Appending new data to the Backbone Relational Relation - backbone.js

I'm trying to design a load more type of system where every time you press load more you add data to the existing collection. This is a rough sketch of how the UI looks.
Everything works pretty great except as you would except everytime I re-run the
What it does: It overrides the entire collection with the new data
What I want it to do: I want the new records returned to be added to the records collection not override old 'records'
How can I make this work so that the newly fetched records are appended to existing records and not overridden?

Add { remove: false } to your fetch call:
items.fetch({ remove: false, data: { nextId:'nextId') } });
What's happening here is Collection#fetch will synchronize its models with the data the server returns. That includes adding new models, updating models already present, and removing models that are not included in the response.
The behavior of fetch can be customized by using the available set options. For example, to fetch a collection, getting an "add" event for every new model, and a "change" event for every changed existing model, without removing anything: collection.fetch({remove: false})
The available set options are add, remove, and merge. Setting one (or all) to false will disable that functionality in the fetch.
It sounds like you just want { remove: false }, leaving the add and merge functionality.

I'm not familiar with backbone-relational,
But with a normal collection, you can do the following in parse method:
parse: function(response){
// you can update the info here like = or similar
return _.union(this.toJSON(), response.records);
Basically we combine the response with existing data and return it so that we maintain the previous data when the collection updates


Restangular how to update item in collection

I am currently fiddeling around with restangular and ui-router.
I do resolve a collection of items in my router which makes it available to the underlying controllers. I have a list of todos and i want to edit a todo. So i load a view where i can edit the item.
I get the model by $scope.todo = todos.get(id) I make a change to it and then i do $ which updates the model on the server. But now i have the old item still in the collection of todos.
I want my collection to reflect the changes in the single item. I could delete the item from the collection and reinsert it afterwards, but this seems a little bit too complicated. Is there no easy way to update a model within a collection?
Update: Adding some Code
Note: The todos property gets resolved if the state is called.
If i edit a single todo i resolve it by
resolve : {
todo : function($stateParams, todos) {
return todos.get($;
I do some changes and then i call No changes will happen on the collection this way. I tried to do a todos.patch(todo) but that actually did a request to weird url and i guess it is intended to patch the whole collection (?)
I am sure there is a way to change a model within a collection, but i dont know how
After trying some stuff i ended up with replacing the item inside the collection. I created a little helper to lodash which i want to show here:
var replaceItemById = function(list, element) {
var index = _.indexOf(list, _.find(list, { id : }));
list.splice(index, 1 , element);
return list;
_.mixin({'replaceItemById' : replaceItemById});
When i want to update a model inside a collection i do step by step:
Fetch the collection
Get a single item from the collection and edit it
Call save on the item
//The server returns the updated model {
_.replaceItemById(todos, editedTodo);
This way i do not need to fetch the collection again (even if in most cases this is what you would do) and it is up to date after updating a single item.

Backbone - Using fetched data inside the view

I have fatched the data to Collection variable, but I am not sure what should I do next. How to use this data and to fill the template with it? Here is my code from the render function inside the View.
Collection.url = "../data";
var compiled = _.template(;
self.$el.prepend(compiled(/*MY JSON SHOULD GO HERE*/));
I am a newbie to backbone, so every help is appreaciated.
Here is a Collection definition:
var MainCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: MainModel,
//localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("kitchen"),
initialize: function (models,options) { }
}), Collection = new MainCollection;
Here is a log of Collection and Collection coverted to JSON:
Assuming Collection is your collection's name (that's pretty confusing I have to say), this is what you're looking for:
Don't forget you're fetching the data asynchronously. So when you're evaluating your template, the data hasn't come back yet, and your collection's still empty. Listen to the end of the request ('sync' event I think) or some other events so you know when the collection's populated OR use the success option of the fetch method to specify a callback :)
As for your logs. When you log an object, it will be automatically updated until you check the details. So you logged it while it was empty, but checked it after it was populated (a few ms afterwards).

