Mime4j - Sending email through SMTP Server - jakarta-mail

I've implemented a solution to parse Email Files (.eml) into objects using Mime4J. The process parses an email file, create an object and write a new file to disk.
I was wondering if is possible to send the MimeMessage of Mime4J through Transport.send(mimeMessage) instead to create a new file.

The simplest approach would be to use the Mime4J Message.writeTo method to write the message to a ByteArrayOutputStream, then wrap the byte array with a ByteArrayInputStream and use that to construct a JavaMail MimeMessage object.
A more complex but more efficient approach would be to create a class that subclasses MimeMessage and delegates most of the methods to the corresponding methods on the Mime4J Message object.


Passing a FD to an unnamed pipe over DBus using Vala

I'm trying to send a large block of data between applications by sending a control message over DBus from one to the other requesting a Unix file descriptor. I have it so that the client can request this, the server creates a DBus message that includes a UnixFDList, and the client receives a reply message but it doesn't contain anything. On the server side in Vala the DBusConnection object is setup using register_object, unfortunately the Vapi hides the DBusInterfaceVTable parameter that all the C examples use that would let me specify a delegate for method calls. I've tried to use register_object_with_closures instead but I can't seem to get that to work and the Closure object in Vala is woefully undocumented.
It seems to me that I need one of these methods in order to receive the message from the DBusMethodInvocation object that you get from a call to the DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc delegate, with that you can create a reply message. Is there a way to either specify a closure class that works with register_object_with_closures, or a way to specify a DBusInterfaceVTable object as part of the service data?
I know that one option is to just create the service in C, but I'd rather figure out and understand how this works in Vala.
Vala uses UnixFDList internally for methods that contain a parameter of type GLib.UnixInputStream, GLib.UnixOutputStream, GLib.Socket, or GLib.FileDescriptorBased.
public interface MasterDbusIfce: GLib.Object {
public abstract void get_connection(
string app_id,
string dbus_id,
out GLib.Socket? socket,
out string? token) throws GLib.Error;

Automatic conversion to JSON when using ProducerTemplate

I would like to send JMS messages containing Java POJOs to ActiveMQ and all messages should be converted to JSON documents. So I need mechanism that will convert POJO to JSON and will send created document as text message to ActiveMQ. I would like to use ProducerTemplate#send(...) method without need to define routes. I am using routes on the server, but in my opinion doing so on the client side is an overkill.
This is xml config:
<camel:camelContext id="camel-client">
<camel:template id="camelTemplate" />
<camel:json id="json" library="Jackson" />
and java code:
#EndpointInject(uri = "jms:queue:test?jmsMessageType=Text")
private ProducerTemplate camelTemplate;
public void send() {
Address address = new Adress("Eric Mouller", "ForstenriederAlle 99", 81476);
The current implementation calls toString() on Adress, but I would like to automatically convert it to JSON, is it possible?
From my understanding you are trying to take a java object and convert it into a json string. So something like Gson would do wonders for you.
Gson gson = new Gson();
String address = gson.toJson(address);

Using apache camel csv processor with pollEnrich pattern?

Apache Camel 2.12.1
Is it possible to use the Camel CSV component with a pollEnrich? Every example I see is like:
Whereas I'm using the pollEnrich, like:
pollEnrich("file:somefile.csv", new CSVAggregator())
So within CSVAggregator I have no csv...I just have a file, which I have to do csv processing myself. So is there a way of hooking up the marshalling to the enrich bit somehow...?
To make this more general... eg:
.enrich("file:someFile.csv", new CSVAggregationStrategy) <--how can I call marshal() on this?
public class CSVAggregator implements AggregationStrategy {
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
/* Here I have:
oldExchange = results of http blah endpoint
newExchange = the someFile.csv GenericFile object */
Is there any way I can avoid this and use marshal().csv sort of call on the route itself?
Mr Tea
You can use any endpoint in enrich. That includes direct endpoints pointing to other routes. Your example...
Replace this:
.enrich("file:someFile.csv", new CSVAggregationStrategy)
With this:
.enrich("direct:readSomeFile", new CSVAggregationStrategy);
I ran into the same issue and managed to solve it with the following code (note, I'm using the scala dsl). My use case was slightly different, I wanted to load a CSV file and enrich it with data from an additional static CSV file.
from("direct:start") pollEnrich("file:c:/data/inbox?fileName=vipleaderboard.inclusions.csv&noop=true") unmarshal(csv)
from("file:c:/data/inbox?fileName=vipleaderboard.${date:now:yyyyMMdd}.csv") unmarshal(csv) enrich("direct:start", (current:Exchange, myStatic:Exchange) => {
// both exchange in bodies will contain lists instead of the file handles
Here the second route is the one which looks for a file in a specific directory. It unmarshals the CSV data from any matching file it finds and enriches it with the direct route defined in the preceding line. That route is pollEnriching with my static file and as I don't define an aggregation strategy it just replaces the contents of the body with the static file data. I can then unmarshal that from CSV and return the data.
The aggregation function in the second route then has access to both files' CSV data as List<List<String>> instead of just a file.

WSO2 How to transform file

Now I have a local file just like :
I need transform this file to :
I think I need read first and then write. How to do this in WSO2?
I hope you have a Top level element which wraps this data.
Making this a proper xml.
ex :
<data><userCode>001</userCode><productCode>001</productCode><Fee>1.00</Fee>... </data>
1) Configure VFS transport sender and receiver in axis2.xml
2) Engage ApplicationXML Message builder and formatter for your content type (This can be any ex : file/xml)
3) Configure a VFS proxy to listen to this content type in a given directory.
4) When message comes use XSLT mediator to do the transformation
5) Use VFS sender to store the transformed file.

How to cast Representation to FileRepresentation in Restlet

I am using Restlet framework. I create one web service that returns a file to the client.
On the server side, I first create a FileRepresentation object, instantiate it correctly, and return it to the client as Representation.
On the client side, I want to extract the content of the Representation, how can I cast the Representation object to FileRepresentation?
Thanks in advance!!
In fact, the FileRepresentation class is provided in order to fill request / response from a file but can't be used to extract content of a response.
To have access to your response content on the client side, it depends on the file type. If you receive an ascii content, you can do something like that:
Representation representation = resource.get();
String fileContent = representation.getText();
If it's a binary file, you need to work with a stream, as described below:
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] fileContent = outputStream.toByteArray();
Hope it helps you,
