I have a problem with taxonomy filter in Drupal 7.
I have 2 vocabularies "Product Section" and "Manufacturers" with terms and Content Type - Products.
Not all manufacturers can be in Section.
On page "Section" there is taxonomy exposed filter with manufacturers. I need to view in filter only those manufacturers, which relate to current Section.
I create a subfield in Section vocabulary which connect Manufacturers vocabulary and marked in terms related manufacturers. But I can't create a filter with this field.
Maybe someone knows, how to do it or knows a module?
What I want to do?
I want to display all categories in first drop down and in second all titles of related nodes with the selected category.
To get that I have mentioned all the tasks I have done. Please read below.
Created taxonomy named category with terms listed Laptop, Car, Mobile etc.
Content type named product with fields title, description, category etc. The category field uses term reference of category taxonomy.
Created a form with WebForm with fields named category and productas drop down
First, categories drop down field, displayed all categories (Laptop, Car, Mobile) by using WebForm Term Options.
Second, product drop down field is empty yet.
I have used hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() hook to alter the webForm I created. I have found the solution to get all the nodes pragmatically those are related with specific taxonomy term ID.
My first question is how to display all these nodes' titles in existing drop down field?
Another question is on category change, products must be change according to its nodes like ajax?
I asked the same question on Drupal Stack Exchange. Here is the solution
I am using Ubercart for products on a Drupal site. I want to extend this product to show a wide range if different information on products. One of the bits of info I want to show, is "specifications".
Take this product as an example. It has various categories of specs, e.g:
Attachment and Capacities
General Specifications
Function and Size
But each of those categories, has actual values underneath them. E.g. Under "attachment and capacities" you have:
Citrus press:Yes
Dough tool:Yes
Mini bowl :Yes
When I create a new product, I want to be able to add infinite amounts of specifications, that fall under a group.
The best way I have found to do this is using Inline Entities. But this is very slow. Is there no better "field type" I could use to demonstrate this relationship? I.e. one where I can infinitely add categories of values to a specific node?
You can use Product Specification module to achieve the same.
This module allows you to attach product specification data to any
entity in Drupal 7. Mostly we can use this module to store product
specifications on product display page.
I'am trying to find an efficient approach or algorithm to help me address the problem described below.
Let's say we have a database containing a very large collection of products. Each product has a large set of attributes, although these attributes could be shared among product. In additon, product are organized into multiple hierarchical categories.
An example: Home -> Kitchen -> dishwashers -> GE Electric Dishwasher Model blablabla.
I would like to present to a user browsing our products a list of possible filters he could use. To illustrate it think about Amazon product filters on the side of the page: If products have a "price" attribute, then they show a slider with the lower price and the highest price as extremities. If the attribute is "brand", they have a list of all the brand for all children of a selected category. Categories and attributes are two separate concepts in our design.
My problem is all computing these filters takes time because we have a very large collection of products with dozens of attributes. Is there a particular way to perform this filtering? I was thinking about computing all filters at each level before hand but since a user may apply the filter at a higher category and keep navigating down into more specific categories, the latter categories would need to be recomputed/updated anyway.
What we have tried: for each product in a selected category we compute the intersection of attributes and create filters based on it. results are not cached since filters propagate from parents to children categories when applied.
PS: the database I am using is SQL server 2012. Let me know if more information is needed to better answer/understand my question. Also if you think of more appropriate tags for this question, please feel free to update it.
I set up a profile with a taxonomy and I'll call it "A". And "A" hase these terms:
And I've added the taxonomy field to a content type and to the user profiles. How am i able to tie these together in views? If a profile is designated as sales then that person will only see the nodes that are tied to the sales term.
i think this could be useful. https://drupal.org/project/user_auto_tag
I have a strange requirement in Solr.
The business model is like for each store in state (say victoria), we have different sales catalog (like Richmond, Brunswick etc) which in turn act as fulfillment centers on their own.
so my url of storeId- vic and catalogId-Richmond will retrieve me catalogues with richmond's store.
Now the requirement is I need to filter out the products based on the inventory for each of these sales catalogues.
I constructed a TI table which has the following structure
catentry_id -------- QUANTITY_RICFUL-------------QUANTITY_BrunFUL
I had incorporate the changes in solr query to add these columns in the final result too.
But I do not know how to filter out the products in the front end during catalogue navigation or during search.
Any help would be much appreciated!!!
So basically you want to tie the returned catalog entries in a list with inventory? For instance, when they click on a category you do not want to display products with no inventory?
This would be a customization you can either do at the Solr Level or at the JSP level. You should probably track inventory in commerce (import it) into a field Solr can key off of and then only return items with the flag set to greater than zero. I am not sure if you need actual inventory or just a boolean. Are you using a single fulfillment center or multiple ones? Multiple gets a bit trickier and it would require them to log in most likely but then fulfillment would be addressed by the ship to address.
If the store is set up with ATP inventory then you should just get this for free, as products not in stock will simply not be displayed. Check out this page in the infocenter - http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wchelp/v6r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.commerce.user.doc%2Fconcepts%2Fcosatpatpandnonatp.htm
I am not sure what you are trying to ask here but it seems you are trying to display a Quantity dropdown or display an Quantity field under each product on a search page which to me makes no sense from a UI perspective. Also keep in mind if you have integrated with a 3rd party inventory model that runs every few mins/hours etc. How often do you plan to run indexing etc?
I would rather leave such complexity to a Prodcut Detail page. If you do require to show an Quantity field on the search page I would rather prefer displaying a QuickView popup/modal that displays the color/size attributes with the quantity dropdown etc and enable a user to add an item to his/her shopping cart.