C array value gets negated sometimes - c

I am trying to put an integer value into a character array so I can have byte addressable memory. When I pass the integer I want to place and the character pointer to the array into my function they have the correct values. After the assignment the integer pointer keeps the correct value but the character pointer has the negative value. This only happens two times out of ten and on the same two numbers every time..
Here is a snippet of the function
//Places an int into an array at memLocation
void PutIntAt(int i, char *arr)
printf("value: %i at: %i\n", i, arr - &mainMemory[0]);
int *pos = (int*)arr;
*pos = i;
printf("*pos is: %x *arr is: %x\n", *pos, *arr);
The output I get from this i
value: 150 at: 28
*pos is: 96 *arr is: ffffff96
value: 50 at: 32
*pos is: 32 *arr is: 32
value: 20 at: 36
*pos is: 14 *arr is: 14
value: 10 at: 40
*pos is: a *arr is: a
value: 5 at: 44
*pos is: 5 *arr is: 5
value: 500 at: 48
*pos is: 1f4 *arr is: fffffff4
location 48 = -12
I am compiling with gcc and using the -o option and -std=gnu99 option.
The mainMemory array is a global variable. Not sure why this is happening.

You are using the wrong format specifier for printf. This causes undefined behaviour.
You use %x, which requires unsigned int, but supplied *arr which is a char. On your system char has a range that includes negative values.
To fix this you could either use the %hhd or %d specifiers (the latter works due to default argument promotion). If you want to convert the char to unsigned then you have to write code to perform a conversion, e.g.:
printf("%x\n", (unsigned char)*arr);
Note: The printf specification is not very clearly written, but it's generally interpreted that %u and %x may be used with any smaller argument which gets promoted to a non-negative integer. So you can use %x rather than %hhx in my example.


Output of the following C code

What will be the output of the following C code. Assuming it runs on Little endian machine, where short int takes 2 Bytes and char takes 1 Byte.
int main() {
short int c[5];
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
c[i] = 400 + i;
char *b = (char *)c;
printf("%d", *(b+8));
return 0;
In my machine it gave
I don't know if my machine is Little endian or big endian. I found somewhere that it should give
as the output. Because low order 8 bits of 404(i.e. element c[4]) is 148. But I think that due to "%d", it should read 2 Bytes from memory starting from the address of c[4].
The code gives different outputs on different computers because on some platforms the char type is signed by default and on others it's unsigned by default. That has nothing to do with endianness. Try this:
char *b = (char *)c;
printf("%d\n", (unsigned char)*(b+8)); // always prints 148
printf("%d\n", (signed char)*(b+8)); // always prints -108 (=-256 +148)
The default value is dependent on the platform and compiler settings. You can control the default behavior with GCC options -fsigned-char and -funsigned-char.
c[4] stores 404. In a two-byte little-endian representation, that means two bytes of 0x94 0x01, or (in decimal) 148 1.
b+8 addresses the memory of c[4]. b is a pointer to char, so the 8 means adding 8 bytes (which is 4 two-byte shorts). In other words, b+8 points to the first byte of c[4], which contains 148.
*(b+8) (which could also be written as b[8]) dereferences the pointer and thus gives you the value 148 as a char. What this does is implementation-defined: On many common platforms char is a signed type (with a range of -128 .. 127), so it can't actually be 148. But if it is an unsigned type (with a range of 0 .. 255), then 148 is fine.
The bit pattern for 148 in binary is 10010100. Interpreting this as a two's complement number gives you -108.
This char value (of either 148 or -108) is then automatically converted to int because it appears in the argument list of a variable-argument function (printf). This doesn't change the value.
Finally, "%d" tells printf to take the int argument and format it as a decimal number.
So, to recap: Assuming you have a machine where
a byte is 8 bits
negative numbers use two's complement
short int is 2 bytes
... then this program will output either -108 (if char is a signed type) or 148 (if char is an unsigned type).
To see what sizes types have in your system:
printf("char = %u\n", sizeof(char));
printf("short = %u\n", sizeof(short));
printf("int = %u\n", sizeof(int));
printf("long = %u\n", sizeof(long));
printf("long long = %u\n", sizeof(long long));
Change the lines in your program
unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)c;
printf("%d\n", *(b + 8));
And simple test (I know that it is not guaranteed but all C compilers I know do it this way and I do not care about old CDC or UNISYS machines which had different addresses and pointers to different types of data
printf(" endianes test: %s\n", (*b + (unsigned)*(b + 1) * 0x100) == 400? "little" : "big");
Another remark: it is only because in your program c[0] == 400

C programming why does the address of char array increment from 0012FF74 to 0012FF75?

