Having trouble with react-grid-layout example - reactjs

Been trying to get into react and was looking at react-grid-layout when I came across a bit of a roadblock. I've pasted in the example from here essentially as is, but for some reason, when I drag an element it's not sticking. The error I'm getting in the console is:
Uncaught TypeError: this.props.onLayoutChange is not a function
I'm sure it's a simple thing that I'm missing, but this is my first React project and I would appreciate some guidance.
My code is included below:
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var _ = require('lodash');
var ResponsiveReactGridLayout = require('react-grid-layout').Responsive;
* This layout demonstrates how to use a grid with a dynamic number of elements.
var AddRemoveLayout = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps() {
return {
className: "layout",
cols: {lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2},
rowHeight: 100
getInitialState() {
return {
items: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].map(function(i, key, list) {
return {i: i, x: i * 2, y: 0, w: 2, h: 2, add: i === list.length - 1};
newCounter: 0
createElement(el) {
var removeStyle = {
position: 'absolute',
right: '2px',
top: 0,
cursor: 'pointer'
var i = el.add ? '+' : el.i;
return (
<div key={i} _grid={el}>
{el.add ?
<span className="add text" onClick={this.onAddItem} title="You can add an item by clicking here, too.">Add +</span>
: <span className="text">{i}</span>}
<span className="remove" style={removeStyle} onClick={this.onRemoveItem.bind(this, i)}>x</span>
onAddItem() {
console.log('adding', 'n' + this.state.newCounter);
// Add a new item. It must have a unique key!
items: this.state.items.concat({
i: 'n' + this.state.newCounter,
x: this.state.items.length * 2 % (this.state.cols || 12),
y: Infinity, // puts it at the bottom
w: 2,
h: 2
// Increment the counter to ensure key is always unique.
newCounter: this.state.newCounter + 1
// We're using the cols coming back from this to calculate where to add new items.
onBreakpointChange(breakpoint, cols) {
breakpoint: breakpoint,
cols: cols
onLayoutChange(layout) {
this.setState({layout: layout});
onRemoveItem(i) {
console.log('removing', i);
this.setState({items: _.reject(this.state.items, {i: i})});
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.onAddItem}>Add Item</button>
<ResponsiveReactGridLayout onLayoutChange={this.onLayoutChange} onBreakpointChange={this.onBreakpointChange}
{_.map(this.state.items, this.createElement)}
module.exports = AddRemoveLayout;
React.render(<AddRemoveLayout/>, document.getElementById('app'))

The error you are receiving is an error about a missing prop. In a react component you basically have 2 places to keep your data, in its parent and in your component itself. Your parent often has props while declaring it because those are properties you pass to the child (like an attribute in an HTML tag). Then we have the state which is data inside a component itself.
The error you are receiving is saying that we didn't get a required prop from our parent (You can also see that inside the onLayoutChange(layout) function a call is being made to the this.props.onLayoutChange(layout) method).
So basically we are missing a few props. In the example from GitHub there is a root file called test-hook.jsx (https://github.com/STRML/react-grid-layout/blob/master/test/test-hook.jsx). This root node has as a child ( the code you are trying to render directly ) in which it is passing the required function as a property.
You can either use the test-hook.jsx or you can write your own root node which has a state with the layout and the required function which updates that state (see the github example on how to do that).

So after some searching, I figured out that the example was specifying the onLayoutChange function as a placeholder. If I wanted a custom funcion, I needed to define that.
Simply removing this function altogether and using the default fixed the issue.
Remove this:
onLayoutChange(layout) {
this.setState({layout: layout});

#Dirk-Jan explained it well. But the proper solution IMHO is to remove the prop call:
onLayoutChange(layout) {
// this.props.onLayoutChange(layout);
this.setState({layout: layout});
So the meaningful part is still there. In the examples the test-hook.jsx parent has to get hold of the layout so it can display it outside of the layout container for demonstration purposes. In a real-world application we don't need that.


Is it bad practice to access HTML elements by ID in React TypeScript?

