"><del>{{ news.title }}</del></span>
<!-- USING ng-if -->
<span ng-if="!news.isDeleted">{{ news.title }}</span>
<span ng-if="news.isDeleted"><del>{{ news.title }}</del></span>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="news.title" /></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]">
<span ng-hide="news.isDeleted">{{ news.arg }}</span>
<span ng-show="news.isDeleted"><del>{{ news.arg }}</del></span>
<!-- USING ng-if -->
<span ng-if="!news.isDeleted">{{ news.arg }}</span>
<span ng-if="news.isDeleted"><del>{{ news.arg }}</del></span>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="news.arg" /></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]"><input type="checkbox" disabled ng-model="news.isDeleted"></div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="news.isDeleted"></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]"><button id="modify" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="modify(news, $event)">Modifica</button></div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><button id="accept" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="update(news)">Accetta</button></div>
<div ng-hide="editingData[]"><button id="delete" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="delete(">Cancella</button></div>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><button id="cancel" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="cancelModify()">Annulla</button></div>
<span ng-bind-html="news | deleteTitleText"></span>
app.filter('deleteTitleText', function ($sce) {
return function (input) {
if(input.isDeleted) {
output = $sce.trustAsHtml("<del>"+input.title+"</del>");
} else {
output = $sce.trustAsHtml("<span>"+input.title+"</span>");
return output;
remove filter from ng-repeat <tr ng-repeat="news in allNews">
So final would be similar to :
<tr ng-repeat="news in allNews">
<div ng-hide="editingData[]">
<span ng-bind-html="news | deleteTitleText"></span>
<div ng-show="editingData[]"><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="news.title" /></div>
Hope this helps
You need to alter you filter to expect the entire allNews array/object and work with that instead of just a single item in the list.
This might help.
For instance:
app.filter('deleteTitleText', function () {
return function (allNews) {
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(allNews, function(news) {
if (news.isDeleted == true) {
news.title = "<span><del>" + news.title + "</del></span>";
news.arg = "<span><del>" + news.arg + "</del></span>";
return filtered;
Your ng-repeat should be changed from:
ng-repeat="news in allNews | filter: deleteTitleText(news)"
ng-repeat="news in allNews | deleteTitleText"
Try to use ng-style, like in this plunker:
!item.isDisabled ? {'text-decoration': 'line-through'} : {'text-decoration': 'none'}
You can simply use ng-show and ng-hide
<tr ng-repeat="news in allNews">
<span ng-show="news.isDeleted"><del>{{news.title}}</del></span>
<span ng-show="news.isDeleted"><del>{{news.arg}}</del></span>
<span ng-hide="news.isDeleted"><del>{{news.title}}</del></span>
<span ng-hide="news.isDeleted"><del>{{news.arg}}</del></span>

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'file' of undefined(…)

