Catel, IMessageService seems not working on Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight - silverlight

The code below does not produce any effect in any context. Explanation would be very appreciated?
var messageService = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType<IMessageService>();
var result = messageService.ShowAsync("My message via the service");


Automating windows SaveAs dialog using FlaUI

I am at my wits end, trying to automate our tests for the Windows SaveAs-dialog.
The thing is that the automation code works on some machines but not all.
It works on my local box and a few other, but we need to make it work on all our test machines. Something is different but what I can see sofar is
Same windows version
Same dotnet --info
The test code I have tried to make work is something like
var app = FlaUI.Core.Application.Launch("FlaUISaveDialog.exe");
using (var automation = new UIA3Automation())
var window = app.GetMainWindow(automation);
var button1 = window.FindFirstDescendant(cf => cf.ByAutomationId("ClickIt"))?.AsButton();
Thread.Sleep(2400); // Wait for window to appear!
var dialog = window.FindFirstDescendant(cf => cf.ByControlType(ControlType.Window));
var fileNameTextBox = dialog.FindFirstDescendant(e => e.ByAutomationId("1001"));
var save = dialog.FindFirstChild(e => e.ByAutomationId("1").And(e.ByControlType(ControlType.Button)));
var mousePoint = new Point(save.BoundingRectangle.X + save.BoundingRectangle.Width/2, save.BoundingRectangle.Y + save.BoundingRectangle.Height/2);
Thread.Sleep(2400); // Wait for file save to complete
After another day going at this, I found that it seems to be the "SetValue" pattern that looks like it works, but doesn't change the Dialogs actual filename.
But moving the mouse,clicking and typing like below actually works:
var fileNameTextBox = dialog.FindFirstDescendant(e => e.ByAutomationId("1001"));
var mousePoint = new Point(fileNameTextBox.BoundingRectangle.X + fileNameTextBox.BoundingRectangle.Width/2, fileNameTextBox.BoundingRectangle.Y + fileNameTextBox.BoundingRectangle.Height/2);
FlaUI.Core.Input.Keyboard.TypeSimultaneously(VirtualKeyShort.CONTROL, VirtualKeyShort.KEY_A);
Edit #2: I seems that it is the Windows Explorer option "View File name extensions" that affects the automation behavior of the "SaveFileDialog". If we turn on "View file name extensions" the "SetValue" pattern starts working. Turn the setting off and the "SetValue" stops working! Unexpected, to say the least! Manually trigger job from Web API

I realize this has sort of been asked before but I want to get a clear confirmation.
I have a Windows Service running the Quartz.Net Scheduler. Jobs and Triggers have been created.
We will have an angular web client that will at times, need to fire jobs manually.
So in a Web API Controller, I have code like this:
var properties = new NameValueCollection
["quartz.jobStore.type"] = "Quartz.Impl.AdoJobStore.JobStoreTX, Quartz",
["quartz.jobStore.useProperties"] = "true",
["quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateType"] = "Quartz.Impl.AdoJobStore.SqlServerDelegate, Quartz",
["quartz.jobStore.dataSource"] = "myDS",
["quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix"] = "QRTZ_",
["quartz.dataSource.NAME.provider"] = "SqlServer",
["quartz.dataSource.NAME.connectionString"] = "Server=localhost;Database=QuartzScheduler;Uid=blahuser;Pwd=blahpwd",
["quartz.threadPool.type"] = "Quartz.Simpl.SimpleThreadPool, Quartz"
var sched = new StdSchedulerFactory(properties).GetScheduler().Result;
var jobKey = new JobKey("DailyJob1130EST", "DailyGroup");
var jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
jobDataMap.Add("listIds", "33333");
sched.TriggerJob(jobKey, jobDataMap);
The Job Name and Group do exist in the database.
I was hoping that the call to TriggerJob would cause the Scheduler I have running in my windows service, to fire the job. But it doesn't. Nothing happens, not even an error.
BTW, I don't want to use remoting since it requires the full .NET Framework and the help docs say that it is considered unsafe.
If TriggerJob doesn't work, I guess to run a job manually I'd have to add a new trigger to the scheduler to run once, or something???
There may be other ways, but one way that I was able to successfully do it was:
var sched = await new StdSchedulerFactory(properties).GetScheduler();
var jobKey = new JobKey("DailyJob1130EST", "DailyGroup");
var jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
jobDataMap.Add("listIds", rInt.ToString());
var trig = TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithDescription("Run Now Trigger")
sched.TriggerJob(jobKey, jobDataMap);
Note: "properties" were my NameValueCollection config information, which I omitted from the sample code. It was nothing out of the ordinary. It just setup the jobStore, dataSource, serializer.type and threadPool.type settings.

