General function for executing time measurement - c

I'm currently trying to write a general function to measure the time another function func needs for execution. I'm able to calculate the time with <time.h> and so on.
My approach looks something like this:
void measure_time(void *(func)(), unsigned loops);
For now it is enough if the result is just printed within measure_time (later I could let measure_time return some information).
I'm able to calculate the execution time and so on (with <time.h>) but at the moment my problem is that I want this to be a general function and it should be able to take all sort of functions 'func' with different return types and different argument sizes/types.
Currently I have no clue how I could manage to give measure_time the function 'func' and let it execute it with arguments I am able to specify.
For example:
int a[1000] = {15, 53, ..., 42};
void sort_something(int *a, int n_elements) { ... };
void measure_time(sort_somthing(a, 1000), 100);
This should call sort_something 100 times with the arguments "a and 1000" and measure the time needed for the execution.
I'm more than happy to give some more information if you need them.

The general scheme should be:
void general_timer(void (*function)(void *context), void *context, int loops);
This takes a function that returns no value and takes a single void * argument for context, and passes the context. Depending on what you need to pass as context, that might be the address of a structure, or something as simple as a FILE *.
Inside the implementation:
void general_timer(void (*function)(void *context), void *context, int loops)
Clock clk;
for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++
char buffer[32];
printf("%s seconds for %d iterations\n",
clk_elapsed_microsecs(&clk, buffer, sizeof(buffer)), loops);
Where the type Clock and the functions starting clk_ are parts of a high-resolution timing package, using whatever is convenient.
You could write the function call as:
It would work exactly the same. This is the more modern style; I prefer the old-fashioned (*function)(context) call as it makes it clear that function is a function pointer, not the name of a function. YMMV.
Yes, I do have a specific implementation of such a package. However, the concept applies readily regardless of how you implement it.
You might have a function to be timed. It might use the structure:
struct TwoFiles
FILE *f_in;
FILE *f_out;
and the function might be:
void file_copier(void *ctxt)
struct TwoFiles *info = ctxt;
char buffer[4096];
size_t bytes;
while ((bytes = fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(char), info->f_in)) > 0)
if (frwite(buffer, bytes, sizeof(char), info->f_out) != bytes)
…report error…abandon loop…
and the call might be:
struct TwoFiles ctxt;
ctxt.f_in = fopen(some_file_name, "r");
ctxt.f_out = fopen(another_name, "w");
general_timer(file_copier, &ctxt, 100);
Note that to be useful, the file copier function needed to rewind the input and output file streams so that it would do work each time the general timer function calls it. That is, however, a detail for the specific task on hand.


Segfault with snprintf (unless I redefine the value the same way just before)

