Determining when to scale up my AWS RDS database? - database

I'm building a web service, consisting of many different components, all of which could conceivably be bottlenecks. I'm currently trying to figure out what metrics I should be looking for, when deciding whether or not my database (on AWS RDS) is the bottleneck in the chain.
Looking at AWS Cloudwatch, I see a number of RDS metrics given. Full list:
The key metrics that I think I should be paying attention to:
Read/Write Latency
Freeable Memory
With the latency metrics, I'm thinking that I should set up alerts if it exceeds >300ms (for fast website responsiveness), though I recognize that this is very much workload dependent.
With the CPU/memory-util, I have no idea what numbers to set these to. I'm thinking I should set an alert for 75% CPU-utilization, and 75% drop in Freeable Memory.
Am I on the right track with the metrics I've shortlisted above, and the thresholds I have guessed? Are there any other metrics I should be paying attention to?

The answer is totally dependent on your application. Some applications will require more CPU, some will need more RAM. There is no definitive answer.
The best thing is to monitor your database (with the metrics you list above). Then, when performance is below desired, take a look at which metrics are showing problems. These should be the first ones you track for scaling your database.
The key idea that if your customers are experiencing problems, it should be appearing in your metrics somewhere. If this isn't the case, then you're not collecting sufficient metrics.

I think you are on the right track - especially with the latency metrics; for a typical application with database back-end, the read/write latency is going to be what the user notices most if it degrades. Sure the memory or cpu usage may spike, but does any user care? No, not unless it then causes the latency to go up.
I'd start with the metrics you listed as the low-hanging fruit and adjust accordingly.


Thought on reducing snowflakes cost by dropping unused objects

Part1 #
As per the pricing policy of snowflakes ,we will be paying based on the usage and we will not be charged if we won't use resources..This is clear.However I Am trying to understand ,is there any chance for reducing the cost if we drop the unused or rarely used warehouses? users and roles that are not been used any more ?I was looking some cost savings in terms of reducing the cloud services cost.
Part 2#
which is the most cost effective way .
1)Allocating separate warehouse for each team who uses the warehouse at specific times
2)Allocating single warehouse for all them and monitor warehouse load closely,such that if we notice queued load on warehouse then opt scale out option(multi cluster)(S+S)?
Please suggest the best way so that we can reduce overall cost.
there are only two things major things you are charged for disk and cpu, and a couple of minor things like compile time, and inter region IO charges. But users, warehouses, & roles are just access control lists in the end, that are to control cpu and disk usage.
prior to per second billing we found using one warehouse for a couple of teams meant less wasted CPU billing, and to some degree that almost is the case with the min 60 second billing, but we have a shared x-small most teams do dev on, and then spin-up bigger warehouses to run one-off loads (and then shut down) or have auto-scaling clusters to handle "normal load" which we also use cron jobs to limit "max size" just so in the off-peek times we intentionally increase latency of total load, to shift expenditure budget to peek times. and compared to the always running clusters, our dev instances are single digit percentages, so 1 or 2 warehouses is a round error.
The way we found the most value for reducing cost, was to look at the bill and see what seemed more $$ then we expected for the bang we where getting, and then we experimented, to see if there were lower cost ways to reach the same end goal. Be it different shaped tables that we multi inserted into, or finding queries that had long execution times, or pruned lots of rows (which might lead to the first point).. if you are want to save dollars you have to whach/care how you are spending them, and make trade-offs.
Part #1
Existence of multiple Warehouse will not incur any cost, cost will only come when it will be utilized as part of compute. However dropping unused objects will certainly ease the operational effort. Also if user exists and not being used it should fall under your security audit and it is always better to disable a user instead of dropping. Validate all downstream application ETL jobs/BI reports (If any) before dropping any users/roles
Cloud service cost is entirely different ball game , it follows 10% rule. One need to pay this amount when cloud service usage exceeds 10% of the warehouse usage on that day.
Part #2
Snowflake always suggest warehouse should be created based on your activity. Please do not create warehouse to segregate teams/user group. Create user and roles for that.
What we observed
During development keeping only one virtual Warehouse, until real requirement pops up (Project team wise segregation for cost sharing or budgeting or credit assessment) there is no need to have multiple warehouse created.
Even for Prod activity wise segregation is ideal, one for ETL load/BI reporting / Data analytics team
Palash Chatterjee