Windows Phone 8.1 live tile background task

I have a Windows Phone 8 app that I recently upgraded to 8.1 Silverlight. I'd like to use the new tile templates. Right now I have a ScheduledTaskAgent that uses ShellTile.
In order to use the new live tiles I changed the notification service to WNS in my WMAppManifest.xml. I removed the code to register the old background task and added this code instead:
var backgroundAccessStatus = await BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync();
if (backgroundAccessStatus == BackgroundAccessStatus.AllowedMayUseActiveRealTimeConnectivity ||
backgroundAccessStatus == BackgroundAccessStatus.AllowedWithAlwaysOnRealTimeConnectivity)
foreach (var task in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks)
if (task.Value.Name == "LiveTileBackgroundTask")
BackgroundTaskBuilder taskBuilder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
taskBuilder.Name = "LiveTileBackgroundTask";
taskBuilder.TaskEntryPoint = "BackgroundTasks.LiveTileBackgroundTask";
taskBuilder.SetTrigger(new TimeTrigger(15, false));
var registration = taskBuilder.Register();
I created a Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Runtime Component called BackgroundTasks that contains a BackgroundTask called LiveTileBackgroundTask:
public sealed class LiveTileBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
const string xml = "<tile>"
+ "<visual>"
+ "<binding template='TileWideText01'>"
+ "<text id='1'>Text Field 1 (larger text)</text>"
+ "<text id='2'>Text Field 2</text>"
+ "<text id='3'>Text Field 3</text>"
+ "<text id='4'>Text Field 4</text>"
+ "<text id='5'>Text Field 5</text>"
+ "</binding> "
+ "</visual>"
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
TileNotification tileNotification = new TileNotification(doc);
I added a reference to this assembly in my Windows Phone project.
I also added a Background task declaration in my Package.appxmanifest that has BackgroundTasks.LiveTileBackgroundTask as an Entry point. I selected Timer and System event as supported task types.
When I run the app though, nothing happens. No live tile appears. I ran through the background task and everything goes well without any exceptions.
You say "No live tile appears". The code you've posted does not create a live tile - it just updates one. You have to manually pin it - the primary tile cannot be pinned through code.
If that's not the problem, maybe you're not looking at the wide tile? This template is for a wide tile, so the square tile won't be updated by this. I'd suggest using the NotificationsExtensions library. It was originally for Windows Store apps, but I think it would work for WP as well. (I've used it, but just for a test, not for real, so there may be issues.) It allows you to easily specify the template and params for both wide and square tiles.
And finally, to have a wide tile, you have to manually edit the Package.appxmanifest file. You must add the Wide310x150Logo attribute to the DefaultTile element.
That's all I can think of. Hope it helps.
Continuous background execution is not supported for Silverlight 8.1
Windows Phone 8 apps can continue to run in the background after the
user navigates away from the app under certain conditions. This
feature is not available for Silverlight 8.1 apps. If you need this
feature, you should continue to use a Windows Phone 8 app. For more
information, see Running location-tracking apps in the background for
Windows Phone 8.
Platform compatibility and breaking changes for Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 apps
Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Runtime Component can only be used with Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime(Store) app

Neustar Local Validator Error SocketException : Connection Reset

I have been trying to get the Neustar Local-Validator working on my Windows 7 machine however I keep getting "SocketException : Connection Reset". Does anyone have any experience with this?
Even a very simple script is failing:
var driver = test.openBrowser();
var selenium = driver.getSelenium();
var timeout = 120000;
var tx = test.beginTransaction();
var step = test.beginStep("Homepage", timeout);"");
It sounds like you might not have the config file setup correctly for your machine.
Update the file C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.wpm\
An example is below, but you will want to use the correct path based on your machine.
FF=C:\\Program\ Files\ (x86)\\Mozilla\ Firefox\\firefox.exe

RestSharp not working on WP7 Tests

I'm trying to launch test for WP7 with such code:
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
client.ExecuteAsync(request, response => Debug.WriteLine(response.StatusCode);
This code write HttpStatusCode=0 and raise error:
The type initializer for 'System.Net.WebRequest' threw an exception.
How to fix it?
For example, this code works fine in Windows Class Library, but doesn't work in Silverlight and WP7 Projects:
var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest();
request.AddParameter("location", 4338);
request.AddParameter("limit", 10);
request.AddParameter("color", "red");
request.AddParameter("format", "xml");
var plants = client.ExecuteAsync(
request, response => Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode));
I know that nunit can throw strange exception on windows phone 7, make sure you got the silverlight version, that may fix your problem.
More details are availables here => NUnit with Windows Phone 7