First of all please excuse me, I can't reproduce the problem, it comes from a big project and when I recover the functions one by one in a more minimalist file it suddenly works (without modifying almost anything) and I can't understand where it can come from.
First of all the project contains these structures:
typedef struct {
uint32_t x, y;
uint16_t w, h;
char* str;
} Text;
typedef struct {
uint32_t last_tick;
uint32_t delta_ms;
float delta;
float t_fps;
uint16_t fps;
} Clock;
I initialize the Text structure which is present in another structure that I will call Other from an initialization function for Other like this:
other->text_frame_rate = (Text){ 0,0,0,0, (char[8]){} };
It is supposed to contain text that looks like this FPS: 60.
Then I use snprintf to write the desired text to it in another function, like this:
void _render_frame_rate(Other* other, Clock clock)
snprintf(other->text_frame_rate.str, 8, "FPS: %d", clock->fps);
This _render_frame_rate function is itself called from another function which looks like this at the parameter level void Render_game(SDL_Renderer* renderer, Other* other, Clock* clock);
But I get a segfault unless I redefine the frame again in _render_frame_rate like this:
void _render_frame_rate(Other* other, Clock clock)
other->text_frame_rate = (Text){ 0,0,0,0, (char[8]){} }; // redefine and no problem
snprintf(other->text_frame_rate.str, 8, "FPS: %d", clock->fps);
And in this case, where the struct Text has been redefined it finally works.
I also checked with a printf("%p\n"); if the address of the pointer was always the same at initialization and at the display function and yes it remains the same.
I also specify that at no time is the text_frame_rate value used or modified elsewhere.
What do you think could be causing this behavior?
UPDATE: Thanks to #IanAbbott's hint I was able to solve the problem by dynamically allocating text_frame_rate like this:
other->text_frame_rate = (Text){ 0,0,0,0, NULL };
other->text_frame_rate.str = malloc(8);
Here is one erroneous example:
void init_other_text_frame_rate(Other *other)
other->text_frame_rate = (Text){0, 0, 0, 0, (char[8]){0}};
void render_frame_rate(Other* other, Clock clock)
snprintf(other->text_frame_rate.str, 8, "FPS: %d", clock->fps);
void foo(Other* other, Clock clock)
init_other_text_frame_rate(other, clock);
render_frame_rate(other, clock); // invalid!
The lifetime of the array of char pointed to by other->text_frame_rate.str expired when init_other_text_frame_rate(other, clock); returned to foo, so its use in the call to snprintf is invalid.

