Meteor-React-Ionic app crashing even though code is supposedly right - mobile

I'm doing the Meteor-React-Ionic mobile app development walkthrough. This question is perhaps best suited for someone who has read this article.
Wrote the code exactly as given, yet when I run the app at the end of the first article, I keep getting "your app is crashing" and "exited at code: 8."
Here's the log as shown on the browser:
Your app is crashing. Here's the latest log.
Error: Invariant Violation: You cannot use <HistoryLocation> without a DOM
at invariant (packages/node_modules/react/lib/invariant.js:42:1)
at createRouter (lib/node_modules/react-router/lib/createRouter.js:131:1)
at Object.runRouter [as run] (lib/node_modules/react-router/lib/runRouter.js:40:1)
at ./router.jsx:11:15
at /Users/hmm/hmmmm/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:229:5
Exited with code: 8
Your application is crashing. Waiting for file change.
Any help with figuring out where I went wrong and what I should do would be much appreciated. Code I wrote are exactly the same as the ones given in the article (hence my confusion).

The solution was to change the order of the folders.


NextJS "Hydration failed..." Can I see which file this occurred in, or something like a diff?

This is my 2022 was my first year picking up NextJS, and I'm on Next 13.
I get hydration errors from time to time. Sometimes I will catch it as I'm making changes, but there are instances where I code a good bunch, hit save, refresh, and then see the error where then it's hard to exactly tell where the hydration error is happening.
I can take my time to comment different parts of the code to track it down, but this process is very annoying.
Is there a built in way to track down this rendering mismatch, or hydration error, in a more streamlined way? For example, some sort of diff UI would be amazing, where I could see what it looked like when it rendered on the server vs what it looks like on my browser.
Thank you.

firebase complains about database being in a different region, but database is at the correct region

Just started with Firebase. I do basic operations and get this error:
pRTLPCB(0,[{"t":"c","d":{"t":"s","d":"Database lives in a different region. Please change your database URL to"}}]);
But the database is exactly at this url !? What could be the problem?
Warning about the closing: The other question would never have answered this question. See my comment below: The error message is simply nonsense, do not get confused by it.
My answer: After a while I realized that after creating the database, the configuration for the web app included a new string for the database. adding that made it working. so the problem here is a very misleading nonsensical error message that points into a wrong direction of problem hunting. firebase is not well done, at all ends, concepts, docu, implementation.
After a while I realized that after creating the database, the configuration for the web app included a new string for the database. Adding that made it working. So the problem here is a misleading error message that points into a wrong direction of problem hunting.

Drupal 7 WSOD and PHP Fatal Error

Thanks in advanced for looking at my post! I developed this Commerce Kickstart site locally using Aquia Dev Desktop and everything looked and functioned great. When I post it to the server, I get the WSOD, and an error in the error_log:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function delta_get_current() in /xxx/xxx/xxx/profiles/commerce_kickstart/themes/omega/alpha/includes/ on line 222
This is a site that had been working fine remotely also, except for an issue with the checkout. (the original reason for taking it down.) I had to refer to a backup copy of the site, make some changes to get it to be more recent and then post it. That's when I received the WSOD and Php Fatal Errors.
If you have any advice on how to fix or where to proceed, please let me know. Also, let me know if you need any more info.
Thanks again.
You need to make sure that you're working with the right module and theme versions. See what you can do to update Delta to fix it, also update Omega.

Linq-To-Sql and MARS woes - A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded

We have built a website based on the design of the Kigg project on CodePlex:
Basically, the code uses the repository pattern, with a repository implementation based on Linq-To-Sql. Full source code can be found at the link above.
The site has been running for some time now and just about a year ago we started to get errors like:
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
These are the closest error examples I can find based on my memory. These errors started to occur when the site traffic started to pick up. After banging my head against the wall, I figured out assumed that the problem is inherit within Linq-To-Sql and how we are using the same connection to call multiple commands in a single web request.
Evenually, I discovered MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) and added that to the data context's connection string and like magic, all of my errors went away.
Now, fast forward about 1 year and the site traffic has increased tremendously. Every week or so, I will get an error in SQL Server that reads:
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded
Immediately after this error, I receive hundreds to thousands of InvalidCastException errors in the error logs. Basically, this error shows up for each and every call to the Linq-To-Sql data context. Only after I restart the web server do these errors clear up.
I read a post on the Micosoft Support site that descrived my problem (minus the InvalidCastException errors) and stating the solution is that if I'm going to use MARS that I should also use Asncronous Processing=True. I tried this, but it did not solve my problem either.
Not really sure where to go from here. Hopefully someone here has seen and solved this problem before.
I have the same issue. Once the errors start, I have to restart the IIS Application Pool to fix.
I have not been able to reproduce the bug in dev despite trying many different scenarios involving multi-threading, leaving connections open, etc etc.
One possible lead I do have is that amongst the errors in the server Event Log is an OutOfMemoryException for the Application Pool. Perhaps this is the underlying cause of the spurious SQL Datareader errors (a memory leak elsewhere). Although again I haven't been able to reproduce this in dev.
Obviously if you are using a 64 bit OS then this is probably not the cause in your case.
So after much refactoring and re-architecting, we figured out that problem all along is MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) itself. Not sure why or what happens exactly but MARS somehow gets result sets mixed up and doesn't recover until the web app is restarted.
We removed MARS and the errors stopped.
If I remember correctly, we added MARS to solve the problem where a connection/command was already closed using LinqToSql and we tried to access an object graph that hadn't been loaded. Without MARS, we'd get an error. But when we added MARS, it seemed to not care about it. This is really a great example of us not really understanding what the heck we were doing and we learned some valuable (and expensive) lessons from this.
Hope this helps others who have experienced this.
Thanks to all how have contributed their comments and answers.
I understand you figured out the solution..
Following is not a direct solution to the problem; but it is good for others to take a look at
What does "A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded." SQL Azure error mean?

Error when debug is 0, no error if higher

I'm in the process of standing up a new CakePHP project with some very simple boilerplate code. In the process of helping a co-working install the code, I realized that if my debug value is 0, I get a 404 error (just loading the homepage):
Error: The requested address '/' was not found on this server.
If I flip the debug value to 1 or 2, the error goes away and the default homepage (I don't have any custom layout/page created yet) loads happily. This isn't an ajax request and there's nothing fancy going on here. Anyone seen this before? Haven't found anything via Google that matches what I'm seeing.
And, just in case anyone is thinking the obvious, my homepage (/) route is configured. Like most everything else, my routes.php file hasn't been modified yet.
Oh, my. Talk about a punitive headslap moment:
What a long week. I'll mark this answered as soon as the time limit expires. Sheesh...
Try deleting tmp files located at /app/tmp/cache/.
I found solution to similar problem here:
