Angular Directive vs. Controller function - angularjs

I have a list of itineraries displayed on a page. Each itinerary has a select button. This select button is a directive.
.directive('itinerarySelectBtn', ['itineraryFactory',
return {
restrict: 'E', // defining the container as an element
scope: {
itinerary: '=', // html element we are injecting this directive too
replace: true,
templateUrl: '/content/partials/directives/results/results-list.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
element.on('click' , function(){
itineraryFactory.itinerary = scope.itinerary;
This button does nothing else, other than receive the itinerary object via scope: '=' and then assigns it in my itineraryFactory to the itinerary object. I do this so I can utilise my getter and setter in my itineraryFactory and pull it into my controller.
In my controller:
$scope.itineraries = itineraryFactory.getItinerary();
My question is: Is this overkill, should this be a directive? Alternatively I could just have a $scope.function in my controller and do the same thing. The button could just be part of the ng-repeat that lists the itineraries on the page.
I feel like having a setItinerary() function in my controller would essentially be the same and could be executed via ng-click on the button.

You can do everything in your template.
Say you want to assign $scope.chosenItinerary in your controller from the list in $scope.itineraries
<div ng-repeat="itinerary in itineraries">
<button ng-click="chosenItinerary = itinerary">Pick this one!</button>


communicating between main controller and directive/ directive controller

I have a main controller in which i want to emit/ broadcast an event
main controller
.controller('gameCtrl', function(){
function moveToTileBy(moves)
var numberOfTiles = ctlr.board.tiles.length,
player = getCurrentPlayer(),
currentTileNumber = player.currentPositionTileNumber;
if((moves + currentTileNumber) > numberOfTiles)
// alert player not enough moves
return nextTurn();
// create a drag and drop
$scope.$emit('movePlayer', currentTileNumber);
$scope.$emit('activateTile', moves + currentTileNumber);
I also have a directive on an ng-repeatitems, each item has an isolated scope whose only connection to the main controller is the scope's model
.directive('phTile', ['$rootScope', 'Drake', function ($rootScope, Drake) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tile: '#ngModel'
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
var elem = element[0];
$rootScope.$on('movePlayer', function(){
console.log('root link move player ', arguments);
scope.$on('movePlayer', function(){ console.log('link scope move player', arguments);})
<div ng-controller="gameCtrl as ctlr">
<div ng-repeat="(i, tile) in ctlr.board.tiles" class="w3-col tile tile-{{tile.number}}" ng-repeat-end-watch="ctlr.resize()" ng-model="tile" ph-tile><span>{{tile.number}}</span></div>
I want the above event in the controller to trigger a series of dom manipulations to 1 or more item DOM elements
The dilemma i am facing is that I am not sure how/ where to build the logic to listen to the said event and proceed with the logic for dom manipulation....
Should it be
1) In a directive controller
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tile: '=ngModel'
}, controller: function($scope){ $scope.$on('move', function(){ /* manipulate dom element */}); }
2) Or in the link
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tile: '=ngModel'
}, link: function(scope, element, attr){ scope.$on('move', function(){ /* manipulate dom element */}); }
In addition I need to access the isolated scope's "tile" object and the directive's "element" in order to proceed with the dom manipulation.
It looks like you missed finishing submitting your question, but, in a nutshell, the manipulation of DOM elements should be in link.
Based on what you are starting to write at the bottom ('In addition I need to access the scope's "tile" object and "element" in order to proceed with the'), having the full directive and html, preferably in a demo, would help myself or somebody troubleshoot. I will update this if more information is provided.
Mark Rajcok has done an excellent job explaining the differences between links and controllers here: Difference between the 'controller', 'link' and 'compile' functions when defining a directive