How can I create a function object in C

I would like to create a wrapper for c functions, so that I can convert a function call of the form ret = function(arg1,arg2,arg3); into the form /*void*/ function_wrapper(/*void*/);. That is similar to function objects in C++ and boost bind.
Is this possible? how can I do it?
To explain in more details what I am looking for:
We start with this function:
int f(int i){
//do stuff
return somevalue;
Obvioulsy, it is called like this:
// do stuff
int x = 0;
ret = f(0);
// do more stuff.
I would like to do some magic that will wrap the function into void function(void)
struct function_object fo;
fo.function_pointer = &f;
fo.add_arg(x, int);
Note: I saw that there was a vote for closing this question and marking it as unclear. Please do not do that. I have a legitimate need to get this question answered. If you need explanation, ask and I will be glad to elaborate.
I came up with a better code that might allow you to do what you want. First I'll explain how it works, show the code and explain why I still don't think it's a good idea to use it (though the code might open doors for improvements that addresses those issues).
Before you start using the "function objects", you have to call an initialization function (FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize();), which will initialize the mutexes on every data structure used in the library.
After initializing, every time you want to call one of those "function objects", without using the parameters, you will have to set it up first. This is done by creating a FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t pointer and calling get_function_handler(). This will search for a free FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structure that can be used at the moment.
If none is found (all FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structures are busy, being used by some function call) NULL is returned.
If get_function_handler() does find a FUNCTIONOBJ_handler data structure it will try to lock the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder data structure, that holds the ID of the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler of the function about to be called.
If FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is locked already, get_function_handler() will hang until it's unlocked by the thread using it.
Once FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is locked, the ID of the grabbed FUNCTIONOBJ_handler is wrote on it and the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler pointer is returned by get_function_handler.
With the pointer in hand, the user can set the pointer to the arguments and the return variable with set_args_pointer and set_return_pointer, which both take a void * as arguments.
Finally, you can call the function you want. It has to:
1 - Grab the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler ID from the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder data structure and use it to get a pointer to the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler itself.
2 - Use the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler to access the arguments.
3 - Return by using one of the return function (on the example we have ret_int, which will return an integer and unlock the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler)
Below is a simplified mind map describing a bit of what is going on:
Finally, the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct {
//Current ID about to be called
int current_id;
pthread_mutex_t id_holder_mutex;
} FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder_t;
typedef struct {
void *arguments;
void *return_pointer;
pthread_mutex_t handler_mutex;
} FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t;
FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder_t FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder;
void set_return_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer);
void set_args_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer);
void ret_int(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, int return_value);
void FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize(void);
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *get_function_handler(void);
#include "funcobj.h"
void set_return_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer){
this->return_pointer = pointer;
void set_args_pointer(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, void *pointer){
this->arguments = pointer;
void ret_int(FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this, int return_value){
*((int *) (this->return_pointer)) = return_value;
void FUNCTIONOBJ_initialize(void){
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CALLS; ++i){
pthread_mutex_init(&FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i].handler_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.id_holder_mutex, NULL);
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *get_function_handler(void){
int i = 0;
while((0 != pthread_mutex_trylock(&FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i].handler_mutex)) && (i < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CALLS)){
return NULL;
//Sets the ID holder to hold this ID until the function is called
FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.current_id = i;
return &FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[i];
#include "funcobj.h"
#include <string.h>
void print(void){
//First the function must grab the handler that contains all its attributes:
//The FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder is mutex locked, so we can just access its value and
//then free the lock:
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this = &FUNCTIONOBJ_handler[FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder.current_id];
//We dont need the id_holder anymore, free it!
//Do whatever the function has to do
printf("%s\n", (char *) this->arguments);
//Return the value to the pointed variable using the function that returns an int
ret_int(this, 0);
void *thread_entry_point(void *data){
int id = (int) data;
char string[100];
snprintf(string, 100, "Thread %u", id);
int return_val;
FUNCTIONOBJ_handler_t *this;
for(int i = 0; i < 200; ++i){
do {
this = get_function_handler();
} while(NULL == this);
set_args_pointer(this, string);
set_return_pointer(this, &return_val);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
//Initialize global data strucutres (set up mutexes)
//testing with 20 threads
pthread_t thread_id[20];
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
pthread_create(&thread_id[i], NULL, &thread_entry_point, (void *) i);
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
pthread_join(thread_id[i], NULL);
return 0;
To compile: gcc -o program main.c funcobj.c -lpthread
Reasons to avoid it:
By using this, you are limiting the number of "function objects" that can be running simultaneously. That's because we need to use global data structures to hold the information required by the functions (arguments and return pointer).
You will be seriously slowing down the program when using multiple threads if those use "function objects" frequently: Even though many functions can run at the same time, only a single function object can be set up at a time. So at least for that fraction of time it takes for the program to set up the function and actually call it, all other threads trying to run a function will be hanging waiting the the data structure to be unlocked.
You still have to write some non-intuitive code at the beginning and end of each function you want to work without arguments (grabbing the FUNCTIONOBJ_handler structure, unlocking the FUNCTIONOBJ_id_holder structure, accessing arguments through the pointer you grabbed and returning values with non-built-in functions). This increases the chances of bugs drastically if care is not taken, specially some nasty ones:
Increases the chances of deadlocks. If you forget to unlock one of the data structures in any point of your code, you might end up with a program that works fine at some moments, but randomly freeze completely at others (because all function calls without arguments will be hanging waiting for the lock to be freed). That is a risk that happens on multithreaded programs anyways, but by using this you are increasing the amount of code that requires locks unnecessarily (for style purposes).
Complicates the use of recursive functions: Every time you call the function object you'll have to go through the set up phrase (even when inside another function object). Also, if you call the recursive function enough times to fill all FUNCTIONOBJ_handler structures the program will deadlock.
Amongst other reasons I might not notice at the moment :p

Non invasive way for a debug print into ram file

I'm looking for a non invasive way of writing a local variable into a file to use it as a debugging mechanism. The non invasive part means that the debug code should have as little execution time as possible and should minimally interfere with the method that's being debugged.
Somewhere deep inside the code there is a method.
unsigned int method(short *frame, int length)
process-frame(short *frame, int length);
It gets called 100 times a second and I would like to print out the content of frame. Since the process is time sensitive I can't print to the terminal but will print into the file in ram. Am looking for a way to do it inside the function scope.
The best I've come so far is this. Am open for other answers with a more optimized approach
unsigned int method(short *frame, int length)
static FILE * rawPcmLog;
if (rawPcmLog == NULL) rawPcmLog = fopen("/tmp/rawPcm","w");
int i;
for (i=0; i<length; i++){
fwrite(frame,length, 1,rawPcmLog);
process-frame(short *frame, int length);