Heres the code:
char chararray[] = {68, 97, 114, 105, 110};
/* 1 byte each*/
int i;
printf("chararray intarray\n");
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf("%p\n", (chararray + i));
Now im trying to understand this in terms of hexadecimal, bits and bytes.
I understand that a char is 1 byte and its supposed to increment by 1 byte which is 8 bits.
But I dont understand how its only increasing by 1 in hex? 1 hexadecimal only represents 4 bits correct? so Im kind of confused, it seems like its only incrementing by 4 bits.
Any help on clearing this up is greatly appreciated thanks!
It's true that if you represent a byte in hexa then it is made out of 2 hexa digits where each one stands for 4 bits.
However, the addresses you are seeing are addresses of bytes, and not the content of them. Each byte receives its own address, and the addresses are sequential, just like if we gave each byte a number: byte 0, byte 1, byte 2, byte 3,....
The address in a pointer points to a byte, not to a bit. Your pointer is of type char *, so when it is incremented, the address increases by sizeof(char). If, however, you used a different type, such as int, your pointer would increase by sizeof(int) on each increment, even if it is pointing to a char [] array.
On my machine, sizeof(int)==4, for example.
I wrote this code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int *a = str;
while(a <= &str[25])
printf("%c\t%p\n", *a, (void *)a);
return 0;
Char Addr
A 00D5F9BC
E 00D5F9C0
I 00D5F9C4
M 00D5F9C8
Q 00D5F9CC
U 00D5F9D0
Y 00D5F9D4
Every fourth character in the string is outputted.
First, pointer arithmetics like (chararray + i), where chararray points to a char (i.e. is of type char*) increases the value of pointer chararray by i * sizeof(char). Note that sizeof(char) is 1 by definition.
Second, a pointer represents a memory address, which is represented by an integral value that indicates a position in an (absolutely or relatively) addressed memory block, e.g. on the heap, on the stack, on some other data segment, ... . Confer, for example, the following statement in this online C standard draft: Pointers
(5) An integer may be converted to any pointer type. ...
(6) Any pointer type may be converted to an integer type. ...
So when viewing the value of a pointer, we can think of an integral value, just like 256 or 1024 (when "viewed" in decimal format), or 0x100 or 0x400 (when viewed in hexadecimal format). Note that 256 in decmial is equivalent to 100 in hexadecimal, and this has nothing to do with bits and bytes.
Adding 1 to an integral value of 256 (or 0x100) gives 257 (or 0x101), regardless of whether this value stands for a position in a memory block or for oranges sold in the department store. So it's all about "outputting" integral values in hex format.
See the following code illustrating this:
int main()
char chararray[] = {68, 97, 114, 105, 110};
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
char *ptr = (chararray + i);
unsigned long ptrAsIntegralVal = (unsigned long)ptr;
printf("ptr: %p; in decmial format: %lu\n", ptr, ptrAsIntegralVal);
ptr: 0x7fff5fbff767; in decmial format: 140734799804263
ptr: 0x7fff5fbff768; in decmial format: 140734799804264
ptr: 0x7fff5fbff769; in decmial format: 140734799804265
ptr: 0x7fff5fbff76a; in decmial format: 140734799804266
ptr: 0x7fff5fbff76b; in decmial format: 140734799804267
Using hexadecimal numbers is just another way of representing any number. It has nothing to do with bits and bytes. One byte is 8 bits, no matter if you represent it as hexadecimal number or decimal number. So it just increases by one = 1 Byte = 8 Bits.

C - Using a char pointer to print int value, not getting expected result

I'm trying to understand how pointers work. I created an int value and made a char pointer to point at it.
When printing the content of the address that char pointer points to, I don't get the expected result.
Like if that char pointer is pointing to 256, I was expecting the content of that address to return 0 because (256)10 = (0000000100000000)2. Because a char pointer points to one byte so it'll return the first 8 bits which are zeros.
But it returns -1.
Here's my code
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int y = 256;
char *p = (char *)&y;
// returns Value -1
printf("Value %d \n", *p);
return 0;
But why 255 still gives me -1 ? Even though i'm printing
Getting Value -1 255 when y is 255 makes sense. p points to a byte that looks like 11111111 in binary, *p is a signed char, and %d prints a signed value, so that's why it prints -1.
– dbush