I am trying to upload an image from my html an on click of save button, i am calling an upload function in the controller. When i enter the upload function in controller, i am not able to access $scope to check the $
//upload image.html
<div class="horizontal">
<table border=1 frame=void rules=rows class="ui celled table" >
<thead style="text-align: center;">
<th> Id </th>
<th> Question </th>
<th> Option A </th>
<th> Option B </th>
<th> Option C </th>
<th> Option D </th>
<th> Answer </th>
<th> Section id </th>
<th> Image </th>
<th> Edit</th>
<tbody ng-repeat="ques in questionObj | filter: searchText" style="text-align: center;">
<td>{{$index + 1}}</td>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">
{{ ques.Title || 'empty' }}
<div ng-hide="editEnabled">
<textarea ng-model="ques.Title"></textarea>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">{{ques.Option_a || 'empty'}} </span>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<textarea ng-model="ques.Option_a"></textarea>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">{{ques.Option_b || 'empty'}} </span>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<textarea ng-model="ques.Option_b"></textarea>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">{{ques.Option_c || 'empty'}} </span>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<textarea ng-model="ques.Option_c"></textarea>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">{{ques.Option_d || 'empty'}} </span>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<textarea ng-model="ques.Option_d"></textarea>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">{{ques.Answer || 'empty'}} </span>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<textarea ng-model="ques.Answer"></textarea>
<td><span ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">{{ques.Section_id || 'empty'}} </span>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<input type="text" ng-model="ques.Section_id"></input>
<span ng-if="ques.Image != 'nil'" ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title"> <img ng-src="{{ques.Image}}" class="image-container" /></span>
<span ng-if="ques.Image === 'nil'" ng-show="editEnabled" ng-model="Title">No Image</span>
<div ng-if="ques.Image != 'nil'" ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<img ng-src="{{ques.Image}} " class="image-container" />
<div ng-if="ques.Image === 'nil'" ng-hide="editEnabled" class="option">
<input class="bottom-marg-15" type="file" name="file" file onchange="angular.element(this).scope().imageLoad(this)"></input>
<!-- Progress Bar -->
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{ uploadProgress }}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: {{ uploadProgress }}%;">
{{ uploadProgress == 0 ? '' : uploadProgress + '%' }}
<div ng-repeat="step in stepsModel">
<img class="small-thumb" ng-src="{{step}}" />
<td style="white-space: nowrap">
<div class="buttons" ng-show="editEnabled" ng-show="editEnabled">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="editEnabled = !editEnabled">edit</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="question.removeUser($index,ques.Id)">del</button>
<div ng-hide="editEnabled" class="form-buttons form-inline">
<button ng-model="Title" ng-disabled="editQuestionForm.$waiting" ng-click=" upload(); editEnabled = !editEnabled" class="btn btn-primary">
<button type="button" ng-click="editEnabled = !editEnabled" class="btn btn-default">
this is the controller which has the upload function. I am not able to access $scope inside upload function.
'use strict';
.controller('editQuestionCtrl', function($scope, GetQuestionsService, $window, $location, localStorageService, ENV) {
var vm = this;
vm.success = false;
vm.auth_token = localStorageService.get('rec-auth-token');
vm.role = localStorageService.get('role');
$scope.editEnabled = true;
$scope.access_key = ENV.access_key;
$scope.secret_key = ENV.secret_key;
$scope.bucket = "q-auth/angular_test/";
$scope.stepsModel = [];
$scope.imageLoad = function(element){
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = $scope.imageIsLoaded;
$scope.imageIsLoaded = function(e){
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.upload = function($scope){
console.log("inside upload");
Your upload() is having a parameter called $scope, remove it.
$scope.upload = function($scope){
console.log("inside upload");
$scope.upload = function(){
console.log("inside upload");
Because when you call the function upload() it will expect to pass an argument, $scope in the function is taken as local variable of that function, hence becoming undefined.
Once you enter the controller's function you have access to its $scope. There's no need to pass it as a parameter:
$scope.upload = function() {
console.log($scope.stepsModel) // or any other property
It seems you mix two techniques for accessing controller's scope: vm and $scope. My advice is to use vm only for exposing the controller variables to the view. Using $scope will soon be deprecated and I use it mainly for $watching changes in the view.

AngularJS: ng-submit not working

My addAct() funtion was working fine before, until I tried refactoring the index table. Now it isn't responding. Nothing is appearing in the console, for example. Maybe someone can help me figure out what's going on. I use the _form.html partial twice, but take a look at the row with id="newAct"
<div class="actions_body">
<div class="container">
<h2>Listing Actions</h2>
<div class="body">
<table class>
<tr class="row">
<th class="col-md-2 active">
<th class="col-md-5">Description</th>
<th class="col-md-2">Inspires</th>
<th colspan="2" class="col-md-2">Modify</th>
<tbody ng-repeat="act in acts">
<tr class="row">
<td class="col-md-2">{{}}</td>
<td class="col-md-5">{{act.description}}</td>
<td class="col-md-2">{{act.inspires}}</td>
<td class="col-md-1"><button ng-click="updateActShow=true">Edit</button></td>
<td class="col-md-1"><button ng-click="deleteAct(act)">Delete</button>
<tr ng-show="updateActShow" ng-include="'acts/templates/_form.html'"></tr>
<tr class="row">
<button ng-click="newActShow=true">New Action</button>
<button ng-click="newActShow=false">Hide</button>
<tr ng-show="newActShow" id="newAct" ng-include="'acts/templates/_form.html'"></tr>
<div class="row" ng-controller="ActsController">
<form ng-submit="addAct()">
<td class="col-md-2">
<label for="newActName">Name</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="" id="newActName" placeholder="Name" class="form-control">
<td class="col-md-4">
<label for="newActDescription">Description</label>
<input type="textarea" ng-model="newAct.description" id="newActDescription" placeholder="Description" class="form-control">
<td class="col-md-2">
<label for="newActInspires">Inspires</label>
<input type="number" ng-model="newAct.inspires" id="newActInspires" placeholder="Inspires" class="form-control">
<td class="col-md-2">
<input type="submit" value="+" class="btn btn-success">
controllers = angular.module('controllers');
controllers.controller('ActsController', [
function($scope,$routeParams,$location,$resource) {
var Act = $resource('/acts/:actId', {
actId: "#id",
format: 'json'
}, {
'create': {
method: 'POST'
$scope.acts = Act.query();
$scope.addAct = function() {
act =$scope.newAct, function() {
$scope.newAct = '';
$scope.deleteAct = function(act) {
$scope.acts.splice($scope.acts.indexOf(act), 1);
$scope.linkToShowAct = function(act) {
return $location.path('/acts/' +;
You table is outside of ActsController scope. You need to put ng-controller="ActsController" on one of the elements surrounding table.

