Send IEnumerable from web api controller to angular js - angularjs

I'm trying to send a IEnumerable from a web api controller to a AngularJs controller.
The code I was using was
Web Api:
readonly InventoryEntities _db = new InventoryEntities();
public IEnumerable<FDVOEligibilityRequest> Get()
return _db.FDVOEligibilityRequests.AsEnumerable();
//get all customer information
$http.get("/api/Customer/").success(function (data) {
$scope.requests = data;
$scope.loading = false;
.error(function () {
$scope.error = "An Error has occured while loading posts!";
$scope.loading = false;
This worked fine, but now I'm using linq to include related tables and it doesn't work. The angularJs code is the same.
What am I doing wrong?
readonly InventoryEntities _db = new InventoryEntities();
public IEnumerable<FDVOEligibilityRequest> Get()
return _db.FDVOEligibilityRequests
I do get the data I want in the controller, but when i try to send it back to angular, I get a 500 (Internal Server Error) angular.js:10722
This is what FDVOEligibilityRequest looks like in the new Web Api controller
public partial class FDVOEligibilityRequest
public int Id { get; set; }
public string TestName { get; set; }
public string GroupName { get; set; }
public int MandatoryFieldsID { get; set; }
public int DCCFieldsID { get; set; }
public virtual FDVOEligibilityRequestMandatoryField FDVOEligibilityRequestMandatoryField { get; set; }
public virtual FDVOEligibilityRequestDCCField FDVOEligibilityRequestDCCField { get; set; }

If it's 500 and happens after you successfully make a return from your action then it can be an exception during serialization.
I would suggest to check that there are no circular references between FDVOEligibilityRequest and FDVOEligibilityRequestMandatoryField/FDVOEligibilityRequestDCCField.
Or try to diagnose it using code from here:
string Serialize<T>(MediaTypeFormatter formatter, T value)
// Create a dummy HTTP Content.
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
var content = new StreamContent(stream);
/// Serialize the object.
formatter.WriteToStreamAsync(typeof(T), value, stream, content, null).Wait();
// Read the serialized string.
stream.Position = 0;
return content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
try {
var val = _db.FDVOEligibilityRequests
var str = Serialize(new JsonMediaTypeFormatter(), val);
catch (Exception x)
{ // break point here
ps: the common suggestion in this case is to use DTOs instead of EF objects with something like Automapper.


