Angular controller inherit variable without $scope - angularjs

I'm trying to follow John Papa's guidelines, in which he explains how using this combined with controllerAs is preferable to $scope.
The problem is that I can't find an easy way to get a variable (user) defined in ParentController (vm.user) and use it, even transform it in a ChildController.
Code for illustration :
app.controller('ParentController', function() {
var vm = this;
vm.user = {firstName:"John", lastName:"doe"};
app.controller('ChildController', function() {
var vm = this;
/* How can I access 'vm.user' defined in ParentController
without using $scope as John Papa's suggests ? */
<div ng-controller="ParentController as parent">
<div ng-controller="ChildController as child">
I could just put everything in one big controller but I want to keep my code clean and readable.

You shouldn't access data from one controller to another, it's not a good practice. In order to share data between controllers, you should use a service.
Here you have JSBin with an example.


List all declared $scope variables of angular

I have a simple angular snippet
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<input ng-model="name">
<h1>My name is {{name}}</h1>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = "John Doe";
$scope.age = "26";
$scope.height = "5.9";
$scope.gender = "M";
As you can see I have 4 variables declared in my myCtrl controller
$ = "John Doe";
$scope.age = "26";
$scope.height = "5.9";
$scope.gender = "M";
Is there a way to programmatically list of all the declared $scope variables of a specific angular controller?
Why am I trying to do this ?
Sometimes, when you’re deep in 1000 lines of code in an angular controller, it will be very helpful to know what are the available variables to use at that specific moment. First, the benefit would be, so we don’t re-declare something that already been declared, and second, so we don't override an existing variable unintentionally. For those 2 reasons alone, that's why I am trying to list all the available $scope variables, especially the one that I declared in on that specific page, or in a specific controller of Angular.
NOTE : I am NOT looking to list all JS scope variables, but only looking for those one that I declared in Angular
I know exactly what you need and I use this lib extensively to show me my objects like Chrome does.
Angular json formatter
And the beauty is that it updates instantly with Angular magic. So you know the current state of your object at all times!
Simply drop this directive in your html and assign $scope to it.

AngularJS : difference between $rootScope.Controller and Service

I am trying to understand Angularjs behaviors.
I am building a web-app, and I want the CurrentUser's info be shared among all the app components. To do that, I have created a CurrentUserController bound to $rootScope. This controller is used by a user directive utilized in the body html element, so that it is globally accessible and it's created just one time.
app.controller('CurrentUserController', function ($rootScope)
// initialization
$rootScope.userCtrl = self; //<- MAKE IT GLOBAL
var self = this;
// functions
this.isLogged = function()
{ return self.islogged; };
this.setLoggedIn = function(credentials)
{ self.islogged = true; };
this.setLoggedOut = function()
{ self.islogged = false; };
app.directive('currentUser', function() {
return {
and then my html page
<body current-user>
However I read that Services should be used to share data between controllers, since they are singleton.
So my question is:
is my approach wrong, or it is equivalent as I utilized services?
Moreover, right now I can utilize the directive ng-switch calling $rootScope.userCtrl functions, like this:
<div id="nav-right-side" class="navbar-right" ng-switch on="userCtrl.isLogged()">
<div ng-switch-when="false">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
If I utilize services, would I still be able to do that?
Thank you
The $rootScope is indeed shared across all the app and it is also best to store models into services.
Why bother with services ?
Because of the $digest cycle. Each time a watched value is modified, the digest is triggered. In angular, by default the digest is a loop that goes down all your scope from the $rootScope down to its leafs. On each element, it has to get if the value has been modified or not to update the view accordingly. This is pretty expensive, and it is the cause of why angular can be slow on big applications. Keeping the scope as light as possible is how you can build complex apps in angular. That's why storing things is always better in services, you do not pollute the scope with data you could put somewhere else.
That being said, auth is peculiar because you want to access the same data from the view and services. You can store it in the $rootScope as Asta puts it but I do not think that is consistant with best practices. This is opinionated
What can be done is creating a service that will hold you model and share it through a controller to have access to it from both the view and the other services/models.
function Session(){
self = this,
_name = '';
// functions
this.isLogged = function() {
return self.islogged;
this.setLoggedIn = function() {
self.islogged = true;
this.setLoggedOut = function() {
self.islogged = false; };
// GetUsername, setUsername ... Whatever you need
.service('Session', Session);
function rootController(Session){
// share the Session Service with the $scope
// this.session is like $scope.session when using the controllerAS syntax.
this.session = Session;
.controller('rootController', rootController);
I would suggest you take a look at these articles:
Techniques for Authentification in AngularJs Applications
Comprehensive 10 000 words tutorial in angular
Diving into controllerAs syntax
Your best to use a Service to share data as you mention. In your approach you've used a Controller in a way that its not really intended.
You can call your controller from your HTML by using ng-controller so something like the following should work. This would be useful for a Login view for example or a logout directive.
<div ng-controller="userCtrl">
<div id="nav-right-side" class="navbar-right" ng-switch on="isLogged()">
<div ng-switch-when="false">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
In order to have your session available globally for use elsewhere you can use a service which you can initialise from your app. The session data can be added to $rootScope which you can then reference from any view or controller.
angular.module('app').service('session', function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.sessionData.loggedIn = true
// extra logic etc..
Main App
angular.module('app').run(function(session) {});
Then to reference the variable from your view
<div id="nav-right-side" class="navbar-right" ng-switch on="sessionData.isLoggedIn">
Note: its good practice to use an object with scope variables to help avoid issues with inheritance.

