I want to index orders and corresponding order entries in Solr to display it in our e-commerce site.
I am planning to adopt a De-normalized approach by repeating order details with every order entries to reduce request latency. But at the same time I need to group records by orderid to find order total for a specified duration.
Is it possible to achieve this without going for a separate index for orders alone?
Yes this is possible, you can user Result Grouping / Field Collapsing for your query. In your case the group field should be orderid and you should add group=true&group.field=orderid to your request to Solr to enable this feature.
We have a use case where we need to find out the distinct (unique) records.
We have 5 different keys in a document they are all searchable, need to find the distinct records using one key.
I also need to implement pagination on that distinct records.
See https://docs.vespa.ai/documentation/grouping.html. The Vespa grouping language also supports pagination.
select ... | all(group(key) max(10) each( max(3) each(output(summary()))))
Will group hits by the key field, display at max 10 unique key values and for each unique key value render 3 best hits. Groups are by default ordered by the max relevancy of a hit in the group. When using max() you'll be able to paginate using the continuation parameter to fetch more groups or more hits.
I need to create a new collection on my Solr 6.1.0 cluster where every row is a content and every content can belong to one or many categories, which are specified in a multivalued field categories.
In my web app the user can search by categories, and if wanted it can even group results by category. If it wants to order by category, what about the contents which belong to more than one category?
In this case, the search results page should show the same content more times in different categories. I don't want the web application to filter and order results because in this case, it should ask Solr for every row (I know this is not advised for bad performance), so is there a way to let Solr make this? For example, repeating the same content in two categories if a flag is enabled or if I am asking Solr to sort by category?
Until now I bypassed the problem cloning one record for every category and specifying the category ID in a single int field. But this is not optimized, because in this case my index is much bigger than it could be, and every content metadata a part of category is just the same for every content, and because of this I would like to have 1 content = 1 Solr record.
I have an index with around 35 million documents. When a user issues a query with any combination of search words and filters, I need to get a count of unique values on another field. The purpose is to answer the question "How many unique (field x) are there with a given query?".
I'm pretty sure that Azure Search doesn't have any capability to do this, so I thought I would try to do another query where I select just the field I want to count distinct values of, but I think this would be very time consuming with such a large index. I'm also under the impression that I can only skip at max 100,000 records, which would make it impossible for me to do this if a query returned more than 100k results.
Any ideas on how to go about this?
Azure Search doesn't directly support distinct count of values today. In order to support it in a single query combined with $filter, it would either have to be supported as a new facet type, or maybe with a combination of $count and $filter where the field being counted is the key field (note that $count and $filter can't be combined today).
Feel free to add distinct count to the Azure Search feedback forum to help prioritize the feature.
Original Answer
If you wanted a count of documents per unique value, you could use facets. For example, if you're searching for shoes under $100 dollars and you want to know, out of the hits, how many shoes of each color there are, you would do this:
GET /indexes/products/docs?search=shoes&$filter=price+lt+100&facet=color&api-version=2015-02-28
The response will contain a #search.facets property that contains buckets for each unique value along with a count. You can find more info here and here.
I have a specific query with SOLR that I cannot seem to find a solution for. I have an index full of products and sku's. A product has multiple sku's and every sku has 1 product. I want to perform a search against my SKU's only, group by the parent product and return just the details of the parent product (but not the details of the items).But, I want the facets to represent the original list of items. Is this possible with SOLR today? and what version is this available at?
I think it is possible, my suggestion is to design your core so that the document represent only one SKU, or one item. So, your Unique Id will be the SKU Id. Then you need a productId that is not unique and could have the same value for SKUs that have the same parent product.
You can also de-normalize product details across all documents. So, when you return the details of the item, you also have the details of the produce with it.
The trick here on the query is to use grouping, or field collapsing feature in Solr.
See more details here: https://wiki.apache.org/solr/FieldCollapsing
But as a start I suggest setting these values in the query:
Set group=true (this will enable grouping)
Set group.field=productId (to group, or collapse items by productId)
Set group.facet=false (to include details of all items in facet counts)
So, this will enable you to search across all items, return results grouped by ProductId, and facet numbers will be applied to all items.
This is not a new feature, if you have any Solr 3.3, or 4.x you should be able to use grouping.
You could use :
"sort":"map(special_price,1,99999,special_price,price) desc"
"sort":"map(special_price,1,99999,special_price,price) asc"
I'm trying to do a detailed Member Search page. It uses Ajax in every aspect like Linkedin did on search pages.
But I don't know how I can select counts of multiple criterias. You can see what I meant by the attachment. I mean, if I select every count with different queries it's gonna take forever.
Should I store the count values on another table? Then, further development will be hard and time consuming.
I need your advices.
In this web site, you enter just a keyword and it shows you the all available fields order by count DESC;
You can create an Indexed View that groups by your criteria and uses COUNT_BIG to get totals.
CREATE VIEW dbo.TagCount
FROM dbo.Docs