Entity Framework Core not saving updates

I have a paintings web app that uses ASP.NET Core, Angular, EF Core, SQL Server, AutoMapper with a repository pattern.
The issue is that when I try to update a single painting from the painting table, it does not save to the database. I tried other tables in this same method to see if it was a problem with the flow but they save successfully.
Through swagger I call the put method, this calls the painting controller, goes into the repository, and the repository returns the updated object but when I go to the database nothing updates. If I call the get action from swagger I also DO NOT see the updates.
When I add breakpoints to see the data everything looks fine from start to end but it just does not save to the database. To test I even tried to remove auto mapper logic and manually created an object inside of the update method and set the existing object properties to these hard coded values to see it was the incoming data but still no luck. Again, for testing I tried updating other tables and those worked.
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdatePaintingAsync(int paintingId, [FromBody] UpdatePaintingRequest updatePaintingRequest)
if (await repository.Exists(paintingId))
var updatedPaiting = await repository.UpdatePainting(paintingId, mapper.Map<DataModels.Painting>(updatePaintingRequest));
if (updatedPaiting != null)
return Ok(updatePaintingRequest);
return NotFound();
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError($"Failed to update painting: {ex}");
return BadRequest("Failed to update painting");
Update method from repository
public async Task<Painting> UpdatePainting(int paintingId, Painting request)
var existingPainting = await GetPaintingByIdAsync(paintingId);
if (existingPainting != null)
existingPainting.Name = request.Name;
existingPainting.Description = request.Description;
existingPainting.ImageUrl = request.ImageUrl;
existingPainting.IsOriginalAvailable = request.IsOriginalAvailable;
existingPainting.IsPrintAvailable = request.IsPrintAvailable;
existingPainting.IsActive = request.IsActive;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return existingPainting;
return null;
Get painting to update
public async Task<Painting> GetPaintingByIdAsync(int paintingId)
return await context.Painting
.Include(x => x.PaintingCategories)
.ThenInclude(c => c.Category)
.Where(x => x.PaintingId == paintingId)
Model (exact same on DAO and DTO)
public class Painting
public int PaintingId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
public bool IsOriginalAvailable { get; set; }
public bool IsPrintAvailable { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public ICollection<PaintingCategory> PaintingCategories { get; set; }
public class JonathanKrownContext : DbContext
public JonathanKrownContext(DbContextOptions<JonathanKrownContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<Painting> Painting { get; set; }
modelBuilder.Entity("JonathanKrownArt.API.DataModels.Painting", b =>
.HasAnnotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityColumn);
Your problem is that you used AsNoTracking when fetching the entity, and thus, context doesn't keep track of the changes anymore. So you need either to attach it before saving or remove AsNoTracking.
If you don't want to attach the entity, you need to change GetPaintingByIdAsync to this:
public async Task<Painting> GetPaintingByIdAsync(int paintingId)
return await context.Painting
.Include(x => x.PaintingCategories)
.ThenInclude(c => c.Category)
.Where(x => x.PaintingId == paintingId)
If you want to keep AsNoTracking then in your UpdatePainting you need to add:
before you call save.
Update method does the following:
Begins tracking the given entity in the Modified state such that it
will be updated in the database when SaveChanges() is called.
So change your method to this:
public async Task<Painting> UpdatePainting(int paintingId, Painting request)
var existingPainting = await GetPaintingByIdAsync(paintingId);
if (existingPainting != null)
existingPainting.Name = request.Name;
existingPainting.Description = request.Description;
existingPainting.ImageUrl = request.ImageUrl;
existingPainting.IsOriginalAvailable = request.IsOriginalAvailable;
existingPainting.IsPrintAvailable = request.IsPrintAvailable;
existingPainting.IsActive = request.IsActive;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return existingPainting;
return null;
I think using AsNoTracking() is a good practice and you should use it wherever you can but in case of Update you need to attach the entity to context by this EF will know this entity should be updated.
So for solve your problem just add one line to code like this:
//other lines
context.Attach(existingPainting); //<--- by this line you tell EF to track the entity
await context.SaveChangesAsync();

.Net Core Web API not deserializing JSON from angularJS

I have this angular JS controller where I am serialising a view model to json which doesnt deserialise on the backend with a web api.
Here is my angular controller constructor..
constructor($scope, $http, $routeParams: IBookingParams) {
this.http = $http;
//get parameters from Recommendation page
this.bookingView = <IBookingViewModel>{};
this.bookingView.CampaignName = $routeParams.CampaignName;
this.bookingView.CampaignSupplierId = $routeParams.CampaignSupplierId;
this.bookingView.SupplierName = $routeParams.SupplierName;
this.bookingView.MediaChannelNames = $routeParams.MediaChannelNames;
this.bookingView.MediaChannelIds = $routeParams.MediaChannelIds;
let livedate = this.GetJSDate($routeParams.LiveDate);
let liveDateTime = this.GetDateTime(livedate);
this.bookingView.LiveDate = liveDateTime;
//populate the rest of our model
this.bookingView.Action = "from angular";
var model = this.bookingView;
let json = JSON.stringify(model);
url: "/api/asdabooking",
method: "POST",
data: json
.then((response: any) => {
let test = "";
.catch((data: any) => {
let test = "";
Here is my web api
public async Task<IActionResult> BuildBookingModel([FromBody]BookingViewModel model)
//model is null??!!
return Ok("");
catch (Exception ex)
base.Logger.LogError(ex.Message, ex);
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
This is pretty bizarre, the bookingView view model on the front end matches the fields on the backend view model "BookingViewModel. I have inspected the json and all looks ok.
This is my view model
public class BookingViewModel
public string CampaignName { get; set; }
public string CampaignSupplierId { get; set; }
public string SupplierName { get; set; }
public List<string> MediaIds { get; set; }
public List<string> MediaChannelNames { get; set; }
public List<MediaChannelViewModel> MediaChannels { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public DateTime LiveDate { get; set; }
public List<int> MediaChannelIds { get; set; }
public int SupplierId { get; set; }
public bool SuccessfulSave { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Track which tab is updating
/// </summary>
public string TabAction { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Price summary - list of media channels (tabs)
/// </summary>
public List<MediaSummaryViewModel> MediaSummaries { get; set; }
public string UserMessage { get; set; }
This is my json
Often when I run into this issue it is caused from the types within the JSON object not matching the types of your properties that you defined within your model. I would ensure those types match. It also might help folks interested in answering this question to post a snippet of your JSON object as well as your model class.
mediaChannelIds should be
This is because I was getting an array from a query string using $routeParams by referring to the same parameter more than once which is a bad idea.. better to separate values with a character to get an array because you cant make it typesafe with $routeParams.. it will always give you strings.
In the JSON You can miss out fields or pass null no problem and it will still deserialise, but you can't mismatch types or the whole thing comes back as null.

