IBM WCM Plugin:RequestAttribute is not working, when used on published site ( only preview is working) - websphere-portal

I've made a menu component to create tabs which contains rendered results from another menu component.
The internal component is using Location/Site Areas (set by Query string) as a criteria and in the main component I use [Plugin:RequestAttribute(...)] to set the Site Area I want the content from in specific tab. In order to do so, I put the internal component inside [InContext(...)][/InContext] tags - in this case Result design code of the main component is:
title="[Property field="title"]">
[Plugin:RequestAttribute key="year" mode="set" value="[Property field='title']"]
[InContext context="autofill"]
[Component name="omantel_en/investors/financial snapshots/financial statement menu" startPage="" resultsPerPage=""]
The header ends with <div class="tab selected", while separator is set as <div class="tab" which in the end construct a valid HTML structure (of that I'm sure).
Tabbing is held by javascript I put in the beggining of header and works fine.
Everything works fine while using Preview option - content is generated properly, I can even use Preview on site I actually want the component to be used on and this will give me desired result.
The problem occurs when I put the main menu component tag in published Article. Then it shows only tabs, without any content from the inner component. It looks as if the [Plugin:RequestAttribute(...)] tag that is used as substitute for Query string stops working.
I already tried to put the main menu component tag (in the actual Article) inside [InContext(...)][/InContext](with all of possible options) but it gave no good result. I'm kind of new in using IBM websphere~.
Any suggestions?

Actually it was a problem with Libraries - I simply put wanted content in single library and now it works fine.


"How to fix 'at<init>' error in selenium"

I have created the object of Select in selenium to handle dropdown . Also have included the associated packages. Yet the dropdown is not getting selected. Kindly help!
Select select = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[1]/header[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[6]/ul[1]/li[1]/a[1]")));
I am recieving the following error "at";
Alongwith a note when i hover over Select -
Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.
As far as I can see your XPath expression ends with a which indicates <a> HTML tag which in its turn stands for a hyperlink
In order to be able to use Select class you need to pass to it's constructor a WebElement instance which will point to a <select> HTML tag.
If there is no <select> elements in your page source code - it means that the dropdown is being generated by means of CSS and JavaScript therefore you just need to click the link with the Blouses text which in its turn can be as simple as:
If you still want to use XPath - be aware that you can make it a lot shorter, readable and reliable: limit your search scope to hyperlinks only like //a and utilise text() XPath function to match only "interesting" links, the expression which will click the link with Blouses text would be something like:

Handling Dynamic Image click using Selenium Webderiver

I am working on image click functionality where images change dynamically but the XPath remains the same.
For example:
First image inspect element:
<a id="adlink" target="_top" href="">
<img id="adimage" src="http://egranary/adverts/Images/lightwire.png" border="0"></a>
First image XPath:
Second image inspect element:
<a id="adlink" target="_top" href="">
<img id="adimage" src="http://egranary/adverts/Images/lifewater1.png" border="0"></a>
Second image XPath:
In this example source and target are changing constantly to redirect to particular page when clicked on image.
How to handle this situation using selenium webdriver?
I think your requirement is to basically check if the links are working fine - not broken.
In that case, I would suggest you to follow this approach - (It is in Java - you can do something similar in other languages as well)
I am trying to extract all href on the page. But if you want an specific xpath just change it here.
Map<Integer, List<String>> map = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[#href]"))
.stream() // find all elements which has href attribute & process one by one
.map(ele -> ele.getAttribute("href")) // get the value of href
.map(String::trim) // trim the text
.distinct() // there could be duplicate links , so find unique
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(LinkUtil::getResponseCode)); // group the links based on the response code
Now we could access the urls based on the response code we are interested in.
map.get(200) // will contain all the good urls
map.get(403) // will contain all the 'Forbidden' urls
map.get(404) // will contain all the 'Not Found' urls
map.get(0) // will contain all the unknown host urls
Check here for complete implementation.