I was told at a previous job that I should never access HTML elements directly through means like getElementById in React TypeScript. I'm currently implementing Chart.js. For setting up the chart, I was initially using a useRef hook instead of accessing context, but now it seems like I need to grab the canvas by ID in order to instantiate it properly. I want to know if this is kosher.
I suspect something is wrong with me not using a context, because my chart data doesn't load and throws a console error: "Failed to create chart: can't acquire context from the given item"
useEffect(() => {
chart = new Chart(chartRef.current, {
type: "bar",
data: {
labels: labelsArray.map((label) => {
const date = new Date(label);
// add one because month is 0-indexed
return date.getUTCMonth() + 1 + "/" + date.getUTCDate();
datasets: [
data: valuesArray,
backgroundColor: "#1565C0",
borderRadius: 6,
options: {
interaction: { mode: "index" },
onHover: (event, chartElement) => {
const target = event.native.target;
(target as HTMLInputElement).style.cursor = chartElement[0]
? "pointer"
: "default";
plugins: {
tooltip: {
mode: "index",
enabled: true,
title: {
display: true,
text: "Daily Usage Past 30 Days",
align: "start",
fullSize: true,
font: {
size: 24,
padding: {
bottom: 36,
scales: {
x: {
display: false,
elements: {
line: {
borderJoinStyle: "round",
return () => {
}, [labelsArray, valuesArray]);
and HTML:
<div className="mt-80 ml-12 p-8 shadow-lg border-2 border-slate-100 rounded-xl items-center">
<canvas id="chart" ref={chartRef}></canvas>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js"></script>
Also, per the Chart.js documentation: "To create a chart, we need to instantiate the Chart class. To do this, we need to pass in the node, jQuery instance, or 2d context of the canvas of where we want to draw the chart." Not sure how we would do this with a useRef
It is not good practice to access dom elements directly through document API.
Because in react
virtual dom is responsible for painting/ re-rendering the UI.
State updation is the proper way to tell react to trigger re-render.
The flow is state updation -> calculate differences -> find who over is using that state -> grab those components -> re-render only those components.
virtual dom is the source of truth for react to render and update actual DOM.
Now, If you directly access some dom elements and do some operation on it, like updating, react will never know that some change has happened and it will basically break the flow of the react, in which case there will be no reason to use react.js
The flow would be accessing some dom element -> updating -> displaying.
The problem with this approach if react encounters that later what i have in virtual dom is not actual presentation in the actual dom, which will create mess.
That is the reason there is useRef hook to manipulate dom.

Display HTML clusters with custom properties using react-map-gl (Mapbox)

I am trying to adapt the example Display HTML clusters with custom properties for react-map-gl.
I got basic clusters without custom styling working (adapted from Create and style clusters):
<ReactMapGL ref={mapRef}>
<Source id="poi-modal-geojson" type="geojson" data={pointsToGeoJSONFeatureCollection(points)}
<Layer {...{
id: 'clusters',
type: 'circle',
source: 'poi-modal-geojson',
filter: ['has', 'point_count'],
paint: {
'circle-color': [
['get', 'point_count'],
'circle-radius': [
['get', 'point_count'],
}} />
<Layer {...{
id: 'unclustered-point',
type: 'circle',
source: 'poi-modal-geojson',
filter: ['!', ['has', 'point_count']],
paint: {
'circle-color': '#11b4da',
'circle-radius': 4,
'circle-stroke-width': 1,
'circle-stroke-color': '#fff'
}} />
Here, pointsToGeoJSONFeatureCollection(points: any[]): GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry> is a function returning a GeoJSON (adapted from here).
However, I need more complex styling of markers and I am trying to adapt Display HTML clusters with custom properties without success so far. I mainly tried to adapt updateMarkers() and to call it inside useEffect():
const mapRef: React.Ref<MapRef> = React.createRef();
const markers: any = {};
let markersOnScreen: any = {};
useEffect(() => {
const map = mapRef.current.getMap();
function updateMarkers() {
const newMarkers: any = {};
const features = map.querySourceFeatures('poi-modal-geojson');
// for every cluster on the screen, create an HTML marker for it (if we didn't yet),
// and add it to the map if it's not there already
for (const feature of features) {
const coords = feature.geometry.coordinates;
const props = feature.properties;
if (!props.cluster) continue;
const id = props.cluster_id;
let marker = markers[id];
if (!marker) {
let markerProps = {
key: 'marker' + id,
longitude: coords[0],
latitude: coords[1],
className: 'mapboxgl-marker-start'
const el = React.createElement(Marker, markerProps, null),
marker = markers[id] = el;
newMarkers[id] = marker;
if (!markersOnScreen[id]) {
// TODO re-add
// marker.addTo(map);
// for every marker we've added previously, remove those that are no longer visible
for (const id in markersOnScreen) {
if (!newMarkers[id]) delete markersOnScreen[id];
markersOnScreen = newMarkers;
// after the GeoJSON data is loaded, update markers on the screen on every frame
map.on('render', () => {
if (!map.isSourceLoaded('poi-modal-geojson')) return;
}, [points]);
Unfortunately, the Marker created using React.createElement() isn't displayed I am not sure what is the right approach to create Marker elements in updateMarkers() or if my approach is completely wrong.
There is a great article on marker clustering which uses the supercluster and use-supercluster libraries and it makes clustering really easy not only for map box but for other map libraries as well, you can find it here.
You just have to convert your points into GeoJSON Feature objects in order to pass them to the useSupercluster hook and for the calculations to work. It will return an array of points and clusters depending on your current viewport, and you can map through it and display the elements accordingly based on the element.properties.cluster flag.
The properties property of the GeoJSON Feature object can be custom so you can pass whatever you need to display the markers later on when you get the final cluster array.

