Angularjs ui-grid ng-repeat in cellTemplate tooltip - angularjs

I would like to use ng-repeat in cellTemplate tooltip in following way:
self.gridOptions = {
data: '',
enableColumnResizing: true,
minRowsToShow: 15,
columnDefs : [
{ field: 'setups', displayName: 'Setups', cellTemplate: 'setupTemplate.html'}]
where setupTemplate.html content is:
<div class="grid-tooltip" tooltip-append-to-body="true" tooltip-html-unsafe="<span ng-repeat='setup in row.entity.setups'>{{setup}}<br /></span>">
<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">
The idea is to have multiline tolltip based on content of setups field which is a list of strings. But I can not see any result in tooltip. Any help?


Angularjs: Sorting not working in ui-grid with CellTemplate data

I am very new to angular ui-grid.
I am displaying data using cell template but sorting is not working.
I want to sort that particular column using 'username'.
Can anyone please help me with this.
field: 'usernameandgender',
width: '29%',
displayName: 'Dr. İsim / Uzmanlık',
name:'username' ,
<div style="height:47px;">
<span style="font-size:15px;">{{row.entity.username}}</span> -
<span style="color:gray; font-weight:normal;font-size:13px;">
Please change the field value to 'username'. It should work.
I used the same type of cell template to display icon based on true/false, and though it is displaying lock icon in grid, I can filter on basis of true/false.

need popover over custom template cell of Angularjs ui grid

I am using Angularjs ui grid with progress bar in first column and my grid options are shown below :
ctrl.gridOptions = {};
ctrl.gridOptions.columnDefs = [{
field: 'completeStatus',
cellTemplate: '<span>{{row.entity.completeStatus}} % </span> <uib-progressbar value="row.entity.completeStatus"> </uib-progressbar>',
width: 100
field: 'invoiceNum'
<div id="regGrid" ui-grid="ctrl.gridOptions" class="reg-grid"></div>
Which is working fine. Now I want to display bootstrap popover upon hovering the first cell of the grid, I mean the cell with field 'completeStatus'. Can any one help me how to configure it?
Add popover attributes to your cell template and have a popover template located in your component html. Like this:
Component HTML:
This will be located at the bottom of your HTML just before the closing root </div>.
<script type="text/ng-template" id="cellPopover.html">
<div>Your popover Template</div>
Component Controller:
Adding the popover attributes to your cell template.
ctrl.gridOptions.columnDefs = [{
field: 'completeStatus',
cellTemplate: '<div popover attributes><span>{{row.entity.completeStatus}} % </span> <uib-progressbar value="row.entity.completeStatus"> </uib-progressbar></div>',
width: 100
Where I wrote popover attributes you will place the actual attributes such as:
1. uib-popover-template="'cellPopover.html'"
2. popover-trigger="mouseenter"
3. popover-placement="bottom"

Binding dynamic values to ng-model of a check-box with in a ng-repeat

Inside my controller I have an array of objects like this:
this.set = [{
"display": "Name",
"pass": "name"
}, {
"display": "Subject",
"pass": "subject"
}, {
"display": "Batch",
"pass": "batch"
I have provided checkboxes: name, batch and subject. Checking the checkboxes will filter a category.
<div flex class="filters" layout="row" ng-repeat="menu in menu">
<md-checkbox class="md-primary" ng-model="query.{{menu.pass}}">
{{menu.display}} Is displaying the names correctly. Now i want to dynamically bind the ng-model also. How is this possible?
The ng-model attribute already expects an angular expression, so throwing in the curly braces inside that will not work, instead try something like:
<div flex class="filters" layout="row" ng-repeat="menu in set">
<md-checkbox class="md-primary" ng-model="query[menu.pass]">
So now it's just setting query.batch by passing in the value of menu.pass.
Just click on the names and see the query object update.

How to make Angular UI Grid row editable when button is clicked

I am using angular ui grid.
I have edit button showing for each row as last column. I want to change row to edit mode when edit button clicked.
Appreciated if someone can guide me.
field: 'edit',
displayName: '',
enableFiltering: false,
enableSorting: false,
width: '5%'
Right now i have made it editable for each cell individually using the following line
<div class="grid testGrid" ui-grid="GridOptions" ui-grid-edit ui-grid-row-edit style="width: 100%;"></div>
The only way to do this in ui-grid, as for now, is to avoid using ui-grid-edit and implementing some custom templates with ng-ifs conditions inside.
I built this plunker as a starting step, there you can see only one button, but you can simply put a similar logic inside your edit button.

ng-template - how to bind a checkbox to a pair of objects for on/off state

Angular newb here.
I'm trying to set up templates to display a collection of 'questionnaire' items. The questionnaire items may be a choice list or check box. Each questionnaire choice has an associated cost with it.
{ "Name" : "Product Packaging", "Template" : "TemplateList",
"Choices" : [ { "Box", 20 }, { "Tube", 30 } ] },
{ "Name" : "Custom Printing" , "Template" : "TemplateCheckbox",
"Choices" : [ { true, 10 }, { false, 0 } ] }
<script type="text/ng-template" id="TemplateList.html">
<div class="choiceValue">
<select ng-model="configitem.CurrentChoice" ng-options="choice.Value for choice in configitem.Choices" ng-change="update()">
<script type="text/ng-template" id="TemplateCheckbox.html">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="configitem.CurrentChoice.Value" ng-change="update()"/>
<div ng-controller="ConfiguratorCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="configitem in model.ConfigurableItems">
<div ng-include="configitem.Template + '.html'"></div>
<div>Price: {{model.CurrentPrice | currency}}</div>
I'm using templates to display these objects based on the 'Template' type. This works well. However, I'd like to figure out a way to indirectly bind to my controller for the checkbox items. I need the on/off state for the checkbox to bind to one of the true/false 'choice' objects. Right now, it's binding to the first choice element. Any suggestions?