declaring string using pointer to int

I am trying to initialize a string using pointer to int
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int *ptr = "AAAA";
return 0;
the result of this code is 1094795585
could any body explain this behavior and why the code gave this answers ?
I am trying to initialize a string using pointer to int
The string literal "AAAA" is of type char[5], that is array of five elements of type char.
When you assign:
int *ptr = "AAAA";
you actually must use explicit cast (as types don't match):
int *ptr = (int *) "AAAA";
But, still it's potentially invalid, as int and char objects may have different alignment requirements. In other words:
alignof(char) != alignof(int)
may hold. Also, in this line:
printf("%d\n", ptr[0]);
you are invoking undefined behavior (so it might print "Hello from Mars" if compiler likes so), as ptr[0] dereferences ptr, thus violating strict aliasing rule.
Note that it is valid to make transition int * ---> char * and read object as char *, but not the opposite.
the result of this code is 1094795585
The result makes sense, but for that, you need to rewrite your program in valid form. It might look as:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
union StringInt {
char s[sizeof("AAAA")];
int n[1];
int main(void)
union StringInt si;
strcpy(si.s, "AAAA");
printf("%d\n", si.n[0]);
return 0;
To decipher it, you need to make some assumptions, depending on your implementation. For instance, if
int type takes four bytes (i.e. sizeof(int) == 4)
CPU has little-endian byte ordering (though it's not really matter, since every letter is the same)
default character set is ASCII (the letter 'A' is represented as 0x41, that is 65 in decimal)
implementation uses two's complement representation of signed integers
then, you may deduce, that si.n[0] holds in memory:
0x41 0x41 0x41 0x41
that is in binary:
01000001 ...
The sign (most-significant) bit is unset, hence it is just equal to:
65 * 2^24 + 65 * 2^16 + 65 * 2^8 + 65 =
65 * (2^24 + 2^16 + 2^8 + 1) = 65 * 16843009 = 1094795585
1094795585 is correct.
'A' has the ASCII value 65, i.e. 0x41 in hexadecimal.
Four of them makes 0x41414141 which is equal to 1094795585 in decimal.
You got the value 65656565 by doing 65*100^0 + 65*100^1 + 65*100^2 + 65*100^3 but that's wrong since a byte1 can contain 256 different values, not 100.
So the correct calculation would be 65*256^0 + 65*256^1 + 65*256^2 + 65*256^3, which gives 1094795585.
It's easier to think of memory in hexadecimal because one hexadecimal digit directly corresponds to half a byte1, so two hex digits is one full byte1 (cf. 0x41). Whereas in decimal, 255 fits in a single byte1, but 256 does not.
1 assuming CHAR_BIT == 8
65656565 this is a wrong representation of the value of "AAAA" you are seprately representing each character and "AAAA" is stored as array.Its converting into 1094795585 because %d identifier prints decimal value. Run this in gdb with following command:
x/8xb (pointer) //this will show you the memory hex value
x/d (pointer) //this will show you the converted decimal value
#zenith gave you the answer you expected, but your code invokes UB. Anyway, you could demonstrate the same in an almost correct way :
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i, val;
char *pt = (char *) &val; // cast a pointer to any to a pointer to char : valid
for (i=0; i<sizeof(int); i++) pt[i] = 'A'; // assigning bytes of int : UB in general case
printf("%d 0x%x\n",val, val);
return 0;
Assigning bytes of an int is UB in the general case because C standard says that [for] signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into three groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign bit. And a remark adds Some combinations of padding bits might generate trap representations, for example, if one padding
bit is a parity bit.
But in common architectures, there are no padding bits and all bits values correspond to valid numbers, so the operation is valid (but implementation dependant) on all common systems. It is still implementation dependant because size of int is not fixed by standard, nor is endianness.
So : on a 32 bit system using no padding bits, above code will produce
1094795585 0x41414141
indepentantly of endianness.

How to print the hexadecimal in a specific manner?

In the following code I stored the mac address in a char array.
But even when I am storing it in a char variable, while printing it's printing as follows:
This is the code:
int main()
char *mac = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff";
char a[6];int i;
for( i = 0; i < 6;i++)
I need the output to be in the following way:
The current printf statement is
How can I get the desired output and why is the printf statement printing ffffffaa even though I stored the aa in a char array?
You're using %x, which expects the argument to be unsigned int *, but you're just passing char *. This is dangerous, since sscanf() will do an int-sized write, possibly writing outside the space allocated to your variable.
Change the conversion specifier for the sscanf() to %hhx, which means unsigned char. Then change the print to match. Also, of course, make the a array unsigned char.
Also check to make sure sscanf() succeded:
unsigned char a[6];
if(sscanf(mac, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx",
a, a + 1, a + 2, a + 3, a + 4, a + 5) == 6)
printf("daddy MAC is %02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx",
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
Make sure to treat your a array as unsigned chars, i.e.
unsigned char a[6];
the expression a[i] yields a char. However, the standard does not specify whether char is signed or unsigned. In your case, the compiler apparently treats it as a signed type.
Since the most significant bit is set in all the bytes of your Mac address (each by is larger than or equal to 0x80), a[i] is treated as a negative value so printf generates the hexadecimal representation of a negative value.
