How to find a loop invariant - loops

I know that the loop invariant is meant to prove the correctness of a problem but i can't quite understand how to come up with one, no matter how trivial the problem is. Here is an example, Can someone point out what are the step i should consider to come up with one. I know that all values that are changing in the loop must be involve in my invariant. Please guide me with this problem, i also have to find the post-condition. An explanation will worth more than an answer; please help.
{M > 0 and N >= 0 }
a = M;
b = N;
k = 1;
while (b > 0) {
if (b % 2 == 0) {
a = a * a;
b = b / 2
} else {
b = b – 1;
k = k * a;
{ ? ? }

The tricky part about loop invariants is that there is no algorithm (that I'm aware of) that will always guarantee the "correct" answer.
As a start, for the algorithm in your question, try tracing through the program and figure out the goal of the algorithm (Hint: exponents are fun). While tracing keep track of the variables a, b and k.
For example, use M = 2 and N = 1,2,3,.... After a few values of N you'll notice a relationship will start to develop between the variables a, b and k.
Once you figure out the loop invariant the post-condition should be simple to come up with.
Hope this will get the ball rolling for you!

Well, you're going at this a bit backward. As you said, the purpose of the loop invariant is to help you prove the correctness of the program. I guess you didn't write this program -- otherwise you'd know what it was for, and you would have come up with the loop invariant before you wrote the loop, because it's the key to understanding that the loop is correct.
So... what is the program for? How do you know it's correct? The loop invariant will be part of your answer to the second question.
It will sound something like this: At the start and end of every iteration, k=...b.... . After the loop, b==0, so ...., and the program is therefore correct.
I don't want to spell the answer out, because it's probably homework and you'll only learn it if you figure it out yourself.


Can a recursive function containing a for loop that contains a call of the mentioned function be implemented using only for loops?

Similar questions have been asked and the general consensus is that anything can be converted from recursion to for loops and vice versa. However, I can't find a way to convert a function of the following pseudocode type to a for loop:
def recursive(n):
if n == 0:
for i in range(some_number):
In this case, there is n nested loops and n varies depending on the given argument. When using only for loops, the number of nested loops seems to be always predetermined in the code, it doesn't vary depending on "input". Is there a way to make something like this using only for loops?
Is there a way to make something like this using only for loops?
Well, if you admit a while loop as a case of a pseudocode for loop, at least your example can be made:
def nonrecursive(n):
a = []
z = 0
while n:
while n:
i = z
if i == some_number: break
print((n, i))
a += [[n, i]]
n -= 1
z = 0
if not a: break
n, i = a.pop()
i += 1
z = i
We need to be careful here.
The general true statement is that loops can replace recursion and vice versa. This can be shown lots of ways; see the structured programming theorem for ideas.
Whether for loops can replace recursion depends upon your definitions. Can your for loops run forever, or for an indefinite amount of time not known in advance? If so, they are functionally equivalent to while loops, and they can replace recursion. If your for loops cannot be made to run forever or for an unknown (initially) number of iterations, recursion cannot always be replaced.
Really, it's while loops (plus a stack data structure) that can replace recursion without much trouble.

c loop function computing time complexity

I am learning to compute the time complexity of algorithms.
Simple loops and nested loops can be compute but how can I compute if there are assignments inside the loop.
For example :
void f(int n){
int count=0;
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){
i = (i-1)*i affects how many times the loop will run. How can I compute the time complexity of this function?
As i * (i-1) is even all the time ((i * (i-1)) % 2 == 0), if the else part will be true for one time in the loop, i++ makes the i odd number. As result, after the first odd i in the loop, always the condition goes inside the else part.
Therefore, as after the first iteration, i will be equal to 3 which is odd and goes inside the else part, i will be increased by i * (i-1) +‌ 1 in each iteration. Hence, if we denote the time complexity of the loop by T(n), we can write asymptotically: T(n) = T(\sqrt(n)) + 1. So, if n = 2^{2^k}, T(n) = k = log(log(n)).
There is no general rule to calculate the time complexity for such algorithms. You have to use your knowledge of mathematics to get the complexity.
For this particular algorithm, I would approach it like this.
Since initially i=2 and it is even, let's ignore that first iteration.
So I am only considering from i=3. From there I will always be odd.
Your expression i = (i-1)*i along with the i++ in the for loop finally evaluates to i = (i-1)*i+1
If you consider i=3 as 1st iteration and i(j) is the value of i in the jth iteration, then i(1)=3.
i(j) = [i(j-1)]^2 - i(j-1) + 1
The above equation is called a recurrence relation and there are standard mathematical ways to solve it and get the value of i as a function of j. Sometimes it is possible to get and sometimes it might be very difficult or impossible. Frankly, I don't know how to solve this one.
But generally, we don't get situations where you need to go that far. In practical situations, I would just assume that the complexity is logarithmic because the value of i is increasing exponentially.