"Movie" Model taking "Name" property of internal object "Actors"

I am new to Angular and Entity framework.
Here is the code from my AngularJS controller:
$scope.add = function () {
$scope.loading = true;
$'api/Movie/', this.newMovie).then(function onSuccess(response) {
alert("Added Successfully!!");
$scope.showAddMovieForm = false;
$scope.loading = false;
}).catch(function (response) {
$scope.error = "An Error has occured while adding movie! :(" +;
$scope.loading = false;
Here is how the Action method looks in my MovieController in MVC:
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Movie movie)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// _db.People.Where(na => movie.Actors.Any(a => a.PersonId == na.PersonId));
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, movie);
response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { movieId = movie.MovieId }));
return response;
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState);
Movie Model Class:
public partial class Movie
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")]
public Movie()
this.Actors = new HashSet<Person>();
public int MovieId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Nullable<short> YearOfRelease { get; set; }
public string Plot { get; set; }
public byte[] Poster { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> ProducerId { get; set; }
public virtual Person Producer { get; set; }
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2227:CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly")]
public virtual ICollection<Person> Actors { get; set; }
When I put a debugger in the JS code I can see that Angular is passing the object in correct format.
But somehow when it reaches Action, the "Movie" model takes "Name" property value "Actors" object which is part of "Movie" itself.
Not able to understand why "Movie" model is getting the "Name" property of "Actors".
You need to fix the way you are creating your Actors object in Movie object.
Actor should be JS Array of objects and your Movie object should look like below when you debug:
But, in your case Actors is just a single object. Hope it helps.

Why Database Storing [object object] type

I'm trying to uplode File along with some columns.File Uploading sucessfully but why Remaining column taking [object object] type
public partial class CreateUserIdentity
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Image { get; set; }
public string password { get; set; }
var description = {
Passwoed: $scope.FileDescription,
Email : $scope.Email
FileUploadService.UploadFile($scope.SelectedFileForUpload, description
).then(function (d) {
Mvc Controller
public JsonResult SaveFiles(string description)
if (Request.Files != null)
CreateUserIdentity f = new CreateUserIdentity
Image = actualFileName,
Email = description,
using (ProjectsEntities dc = new ProjectsEntities())
Message = "File uploaded successfully";
flag = true;
return new JsonResult { Data = new { Message = Message, Status = flag } };
The description you are sending is not a string - it is an object consisting of Email and Passwoed - type that correctly in your rest-controller and use Email = description.Email
Alertatively you can just send $scope.Email from the angular-side instead of wrapping it in a description-Object, that should work as well (if you don't need the attribute Passwoed).