Store extra data in a c function pointer

Suppose there is a library function (can not modify) that accept a callback (function pointer) as its argument which will be called at some point in the future. My question: is there a way to store extra data along with the function pointer, so that when the callback is called, the extra data can be retrieved. The program is in c.
For example:
// callback's type, no argument
typedef void (*callback_t)();
// the library function
void regist_callback(callback_t cb);
// store data with the function pointer
callback_t store_data(callback_t cb, int data);
// retrieve data within the callback
int retrieve_data();
void my_callback() {
int a;
a = retrieve_data();
// do something with a ...
int my_func(...) {
// some variables that i want to pass to my_callback
int a;
// ... regist_callback may be called multiple times
regist_callback(store_data(my_callback, a));
// ...
The problem is because callback_t accept no argument. My idea is to generate a small piece of asm code each time to fill into regist_callback, when it is called, it can find the real callback and its data and store it on the stack (or some unused register), then jump to the real callback, and inside the callback, the data can be found.
typedef struct {
// some asm code knows the following is the real callback
char trampoline_code[X];
callback_t real_callback;
int data;
} func_ptr_t;
callback_t store_data(callback_t cb, int data) {
// ... malloc a func_ptr_t
func_ptr_t * fpt = malloc(...);
// fill the trampoline_code, different machine and
// different calling conversion are different
// ...
fpt->real_callback = cb;
fpt->data = data;
return (callback_t)fpt;
int retrieve_data() {
// ... some asm code to retrive data on stack (or some register)
// and return
Is it reasonable? Is there any previous work done for such problem?
Unfortunately you're likely to be prohibited from executing your trampoline in more and more systems as time goes on, as executing data is a pretty common way of exploiting security vulnerabilities.
I'd start by reporting the bug to the author of the library. Everybody should know better than to offer a callback interface with no private data parameter.
Having such a limitation would make me think twice about how whether or not the library is reentrant. I would suggest ensuring you can only have one call outstanding at a time, and store the callback parameter in a global variable.
If you believe that the library is fit for use, then you could extend this by writing n different callback trampolines, each referring to their own global data, and wrap that up in some management API.

