What's wrong with this "Guess my number" batch game? - batch-file

I wrote this game. it simply sets a random number between 1 and 16 and the user must guess it. when the guess was correct, it shows the attempt count to the user.
But when I run it and enter a number, it displays an error and the close immediately. I think the error says missing something.
#echo off
color 0A
set /a key = %random% / 2048
set /a attempts=0
title Guess My Number (0 to 16)
set /p in = Guess it.
set /a in = %in%
if %key% GTR %in% (
echo My Number is greater.
set /a attempts=%attempts%+1
goto again
if %key% LSS %in% (
echo My Number is less.
set /a attempts=%attempts%+1
goto again
if %key% == %in% (
echo right!
echo You Guessed it in %attempts% attempts.
goto end

As npocmaka wrote, the error is that you have spacec in your SET statements. Removing them results in the following code which works perfectly:
#echo off
color 0A
set /a key =%random% / 2048
set /a attempts=0
title Guess My Number (0 to 16)
set /p in=Guess it.
set /a in=%in%
if %key% GTR %in% (
echo My Number is greater.
set /a attempts=%attempts%+1
goto again
if %key% LSS %in% (
echo My Number is less.
set /a attempts=%attempts%+1
goto again
if %key%==%in% (
echo right!
echo You Guessed it in %attempts% attempts.
goto end
EDIT: And by the way, your code is nonsense. The answer is always 2. :D I guess you need something like set /a key=%random%%%16

Here's how I'd do your little game
#echo off
color 0A
title Guess My Number (0 to 16)
set /a key=%random%%%16
set attempts=0
set /p in=What is your guess? (0-16):
set /a attempts+=1
if %key% GTR %in% (
echo My Number is greater.
goto again
if %key% LSS %in% (
echo My Number is less.
goto again
if %key% == %in% (
echo You Guessed it in %attempts% attempts.
Your issue is already solved, with the extra spaces. But I used a different method to generate a random number up to 16, and I moved your attempts counter up to just below the set /p so it'll always be counting up one. In your current version, you have it set to only go up for incorrect guesses. I think it should count the final guess as well. Plus I shortened the attempts counter slightly for you, just a helpful tip for you in the future.
-Edit- I forgot to mention, you don't need this line at all set /a in=%in% as the variable %in% is already set with this line set /p in=Guess it. there's no need to set it twice.


Convert number to different number in batch file

This must be very basic but i can't seem to find a way to get this done
my batch script goes like this:
#echo off
echo Type In Desired Volume And Press Enter
echo 0 = 0 %%
echo 1 = 100 %%
echo 0.10 = 10 %%
echo 0.65 = 65 %%
set /p input=
echo %input% > "C:\SetVol\Source\Volume.txt
I want to make it more user friendly by letting the user input a number between 0 and 100 instead of, for example, 0.10 for 10% audio volume. But i still need to output the 0.10 to a textfile if the user enters 10.
Google appears to longer be my best friend and we cant seem to communicate on this.
If anybody could help me get starter that would be great.
A simple way is to convert the input number to the requested output format.
One step is to prefix the input with 0.
set /p input=[Enter volume in %%]:
set "output=0.%input%"
echo %input% > "C:\SetVol\Source\Volume.txt
But this would fails for one digit values like 2%, becomes 0.2 instead of 0.02.
This can be fixed with prefix each number with 00 and take the last three digits and add a dot between.
set /p input=[Enter volume in %%]:
set "temp=00%input%"
set "output=%temp:~-3,1%.%temp:~-2%"
echo %output% > "C:\SetVol\Source\Volume.txt
You can use choice in a loop to make a key based 'slider', and then modifiy the variable value to include a 0. prefix or be 1 using an if condition:
#Echo off
set "volume=50"
Echo( Current volume: %Volume%%% [I]ncrease [D]ecrease [C]ontinue
For /f "delims=" %%G in ('Choice /N /C:IDC')Do (
If "%%G"=="I" If not %Volume% GEQ 100 Set /A Volume+=1
If "%%G"=="D" If not %Volume% LEQ 0 Set /A Volume-=1
If not "%%G"=="C" Goto :Volume
IF %volume% Equ 100 ( Set "Volume=1" )Else If %volume% LSS 10 (
Set "Volume=0.0%Volume%"
) Else Set "Volume=0.%Volume%"
:#your script here
For NTFS systems, a variant that stores the last set volume in an alternate data stream and reasigns the last value on return:
#Echo off
set "volume=50"
For /f "Usebackq delims=" %%G in ("%~f0:Volume")Do Set "%%G"
Echo( Current volume: %Volume%%% [I]ncrease [D]ecrease [C]ontinue
For /f "delims=" %%G in ('Choice /N /C:IDC')Do (
If "%%G"=="I" If not %Volume% GEQ 100 Set /A Volume+=1
If "%%G"=="D" If not %Volume% LEQ 0 Set /A Volume-=1
If not "%%G"=="C" Goto :Volume
Set Volume >"%~f0:Volume"
IF %volume% Equ 100 ( Set "Volume=1" )Else If %volume% LSS 10 (
Set "Volume=0.0%Volume%"
) Else Set "Volume=0.%Volume%"
:#your script here
Note: by using this method of input, invalid input cannot be entered.
Figured out a way to use the choice input, if anyone has a more neat or different way to do this please let me know... 291 more lines to edit...
#echo off
echo Choose Audio Volume 0-100 %%
set /P c=
if /I "%c%" EQU "0" goto :0
if /I "%c%" EQU "1" goto :1
if /I "%c%" EQU "2" goto :2
goto :choice
echo 0 > C:\users\%username%\desktop\numbertest.txt
echo You chose %c% %%
echo 0.01 > C:\users\%username%\desktop\numbertest.txt
echo You chose %c% %%
echo 0.02 > C:\users\%username%\desktop\numbertest.txt
echo You chose %c% %%

