How to share static field across various workers(JVM) in storm? - static

I have a static field(counter) in one of my bolt. Now if i run the topology in cluster with various worker. Each JVM is going to have its own copy of static field. But I want a field which can be shared across by workers. How can i accomplish that?
I know i can persist the counter somewhere and read that in each JVM and update it(synchronously). But that will be performance issue. Is there any way out through Storm?

The default Storm api only provides at-least-once processing guarantee. This might or might not be what you want depending on whether the accuracy of the counter matters (e.g. when a tuple is reprocessed due to a worker failure, counter is incremented incorrectly)
I think you can look into Trident, which is a high-level API for Storm that can provide exactly-once processing guarantee and the abstractions (e.g. Trident State) for persisting states using databases or in-memory stores. Cassandra has a column type for counters which might be suitable for your use case.
Persisting trident state in memcached
Persisting trident state in Cassandra


Access to Subtask Metrics in a KeyedStream

I want to load a large amount of data into Flinks state backend (RocksDB) and process events using this data (for example in a CoProcessFunction). The data is much larger than the memory of a TaskManager.
The data blocks for a key can be very large, which has a negative impact on latency if the data needs to be loaded from the state backend each time. Therefore I would like to keep the data for frequent keys locally in the CoProcessFunction.
However, the total data in the state backend is larger than the memory of a TaskManager so it is not possible to keep the corresponding data block from the state backend locally for each key.
To solve this problem I would need to know the current memory usage of a SubTask to decide if a data block for a key can be kept locally or if something needs to be deleted. So here is my question: Since keys are not clearly assigned to a subtask is there a way to access memory related subtask information or custom metrics related to subtasks in a KeyedStream ? Or is there another way to solve this problem ? (External access via Async I/O is not an option).
The RocksDB block cache is already doing roughly what you describe. Rather than implementing your own caching layer, you should be able to get good results by tuning RocksDB, including giving it plenty of memory to work with.
Using RocksDB State Backend in Apache Flink: When and How is a good starting point, and includes pointers to where you can learn more about the native RocksDB metrics, memory management, etc. I also recommend reading The Impact of Disks on RocksDB State Backend in Flink: A Case Study.
As for your question about accessing subtask metrics from within your Flink job -- I don't know of any way to do that locally. You could, I suppose, implement a Flink source connector that fetches them and streams them into the job as another data source.

What is the best way to have a cache of an external database in Flink?

The external database consists of a set of rules for each key, these rules should be applied on each stream element in the Flink job. Because it is very expensive to make a DB call for each element and retrieve the rules, I want to fetch the rules from the database at initialization and store it in a local cache.
When rules are updated in the external database, a status change event is published to the Flink job which should be used to fetch the rules and refresh this cache.
What is the best way to achieve what I've described? I looked into keyed state but initializing all keys and refreshing the keys on update doesn't seem possible.
I think you can make use of BroadcastProcessFunction or KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction to achieve your use case. A detailed blog available here
In short: You can define the source such as Kafka or any other and then publish the rules to Kafka that you want the actual stream to consume. Connect the actual data stream and rules stream. Then the processBroadcastElement will stream the rules where you can update the state. Finally the updated state (rules) can be retrieved in the actual event streaming method processElement.
Points to consider: Broadcast state will be kept on the heap always, not in state store (RocksDB). So, it has to be small enough to fit in memory. Each slot will copy all of the broadcast state into its checkpoints, so all checkpoints and savepoints will have n (parallelism) copies of the broadcast state.
A few different mechanisms in Flink may be relevant to this use case, depending on your detailed requirements.
Broadcast State
Jaya Ananthram has already covered the idea of using broadcast state in his answer. This makes sense if the rules should be applied globally, for every key, and if you can find a way to collect and broadcast the updates.
Note that the Context in the processBroadcastElement() of a KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction method contains the method applyToKeyedState(StateDescriptor<S, VS> stateDescriptor, KeyedStateFunction<KS, S> function). This means you can register a KeyedStateFunction that will be applied to all states of all keys associated with the provided stateDescriptor.
State Processor API
If you want to bootstrap state in a Flink savepoint from a database dump, you can do that with this library. You'll find a simple example of using the State Processor API to bootstrap state in this gist.
Change Data Capture
The Table/SQL API supports Debezium, Canal, and Maxwell CDC streams, and Kafka upsert streams. This may be a solution. There's also flink-cdc-connectors.
Lookup Joins
Flink SQL can do temporal lookup joins against a JDBC database, with a configurable cache. Not sure this is relevant.
In essence David's answer summarizes it well. If you are looking for more detail: not long ago, I gave a webinar [1] on this topic including running code examples. [2]

When should you use RocksDB or LevelDB

In the scenario where you've stored ~1TB of key/value, and need to provide a production API to 1000s of users.
Further, the store will only be used for read operations only (after 1-time initial write)
You should use rocksdb and also hold the data in your ram, as much as possible, and serve responses from there (the more the better)

How can I access states computed from an external Flink job ? (without knowing its id)

I'm new to Flink and I'm currently testing the framework for a usecase consisting in enriching transactions coming from Kafka with a lot of historical features (e.g number of past transactions between same source and same target), then score this transaction with a machine learning model.
For now, features are all kept in Flink states and the same job is scoring the enriched transaction. But I'd like to separate the features computation job from the scoring job and I'm not sure how to do this.
The queryable state doesn't seem to fit for this, as the job id is needed, but tell me if I'm wrong !
I've thought about querying directly RocksDB but maybe there's a more simple way ?
Is the separation in two jobs for this task a bad idea with Flink ? We do it this way for the same test with Kafka Streams, in order to avoid complex jobs (and to check if it has any positive impact on latency)
Some extra information : I'm using Flink 1.3 (but willing to upgrade if it's needed) and the code is written in Scala
Thanks in advance for your help !
Something like Kafka works well for this kind of decoupling. In that way you could have one job that computes the features and streams them out to a Kafka topic that is consumed by the job doing the scoring. (Aside: this would make it easy to do things like run several different models and compare their results.)
Another approach that is sometimes used is to call out to an external API to do the scoring. Async I/O could be helpful here. At least a couple of groups are using stream SQL to compute features, and wrapping external model scoring services as UDFs.
And if you do want to use queryable state, you could use Flink's REST api to determine the job id.
There have been several talks at Flink Forward conferences about using machine learning models with Flink. One example: Fast Data at ING – Building a Streaming Data Platform with Flink and Kafka.
There's an ongoing community effort to make all this easier. See FLIP-23 - Model Serving for details.

Is global state with multiple workers possible in Flink?

Everywhere in Flink docs I see that a state is individual to a map function and a worker. This seems to be powerful in a standalone approach, but what if Flink runs in a cluster ? Can Flink handle a global state where all workers could add data and query it ?
From Flink article on states :
For high throughput and low latency in this setting, network communications among tasks must be minimized. In Flink, network communication for stream processing only happens along the logical edges in the job’s operator graph (vertically), so that the stream data can be transferred from upstream to downstream operators.
However, there is no communication between the parallel instances of an operator (horizontally). To avoid such network communication, data locality is a key principle in Flink and strongly affects how state is stored and accessed.
I think that Flink only supports state on operators and state on Keyed streams, if you need some kind of global state, you have to store and recover data into some kind of database/file system/shared memory and mix that data with your stream.
Anyways, in my experiece, with a good processing pipeline design and partitioning your data in the right way, in most cases you should be able to apply divide and conquer algorithms or MapReduce strategies to archive your needs
If you introduce in your system some kind of global state, that global state could be a great bottleneck. So try to avoid it at all cost.