React-Viro AR ImageTracking sub elements are positioned inside camera when target is seen

I am currently using Viro-React (React-Viro) for a AR project in which, if a certain pictures gets seen by the camera a video is played infront of it. I had it working perfectly, but somehow and a few days later, without changing the code, the video and everything inside the ViroARImageMarker is always positioned inside the camera, when the target gets seen.
This behavior only seems to happen in my own projects and not in the samples provided by Viro Media.
I have tried to:
Reinstalling node modules
Compared the package.json's and reinstalled.
Changed the position of the elements inside the ViroARImageMarker
And reorganised the elements.
But nothing seems to work.
As I said the code itself shows and hides the video, but does not position the video (every inside the ViroARImageMarker correctly, but positions them in the position of the camera when the targets gets seen and then keeps them there.
Here is the code. (Snippet at the end)
I pass this function to the ViroARSceneNavigator in another script.
There are a few animations, which just scale up/down the video depending if the target is in view or not.
(I removed the whitespaces to fit more onto one screen)
Main Code
Viro Animations and Material
"use strict";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { ViroARScene, ViroNode, ViroARImageMarker, ViroVideo, ViroARTrackingTargets, ViroAnimations, ViroMaterials } from "react-viro";
const MainScene = (props) => {
const videoPath = require("./res/Test_Video.mp4");
const [playVideoAnimation, setPlayVideoAnimation] = useState(false);
const [videoAnimationName, setVideoAnimationString] = useState("showVideo");
const [shouldPlayVideo, setShouldPlayVideo] = useState(false);
function onAnchorFound() {
function onAnchorRemoved() {
function onVideoAnimationFinish() {
function onVideoFinish() {
return (
<ViroARImageMarker target={"targetOne"} onAnchorFound={onAnchorFound} onAnchorRemoved={onAnchorRemoved}>
<ViroNode rotation={[-90, 0, 0]}>
position={[0, 0, 0]}
scale={[0, 0, 0]}
animation={{ name: videoAnimationName, run: playVideoAnimation, onFinish: onVideoAnimationFinish }}
height={0.2 * (9 / 16)}
showVideo: {
properties: { scaleX: 0.9, scaleY: 0.9, scaleZ: 0.9 },
duration: 1,
easing: "bounce",
closeVideo: {
properties: { scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, scaleZ: 0 },
duration: 1,
chromaKeyFilteredVideo: {
chromaKeyFilteringColor: "#00FF00",
targetOne: {
source: require("./res/Test_Bild.png"),
orientation: "Up",
physicalWidth: 0.01, // real world width in meters
export default MainScene;
I was able to resolve the issue by copying (downgrading) my dependencies in my package.json from the React-Viro codesamples and decreasing the width/height (inside the element) and scale (in the animation) of the video.
Note that if the sub element of the ViroARImageMarker is too big (in scale and size), the issue comes back.

How to animate dynamic updates in CanvasJS using React functional components?

