Disable hardware back button - angularjs

I am using ionic to develop hybrid mobile app. My app contains loading app (load.js) and core app (core.js). When the app first boot up, it will load load.js and show the login screen. Once user login, it will connect to the server and load core.js. These 2 JS are running independently and can't communicate directly. load.js is only use on startup, after that it is "sleeping" at the back.
This kind of method works great and fine, except with the hardware back button. If the load.js is loaded with ionic, then when user click on hardware back button, the app will exit instantly. I tried with $ionicPlatform.offHardwareBackButton(), but didn't work.
So, is there a way to remove hardware back button on load.js without removing ionic from it?

This is the service I use to disable the back button:
.service( 'HardwareBackButtonManager', function($ionicPlatform){
this.deregister = undefined;
this.disable = function(){
this.deregister = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function(e){
return false;
}, 101);
this.enable = function(){
if( this.deregister !== undefined ){
this.deregister = undefined;
return this;
// usage
.controller( 'YourController', function( 'HardwareBackButtonManager' ){
// re-enable it when you want,


how to set angularjs single page application for social share

I'm trying to set social sharing with SPA using Express.js and AngularJS.
Thing is, I want to share dynamic content, so I'm using angular-facebook-factory to get facebook buttons. Buttons work, params are set, just the image, title and description params that I pass never get to facebook share popup screen.
$scope.shareEvent = function (event) {
console.log('verify values: ', event.image); // works fine!
href: 'http://www.example.com/event/'+event_id+'/', // this value is passed
title: event.title, // Not shown
description: event.desc, // Not shown
image: event.image // Not shown
}, function (response) {
$scope.me = response;
$scope.status = true;
FB share loads default values (like and ) from http://www.example.com/ and uses set href param (http://www.example.com/event). I tried with method: 'feed' as well, but without success.
I'm supposed to have several different share buttons on the page, so I guess meta og tags are not going to do it...
This is SPA with number of ui-view s, and ui-router using html5 works fine and everything works fine.
This is because Facebook crawlers are unable to render the javaScript!
Angular JS is less friendly when it comes to SEO integration.
Reviewing your code:
$scope.shareEvent = function (event) {
console.log('verify values: ', event.image); // works fine!
href: 'http://www.example.com/event/'+event_id+'/', // this value is passed
title: event.title, // Not shown
description: event.desc, // Not shown
image: event.image // Not shown
}, function (response) {
$scope.me = response;
$scope.status = true;
you said console.log(event.image); / Works fine
The reason is same, your browser is able to render the JavaScript. But
Facebook crawler is unable to process that javaScript.

How to add a custom error page in Cordova InAppBrowser or hide the error url?

