Can't compile pgbouncer neither in linux nor in windows - c

I'm trying compile pgbouncer to use in a PostgreSQL server running in windows server 2008. However I simply can't compile the dll, and the same error appears in linux (ubuntu) and in windows:
checking for libevent... configure: error: not found: cannot proceed
I'm following this howto. I've compiled the libevent in windows using mingw and copied the dlls generated to System32, SysWOW64 and even in own pgbouncer directory. What am I doing wrong?

configure is checking whether it will be possible for the package build
to link libevent. For that it needs see that libevent development
dependencies are satisfied. It checks not only that libevent itself can be found
for linkage but that the header <event.h> (exactly like that) can be
found for compilation.
For configure to succeed you must make sure that:-
event.h from your libevent package will be found in the default or
configured include-search paths of the compiler.
The libevent binary will be found in the default or configured library-search
paths of the linker.
Near the top of the HowTo that you
have referred to you will see that configure accepts a parameter
--with-libevent=libevent-prefix that can make this easy. ./configure --help
--with-libevent=prefix Specify where libevent is installed
For your ubuntu system the short answer would be: install libevent-dev from
the package manager. In Ubuntu you could also install pgbouncer from
the package manager, but perhaps you want the latest version.

You need to install libevent-devel, that supplies 2 event.h files:
# find / -name event.h 2>/dev/null
To install run:
yum install libevent-devel.x86_64

If you want to compile pgBouncer for Windows, follow my instructions under or


Installing Kaldi on MacOS Catalina -- error with zlib

I am trying to work with the DiscVoice Library which requires the Kaldi Library. In order to install Kaldi, I needed to run extras/ to check the dependencies of the program, and I am currently getting:
extras/ zlib is not installed.
extras/ The following prerequisites are missing; install them first:
I have been trying to install the zlib library, and have been unsuccessful. I have tried brew install zlib, which runs successfully but when I run the extras/ the output is not changed to reflect that.
I am working on macOS Catalina.
zlib is already there in macOS. You don't need to install it.
You might want to examine extras/ to see how it is looking for zlib. macOS does not store its headers files or library files in the usual locations.

How to cross-build luajit-5.1 for an ARM Linux device? (Trying to build LÖVE framework)

I'm trying to cross-build LÖVE ( for an ARM Linux device (Rockchip RK3066) from Ubuntu 16.04.
As the documentation says, I installed all dependencies on Ubuntu and was able to build it (for Ubuntu, as a test). Now I'm going for the cross-build.
Before building, I have to run ./configure. So far I've been able to get the toolchain's gcc compiler to be accepted, but when it looks for the dependencies, I get this error:
checking for luajit5.1... no
checking for luajit51... no
checking for luajit... no
configure: error: Package requirements (luajit) were not met:
No package 'luajit' found
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables lua_CFLAGS
and lua_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
Could this be fixed by cross-building luajit for the device and add it to the toolchain binaries, or could I just try to make the ./configure script look for the luajit I installed in Ubuntu?
If it's the latter, would someone kindly point me on the right direction? I've opened like 20 pages already with a similar error message and none of them had a valid answer.
Thanks a lot in advance.

sql.h header file missing though unixODBC is installed

I am on an up-to-date Ubuntu 12.04 system. I have unixodbc (v2.2.14 from ubuntu repos), MySQL and its relevant drivers installed. Also connected to a valid DSN. Verified by issuing isql DBName UName passwd.
I am trying to compile a C application that interacts with the database using ODBC. Almost everywhere I searched seemed to indicate that I should have "sql.h" installed somewhere. A find / -iname sql.h -print showed I don't have it.
So my question is: where is it? Did something go wrong with the install (no errors were reported though)? And what steps do you recommend? Reinstallation? Compilation from source code (the latest version?)?
You need to install the unixodbc-dev package to get the development header files.
sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev
The -dev packages contain the require header files required to compile and build programs using these headers to make calls to the library. The library files themselves would be part of the regular package i.e. unixodbc in your case.
If you want to know which package provides a certain file, you could use apt-file:
sudo apt-file update
sudo apt-file find sql.h