How would you write the equivalent of this C++ loop in Rust

Rust's for loops are a bit different than those in C-style languages. I am trying to figure out if I can achieve the same result below in a similar fashion in Rust. Note the condition where the i^2 < n.
for (int i = 2; i * i < n; i++)
// code goes here ...
You can always do a literal translation to a while loop.
let mut i = 2;
while i * i < n {
// code goes here
i += 1;
You can also always write a for loop over an infinite range and break out on an arbitrary condition:
for i in 2.. {
if i * i >= n { break }
// code goes here
For this specific problem, you could also use take_while, but I don't know if that is actually more readable than breaking out of the for loop. It would make more sense as part of a longer chain of "combinators".
for i in (2..).take_while(|i| i * i < n) {
// code goes here
The take_while suggestion from zwol's answer is the most idiomatic, and therefore usually the best choice. All of the information about the loop is kept together in a single expression instead of getting mixed into the body of the loop.
However, the fastest implementation is to precompute the square root of n (actually a weird sort of rounded-down square root). This lets you avoid doing a comparison every iteration, since you know this is always the final value of i.
let m = (n as f64 - 0.5).sqrt() as _;
for i in 2 ..= m {
// code goes here
As a side note, I tried to benchmark these different loops. The take_while was the slowest. The version I just suggested always reported 0 ns/iter, and I'm not sure if that's just due to some code being optimised to the point of not running at all, or if it really is too fast to measure. For most uses, the difference shouldn't be important though.
Update: I have learned more Rust since I wrote this answer. This structure is still useful for some rare situations (like when the logic inside the loop needs to conditionally mutate the counter variable), but usually you'll want to use a Range Expression like zwol said.
I like this form, since it keeps the increment at the top of the loop instead of the bottom:
let mut i = 2 - 1; // You need to subtract 1 from the initial value.
loop {
i+=1; if i*i >= n { break }
// code goes here...

Why does my while loop not terminate in this functional language?

I'm trying to build a standard ML program using both imperative and functional concepts, and write the contents to a file. But my while loop doesn't seem to terminate and instead prints the same value continuously.
fun writeImage image filename =
let val ap = TextIO.openOut filename
val (w,h) = size image
val row = ref 0
val stringToWrite = "";
while !row < h do
row := !row + 1;
TextIO.closeOut ap
If I remove the first line after the while loop, the loop terminates. But if I include TextIO.output(ap,"A");, it doesn't. Why is this the case?
Let's write your program with correct indentation, and then it becomes clear where the mistake is:
while !row < h do
row := !row + 1;
TextIO.closeOut ap
You loop forever because the increment is outside of the body of the loop.
You intended to write this:
while !row < h do (
row := !row + 1
TextIO.closeOut ap
I have long made a study of how people come to make mistakes when programming. I am curious to know how you came to make this mistake. If you believed that ; binds stronger than while then why did you believe that the TextIO.closeOut ap was after the loop? Surely if your belief was that the ; binds the increment to the loop then the ; should bind it to the loop as well. Did you perhaps think that ML is a language like Python, where the looping constructs use the whitespace as a guide to the extent of the body?
What are your beliefs about ; in ML more generally? Do you think of ; as a statement terminator, as it is in C-like languages? Or do you think of it as an infix sequencing operation on side-effecting expressions?
What was your thought process here, and how could the tooling have made it easier for you to solve your problem without having to ask for help?

Appending to array within a loop

I am a SAS programmer learning R.
I have a matrix receivables read from a csv file.
I wish to read the value in the "transit" column, if the value of "id" column of a row is >= 1100000000.
I did this (loop 1):
x = vector()
for (i in 1:length(receivables[,"transit"])){
if(receivables[i,"id"] >= 1100000000){
append(x, receivables[i,"transit"]);
But, it does not work because after running the loop x is still empty.
However, I was able to accomplish my task with (loop 2):
for (i in 1:length(receivables[,"transit"])){
if(receivables[i,"id"] >= 1100000000){
x[k] = receivables[i,"transit"]
Or, with (loop 3):
x = vector()
for (i in 1:length(receivables[,"transit"])){
if(receivables[i,"id"] >= 1100000000){
x <- append(x, receivables[i,"transit"]);
Why didn't the append function work in the loop as it would in command line?
Actually, to teach me how to fish, what is the attitude/beatitude one must bear in mind when operating functions in a loop as opposed to operating them in command line.
Which is more efficient? Loop 2 or loop 3?
Ok, a few things.
append didn't work in your first attempt because you did not assign the result to anything. In general, R does not work "in place". It is more of a functional language, which means that changes must always be assigned to something. (There are exceptions, but trying to bend this rule too early will get you in trouble.)
A bigger point is that "growing" objects in R is a big no-no. You will quickly start to wonder why anyone could possible use R, because growing objects like this will quickly become very, very slow.
Instead, learn to use vectorized operations, like:
receivables[receivables[,"id"] >= 1100000000,"transit"]