AngularJs Inline Check if an array check

Inline in AngularJs is there a way to check if something is an array?
I would have thought this to work:
<div ng-show="Array.isArray(textStuff[0][1])">Hi</div>
I have verified it is in fact an array. Is there something I am missing or another way?
You can put angular.isArray on the scope...
$scope.isArray = angular.isArray;
<div ng-show="isArray(textStuff[0][1])">Hi</div>
You can create global filters to use in your JS or HTML to check against object types. This way you don't pollute your $rootScope or $scopes to use it everywhere, unlike the accepted answer... Angular also has some built in utility functions that can check object types:
.filter("isArray", function() {
return function(input) {
return angular.isArray(input);
<div ng-show="{{ textStuff[0][1]) | isArray }}">Hi</div>
You may also inject the $filter service into your Controller to access the custom filter by name and compute the filtered results when your controller instance is instantiated (and also when your data changes). This prevents performance issues due to the view expression getting computed rapidly.
.controller("MyController", MyController);
MyController.$inject = ["$filter", "$scope"];
function MyController($filter, $scope) {
this.testStuff = []; // your data
this.filteredResult = $filter("isArray")(this.testStuff[0][1]);
// or if you need to watch for data changes
var vm = this;
function() { return vm.testStuff },
function(newTestStuff) {
vm.filteredResult = $filter("isArray")(newTestStuff[0][1]);
<div ng-controller="MyController as my">
<div ng-show="my.filterResult">Hi</div>
I would separate logic from the view. Add state in scope and then check it
$scope.showHi = angular.isArray(textStuff[0][1]);
In view
<div ng-show="showHi">Hi</div>

