Onsen-UI Swipe Navigation [closed] - onsen-ui

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to figure out how to implement the "android" feel on Onsen-UI by using the 'swipe' navigation.
I tried implementing idangerous swiper, but not having much luck. My idea is to combine:
enter code here
enter code here
When you swipe, the tabs change but has that swipe animation/effect. I also would love it if each tab/swipe was a different html and not one index file.
Any ideas or help?

Great question. There are two different approaches:
As it's done in your second example, using tabbar and gesture detector. Onsen 2.0 has a slide animation for tabbar, so you just need to add <ons-tabbar animation="slide" ... >. Onsen 2.0 is still in alpha version but it will be released in the upcoming weeks. The drawback of this approach is that the slide animation starts after the swipe action is completed.
You basically add your ons-tabbar element and then configure the gesture detector as follows:
ons.ready(function() {
// Create a GestureDetector instance over your tabbar
// The argument is the actual HTMLElement of tabbar, you can also do document.getElementById(...)
var gd = ons.GestureDetector(myTabbar._element[0]);
gd.on('swipe', function(event) {
var index = myTabbar.getActiveTabIndex();
if (event.gesture.direction === 'left') {
if (index < 3) {
} else if (event.gesture.direction === 'right') {
if (index > 0) {
Working here: https://jsfiddle.net/frankdiox/o25novtu/1/
Combining ons-tabbar and ons-carousel elements. The drawback of this approach is that ons-carousel-item cannot get a template or separated file (check the comments to find another workaround to this).
ons-tab requires a page attribute and you cannot leave it blank without errors in the console, but we can use ons-tabbar's style instead of the actual component: http://onsen.io/reference/css.html#tab-bar
We combine it now with a fullscreen carousel like the one you mentioned and add the next CSS to make the page content respect our tabbar so it does not fall over or behind it:
ons-carousel[fullscreen] {
bottom: 44px;
Next step, we link every tab with its corresponding carousel item:
<div class="tab-bar" id="myTabbar">
<label class="tab-bar__item" onclick="carousel.setActiveCarouselItemIndex(0)">
<label class="tab-bar__item" onclick="carousel.setActiveCarouselItemIndex(1)">
<label class="tab-bar__item" onclick="carousel.setActiveCarouselItemIndex(2)">
And so on. This will make that when we click on a tab the carousel changes automatically. Now we need to do the opposite connection: update the checked tab when we swipe the carousel. The tabbar is basically a set of radio buttons, so we just need to get the one we want in the carousel's postchange event and check it:
carousel.on('postchange', function(event){
document.getElementById('myTabbar').children[event.activeIndex].children[0].checked = true;
You can now change the content of every carousel-item-index and insert an ons-page with anything you want.
Working here: http://codepen.io/frankdiox/pen/EVpNVg
We may add a feature to make this easier in upcoming versions of OnsenUI.
Hope it helps!


Show part of next slides in ionic2/swiper slider

I am using Ionic2 slider which is using the Swiper under the hood. I have built a carousel that shows 3 at a time but I would like the fourth slide to show partly so the user knows there is more slides (can't use pagination dots). I can't see any configuration (either on Ionic API or Swiper API) to achieve. Is anyone aware of a configuration or a "non-hacky" way of achieving this. I have attached screenshot of what the design is suppose to look.
Try something like this in the template ...
<ion-slides [options]="sliderOptions"> ... <
And in your .ts class ...
export class ClassWithSlider {
// slider options
sliderOptions = {
The reference for the options can be found here, in section Swiper Parameters.

React-slick Slider stays on same page if slides items are changed

I am stuck with an issue with react-slick. The subject line may not make sense, but I will try to explain the scenario in detail. See this example fiddle to see the issue in action.
var DemoSlider = React.createClass({
getSlides(count) {
var slides = [];
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
slides.push((<img key={i} src='http://placekitten.com/g/400/200' />));
return slides;
render: function() {
var settings = {
dots: false,
infinite: false,
slidesToShow: 3,
slidesToScroll: 3
var slides = this.getSlides(this.props.count);
return (
<div className='container'>
<Slider {...settings}>
{ slides }
In this demo, initially the slider shows 20 slides (3 per page). The idea is that if you click the button, it will generate a random number, which would be the new number of slides. The code is fairly simple and self-explanatory.
To reproduce the problem,
1. keep on clicking Next arrow until you reach the last slide.
2. click on the button that says 'Click' to generate a new random number of slides.
My expectation was that the slide will go back to the first slide but not to stay on the page where it previously was. Even worse, if the new number of slides is lower than the previous number, the user will see a blank page with no slides. On clicking Previous error, he/she can go to the previous slides, and everything works normally but the initial display ruins the user experience.
Is there something I am missing to add in the code, or is this a bug?
I would say it is rather a buggy behavior, but still you can achieve what you want by forcing a redraw after new collection has been passed as props, by resetting react's key:
<DemoSlider key={Date.now()} count={this.state.count}/>
Quick workaround: When you change to a new set of slides, remove the component, and reconstruct it again. It would then start with the first slide. You can do this by incrementing the key attribute of DemoSlider.
For a proper fix, you'd need to tell the component to change the 'current slide', so that it's not looking at a slide index beyond the end, but a casual look at the source at https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-slick/0.11.0/react-slick.js suggests it currently does not allow this. A change would need to be made to InnerSlider.componentWillReceiveProps() to check state.currentSlide against props.slidesToShow and state.slideCount.
It would also benefit from allowing currentSlide to be passed as props.