Angular table last added row not loading bootstrap calendar

I am using angular to load meeting information into a table. When i try to add a new row to the table, the added row does not load the last bootstrap calendar because angular hasn't yet finished loading the row when i call a function to dynamically load the datepicker. How can i call load the datepicker after Angular has finished loading the new row?
Here's my code:
<div ng-controller="virtualmeetingdetails" id="virtualmeetingdetails">
<div class="row" id="proposedaddboards">
<div class="form-group required">
<label id="adboardnumber" class="control-label col-sm-4" for="spinner1">Proposed Number of Advisory Boards</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<div id="spinnerDiv1" class="input-group spinner">
<asp:TextBox id="spinner1" cssclass="form-control" value="0" runat="server" />
<div class="input-group-btn-vertical">
<button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="addUser()"><i class="fa fa-caret-up"></i></button>
<button class="btn btn-default" type="button"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></button>
<div class="row" id="tblVirtualMeeting">
<div class="form-group required">
<div class="col-sm-12" >
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" jq-table>
<thead style="background-color:#cad4d9">
<th>Proposed Date</th>
<th>Virtual Meeting</th>
<th>Location City</th>
<tr ng-repeat="meeting in meetings">
<div class="input-group input-append date" id="dtpicker{{$index}}" data-date-format="mm/dd/yyyy" style="width:150px;">
<span class="text-center" ng-show="editMode">{{meeting.proposedbegindate}}</span>
<input type="text" class="form-control col-sm-3" runat="server" ng-hide="editMode" ng-model="meeting.proposedbegindate" />
<span class="input-group-addon add-on" ng-hide="editMode">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
<select ng-model="meeting.isvirtualmeeting" ng-hide="editMode"
ng-options="option.text for option in virtualmeetingoptions track by option.value" class="form-control">
<span class="text-center" ng-show="editMode">{{meeting.isvirtualmeeting.text}}</span>
<span class="text-center" ng-show="editMode">{{meeting.venuecity}}</span>
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-hide="editMode" ng-model="meeting.venuecity" />
<select ng-model="meeting.venuestateID" ng-hide="editMode" ng-options="state.StateConst for state in statesList track by state.StateID" class="form-control"></select>
<span class="text-center" ng-show="editMode">{{meeting.venuestateID.StateConst}}</span>
<select ng-model="meeting.venuecountryid" ng-hide="editMode" ng-options="country.CountryName for country in countriesList track by country.CountryID" class="form-control"></select>
<span class="text-center" ng-show="editMode">{{meeting.venuecountryid.CountryConst}}</span>
<td style="width:170px">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" style="color: green; font-size: medium; cursor: pointer" ng-show="editMode" ng-click="editMode = false; editUser(participant)"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-save" style="color: #337ab7; font-size: medium; cursor: pointer" ng-hide="editMode" ng-click="editMode = true;saveField(meeting, <%=_CurrentUserID %>);"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle" style="color: red;font-size:medium;cursor:pointer" ng-click="removeItem($index)"></span>
app.controller("virtualmeetingdetails", function ($scope, $http) {
$http.get("../Services/EngagementDataService.asmx/GetVirtualMeetings", { params: { 'mid': getParameterByName('mid')} })
.success(function (response) {
var j = response.length;
var i = 0;
if (response.length > 0) {
while (i < j) {
response[i].proposedbegindate = moment(response[i].proposedbegindate).format("MM/DD/YYYY");
....more code goes here (removed)
$scope.addUser = function () {
$scope.editing = true;
var meetingcount;
if (typeof $scope.meetings === "undefined")
meetingcount = 0
else meetingcount = $scope.meetings.length;
$scope.inserted = {
engagementproposedinfoid: 0,
id: meetingcount + 1,
venuecity: '',
proposedbegindate: '',
venuestateid: 0,
venuecountryid: 1,
isvirtualmeeting: 0
Function to render datepicker:
function rendercalendars(rows) {
var nowDate = new Date();
var today = new Date(nowDate.getFullYear(), nowDate.getMonth(), nowDate.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
var j = rows;
var i = 0;
while (i < j) {
$('#dtpicker' + i).datepicker({ autoclose: true, startDate: today });
The issue happens when $scope.addUser gets called... it loads the table row before the rendercalendars function gets called so the datepickers don't get loaded.
Any help will be appreciated.
My guess would be something like this:
With this line you change your scope and on your next digest cycle your repeat will be "redone". So your html gets adjusted.
Then you call your render function and its all messed up if the digest hit before.
But that's just a guess of mine.
BTW there is an angular implementation for bootstrap components (ui-boostrap) then you don't have to do jQuery stuff.
Home this is some sort of help.