Oracle ADF: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when pressing Printable page behaviour 12c

Hello am developing a web application using Oracle ADF and jdev12c. I have a page like below.
The above page is created using a template. That contains three parts. First part is image, second part is deck with more than one panel group layout (Here deck child value is decided using a value from managed bean of scope session.)and third part is actual content facet in this I have dropped a task-flow(bouded) as a region contain .jsff pages.
My problem is every thing is working fine. af:showPrintableBehavior is not working. When I click on the Printable view button am getting the following exception. After the following exception nothing is working in my application. (If I click on any commndLink it is opening in another tab and repeatedly trying to generate the page content for example the table but not displaying the content)
This is not working in only this page. I have tested this in one empty page that is created without using this template. In that empty page I have created this table and tried with af:showPrintableBehavior and here this behaviour is working fine.
Please help me. How to remove the above exception. Export to excel is working fine.
Thanks in advance.
Try using a clientListener inside the button that prints the page, then stop the event from propagating further:
<af:resource type="javascript">
* Shows a popup from an "action" type event.
* #param {AdfActionEvent} actionEvent the event being handled
function stopEventFromPropagating(actionEvent)
<af:commandButton text="Click Me">
<af:clientListener type="action" method="stopEventFromPropagating"/>

How can i have a link field in a content type display a default text when the field is empty

How can i have a link field in a content type display a default text when the field is empty.
For now i have a field as a link - and the link is set to have a static title. This Works fine.
But i'd like to display a default title if the field is empty with no link (but still rendered as a link/button).
It's not a view - so i can't use "rewrite output if empty".
I'm a newbee to drupal - so please help
This shows what I've got so far:
When the link field is empty the button doesn't show. Instead of not showing when empty I'd like it to show someting like this as default: (the button "Bestil på tlf...")
By simply using Link module, i don't think this is possible. But, follow below steps in your environment and i think you might achieve the goal:
Make custom template file for the page (i think, its product details page)
In that template file, check whether the link is empty or not
If link is not empty, show the link. If link is empty, show your custom HTML.

Drupal - How to add data-attributes to <li> items of a <ul> Menu

This is such a great script called fullPage.js located here:
I managed to load the js file and css file and even with the Void Menu Module, managed to call anchor links, but I'm struggling with the data attributes part of the implementation of this cool code! Any help is greatly appreciated! How do I get data-attributes to work in Drupal 7.25? I mean, I need to add them to the menu, so that the html looks something like this:
<ul id="menu">
<li data-menuanchor="firstPage">First slide</li>
<li data-menuanchor="secondPage">Second slide</li>
<li data-menuanchor="3rdPage">Third slide</li>
<li data-menuanchor="4thpage">Fourth slide</li>
Just want to add it to the Main Menu in Drupal. Any idea how? Am trying to implement this on my homepage and using the Adaptive Sub-Theme with Display Suite Module installed, if that helps any.
Have added the following to template.php, but it makes no difference at all:
function MY_THEME_NAME_menu_link(&$variables) {
$variables['element']['#attributes']['data-menuanchor'] = substr($variables['element']['href'], 1);
return theme_menu_link($variables);
What am I doing wrong here?
You can download the sitemaniacs theme here:
You can just download Adaptive Theme from Drupal here and than copy sitemaniacs to your sites/all/themes folder and than just enable the theme and go to your homepage.
There is also a folder called fullPage that is the example of it working perfectly fine without Drupal.
Files to take note of:
Let me know if you need anything else, k?
And Thank YOU!!! What I've done is create 4 Basic Pages, and using the Field Formatter Class Module to give the body field a class (when managing the Display) defined as section, than promoted to front page. Than I used HTML within another Node Type and used NodeBlock Module to output it as a menu item within the Menu Bar section of the blocks, with url <front>. Let me know if you need anything else for this, but I can't get it to work using this simple approach. I've tried tons of ways of doing it also, but no go for me. If you find a method that works, or perhaps something is wrong somewhere else, please please let me know.... I'm pulling out my hair on this one.
Have tried straight HTML, and now getting this:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined jquery.fullPage.js?mzf0rp:506
scrollPage jquery.fullPage.js?mzf0rp:506
doneResizing jquery.fullPage.js?mzf0rp:889
The first error seems to occur in the scrollPage function on this line here:
var dtop = dest !== null ? : null;
Looks like is not defined on .top. Any idea why?
Use the Menu Link Attributes module that will let you add custom attributes per menu item.
for "href" you can use <'front'>#4thpage(front without any “cotation”) in path in menu that you create in Structure > Menus and use the Menu Link Attributes module for other attributes