Tabs directive not exposing an api in my scope

So I'm trying the Tabs directive and having some problems.
the structure is something like:
$routeProvider..when('/course/:id', {
controller: 'CourseCtrl',
templateUrl: '/app/views/course.html'
<div ng-controller="CourseTabsCtrl">
<div ng-include="'/view.html'"></div>
Problem is i can't access the api to enable or disable tabs, select a tab, in none of the controllers CourseTabsCtrl or CourseCtrl.
Is this because the directive is working on an isolated scope? and if so, is there a way to get around that? How can i fix it?
Looking at the source and the documentation, you should be able to pass in an expression to the <tab> directive, that dictates whether it is enabled or disabled.
app.controller('CourseTabsCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.expr = true;
<div ng-controller="CourseTabsCtrl">
<tab disabled="expr">
<div ng-include="'/view.html'"></div>
If however, this is not enough for you. You could 'hack' the tabset directive and use another controller than the one currently specified. Now, you would have to replicate the old behaviour of the default TabSetController, but you could add functionality on top of it to cater to your needs.
The best way (I've found) to do this is to decorate the directive itself.
Like so:
app.config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator('tabSetDirective', function ($delegate) {
// $delegate in a directive decorator returns an array. The first index is the directive itself.
var dir = $delegate[0];
dir.controller = 'CourseTabsController';
return $delegate;
You could build further on this and pass in the controller to the directive itself.
<tabset ctrl="someCustomCtrl"></tabset>
The config block would then look like this:
app.config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator('tabSetDirective', function ($delegate) {
// $delegate in a directive decorator returns an array. The first index is the directive itself.
var dir = $delegate[0];
dir.controller = function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller) {
return $controller($attrs.ctrl, {
$scope: $scope
return $delegate;
Note: If you go with the decorator way, you may have to do it in the config block for the angular-ui module. In that case, you will probably want to have a look here, to be able to configure third party modules without touching their core code.
A second gotcha to the passed-in controller way, is that you need to make use of $injector in order to get dependencies (apart from $scope, $element and $attrs) into the controller. This can either be done in the config block, or in the controller itself by adding $injector as a dependency, like so:
app.controller('CourseTabsController', function ($scope, $injector) {
var $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout');
// etc...
What the f* am I on about?
Given that I don't personally work with the AngularUI Bootstrap components, and the fact that there is no plunker/jsBin available I'm throwing out some tips n tricks on how to add custom behaviour to third party components, without polluting their core code.
To address the questions at the end of your post:
Is this because the directive is working on an isolated scope?
It very well might be, the idea of isolated scopes is to not pollute the outside world with their inner properties. As such, it's highly likely that the only live 'endpoint' connected to the <tab> directive API is the default AngularUI TabSetController.
... and if so, is there a way to get around that? How can i fix it?
You can either do what I've suggested and roll your own controller (bare in mind that you should duplicate the code from the TabSetController first), that way you should have full access to the endpoint of the <tab> directive. Or, work with the options that are available to the directive as of this writing and wait for some more functionality to be introduced.
I'll try to fire up a jsBin soon enough to further illustrate what I mean.
Edit: We can do the whole decorator dance and duplication of the old controller behaviour, without the need to pass in a new controller. This is how we would achieve that:
app.config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator('tabSetDirective', function ($delegate, $controller) {
// $delegate in a directive decorator returns an array. The first index is the directive itself.
var dir = $delegate[0];
var origController = dir.controller;
dir.controller = function ($scope) {
var ctrl = $controller(origController, { $scope: $scope });
$scope.someNewCustomFunction = function () {
console.log('I\'m a new function on the ' + origController);
return ctrl;
return $delegate;
Here's a jsBin illustrating the last example:

Dynamically add existing controller into another controller with AngularJS

in my app I have a wrapper controller that handles some properties dynamically based on other-controllers within it. everything works like a charm if the other-controllers are present/static on load, but as soon as I'm trying to make them dynamic, they stop working.
It was my understanding that the $rootScope is available from everywhere within the app, is that not true?
my JS looks like this:
var webApp = angular.module("webApp",[]);
webApp.controller("ControllerA", function($scope, $rootScope){
$rootScope.cnt = 0;
$rootScope.cntPlusPlus = function(){
$rootScope.controllerBs = [];
var template = $(".controller-b").html();
$scope.addControllerB = function(){
webApp.controller("ControllerB", function($scope, $rootScope){
$scope.cntPlusPlus = function(){
console.log("overwrite plus plus");
Full example:
I know that this would be probably better with directives, but is there any way to make it work with Controllers?
thanks for the help
Don't try to access the DOM from controller code. Never. It is very bad practice which breaks AngularJS conventions and eventually provides you with bad architecture. This also means you should not create any DOM elements manually from a controller.
Better to manipulate with the scope itself, not with its visual representation. You can add new models to scope on your button's click, which will be translated to new elements by ng-repeat directive, each with its own controller (remember controllers are instances, not singletons, so that they have separated life cycles).
You might want to make use of <script type="text/ng-template"> and ng-include here instead of hidden divs.
Try to avoid using $rootScope when possible - it is global state which can be dangerous.
It might look like this then (plunker):
<div class="controller-a" ng-controller="ControllerA">
Controller A
<button ng-click="cntPlusPlus()">cnt++</button> CNT: {{cnt}}
<button ng-click="addB()">Add B</button>
<div ng-repeat="B in Bs">
<div ng-include="'b-template'"></div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="b-template">
<div ng-controller="ControllerB">this is controller b: <button ng-click="cntPlusPlus()">cnt++</button></div>
var webApp = angular.module("webApp",[]);
webApp.controller("ControllerA", function($scope){
$scope.cnt = 0;
$scope.cntPlusPlus = function(){
$scope.Bs = [];
$scope.addB = function(){
webApp.controller("ControllerB", function($scope){
$scope.cntPlusPlus = function(){
console.log("overwrite plus plus");
$scope.$parent.$parent.$parent.cnt++; //should be moved to service
