SQL Server export temporary tables created in stored procedure - sql-server

I work with SQL Server 2012 and create a multi-user application. I work with a stored procedure which changes data matching the input. The stored procedure consists of different SQL statements and is quite complex.
I donĀ“t want the user to change data directly in my database, so I use temporary tables. I want to export the customized temporary tables to Excel.
Is that possible? I already figured out how to create XML data, but creating Excel sheets would be easier for me.


SQL Server stored procedure - designate database to use

I am tasked with creating a stored procedure from a script I wrote which will update tables with data.
Since I run this script against a dev database and a live database, we have always manually changed the USE DATABASE in the script before running.
I am looking for a way to use USE DATABASE within a stored procedure.
Is this possible without having to create two stored procedures of the same script for each database (dev versus live)?
Assuming you mean MS SQL Server. You cannot use USE ... within a stored procedure, but you can directly reference a different database with fully qualified object notation.
Do note though that if you need that database name to be variable then you will need to use dynamic SQL to set the dbname.

How to use pre-copy script in Azure Data Factory to remove null/special character rows?

I am moving data within folder from Azure Data Lake to a SQL Server using Azure Data Factory (ADF).
The folder contains hundreds of .csv files. However, one inconsistent problem with these csv's is that some (not all) have a final row that contains a special character, which when trying to load to a sql table with datatypes other than NVARCHAR(MAX) will fail. To get around this, I have to first use ADF to load the data into staging tables where all columns are set to NVARCHAR(MAX), then I insert those rows that do not contain a special character into tables that have the appropriate data type.
This is a weekly process, and is over a terabyte of data and it takes forever to move the data so I am looking into ways to import into my final tables rather than having a staging component.
I notice that there is a 'pre-copy script' field that can execute before the load to sql server. I want to add code that will allow me to parse out special characters OR null rows before loading to sql server.
I am unsure of how to approach this since the csv's would not be stored in a table, so SQL code wouldn't work. Any guidance on how I can utilize the pre-copy script to clean my data before loading it into sql server?
The pre-copy script is a script that you run against the database before copying new data in, not to modify the data you are ingesting.
I already answered this on another question, providing a possible solution using an intermediate table: Pre-copy script in data factory or on the fly data processing
Hope this helped!
You could consider stored procedure. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-azure-sql-database#invoking-stored-procedure-for-sql-sink

Run a SQL Server procedure from Excel

I'm using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise. I created a procedure in one database. The procedure is composed of several queries to different databases and the final combined result set is being displayed.
I try to execute it via Excel, so the results will appear automatically in Excel sheet, but I'm getting the error:
The query did not run, or the database table could not be opened. Check the database server or contact your DBA. Make sure the external database is available and hasn't been moved or recognized, then try the operation again
I created a simpler procedure that queries only one database, and the results displayed at the Excel sheet with no issues.
Hence I suspect that, the original procedure failed due to the fact that I'm querying several databases in the procedure, when in the connection details of the "External Data Properties", only one database is mentioned.
My question is - can it be solved? Can I use multiple databases in the procedure and see it in the Excel?
I transformed the procedure to have Table Variables instead of Temporary tables and I've added "set nocount on" to the beginning of the procedure.
The second action solved the issue.
The first action improved the response time of the procedure.
(Copying key parts of #Roni's answer)
create procedure dbo.xxx
set nocount on

getting SQL from one database to create a similar database using only SQL

I want to dump one SQL Server database - get all SQL code necessary to create a similar database. I have full online rights to DatabaseA, I can feed it with SQL and get the results back in rows in a table.
I do not have the possibility to use Enterprise Manager, any applications, utilities or the like. I can only feed it with pure SQL.
What I am after is SQL code, like CREATE TABLE and so on. So that I just can paste this into a query and voila - tables, procedures, functions are created in DatabaseB.
I will not copy the data.
This partly does what I want, it gives me procedures and functions:
Select object_Name(object_ID),definition from sys.SQL_Modules
But not for tables.
You can use the command line or you can create a stored procedure to create a back up, then use that backup to create a new database. I have used the command line often. Here is a previous Stack question that has a command line example and a link to a stored procedure example.
You can generate scripts in SQL Server Management Studio for an entire database or specific database objects.
To do this, right click the database then select Tasks then select Generate Scripts.
It will then open a wizard which will give you the option to choose to script the full database or just specific database objects.

Join two different types of databases together

I have two databases, one MSSQL and the other in Access.
Right now, inside the access file, the mssql tables are set up as linked tables so queries can be written using tables from both databases. (e.g. "select * db1.table1 where db1.table1.somevalue not in db2.table1", or select into tables like that one)
These queries need to be moved into a VB.NET project, but still be linked to the access file.
I think what I am needing is a Database object that can have tables from 2 different connections, (ie the SqlClient and OleDb connections)
Is this possible? If so, how? Or do I need to rewrite the queries using loops or something?
What I would do is query your access database to get some result set and that pass that result set as a parameter to a stored procedure in your MS SQL database. You would just have to transform your results from access into XML to be passed as a xml variable as a parameter. And then in your stored procedure you can convert the XML to be a table variable and you can use it just like a regular table.
THere is no reason you can't create an MS Access .mdb with Links to your MS Access Database and your SQL Server database
Access Db #1 Contains Access Tables and Data.
SQL Db Contains your MS SQL Tables.
Access Db #2 contains links to the tables in Access DB #1 as well as links to the tables in your SQL Server Db. This .mdb files ALSO contains your query defs required by your vb.net project.
I'm pretty sure you can just connect to the Access database. All the internal objects--including the links to SQL Server tables--should be accessible to your vb.net project.