Batch file says ( was unexpected at this time during if

So I am making a batch file that will generate a random number, keep it in a variable, and then you try to guess it. If you guess lower than the number, it will make your try counter go up by one, and tell you to guess higher, and vice versa. However, when I enter a number, it says ( was unexpected at this time. Can anyone help me?
Here is the code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /a x = 0
set /a x = %RANDOM:~-3%
goto 2
set /p v = Enter your guess:
if %v% lss %x% (
echo Greater than that!
set /a g = %g%+1
title %g% Guesses so far!
goto 2
) else if %v% gtr %x% (
echo Less than that!
set /a g = %g%+1
title %g% Guesses so far!
goto 2
) else if %v% equ %x% (
echo Correct! It was %x%! It also took you %g% guesses to find it!
set /a g = 0
title %g% Guesses so far!
goto 1
echo That's not a number!
goto 2
Batch is sensitive to spaces in a SET statement. SET FLAG = N sets a variable named "FLAGSpace" to a value of "SpaceN"
consequently, v is not set up and the if is interpreted as if lss 4 (
You will also have problems with setting a variable like g within a ode block (parenthesised sequence of lines). %g% will be evaluated at parse-time - it is not interpreted as the run-time value (ie. as code controlling the block is executed)
Pleas see many SO articles on delayed expansion my using the search facility on the top bar of the page.
Your problem is:
set /a x = 0
:: make it be:
set /a x=0
No Space.

Getting goto was unexpected at the time

I am currently making a game that has a persuasion system in it. I had all the code for one of the systems set up, but then I set up 2 more, and it started give me an error that said '(number) was not expected at this time'. when I put in 2 for the second choice, and 3 for the 3rd choice.
The code is like this.
#echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
set name=Quantum
color 0a
Echo King Redwood: So 2000?
pause >nul
call :colorText 09 "1. 2500"
call :colorText 0e "2. 3000"
call :colorText 0c "3. 4000"
echo 4. 2000
set /p "purs=Enter:"
if /i %purs% == 1 (
goto CheckB )
if /i %purs% == 2 (
goto CheckY )
if /i %purs% == 3 (
goto CheckR )
if /i %purs% == 4 (
goto Convo )
set bleu=%random:~-2,1%
if %bleu% GTR 10 (
goto CheckB )
if %bleu% LSS 0 (
goto CheckB )
set /a num = 3
set /a reward = 2500
goto Res
set Yel=%random:~-2,1%
if %Yel% GTR 10 (
goto CheckY )
if %Yel% LSS 0 (
goto CheckY )
set /a num = 5
set reward = 3000
goto Res
set red=%random:~-2,1%
if %red% GTR 10 (
goto CheckB )
if %red% LSS 0 (
goto CheckB )
set /a num = 7
set /a reward = 4000
goto Res
set /a reward = 2000
Echo %name%: I think that is a reasonable price.
Echo King Redwood: Very well.
Echo King Redwood: We will now take you to make sure you are
echo ready.
pause >nul
if %bleu% GEQ %num% goto Succeed
if NOT %bleu% GEQ %num% goto Fail
Echo %name%: I think that the struggles for such a long trip will be more then that
Echo %name%: How about %reward%?
Echo King Redwod: OK %reward% will work.
pause >nul
goto end
Echo %name%: I think that you can give me %reward%.
Echo %name%: You know, for the struggles that there will be along the way.
echo If 2000 isn't good enough for you, I'll just have someone else do it.
pause >nul
echo off
<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "%~2"
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1i
First, make sure to close the FOR loop by putting a ) before :CheckB.
For the 'was not expected at this time' error, you're sometimes comparing an empty variable to something. For example, by following CheckY, you set Yel, then proceed to Res and check Bleu, which is empty because it hasn't been set. You're putting nothing next to the binary GEQ operator, and that's why it's complaining.
Tip: to debug, try inserting ECHO statements like this:
echo bleu=%bleu%,num=%num%
Another problem: when using SET, do not surround the = by spaces. SET /a will work with spaces around =, just because of the nature of /a, but plain SET will not. Well, it will append your variable name with a space and prepend your value with a space, which is not what you want.
Another tip: you can constrain what RANDOM returns through SET /a and the modulus operator, like this.
SET /a red=%random% %% 11
This will set red to a number between 0 and 10, so there is no need for the substrings and goto routines you're using after picking your random number.
Also, consider using EXIT /b to exit the batch file and not the whole CMD environment.