Need to write algorithm in state-machine style, but it becomes very hard to read

I work on embedded device's firmware (write in C), I need to take a screenshot from the display and save it as a bmp file. Currently I work on the module that generates bmp file data. The easiest way to do that is to write some function that takes the following arguments:
(for simplicity, only images with indexed colors are supported in my example)
image size (width, height)
pointer to function to get palette color for color_index (i)
pointer to function to get color_index of the pixel with given coords (x, y)
pointer to function to write image data
And then user of this function should call it like that:
* Assume we have the following functions:
* int_least32_t palette_color_get (int color_index);
* int pix_color_idx_get (int x, int y);
* void data_write (const char *p_data, size_t len);
1, //-- color_depth
x, y, //-- size
And that's it: this functions does all the job, and returns only when job is done (i.e. bmp file generated and "written" by given user callback function data_write().
BUT, I need to make bmp_writer module to be usable in cooperative RTOS, and data_write() might be a function that actually transmits data via some protocol (say, UART) to another device), so, this function needs to be called only from Task context. This approach doesn't work then, I need to make it in OO-style, and its usage should look like this:
* create instance of bmp_writer with needed params
* (we don't need "data_write" pointer anymore)
T_BmpWriter *p_bmp_writer = new_bmp_writer(
1, //-- color_depth
x, y, //-- size
* Now, byte-by-byte get all the data!
while (bmp_writer__data_available(p_bmp_writer) > 0){
char cur_char = bmp_writer__get_next_char(p_bmp_writer);
//-- do something useful with current byte (i.e. cur_char).
// maybe transmit to another device, or save to flash, or anything.
* Done! Free memory now.
As you see, user can call bmp_writer__get_next_char(p_bmp_writer) when he need that, and handle received data as he wants.
Actually I already implemented this, but, with that approach, all the algorithm becomes turned inside out, and this code is extremely non-readable.
I'll show you a part of old code that generates palette data (from the function that does all the job, and returns only when job is done), and appropriate part of new code (in state-machine style).
Old code:
void bmp_file_generate(/*....args....*/)
//-- ... write headers
//-- write palette (if needed)
if (palette_colors_cnt > 0){
size_t i;
int_least32_t cur_color;
for (i = 0; i < palette_colors_cnt; i++){
cur_color = callback_palette_color_get(i);
callback_data_write((const char *)&cur_color, sizeof(cur_color));
//-- ...... write image data ..........
As you see, very short and easy-readable code.
Now, new code.
It looks like state-machine, because it's actually splitted by stages (HEADER_WRITE, PALETTE_WRITE, IMG_DATA_WRITE), each stage has its own context. In the old code, context was saved in local variables, but now we need to make the structure and allocate it from heap.
* Palette stage context
typedef struct {
size_t i;
size_t cur_color_idx;
int_least32_t cur_color;
} T_StageContext_Palette;
* Function that switches stage.
* T_BmpWriter is an object context, and pointer *me is analogue of "this" in OO-languages.
* bool_start is 1 if stage is just started, and 0 if it is finished.
static void _stage_start_end(T_BmpWriter *me, U08 bool_start)
switch (me->stage){
//-- ...........other stages.........
if (bool_start){
//-- palette stage is just started. Allocate stage context and initialize it.
me->p_stage_context = malloc(sizeof(T_StageContext_Palette));
memset(me->p_stage_context, 0x00, sizeof(T_StageContext_Palette));
//-- we need to get first color, so, set index of byte in cur_color to maximum
((T_StageContext_Palette *)me->p_stage_context)->i = sizeof(int_least32_t);
} else {
me->p_stage_context = NULL;
//-- ...........other stages.........
* Function that turns to the next stage
static void _next_stage(T_BmpWriter *me)
_stage_start_end(me, 0);
_stage_start_end(me, 1);
* Function that actually does the job and returns next byte
U08 bmp_writer__get_next_char(T_BmpWriter *me)
U08 ret = 0; //-- resulting byte to return
U08 bool_ready = 0; //-- flag if byte is ready
while (!bool_ready){
switch (me->stage){
//-- ...........other stages.........
T_StageContext_Palette *p_stage_context =
(T_StageContext_Palette *)me->p_stage_context;
if (p_stage_context->i < sizeof(int_least32_t)){
//-- return byte of cur_color
ret = *( (U08 *)&p_stage_context->cur_color + p_stage_context->i );
bool_ready = 1;
} else {
//-- need to get next color (or even go to next stage)
if (p_stage_context->cur_color_idx < me->bmp_details.palette_colors_cnt){
//-- next color
p_stage_context->cur_color = me->callback.p_palette_color_get(
p_stage_context->i = 0;
} else {
//-- next stage!
//-- ...........other stages.........
return ret;
So huge code, and it's so hard to understand it!
But I really have no idea how to make it in some different way, to be able to get information byte-by-byte.
Does anyone know how to achieve this, and keep code readability?
Any help is appreciated.
You can try protothread, which is useful to transform a state-machine based program into thread-style program. I'm not 100% sure that it can solve your problem elegantly, you can give it a try. The paper is a good starting point: Protothreads: simplifying event-driven programming of memory-constrained embedded systems
Here is its source code:
By the way, protothread is also used in the Contiki embedded OS, for implementing process in Contiki.