Google translate widget appears twice

I have a responsive site that uses the google translate widget. The weird thing is that for some time the widget now appears twice, and this seem to be related to the responsive design because if I place the same widget code on a simple html page it only appears once. I have no idea on how to solve this. Has anyone come across this?
I have discovered that this is caused by jquery.themepunch.showbizpro.min.js, if I remove that one the widget only appears once. I have not found a way to fix this yet but there might be a way. I found this piece of code.
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement(
{ pageLanguage: 'sv' },
To remove the "powered by google",
uncomment one of the following code blocks.
NB: This breaks Google's Attribution Requirements:
// Native (but only works in browsers that support query selector)
if(typeof(document.querySelector) == 'function') {
document.querySelector('.goog-logo-link').setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
document.querySelector('.goog-te-gadget').setAttribute('style', 'font-size: 0');
//If you have jQuery - works cross-browser - uncomment this
jQuery('.goog-logo-link').css('display', 'none');
jQuery('.goog-te-gadget').css('font-size', '0');
This code remove the logo, so I'm thinking that if I use javascript I could check and remove duplicate occurrences of <select class="goog-te-combo"> then I would only have one left, is that possible?
This happened to me using Bootstrap. I had two instances of the Google Translate code - one instance for larger screen sizes and another that was only visible for smaller screens. Both showed up regardless of screen size. Bootstrap classes like visible-xs and hidden-xs do not seem to affect the display of the Google Translate button.
You can set a global counter and make sure it's only called once.
<div id="google_translate_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var duplicate_google_translate_counter = 0;//this stops google adding button multiple times
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
if (duplicate_google_translate_counter == 0) {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element');
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script>
Had the same problem on RoR. Problem caused by cashing pages with turbolinks. I solved it with deprecating cashing all links in (when script loading it adds attr "data-turbolinks="false" to the body-tag)
Hello to all! I had the same issue and I KNOW is not the best practice but I fixed it with CSS just adding overflow: hidden and a right border on it.
It visually fix the problem until we get a solution and really saved time diving into JS files. Hope it works for you too. Cheers!

Why keyboard accessibility doesn't work for Bootstrap dropdown?

I am trying to make the Bootstrap dropdown keyboard accessible in my page. But I don't know why keydown/up doesn't work. Please see the my jsfiddle demo
And I also have some questions on Bootstrap accessibility. Please help to review it.
According the Issue 931. It seems the keyboard accessibility wasn't added until v3.0.0-rc1. Right?
Why missing href in the anchor element would disable keyup/down accessibility for dropdown?
The problem lies in the following source code of bootstrap's dropdown.js that is using to find index of focused element:
var index = $items.index($items.filter(':focus'))
the problem is that the $items.filter(':focus') don't returns correct element and in this case index will be -1 each time.
I don't know how jQuery's :focus exactly works but this problem can be solved with the following code: var index = $items.index($(document.activeElement)). But anywhere it's not good thing to change something in source code of 3rd-party library.

How to remove draggability from an element with Ext JS?

I have a div that I want to make draggable or not, depending on the state of some other stuff on my page. I seem to be able to easily make it draggable, but I can't seem to figure out how to best remove the draggability from the div.
I am making it draggable with:
var dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDProxy', mydiv, 'myDDGroup', { isTarget: false });
And I've tried to then remove the draggability by removing the only group it's a member of
and just destroying the dd object with
delete dd;
Neither of these seem to actually keep me from starting a drag on the element. I suspect I should be able to use the b4Drag override in some way to simply cancel a drag of my div before it even begins, rather than toggling the draggable state of the div at all, but I can't seem to find docs on how I might cancel the drag during the b4Drag call.
So, how can I make a div undraggable after I have already made it draggable?
Seems to be working for me.
Here is the JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/01gx33h0/
var dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DDProxy', 'test123', 'myDDGroup', { isTarget: false });
Ext.fly('btn123').on('click', function() {
Can you give me the sample code where it is not working. And what version of ExtJs are using?
You have to unreg. Not removeFromGroup.
It just removes from group. But events are not removed on that element.
When looking at something specific that needs to be dragged, you might consider that allowing dragging is something users expect, for general ease of use you might try the ondragstart="return, this could be appended to your images, or links like so:
<a ondragstart="return false" href="#link">link</a>.