Assign random ngModel to directive

I'm trying to assign a random string to ngModel. But I can't even seem to assign a regular string to it. In the code below, I'm trying to change the ngModel to "new", but in chrome, it's still showing me that the ngModel is "placeholder". What am I doing wrong?
app.directive("page", function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<div ng-model="placeholder"></div>',
controller: function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.placeholder = "new";
The plain div tag was just an example. What I actually have is a content editable div that I've bound to a textarea with a contenteditable directive. I made a button to allow me to add as many of these directives as I want, but when I add this directive, I'd like a new ng-model for each one, because that's what I'm using to save the content of each content editable div to a file.
This is the full example in case it might help someone else. I put the addPage directive to a button, which, when clicked, appends a new content editable div (which I'm calling a page). There is one more directive that I didn't include (contenteditable) because I got it from the bottom of the docs over here
app.directive("addPage", function($compile){
return function(scope, element, attrs){
element.bind("click", function(){ angular.element(document.getElementById('container')).append($compile('<page></page>')(scope));
app.directive("page", function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
// template: '<div class="page" contenteditable strip-br="true" ng-model="chapter"></div>',
template: function (elem, attr) {
var test="chapter.two"; //in reality, I will generate a random string to keep these divs unique
return '<div class="page" contenteditable strip-br="true" ng-model=' + test +'></div>'
In my controller, I have this object that is used to store all the ng-model content
$scope.chapter = {};
I think you are approaching this a bit backwards. Starting with the model, you'd need an array to keep the values from all of the inputs / contenteditables.
.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope){
$ = [{v: ""}]; // first element
$scope.addContentEditable = function(){
${v: ""});
Then, you can bind to each element of that array easily, and add elements at will:
<button ng-click="addContentEditable()">Add</button>
<div ng-repeat="item in data" ng-model="item.v" contenteditable></div>
I'm not sure exactly how the page directive needs to be used here, but one way or another, the approach is the same as above.
If you just want to pass a string in you could use attributes and template(fn)
<div page="new">
app.directive("page", function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: function (elem, attr) {
return '<div ng-model="' + + '"></div>';

Angularjs - Pass argument to directive

Im wondering if there is a way to pass an argument to a directive?
What I want to do is append a directive from the controller like this:
$scope.title = "title";
$scope.title2 = "title2";
Is it possible to pass an argument at the same time so the content of my directive template could be linked to one scope or another?
here is the directive:
app.directive("directive_name", function(){
return {
template:'<div class="title"><h2>{{title}}</h3></div>',
What if I want to use the same directive but with $scope.title2?
You can pass arguments to your custom directive as you do with the builtin Angular-directives - by specifying an attribute on the directive-element:
.append('<directive-name title="title2"></directive-name>');
What you need to do is define the scope (including the argument(s)/parameter(s)) in the factory function of your directive. In below example the directive takes a title-parameter. You can then use it, for example in the template, using the regular Angular-way: {{title}}
app.directive('directiveName', function(){
return {
scope: {
title: '#'
template:'<div class="title"><h2>{{title}}</h2></div>'
Depending on how/what you want to bind, you have different options:
= is two-way binding
# simply reads the value (one-way binding)
& is used to bind functions
In some cases you may want use an "external" name which differs from the "internal" name. With external I mean the attribute name on the directive-element and with internal I mean the name of the variable which is used within the directive's scope.
For example if we look at above directive, you might not want to specify another, additional attribute for the title, even though you internally want to work with a title-property. Instead you want to use your directive as follows:
This can be achieved by specifying a name behind the above mentioned option in the scope definition:
scope: {
title: '#directiveName'
Please also note following things:
The HTML5-specification says that custom attributes (this is basically what is all over the place in Angular applications) should be prefixed with data-. Angular supports this by stripping the data--prefix from any attributes. So in above example you could specify the attribute on the element (data-title="title2") and internally everything would be the same.
Attributes on elements are always in the form of <div data-my-attribute="..." /> while in code (e.g. properties on scope object) they are in the form of myAttribute. I lost lots of time before I realized this.
For another approach to exchanging/sharing data between different Angular components (controllers, directives), you might want to have a look at services or directive controllers.
You can find more information on the Angular homepage (directives)
Here is how I solved my problem:
app.directive("directive_name", function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div><h2>{{'+attr.scope+'}}</h2></div>';
replace: true
$scope.building = function(data){
var chart = angular.element(document.createElement('directive_name'));
chart.attr('scope', data);
I now can use different scopes through the same directive and append them dynamically.
You can try like below:
app.directive("directive_name", function(){
return {
template:'<div class="title"><h2>{{title}}</h3></div>',
it sets up a two-way binding between the value of the 'accept' attribute and the parent scope.
And also you can set two way data binding with property: '='
For example, if you want both key and value bound to the local scope you would do:
For more info,
So, if you want to pass an argument from controller to directive, then refer this below fiddle
Hope it helps..
Controller code
myApp.controller('mainController', ['$scope', '$log', function($scope, $log) {
$scope.person = {
name:"sangeetha PH",
address:"first Block"
Directive Code
replace: true,
File :directives/search.html
<h1>{{personName}} </h1>
the File where we use directive
<search-result person-name="{{}}" person-address="{{person.address}}"></search-result>
<button my-directive="push">Push to Go</button>
app.directive("myDirective", function() {
return {
restrict : "A",
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
elm.bind('click', function(event) {
alert("You pressed button: " +'my-directive'));
here is what I did
I'm using directive as html attribute and I passed parameter as following in my HTML file. my-directive="push" And from the directive I retrieved it from the Mouse-click event object.'my-directive').
Insert the var msg in the click event with scope.$apply to make the changes to the confirm, based on your controller changes to the variables shown in ng-confirm-click therein.
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-confirm-click="You are about to send {{quantity}} of {{thing}} selected? Confirm with OK" confirmed-click="youraction(id)" aria-describedby="passwordHelpBlock">Send</button>
app.directive('ngConfirmClick', [
function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
var clickAction = attr.confirmedClick;
element.on('click', function(event) {
var msg = attr.ngConfirmClick || "Are you sure? Click OK to confirm.";
if (window.confirm(msg)) {

