in angular UI collapse ,Initial page load showing div as collapsed - angularjs

I am trying to use a collapse model in angular UI
<div class="" ng-click="isCollapsed =!isCollapsed" ></div>
and in my controller i set the value
$scope.isCollapsed = true;
but my initial pageload shows the div as collapsed. I want to hide it initially .Could someone help me with this


How to get scroll event when kendo-list-view scrolls

I am building a cross platform application using Angular Kendo Mobile.
I have a Kendo list using "kendo-list-view".
<div kendo-list-view >
I want to get an event when user scrolls this list, in my controller.
I also tried to get the scroll event by using pure angular code, as mentioned in below question.
Bind class toggle to window scroll event
But in my case nothing happens and code inside the directive is not getting called.
I have my HTML with list view as below:
<kendo-mobile-view id="myListScreen" k-transition="'slide'" k-title="'My List'" k-layout="'default'" ng-controller="myListCtrl">
<kendo-mobile-header >
<kendo-mobile-nav-bar style="background-color: gray">
<kendo-view-title style="color: white"></kendo-view-title>
<kendo-mobile-button k-rel="'drawer'" href="#navDrawer" k-align="'left'"><img src="img/menu.png"></kendo-mobile-button>
<div class="myListMainDiv">
<div kendo-list-view
<script id="myListViewItem" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div id="{{}}" ng-click="onSelected(">
I am loading this page in my root page when user selects to navigate to this page using"MyList.html");. And when controller for this page loads I have created list using new and I have attached new to my data source.
You can get the scroll event from the Scroller of your Kendo Mobile View,
For example if you have a view with id="myListScreen":
var kendoView = $('#myListScreen').data().kendoMobileView;
var scroller = kendoView.scroller;
scroller.bind("scroll", function(e) {
You can find more info about the kendo scroller here on their documentation

onclick on hyperlink should add a div horizontally using angularjs

My html:
<div id="contentDiv">
<div id="headerDiv" ><div id="titleDiv"> Queries</div></div>
<div id="valuesDiv" ><div id="yearDiv"> 2015</div></div>
<div id="graphDiv" ><div id="chartDiv">graph</div></div>
Like this div, I have another div but the content in the div is different.
How to add a new div horizontally when I click on hyperlink using angularjs?
How can I do this? please help me out regarding this
Looks like what you need is a two way binding with the ng-model directive. So the idea would be that you bind the new div to a variable in your scope which is initially in an empty or undefined state (for example, there are better ways). When the hyperlink is clicked it calls the function specified by an ng-click directive which will fill your bound object, which in turn will cause the new div to be rendered.
Based on your comments here is a simple example.
HTML page:
<div id="newDiv" ng-repeat="item in items">
<!-- Div content -->
<!-- example -->
<input type="text" ng-model="">
<input type="button" ng-click="addItem()">
$scope.addItem = function() {
var newItem = {}; = "new item name";
What's happening here is the data for each div is stored in an array of objects. The ng-repeat directive will repeat the div for each object in the array. You can then fill the elements in the div using the object. Adding a new div is as simple as adding a new item to the array and angular will take care of the rest for you. Please note that I have not tested this example, but hopefully it's enough to point you in the right direction.
RE aligning the divs horizontally, this will be done with CSS, using the inline-block display mode. So you could give the div a class of, for example, "horizontalDiv" and add the following class to your CSS file:
.horizontalDiv {
display: inline-block;

How to add an angularui accordion-group dynamically

In an angularjs service, I am adding the HTML for an accordion-group to the DOM of an accordion element. What results is the display of the accordion-group as if it were a panel - no title bar, no collapse behavior.
I'm sure it is because the accordion gets initialized before the content is added. The jQueryUI accordion has a refresh method for such occasions, but not sure how to get the angualrui accordion to recognize the new accordion group.
hope the following steps help :
get the reference of the element where you want to add the accordion
HTML : <div id = "myAccordion"> </div>
Controller : var parent = angular.element("#myAccordion");
Compile your accordion template and attach it to the parent
Controller: var accordion = $compile("<div accordion> </div>")($scope);
but this is a work around you should ideally have a directive to do DOM manipulation , perhaps you are coding with jquery in mind.

Angular js - slide in div on click of element

I am completely new to Angular js and I want to perform an operation i.e. clicking on a button would slide in a div from the right and clicking back again would send it back to right. Basically toggle it.
I know how to do with jquery as below, but the need is to do it in angular.
Click me
<div id="content">
<div id="list">
#clickhere {display:block; width:50px; height:50px; background:#999;}
#list{width:200px; height:100%; position:absolute;top:0;right:-200px;background:#323232;}
$("#clickhere").click( function(){
if($("#list").css("right")== "0px")
$("#list").animate({right:"-200px"}) }
jsfiddle -
Can anyone please help me with the angular code. I looked over a couple of examples such as :
1) Different transitions with AngularJS
2) - in section Slide, 2nd button
The above links represent my actual need. I tried doing it via 1st link, but its not working.
Hint : add or remove a class (ngClass or ngHide) when the user click on the button (ngClick) and do the animation in CSS (transition).

How to create an Angular UI Bootstrap Accordion Group with no body?

I'm quite happy with the Angular UI Bootstrap Accordion, but I encountered a problem when creating a Accordion Group with no body. The Accordion will always create an empty body and I couldn't find a way to prevent this. Is there a way to prevent the creation of the accordion body or can the accordion group be created in a way that it is not expandable?
Plunker with example
Accordion Directive
The accordion directive builds on top of the collapse directive to
provide a list of items, with collapsible bodies that are collapsed or
expanded by clicking on the item's header.
As I stated in the comment, just use the Collapse directive and style it like an accordion.
Not styled to perfection but try this
<div ng-controller="CollapseDemoCtrl">
<div class="accordion-group" ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed">
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle">Group with body</a>
<div collapse="!isCollapsed" class="collapse">
<div class="well well-large">Some content</div>
function CollapseDemoCtrl($scope) {
$scope.isCollapsed = false;