Best DB architecture to maintain/update counters in near real time

I am at the beginning of a project where we will need to manage a near real-time flow of messages containing some ids (e.g. sender's id, receiver's id, etc.). We expect a throughput of about 100 messages per second.
What we will need to do is to keep track of the number of times these ids appeared in a specific time frame (e.g. last hour or last day) and store these values somewhere.
We will use the values to perform some real time analysis (i.e. apply a predictive model) and update them when needed while parsing the messages.
Considering the high throughput and the need to be in real time what DB solution would be the better choice?
I was thinking about a key-value in memory DB that will persist data on disk periodically (like Redis).
Thanks in advance for the help.
The best choice depends on many factors we don’t know, like what tech stack is your team already using, how open are they to learning new things, how much operational burden are you willing to take on, etc.
That being said, I would build a counter on top of DynamoDB. Since DynamoDB is fully managed, you have no operational burden (no database server upgrades, etc.). It can handle very high throughput, and it has single-digit millisecond latency for writes and reads to a single row. AWS even has documentation describing how to use DynamoDB as a counter.
I’m not as familiar with other cloud platforms, but you can probably find something in Azure or GCP that offers similar functionality.

Central data management for custom desktop applications

I have a background in web programming where both the data and the code live on the server. Web hosts with mysql or the like are plentiful and cheap so using the application from multiple pcs was never a problem.
However I'm considering switching to building desktop applications but the only factor that annoys me is the syncing of data across the many pcs I use. I was thinking of perhaps setting up a light amazon ec2 instance with a postgresql on it and having my desktop applications use that.
I have a few questions:
I'm curious as to what latency I might expect by running the database on ec2 instead of the local network, any experience or insight is appreciated.
Are there better/more obvious/cheaper solutions?
I've looked at the pricing and it seems to come down to 24.48$ per month for a yearly contract. Whilst not really expensive, it is not exactly cheap either. At what point does it become more interesting to run a local server?
I'm obviously not using my applications for large parts of the day (sleep, work,...). I was wondering if I can have the amazon server go into a sort of "sleep" mode and wake up when poked. An initial delay for the first desktop application is acceptable. The reason behind this behavior would be to save money on the instance if it is only actually needed for 10% of the day.
I welcome any feedback at all on how this problem is best tackled.
This could get ugly. Every single query you do will have latency associated with it. If you have a lot of queries, this can add up very fast. So keep your query count low, and try to pre-fetch and cache data when possible.
Not enough information to answer that question.
Depends on the cost of your local server. Keep in mind that you will need to pay for electricity to keep it on.
You can stop your instance when you are not needing it, with the exception of high utilization reservations, you wont get billed when its in stopped state. With high utilization reservations you will still pay the full cost.

How to gear towards scalability for a start up e-commerce portal?