Apache 2.4.1 undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method'

I was previously running apache 2.2.20 and openssl 1.0.0e. I installed openssl 1.0.1, then downloaded the tarball for apache 2.4.1 and installed apr 1.4.6 & apr-util 1.4.1 with --prefix=/usr/local. I configured apache2 with:
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-mods-shared=all
--enable-deflate --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-balancer --enable-proxy-http
--enable-rewrite --enable-cache --enable-mem-cache --enable-ssl --enable-headers
--with-mpm=worker --with-included-apr
But after running sudo make I get an error:
httpd-2.4.1/support/ab.c:2227: undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method'
What is causing this error and how do I correct it?
You may have built openssl with SSLv2 disabled, some distributions have that disabled (Debian, starting from 7.0 -Wheezy- is one). Looking at the source, it looks like if you define the OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 preprocessor flag, apache won't call the SSLv2_client_method() function.
You can also download openssl's tarbal and compile openssl with
./config shared no-ssl2
This will set the flag OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 that Jon Lin mentioned.
It has nothing to do with OpenSSL compilation. PHP is the culprit which is causing the error.
(Note: The is another issue with OpenSSL which might prevent u from generating and shared libraries)
Here is the overview of how it happened. PHP compiles its compilation and when "make install" is given it copies the libphp*.so to /usr/local/apache2/modules.
The source code for this error is openssl.c in /usr/local/php-5.5.3/ext/openssl
So the simple solution is to handle it in the top level Makefile. By adding
Make the above change AFTER you run the configure script. Hope this helps :)
Try with another Apache version. With Apache 2.2.15 the error was present but when i change to Apache 2.2.27 the "reference to `SSLv2_client_method" error simply disappeared
The compilation line is:
./configure --with-ssl --enable-ssl
That's all.

How to set up libusb on Mac OS X?

I'd like to try to make a user-space device driver using libusb on Mac, but I'm confused where to start. In the SDK installer (which I got from it said something about examples which I couldn't find anywhere on my computer.
Could anyone please describe how do I set up libusb for development on OS X? May I use Xcode? What should I include in my code?
brew install libusb-compat
Working on OSX Yosemite 10.10
Easiest way to do this:
brew install libusb
Homebrew is amazing and I recommend it for all developers that use Mac.
I tried to install the SDK from the aforementioned website and couldn't find a trace of it once the installer finished. Though I did find some libusb items at /usr/local/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/local/ I'm not sure it came from that installer as I couldn't find any examples, just libraries and they were labeled as libusb0.1.4.
On the other hand, since you asked your question with the macports tag, I'd suggest you use that to install libusb as it at least puts everything in a known location:
/opt/local/var/macports/software for install files
/opt/local/lib for libraries
/opt/local/include for header files
If you've never used macports then once you have macports installed then you can install libusb using
sudo port install libusb
to install libusb1.0 or
sudo port install libusb-legacy
to install libusb0.1.12.
Then you can create a project in Xcode and link to the libusb-*.a library contained in /opt/local/lib (in my directory my library file is called libusb-1.0.a since I have libusb1.0 installed).
I don't have much experience using Xcode so I can't help you any further down this path. Personally what I've done so far is use a Python wrapper called pyusb to do some quick experimentation with libusb as I don't have to do IDE setup or library/include file setup with Python.
UPDATE: Poking around the macports install directory for libusb, I didn't find any examples included which was a bummer. If you've gotten this far then I'd suggest going directly to the source for libusb, download and unpack the tar file, and building the code that's in the example directory. Sorry for the roundabout way of getting libusb examples but I've really come to appreciate the organization macports imposes on installations which saves me quite a bit of future pain (like when I want to uninstall).
once libusb is installed using following command:
brew install libusb
brew install libusb-compat
link libusb to the build system using
brew link libusb
to be able to configure any project depending on libusb, use pkg-config:
pkg-config --cflags libusb-1.0
pkg-config --libs libusb-1.0
before calling any ./configure