AngularJS No output No errors

After many hours I thought my code is running, but I get no output in my table...
Can't find the error...
the console.log($scope.articles) has the full array of articles.
(function () {
"use strict";
angular.module("app.tables", []).controller("articlesCtrl", ["$scope", "$http", "$filter",
function ($scope, $http, $filter) {
var init;
$http.get('SOMEURL').success(function (data) {
$scope.articles = data;
error(function (data) {
// log error
, $scope.searchKeywords = "", $scope.filteredArticles = [], $scope.row = "", $ = function (page) {
if (!$scope.currentPageArticles || !$scope.currentPageArticles.length) { return; }
var end, start;
return start = (page - 1) * $scope.numPerPage, end = start + $scope.numPerPage, $scope.currentPageArticles = $scope.filteredArticles.slice(start, end)
}, $scope.onFilterChange = function () {
return $, $scope.currentPage = 1, $scope.row = ""
}, $scope.onNumPerPageChange = function () {
return $, $scope.currentPage = 1
}, $scope.onOrderChange = function () {
return $, $scope.currentPage = 1
}, $ = function () {
return $scope.filteredArticles = $filter("filter")($scope.articles, $scope.searchKeywords), $scope.onFilterChange()
}, $scope.order = function (rowName) {
return $scope.row !== rowName ? ($scope.row = rowName, $scope.filteredArticles = $filter("orderBy")($scope.articles, rowName), $scope.onOrderChange()) : void 0
}, $scope.numPerPageOpt = [3, 5, 10, 20], $scope.numPerPage = $scope.numPerPageOpt[2], $scope.currentPage = 1, $scope.currentPageArticles = [], (init = function () {
return $, $$scope.currentPage)
<section class="panel panel-default table-dynamic">
<div class="panel-heading"><strong>Artikel</strong></div>
<div class="table-filters">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-6">
<input type="text"
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-responsive">
<div class="th">
<span class="fa fa-angle-up"
data-ng-click=" order('idArticles') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == 'idArticles'}"></span>
<span class="fa fa-angle-down"
data-ng-click=" order('-idArticles') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == '-idArticles'}"></span>
<div class="th">
<span class="fa fa-angle-up"
data-ng-click=" order('artGroupName') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == 'artGroupName'}"></span>
<span class="fa fa-angle-down"
data-ng-click=" order('-artGroupName') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == '-artGroupName'}"></span>
<div class="th">
<span class="fa fa-angle-up"
data-ng-click=" order('artName') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == 'artName'}"></span>
<span class="fa fa-angle-down"
data-ng-click=" order('-artName') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == '-artName'}"></span>
<div class="th">
<span class="fa fa-angle-up"
data-ng-click=" order('artPrice') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == 'artPrice'}"></span>
<span class="fa fa-angle-down"
data-ng-click=" order('-artPrice') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == '-artPrice'}"></span>
<div class="th">
<span class="fa fa-angle-up"
data-ng-click=" order('egisArtId') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == 'egisArtId'}"></span>
<span class="fa fa-angle-down"
data-ng-click=" order('-egisArtId') "
data-ng-class="{active: row == '-egisArtId'}"></span>
<div class="th">
<tr data-ng-repeat="articles in currentPageArticles">
<td class="articles_active text-center">{{}}</td>
<footer class="table-footer">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 page-num-info">
<select data-ng-model="numPerPage"
data-ng-options="num for num in numPerPageOpt"
Einträge pro Seite
<div class="col-md-6 text-right pagination-container">
<pagination class="pagination-sm"
previous-text="‹" next-text="›"
Please help.
The problem you had was that you updating the filteredArticles when searching however you not applying the same in the table. Had a fix on it and here is the Working Plunkr
Code Changed:
<tr data-ng-repeat="articles in filteredArticles">
<td class="articles_active text-center">{{}}</td>
$http.get('data.json').success(function (data) {
$scope.articles = data;
$scope.filteredArticles = data;
