HotTowel.Angular.Breeze for Visual Studio 2015 - angularjs

I hope you can help me.
I am busy following the John Papa course - Building apps with angular and breeze -
(, but pretty early on in the course I am getting issues with installing HotTowel.Angular.Breeze via NuGet. It seems there is some incompatibility issue with to$q and to%24q.
I get the following error: 'C:\Users\Admin.nuget\packages\HotTowel.Angular.Breeze\2.3.3\content\scripts\'.
I am using Visual Studio 2015, and the only real solution I found was to move to VS 2013. But I am certain there must be a better solution or workaround.
I really appreciate all your help!

The solution:
I downloaded the source packages contained in the source files of the specific project on GitHub.
I then set a new Package Source in VS2015 pointing to the downloaded compatible packages, and installed it via that location.


Error creating a project using HSPI template

I followed "Project templates for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017", but when I create a project using the template, I get following error:
Package Installation Error
The preinstalled packages have a reference to a missing Extension.
Could not find an Extension with ID 'HomeSeerTemplates.Alex Dresko.82028f47-9623-4359-a6bf-244390c19608'.
Long story short, try uninstalling the extension and reinstall it. I apologize for the inconvenience, but you shouldn't have to do that again. I goofed a couple weeks ago and messed some things up. Let me know if the new version of the extension works.

Android Package: extra-android-support One or more required packages are missing. Visual Studio 2015

I'm having trouble putting all my Android dependencies working with Visual Studio when using the TACO tools.
The message that I get is that the extra-android-support package is missing, but I've already checked the Android Support Repository and the Google Repository on the Android SDK Manager.
I only have one Android SDK installed, so I'm sure that I have the correct directory selected.
My SDK Manager looks like this:
click here
I've already searched on the internet what could be generating this problem but I can't find a solution that works for me.
I've also tried building the solution with android studio but the app crashed when accessing some functionalities that require the missing package.
What I get is this:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This is not supported, use MenuItemCompat.setOnActionExpandListener()...
Does anyone have a clue what this might be? I'd appreciate if anyone could help me.

How to solve "Build:Unknown compiler option 'listemittedfiles'." on visual studio 2015 update 3?

After updating the NuGet Type Scripts packages, I was facing with one common build error problem "tsc.exe exited with code 1". After searching I have found the solution how to resolve it. As suggested I installed another two NuGet packages named Microsoft.TypeScript.Compiler and Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild. After installing those the tsc.exe exited with code 1 problem solved. But in the mean time a new problem arise on build "Unknown compiler option 'listemittedfiles'".
I was trying to solve it by the suggestion of this Typescript build failure.
But still there has no improvement of this problem.
Can anyone be able to provide a solution please? Please take a lots of thanks in advance.
My client project structure is looks like the image Please click here to view the image
I suggest you to try to fix this issue by installing TypeScript 2.0.6 using the following link:
Visual Studio 2015 TypeScript Tools (2.0.6 at the time of writing)
This will also point MSBuild to the proper TypeScript build, which fully supports the --listEmittedFiles command switch.
See also this answer and/or this blog article I wrote on this topic for further details and references about this issue.
I had the some problem. I found out, that I had a wrong (i.e. older) version of typescript installed (in addition to the current one) and even though the latest version was installed too, the old typescript compiler (tsc) was used.
Open a windows console and run the command following command:
tsc -v
The result should be:
If you have the latest typescript installed but don't see the version above, you probably have older versions of typescript installed, that may be the cause of your problems. Uninstall the older versions via "Programs and features" in the control panel of windows.

Upgrade GoogleTest to Visual Studio 2013 with command line

I've been attempting to automate the cloning and building of google test by using a batch script. However I can't seem to get visual studio to upgrade the solution.
I tried using the devenv "path" /upgrade command however it fails to upgrade the projects. The error I am getting for each of the projects is:
gtest_main-md.vcproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information:
Which just defaults to the VS2015 C++ projects page. The solution also states that it does not need to be upgraded. If I open the solution in visual studio I can simply perform the one time upgrade on each project with no issue.
Is there a way to do this without having to open visual studio?

Visual Studio 2013 protractor intellisense

First of all, I am very beginner in using node.js / angualar.js /protractor.js and jasmine.js stuff and I am not from web dev corner at all.
But for now, I just want to create some protractor test for an angular app and this is actually working quite fine. But I am wondering if it's possible to get VS2013 intellisense working?
I would really appreciate if VS would suggest functions of objects like ''.
I am really stuck with that, looking forward for some hints!
thx Florian
Ill just give an answer to myself! To get Visual Studio 2013 intellisense and debugging working for angular protractor tests, follow these steps:
Install node.js
Install protractor (global) („npm install -g protractor“; „webdriver-manager update“)
Install Visual Studio 2013 node.js Tools
Install Visual Studio 2013 TypeScript Tools
Create a new project „Typescript\Node.js\Blank Node.js Console Application“
Add your „conf.ts“ and „spec.ts“ files to the project
Right click on „conf.ts“ and select „Set as node.js startup file“
In „Project properties“ set your „Node.exe path“ to your protractor executeable file, eg. „C:\Users\myUser\AppData\Roaming\npm\protractor.cmd“
Download typescript DefinitelyTyped definitions from git hub:
In your VS2013 project folder „Scripts\Typing“ create the subfolders „jasmine“, „protractor“ and „selenium-webdriver“
Add the typing definition files "angular-protractor\angular-protractor.d.ts", "jasmine\jasmine.d.ts" and "selenium-webdriver\selenium-webdriver.d.ts" into the appropriate project folders you created in the step above.
Write your protractor test and enjoy code highlighting
Start webdriver-manger „webdriver-manager start“
Hit „F5“ to start debugging