pleas check this attached image I'm building an Ionic Android app with the InAppBrowser plugin. When the internet connection is not available, the plugin shows web page not available and requesting url.
Please help me customise the InAppBrowser error page (404 page). Or help me hide the requesting url.
Thank you.
I think I misunderstood your problem, first time, sorry about that. I'm reading again your problem and I'm figuring out what's happening. You need to add a custom configuration at config.xml to redirect to an error page when Cordova detect it. I hope this solve your problem.
<preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/>
The original response works when you want to open a link through Cordova inAppBrowser plugin. If this doesn't sort out your problem, please reformulate your question.
Original response
You could be listening inAppBrowser events to figure what's happening.
Here, you can see how listen browser events, such as loaderror and manage the 404 error as you want. You must save a reference to inAppBrowser when open method is called, and then you could listen for error event.
function loadErrorCallBack(params) {
// Do stuff
inAppBrowserRef = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, target, options);
inAppBrowserRef.addEventListener('loaderror', loadErrorCallBack);
I am using Ionic 4 and I couldn’t manage to make the solution based on config.xml editing to work :
preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/
Placing an addEventListener on loaderror didn’t work neither. It looks like it is not triggered by http errors and the plugin need a fix.
But we found a hack that is much simpler.
On loadstop we wait 500 milliseconds and then we get the loaded url by triggering executeScript with and window.location.href
If the loaded url is of the custom error page, in Cordova (not in IAB) we display a custom message with a back button.
It's a hack but that cover the requirement for now
I just came across the same problem and here's what I did. The code is for Android and works on IOS as well. But you would want to remove navigator.app.exitApp(); for IOS as Apple does not allow apps to take exit without pressing the home button.
Let me know if this works for you. It will hide default error page and open your custom error page. Write your own error code in myerrorpage.html
document.getElementById("openBrowser").addEventListener("click", openBrowser);
document.addEventListener("offline", onOffline, false);
function onOffline(e) {
var src = 'myErrorPage.html';
var target = '_blank';
var option = "loaction=no, toolbar=no, zoom=no, hidden=yes, hardwareback=no";
var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(src, target, option);
alert('Your device is Offline. Please check your connection and try again.');
function openBrowser() {
var url = 'https://www.yourlink.com';
var target = '_self';
var options = "location=no,toolbar=no,zoom=no, hardwareback=no, hidden=yes" ;
var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, target, options);
When the components do not work, I perform the following procedure
ionic state reset
ionic platform remove android
ionic platform remove ios
ionic platform add android
ionic platform add ios
and try with ionicPlatform ready
<button class="button button-balanced" ng-click="OpenBrowser()">Test</button>
In controller
$scope.OpenBrowser = undefined;
$ionicPlatform.ready(function () {
$scope.OpenBrowser = function () {
$cordovaInAppBrowser.open('http://ngcordova.com', '_blank', options)
.then(function (event) {
.catch(function (event) {
$scope.Error = event;
I couldn't manage solution with setting ErrorUrl in Ionic 4 on Android to work.
Finally I came up with another solution - hide default error page and redirect user to any page (I use last page from event.url).
constructor(private iab: InAppBrowser) {
private openUrl(url: string)
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
if (this.platform.is('cordova')) {
private openBrowser(url: string): InAppBrowserObject
const options: InAppBrowserOptions = {
location: 'no',
zoom: 'no',
hidden: 'no'
const browser = this.iab.create(url, '_blank', options);
event => this.onLoadError(event, browser)
return browser;
private onLoadError(event: InAppBrowserEvent, browser: InAppBrowserObject): void
code: `
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
document.querySelector('body').style.background = 'black';
document.querySelector('body').innerHTML = '';
}, true);
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
}, true);
Changing background and redirecting is tricky - from my experiments using injectCss won't work, because body is generated in the meantime. Using DOMContentLoader makes it black and clears text on screen.
But redirecting won't work in DOMContentLoader (don't ask me why), so you need to use load event.
It works great when user is using hardware back and returns to POST request - this way he will be redirected to GET of the same url (but you can use any url you want).

How to implement inAppBrowser Back Button in Ionic?

I have an Ionic App where from side menu click it will go to page A and from there on certain action it will go to Page B and I need back button on all the pages which will navigate it back to mobile app.
I tried this code
$scope.goOut= function () {
var url = "https://www.google.com";
var target = '_blank';
var options = ['location=no','hardwareback=yes','toolbarposition=top', 'toolbar=yes','enableViewportScale=yes',
'closebuttoncaption=Back to the App'];
var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, target, options.join());
ref.addEventListener("loadstop",function () {
But this is not showing me anything on the inappbrowser.
I must be doing something horribly wrong? and its not even showing loading?

Make sure that back button won't navigate to signup page once signup was success?