Using React functional components, I have not been able to find a way to animate my chart with dynamic data received asynchronously. The sandbox below illustrates the problem with a timer simulating the asynchronous read.
When running the example code, you should see 5 vertical bars of increasing heights animate. Then, after 5 seconds, it switches immediately to 4 bars of descending heights. I am looking to have that update animate.
Here is some reference information I've reviewed:
CanvasJS React Demos: many of which animate on initial draw, but I couldn't find one that animates with dynamic data loaded after the initial render.
Chart using JSON Data is an demo that has dynamic data, but doesn't animate.
Reviewing the CanvasJS forum, I found a couple links, but none that address React functional components
Vishwas from Team Canvas said:
To update dataPoints dynamically and to animate chart, you can instantiate the chart, update dataPoints via chart-options and then call chart.render as shown in this updated JSFiddle.
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
title: {
text: "Animation test"
animationEnabled: true,
data: [{
type: "column",
dataPoints: []
chart.options.data[0].dataPoints = [{ label: "Apple", y: 658 },
{ label: "Orange", y: 200 },
{ label: "Banana", y: 900 }];
This sample is pure JS, but I tried to adapt the principle to my React functional component. To better comport with React best practices, I incorporated the useState hook for storing the data and the useEffect hook to handle the fetch. But, alas, I couldn't get my sandbox to animate with the dynamic data.
I think the problem is that CanvasJS expects to animate only on the first render, as stated by Sanjoy in the CanvasJS forum on 7/19/2016.
I found this SO question from Jan 2015 that suggests:
My current ugly workaround is to reinstantiate the chart every time I
update just to achieve that animation effect.
I'm hopeful that the situation has improved in the last four years, but if this hack is still the best/only way to go, I need some guidance on how to reinstantiate the chart every time using a React functional component.
To force a remount of a component pass a different key when you want to remount the component
key={dataPoints.toString()} // force a remount when `dataPoints` change
onRef={ref => (chart.current = ref)}
Working example
I found a partial answer. Full executing code is in this code sandbox, but the critical bit is to delay the initial render of the chart until a state variable indicates that the data is available:
return (
<div className="App">
{!initialized ? (
<h1> Loading...</h1>
) : (
<CanvasJSChart containerProps={containerProps} options={options} />
This is only a partial solution because subsequent data updates still do not animate.
Both examples works fine.
You can always animate chars with some kind of calling. I use in this case setInterval.
<script src="https://canvasjs.com/assets/script/canvasjs.min.js"></script>
var chart;
window.onload = function () {
chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
title: {
text: "Animation test"
animationEnabled: true,
data: [{
type: "column",
dataPoints: []
chart.options.data[0].dataPoints = [{ label: "Apple", y: 0 },
{ label: "Orange", y: 0 },
{ label: "Banana", y: 0 }];
var max = 0;
var s = {c: 0, i: 0};
function ANIMATE() {
if (typeof chart === 'undefined') return;
chart.options.data[0].dataPoints.forEach(function(item, index, array) {
if (index == s.i) {
array[index].y += 3;
if (s.c > 12) {
s.c = 0;
if (s.i == 15) { s.i = 0}
if (max < 12) {
chart.options.data[0].dataPoints.push({label: "apple" + Math.random(), y: 1 + Math.random() * 10});
}, 1)
<div id="chartContainer" style="height: 370px; width: 100%;"></div>

vis.js network: Edge colors not displaying in react.js app

I am having a problem with the edge colors when rendering a network visualisation through a react app.
I have a MindMapComponent which contains a network.
I receive the data for the network through the props for the component:
class MindMapComponent extends React.Component {
//React component to display a single submission Item.
//Displays the text and author of a Perspective Item
constructor(props) {
this.state = {map: props.mindMap, node_options: props.node_options, edge_options: props.edge_options}
I then go ahead and create the network in my componentDidMount function:
var edge_dataset = new vis.DataSet(JSON.parse(this.state.map.conceptmap_edges));
var nodes_dataset = new vis.DataSet(JSON.parse(this.state.map.conceptmap_nodes));
var data = {
nodes:nodes_dataset ,
edges: edge_dataset
var edge_options =JSON.parse(this.state.edge_options);
edge_options.color = {inherit:false};
var options = {
edges: edge_options,
nodes: JSON.parse(this.state.node_options),
physics: false,
locale: 'en',
interaction: {
navigationButtons: true,
keyboard: true,
hover: true
var network = new vis.Network(this.refs.network, data,options)
And finally render the whole thing in my render function
render() {
const liStyle = {
borderStyle: 'outset',
backgroundColor: 'lightgrey',
marginBottom: '10px',
listStyleType: 'none'
const metaStyle = {
paddingLeft: '15px'
const networkStyle = {
borderRight:'dashed 2px'
var dateString = new Date(this.state.map.date_added);
dateString = dateString.getDate() + "/" + (dateString.getMonth() +1) + "/" + dateString.getFullYear();
return <li key={this.state.map.id} style={liStyle}>
<div className = 'row'>
<div className = 'col-lg-8' ref = "network" style = {networkStyle}></div>
<div className = 'col-lg-4' style = {metaStyle}><br/><p>Submitted on: {dateString}</p></div>
The final network should look like this (rendered in normal html+js app).
However in my react app the colors of the edges do not display
I took a look inside of the network data structure (through the console.log(network) at the end of component did mount).
The body.data.edges part of the structure contains the correct color value. However the body.edge.[id].options.color part is empty
I believe this is the source of my problem but am not sure whether my analysis is correct or how to go about fixing it.
I think I have a solution (I ran into the same problem as you, but then in Angular2).
Try setting the color as an Object (see http://visjs.org/docs/network/edges.html) and specify the inherit property to false. E.g.(using typescript)
const myEdge: Edge = {
id: 'myEdge',
from: 'NODE1',
to: 'NODE2',
arrows: 'to',
color: {color: '#ff0000', inherit: false};
dashes: true
You might also want to set the highlight and hover colors
