Images gallery in WPF with filters - wpf

Looking to present a batch of images (about 10,000) with multiple characteristics to filters. I wish some of the closest thing PivotViewer Silverlight.
I find no free or paid component that this kind of thing in WPF.
Unable to transform the Silverlight component WPF and I do not think to insert silverlight in a WPF application is a good thing.
Would you have a solution?
Thank you

You can try some of these:
If you use a VirtualizingStackPanel as the container, you can theoretically display immense amounts of data without running out of memory.


DynamicDataDisplay and other charting libraries for WPF apps

I am looking for a feature rich charting library, I've seen infragistics but it is not performant enough when there are many data points rendered, on the other hand I see DynamicDataDisplay is a pretty awesome library, but the project is not maintained anymore. Could you list other charting libraries that I should be aware of. I am looking from performance and customizability criteria.
You can try to download a trial version of LightningChart, the fastest and fully configurable Charting and Data visualization components for .Net. Examples are included in download package.
You also can read about benchmark and see for yourself.
I have plotted line charts with around a million data points using ChartDirector, and it can plot it well within 1 second. However, ChartDirector is a Windows Forms control, so it needs to be hosted in a WindowsFormsHost control when used in WPF. You can also just display the chart as an image in a WPF image control, but then you lose the user interaction features (track cursors, drag to zoom/scroll, ...).

Winforms widget to display a grid of constantly updated numbers?

I'd like to create a Winform app (Mono support would be a huge plus) to display a grid of rapidly updating numbers, while not running into redraw problems while scrolling.
From searching around I've found:
Telerik GridView
which seems to be exactly what I want. Is the Telerik path the way to go? Or is the capability available within the standard .NET tool set? If so, which widgets should I be looking at to implement such an application?
Thanks in advance for your help!
All the Grid components from vendors are going to have performance issues if you change the attached values very very quickly. So if you need high performance you really need to create your own. If you are concerned only about flicker and the update does not need to be amazing quick then you will be fine with Telerik or indeed any other vendors Grid component.
You could consider implementing Virtual Mode on the Telerik RadGridView to overcome any performance issues you might encounter.
The demo application included with the controls contains an example of a rapidly updating grid. Although its just a small demo, if you resize the window to be smaller the scrollbar will appear and you can scroll without any redraw issues. You can access the demo under GridView -> Performance -> High Refresh.
Unfortunately, the Telerik WinForms controls aren't compatible with mono.

Starting out Silverlight 4 design

I come from mainly a web development background (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, XHTML, CSS etc) but have been tasked with creating/designing a Silverlight application. The application is utilising Bing Maps control for Silverlight, this will be contained in a user control and will be the 'main' screen in the system.
There will be numerous other user controls on the form that will be used to choose/filter/sort/order the data on the map. I think of it like Visual Studio: the Bing Maps will be like the code editor window and the other controls will be like Solutions Explorer, Find Results etc. (although a lot less of them!)
I have read up and I'm comfortable with the data side (RIA-Services) of the application. I've (kinda) got my head around databinding and using a view model to present data and keep the code behind file lite.
What I do need some help on is UI design/navigation framework, specifically 2 aspects:
How do I best implement a fluid design so that the various user controls which filter the map data can be resized/pinned/unpinned (for example, like the Solution Explorer in VS)? I made a test using a Grid with a GridSplitter control, is this the best way? Would it be best to create a Grid/Gridsplitter with Navigation Frames inside the grid to load the content?
Since I have multiple user controls that basically use the same set of data, should I set the dataContext at the highest possible level (e.g. if using a grid with multiple frames, at the Grid level?).
Any help, tips, links etc. will be very much appreciated!
Microsoft has created a great community site for helping people get started with both design and Silverlight here:
It may be far more than what you need for your current project, but it definitely will give you the training you need to master Design with Silverlight.

WPF solution design of slideshow application

Been thinking about this for hours now. Im building a simple slideshow application, where the user creates slides through a web application and publishes them to a wpf "player". The user is allowed to create two types of slides one based on html and one based on xaml (thought this would be easy).
When i get the slide to the player i have to determine how to render/load the slide. The HTML slide i convert to xaml (code i found on msdn) as a flowdocument (but now what to do with it?). The Xaml i just get in "raw" xaml.
My plan is to convert both of these to xaml, then have the slide load the xaml in someway and display it, but how? And would this setup be the proper architecture? please bear in mind that this is a small player application.
Any help on either architecture or on how to display these are highly appreciated.
Look at the Slide.Show project from Vertigo. It a WPF project released under codeplex. It may give you ideas on the design.
Why not just display them in the web page? There are a huge number of slideshow applications for the web already.

Does WPF have an easy way to display a navigable series of images?

I'm making my first WPF application, and its purpose is to generate 6 images from some data. Ideally I'd like to display them in the window, with little "forward" and "back" buttons, and a text indicator for where we are in the image-stack. Kind of like a "mini Windows Photo Gallery."
I think the way to do this might be some kind of customization of the ListView styles, but there was also the possibility of using Frame with custom WPF pages or something? I dunno, it seems like there should be a canonical way of doing this.
My current best approach is to customize ListView following the guidelines of one of my WPF books. If someone's already done this, or if there's a better way, please let me know!
You may want to look at the Slide.Show project from Vertigo. They released the source code for it as a WPF demo application. The application is a nice image viewer that you can borrow concepts from. (Microsoft mandated Vertigo to create technology demos for WPF)