In my ionic mobile app. I have signup page. Once a user's signup is success user will be navigated to profile page. Now what i want, once user is successfully signed up, users are not allowed to get back to signup page.
How can I make sure that back button won't navigate to signup page once signup was success ?
One solution I have is, to check for some condition every time signup page is loaded and based on that condition stay or navigate to other page. e.g.
if(userIsLoggedin()) {
Create a factory to store data
module.factory('DataStore', [function () {
var _local = {}, dataStore = {};
dataStore.setValue = function (field, value) {
_local[field] = value;
dataStore.getValue = function (field) {
return _local[field] || null;
return dataStore;
Then once you validate that the user is registered you set the flag in DataStore
module.controller('registration', function(..., DataStore) {
//do all necessary logic
if(allGood) {
DataStore.setValue('RegistrationSuccessful', true);
Then anytime you can check from any other controller that imports DataStore
module.controller('home', function(..., DataStore) {
//do all necessary logic according to the code in your question
$scope.onbtnclick = function () {
if(DataStore.getValue('RegistrationSuccessful')) {
} else {
You can do this by handling back button in ionic app. Check the app state on back button click if it's on profile page then do nothing so it will prevent default back event.
$ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function (event) {
if($state.current.name!="menu.profile" ){
// if state is profile then control will be here.
}, 100);
Put this code in app.js file.
Other suggestion: once user is register and login in to profile then he or she should be taken to profile page directly on app start.
you can do this in your register or verification function if user is not register then take it to signup page. and if user is logged in the take it to profile page.
Your solution looks good. I think you may also want to make sure you check the user session on the server side.

If user 'touches' form inputs on profile & forgets to save: show `POP UP` when they click SideMenu icon

I've tried to come up with some sort of "error checker/validation" for my users IF they forget to Save the edits they made on their profiles.
The user enters the Profile.html state. They start to update some of their info (i.e name, phone number, etc.). INSTEAD of pressing the SAVE CHANGES button they navigate away from the Profile state by clicking the SideMenu icon at the top left of their mobile screen.
Since the form is technically now consider to be "$dirty". I've tried to use this angular property at first but I couldn't really get the results I wanted so I tried my luck with $watch..
$rootScope.isFormDirty = false;//global variable 'isFormDirty'->inject in controller.js (toggleLeftSideMenu())
$scope.$watch('updateDriverProfileInfo', function(newValue, oldValue) {//new & oldValue = ng-model when form is 1st 'viewed' is dirty
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
// console.log("updatingg")
$rootScope.isFormDirty = true;
}, true);
Angular docs on $watch
Maybe I should of made a factory or Service for this now that I think about it but at the time I used $rootScope so that I can set a global variable isFormDirty on this controller and use it on the General Controller that holds the Side Menu's logic in this Ionic app.
controller.js (this is where the Controller for the SideMenu is)
$scope.sidemenuIsOpen = false;
$scope.toggleLeftSideMenu = function() {//ng-click from menu.html
$scope.sidemenuIsOpen = !$scope.sidemenuIsOpen;
if ($scope.sidemenuIsOpen && $rootScope.isFormDirty) {
var confirmPopup = $ionicPopup.confirm({
title: 'Changes were not saved',
template: 'Do you want to save your changes?',
confirmPopup.then(function(res) {
if (res) {
console.log('Run updateDriverProfile()');
} else {
console.log('Allow user to continue w/o changes');
That's basically the gist of my code. It actually "works" but I have identified a pattern and this is where I need your assistance to either suggest a whole different method to accomplish this or perhaps some refactoring tips for this current code.
The Pop up does show when the user clicks on the Side Menu button BUT I don't think it really matters if the form is $dirty or not..
The bigger issue is that the Pop up starts showing regardless if you are trying to leave the profile.html view or any other view for that matter.
When I wrote this code I was under the impression that the Pop up and toggleLeftSideMenu functions would ONLY work on the Profile view since I am "watching" the updateDriverProfileInfo object and I also created that global variable to use between the Menu Controller and Profile Controller.
you need to have a good understanding on ionic Lifecycle, try with any of the below events
$scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function(){
// Anything you can think of
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeLeave', function(){
// Anything you can think of
$scope.$on('$ionicView.unloaded', function(){
// Anything you can think of
find more information here http://www.gajotres.net/understanding-ionic-view-lifecycle/