how to communicate from one directive to another directive

I have tow directives one is for ng-grid another is for pagination when I click page numbers in one directive ng-grid directive should be changed according to that, can I have any idea on that.
There are many ways to achieve it:
For example:
First solution
You can share data between directives:
<directive-one attribute="value" other-attribute="value2" shared-variable="yourData">
<directive-two shared-variable="yourData">
And set $watch inside first directive on that value
scope.$watch('yourData',function(newVal,oldVal){ //your logic called after change });
Second solution
You can use events:
restrict: 'E',
template: 'Im first directive!',
scope: true,
restrict: 'E',
template: 'Im second directive! <button ng-click="click()">click me!</button>',
scope: true,
link:function(scope,elem,attrs){ = function(){
Event is sent by $rootScope.$broadcast('event','hello!');. It means event is sent by your root scope downwards to child scopes.

AngularJS directive not properly receiving link passed in attribute

I've got an AngularJS directive that is not placing a string (intended to be a relative path to an image) inside one of the attributes in an HTML element and I'm at a loss as to why.
My item looks like the following:
item : {
name: 'Test Name',
link: 'Assets/logo.png'
If I step through the javascript, I'm correctly receiving the link from the webservice, so that's not the problem as my Angular controller properly shows the link in the $scope.
The following is what I have in the template for that controller that I'm having the problem with:
<my-directive name="{{}}" link="{{}}"></my-directive>
Here's the javascript for my directive:
angular.module('myModule').directive('myDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
templateUrl: '/RelativePathToTemplateFile.html',
scope: {},
link: function($scope, element, attr, model) {
$ =;
$ =;
When I look at the rendered HTML, I have the following:
<div name="Test Name" link></div>
What's going on? How can I pass this link in properly?
Directive scope binding technique can resolve this issue. Try to use "#" to bind the directive property to the evaluated DOM attribute.
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<my-directive my-name="{{}}" my-link="{{}}"></my-directive>
$scope.item = {
name:"Test Name",
return {
restrict: "E",
template: '<div name="{{myName}}" link="{{myLink}}">{{myName}}</div>',
replace: true,
Here is a jsFiddle DEMO, you could refer to it.
From the documentation:
function link(scope, element, attrs) { ... } where:
* scope is an Angular scope object.
* element is the jqLite-wrapped element that this directive matches.
* attrs is a hash object with key-value pairs of normalized attribute names and their corresponding attribute values.
so it's "attrs", not "attr"
<myDirective name="" link=""></myDirective>
It will be better :)