Collection fetch from server, not firing change when model has been delete from server

I am fetching a collection from the server, lets say I originally start with 30 models and in the database one of these models has some of attributes changed, when I fetch the collection the change is detected and the changes are rendered. Fine works just fine.
But when the model is delete in the database and the collection which had 30 and now has 29 does not fire destroy on the missing model. The model does not exist anymore but the view is still rendered and it does not correspond to any model, because the model is not part of the collection anymore. Need help with this one. And the view is binded to "change" and also "destroy".
I already tried all kinds of stuff, many variations in code and nothing seems to work.
var commentCollection = new CommentList;
commentCollection.fetch({ data: $.param({ user_id:id}), success: function(){
Profile_view = new Profile({collection: commentCollection});
} });
function fetch_collection(commentCollection, id){
commentCollection.fetch({update: true, data: $.param({ user_id:id})});
setInterval(function(){fetch_collection(commentCollection, id)},10000);
I got it!!!!!
All I had to do was bind the remove event to the view function that removes the actual view from the DOM
this.model.bind("remove", this.close, this)

Does backbone trigger .add when a collection is .fetched?

I am converting my backbone app so that it starts communicating with the server, previously I had just been populating the collection with test data using .add()
I have tied some events to the collections add event. So every time an item is added to the collection I can render the view and update some statistics.
it appears that as soon as i add the .fetch() call to get data from the server the add events stop.
for example
var PayableCommitmentCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.SetInitialAmount() is never called after fetch creates the models in the collection.
I also have 2 views that are watching for items to be added to this collection that are now not updating.
My obvious work around is to write my own AJAX call so that I can add the items the same way I have been during development so far, however I'm sure backbone has the smarts to help me out here.
Can anyone suggest a way i can bind to the completion of fetch, or to make it stimulate the add event.
The fetch method accepts a hash of options. One of these options can be the "add" option, which calls add on the collection instead of reset.
collection.fetch({ add: true });
From the fine manual:
fetch collection.fetch([options])
Fetch the default set of models for this collection from the server, resetting the collection when they arrive.
And a reset:
reset collection.reset(models, [options])
Adding and removing models one at a time is all well and good, but sometimes you have so many models to change that you'd rather just update the collection in bulk. Use reset to replace a collection with a new list of models (or attribute hashes), triggering a single "reset" event at the end.
So a fetch will trigger a single "reset" event rather than a bunch of "add" events. You need a collection-wide version of setInitialAmount that you can bind to "reset".
In Backbone 1.0, Collection#fetch has this to say:
fetch collection.fetch([options])
Fetch the default set of models for this collection from the server, setting them on the collection when they arrive.
The behavior of fetch can be customized by using the available set options. For example, to fetch a collection, getting an "add" event for every new model, and a "change" event for every changed existing model, without removing anything: collection.fetch({remove: false})
So, if you're using 1.0+ then all you need to do is call your fetch with the remove: false option.

Where does information in BackBone go?

When a save, or create is tossed towards the server, the server responds with a new randomly created object. The object can be one of many different Classes, and Backbone responds to these differentiating objects and loads a relative view.
I can only seem to figure this logic out on bootstrap, as no view has been loaded yet, so I can based on what information I am randomly receiving from the server, bootstrap and navigate to that specific route.
However, I am stuck on trying to figure out how to do this when I save an object, and receive my return data.
Here's my code broken down.
The information is saved.,
I have a listenener waiting for this save :
constructor: (options) ->
#model.bind 'change:verb', _.chooser, options
_.maestra_chooser is a mixin I have in a utility belt :
_chooser : (item) =>
console.log item
Something to note here. The variable item is unfortunately, the same #model that was just saved. No new data there.
What I'm hoping for item to be is the new variable data from the server, so that I can take that data, see what kind of data it is, and then route to the relevant view.
This is where I believe I'm also making an architecturally unsound idea. But for reasons I don't understand enough to explain.
Does anyone know where I can access the return data from the server and appropriately navigate my app to that respective route?
Additional Information
This is how I bootstrap it appropriately :
window.router = new Project.Routers.QuestionsRouter(
words: #{ #words.to_json.html_safe }
router.navigate("#{#words.kind_of?(Array) ? "bar" : "foo"}", {trigger: true, replace: true})
The change event is only ever going to give you the model and the value that changed...
You can pass a success callback to your save:, success: (model, resp) ->
# do whatever with resp
where resp will contain the raw response from the server and model will contain the server side state of your model.
You can also bind to your model's sync event as mentioned in the comments:
#model.bind 'sync', _.masetra_chooser, options
the sync callback is called with arguments: model, resp and options where options is the set of options passed to save.
Not really sure why you are expecting to get data back from a save that'll change your page though. Seems a bit odd.
What type of data are you expecting to receive after a save that wouldn't be in your model?