I want to scale an e-commerce portal based on LAMP. Recently we've seen huge traffic surge.
What would be steps (please mention in order) in scaling it:
Should I consider moving onto Amazon EC2 or similar? what could be potential problems in switching servers?
Do we need to redesign database? I read, Facebook switched to Cassandra from MySql. What kind of code changes are required if switched to Cassandra? Would Cassandra be better option than MySql?
Possibility of Hadoop, not even sure?
Any other things, which need to be thought of?
Found this post helpful. This blog has nice articles as well. What I want to know is list of steps I should consider in scaling this app.
First, I would suggest making sure every resource served by your server sets appropriate cache control headers. The goal is to make sure truly dynamic content gets served fresh every time and any stable or static content gets served from somebody else's cache as much as possible. Why deliver a product image to every AOL customer when you can deliver it to the first and let AOL deliver it to all the others?
If you currently run your webserver and dbms on the same box, you can look into moving the dbms onto a dedicated database server.
Once you have done the above, you need to start measuring the specifics. What resource will hit its capacity first?
For example, if the webserver is running at or near capacity while the database server sits mostly idle, it makes no sense to switch databases or to implement replication etc.
If the webserver sits mostly idle while the dbms chugs away constantly, it makes no sense to look into switching to a cluster of load-balanced webservers.
Take care of the simple things first.
If the dbms is the likely bottle-neck, make sure your database has the right indexes so that it gets fast access times during lookup and doesn't waste unnecessary time during updates. Make sure the dbms logs to a different physical medium from the tables themselves. Make sure the application isn't issuing any wasteful queries etc. Make sure you do not run any expensive analytical queries against your transactional database.
If the webserver is the likely bottle-neck, profile it to see where it spends most of its time and reduce the work by changing your application or implementing new caching strategies etc. Make sure you are not doing anything that will prevent you from moving from a single server to multiple servers with a load balancer.
If you have taken care of the above, you will be much better prepared for making the move to multiple webservers or database servers. You will be much better informed for deciding whether to scale your database with replication or to switch to a completely different data model etc.
1) First thing - measure how many requests per second can serve you most-visited pages. For well-written PHP sites on average hardware it must be in 200-400 requests per second range. If you are not there - you have to optimize the code by reducing number of database requests, caching rarely changed data in memcached/shared memory, using PHP accelerator. If you are at some 10-20 requests per second, you need to get rid of your bulky framework.
2) Second - if you are still on Apache2, you have to switch to lighthttpd or nginx+apache2. Personally, I like the second option.
3) Then you move all your static data to separate server or CDN. Make sure it is served with "expires" headers, at least 24 hours.
4) Only after all these things you might start thinking about going to EC2/Hadoop, build multiple servers and balancing the load (nginx would also help you there)
After steps 1-3 you should be able to serve some 10'000'000 hits per day easily.
If you need just 1.5-3 times more, I would go for single more powerfull server (8-16 cores, lots of RAM for caching & database).
With step 4 and multiple servers you are on your way to 0.1-1billion hits per day (but for significantly larger hardware & support expenses).
Find out where issues are happening (or are likely to happen if you don't have them now). Knowing what is your biggest resource usage is important when evaluating any solution. Stick to solutions that will give you the biggest improvement.
- higher than needed bandwidth use x user is something you want to address regardless of moving to ec2. It will cost you money either way, so its worth a shot at looking at things like this:
- don't invest into changing databases if that's a non issue. Find out first if that's really the problem, and even if you are having issues with the database it might be a code issue i.e. hitting the database lots of times per request.
- unless we are talking about v. big numbers, you shouldn't have high cpu usage issues, if you do find out where they are happening / optimization is worth it where specific code has a high impact in your overall resource usage.
- after making sure the above is reasonable, you might get big improvements with caching. In bandwith (making sure browsers/proxy can play their part on caching), local resources usage (avoiding re-processing/re-retrieving the same info all the time).
I'm not saying you should go all out with the above, just enough to make sure you won't get the same issues elsewhere in v. few months. Also enough to find out where are your biggest gains, and if you will get enough value from any scaling options. This will also allow you to come back and ask questions about specific problems, and how these scaling options relate to those.
You should prepare by choosing a flexible framework and be sure things are going to change along the way. In some situations it's difficult to predict your user's behavior.
If you have seen an explosion of traffic recently, analyze what are the slowest pages.
You can move to cloud, but EC2 is not the best performing one. Again, be sure there's no other optimization you can do.
Database might be redesigned, but I doubt all of it. Again, see the problem points.
Both Hadoop and Cassandra are pretty nifty, but they might be overkill.

How should I estimate hardware requirements for SQL Server 2005 database?

We're being asked to spec out production database hardware for an ASP.NET web application that hasn't been built yet.
The specs we need to determine are:
Database CPU
Database I/O
Database RAM
Here are the metrics I'm currently looking at:
Estimated number of future hits to
website - based on current IIS logs.
Estimated worst-case peak loads to
Estimated number of DB queries per
page, on average.
Number of servers in web farm that
will be hitting database.
Cache polling traffic from database
(using SqlCacheDependency).
Estimated data cache misses.
Estimated number of daily database transactions.
Maximum acceptable page render time.
Any other metrics we should be taking into account?
Also, once we have all those metrics in place, how do they translate into hardware requirements?
What I have been doing lately for server planning is using some free tools that HP provides, which are collectively referred to as the "server sizers". These are great tools because they figure out the optimal type of RAID to use, and the correct number of disk spindles to handle the load (very important when planning for a good DB server) and memory processor etc. I've provided the link below I hope this helps.
What I am missing is a measure for the needed / required / defined level of reliability.
While you could probably spec out a big honking machine to handle all the load, depending on your reliabiltiy requirements, you might rather want to invest in smaller, but multiple machines, and into safer disk subsystems (RAID 5).
In my opinion, estimating hardware for an application that hasn't been built and designed yet is more of a political issue than a scientific issue. By the time you finish the project, current hardware capability and their price, functional requirements, expected number of concurrent users, external systems and all other things will change and this change is beyond your control.
However this question comes up very often since you need to put numbers in a proposal or provide a report to your manager. If it is a proposal, what you are trying to accomplish is to come up with a spec that can support the proposed sofware system. The only trick is to propose a system that will not increase your cost for competiteveness while not puting yourself at the risk of a low performance system.
If you can characterize your current workload in terms of hits to pages, then you can then:
1) calculate the typical type of query that will be done for each page
2) using the above 2 pieces of information, estimate the workload on the database server
You also need to determine your performance requirements - what is the max and average response time you want for your website?
Given the workload, and performance requirements, you can then calculate capacity. The best way to make this estimate is to use some existing hardware, run a simulated database workload on a database on that hardware, and then extrapolate your hardware requirements based on your data from the first steps.