Single element array in WCF RESTful JSON web service client

I'm trying to consume a RESTful JSON web service using WCF on the client side. The service is 3rd party, so I cannot make any changes to the server response.
The server is sending back a response that looks something like this when there's only one data point...
Single Data Point
and something like this when there's more than one data point...
Multiple Data Points
I have my service contract set up like this...
public interface IRewardStreamService
MyResponse GetMyStuff();
and a data point's data contract like this...
public class MyData
public string MyPropertyA { get; set; }
public string MyPropertyB { get; set; }
and the only way I can get the single data point response to work is if I have a single instance property like this, but this does not parse the multiple data point response...
Response for Single Instance
public class MyResponse
public MyData Data { get; set; }
and the only way I can get the multiple data point response to work is if I have an array / list instance property like this, but this does not parse the single data point response...
Response for Multiple Instance
public class MyResponse
public IList<MyData> Data { get; set; }
I understand the issue is that the response is omitting the brackets when there's only one data point returned, but it seems that WCF doesn't play well with deserializing that syntax. Is there some way I can tell the DataContractJsonSerializer to allow single element arrays to not include brackets and then tell my service to use that serializer? Maybe a service behavior or something?
Any direction would be helpful.
You can use a custom message formatter to change the deserialization of the JSON into the data contract you want. In the code below, the data contract is defined to have a List<MyData>; if the response contains only one data point, it will "wrap" that into an array prior to passing to the deserializer, so it will work for all cases.
Notice that I used the JSON.NET library to do the JSON modification, but that's not a requirement (it just has a nice JSON DOM to work with the JSON document).
public class StackOverflow_12825062
public class Service
public Stream GetData(bool singleDataPoint)
string result;
if (singleDataPoint)
result = #"{
result = #"{
} ";
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/json";
return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result));
public class MyData
public string MyPropertyA { get; set; }
public string MyPropertyB { get; set; }
public class MyResponse
public List<MyData> Data { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("MyResponse, Data.Length={0}", Data.Count);
public interface ITest
MyResponse GetData(bool singleDataPoint);
public class MyResponseSingleOrMultipleClientReplyFormatter : IClientMessageFormatter
IClientMessageFormatter original;
public MyResponseSingleOrMultipleClientReplyFormatter(IClientMessageFormatter original)
this.original = original;
public object DeserializeReply(Message message, object[] parameters)
WebBodyFormatMessageProperty messageFormat = (WebBodyFormatMessageProperty)message.Properties[WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name];
if (messageFormat.Format == WebContentFormat.Json)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
XmlDictionaryWriter jsonWriter = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonWriter(ms);
string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
JObject root = JObject.Parse(json);
JToken data = root["Data"];
if (data != null)
if (data.Type == JTokenType.Object)
// single case, let's wrap it in an array
root["Data"] = new JArray(data);
// Now we need to recreate the message
ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(root.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)));
XmlDictionaryReader jsonReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(ms, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max);
Message newMessage = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.None, null, jsonReader);
message = newMessage;
return this.original.DeserializeReply(message, parameters);
public Message SerializeRequest(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters)
throw new NotSupportedException("This formatter only supports deserializing reply messages");
public class MyWebHttpBehavior : WebHttpBehavior
protected override IClientMessageFormatter GetReplyClientFormatter(OperationDescription operationDescription, ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
IClientMessageFormatter result = base.GetReplyClientFormatter(operationDescription, endpoint);
if (operationDescription.Messages[1].Body.ReturnValue.Type == typeof(MyResponse))
return new MyResponseSingleOrMultipleClientReplyFormatter(result);
return result;
public static void Test()
string baseAddress = "http://" + Environment.MachineName + ":8000/Service";
WebServiceHost host = new WebServiceHost(typeof(Service), new Uri(baseAddress));
Console.WriteLine("Host opened");
ChannelFactory<ITest> factory = new ChannelFactory<ITest>(new WebHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(baseAddress));
factory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new MyWebHttpBehavior());
ITest proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
Console.Write("Press ENTER to close the host");
I don't know about using WCF so I'll change to Asp.Net WCF. Here is an article that will get you one the way
I just can't figure out how to determine if it's an array or a single object. Here is a little code.
public void SingleObject()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var result = client.GetStringAsync("http://localhost:8080/api/JSONTestOne");
string content = result.Result;
JObject jsonVal = JObject.Parse(content);
dynamic aFooObj = jsonVal;
public void ArrayWithObject()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var result = client.GetStringAsync("http://localhost:8080/api/JSONTest");
string content = result.Result;
JObject jsonVal = JObject.Parse(content);
dynamic foos = jsonVal;