CMD add every variable generated to a list

I know I can write an echo > C:/Folder/name.txt
But I have a generator to make 2 number for Cord and can't figure out a quick way to make a one line echo > with all the points
for shortness I'll simplify my code because the current code is not the issue
Echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set R=1
set Number=1
if %R% EQU 1 (set /p Max=How many Max Points? ) Else(
set /p PX%number%=What is PointX%number%?
set /p PY%number%=What is PointY%number%?
if %Number% GEQ %Max% (goto :fin) Else(
set /a Number=%Number%+1 & set R=2 & Goto :loop)
This Is what Im trying to Optimize
echo (%PX1%,%PY1%),(%PX2%,%PY2%),(%PX3%,%PY3%) ... Ect >C:Folder/File.txt
Is there any way to make all the generated numbers on 1 line
Credit to Squashman for the Answer - Thank you!
Correct Code:
Echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set R=1
set Number=1
set Line=Test
if %R% EQU 1 (set /p Max=How many Max Points? ) Else (
set /p PX%number%=What is PointX%number%?
set /p PY%number%=What is PointY%number%?
set line=%line%(!PX%number%!,!PY%number%!),
if %Number% GEQ %Max% (goto :fin) Else (
set /a Number=%Number%+1 & set R=2 & Goto :loop)
echo %Line:~0,-1% >C:Folder/File.txt
Credit to Squashman for the Answer - Thank you!
The logic is so much simpler if you get the max point count before the loop. And the FOR /L loop can auto increment your counter and eliminate the need for GOTO.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set /p "cnt=How many points? "
set "ln="
for /l %%N in (1 1 %cnt%) do (
set /p "PX%%N=What is PointX%%N? "
set /p "PY%%N=What is PointY%%N? "
set "ln=!ln!(!PX%%N!,!PY%%N!),"
echo !ln:~0,-1!

How to do math in batch-file

I have been having troubles with batch-codes that I would expect to work, but don't...
Below is what I have written...
#echo off
set /p "input=Input a number: "
set /a "number=%input%" 2>nul
REM check if input valid
if "%input%" NEQ "%number%" (
Echo Please Enter a valid number! &Echo.&Echo.
goto :loop
Set /a Even=number%%2
if %Even% EQU 0 (
Echo Substituting Even Number in: x / 2
Echo set /p"=(%number%) / 2 = "
set /a answer=number/2
) Else (
Echo Substituting Odd Number in: 3x - 1
<nul set /p"=3(%number%)-1 = "
set /a answer=number*3
set /a answer=answer-1
Echo %answer%
goto :loop
Echo Unexpected Error . . .
Whenever I input a number into the console, it does the math, like I want it to, but prints the number -1, and every time i input another number, the number goes to -2, -3, -4, so on.
Put a setlocal enableextensions at the beginning after the #echo off, e.g.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
Also, I think you would also need to use delayed variable expansion (usually denoted by !var!), which would change your script above to something like this:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p "input=Input a number: "
set /a number=!input! 2>nul
REM check if input valid
if "!input!" NEQ "!number!" (
Echo Please Enter a valid number!
goto :loop
REM Make sure that it is an integer put in (just in case)
set /a int=!number! %% 1
if "!input!" NEQ "!int!" (
Echo Please Enter a valid number!
goto :loop
Set /a Even=!number! %% 2
if !Even! EQU 0 (
Echo Substituting Even Number in: x / 2
set /a answer=!number! / 2
) Else (
Echo Substituting Odd Number in: 3x - 1
set /a answer=!number! * 3 - 1
Echo !answer!
goto :loop
I also would like to point out that I also fixed a few other bugs (set /p isn't of any use in this script at all, especially in where it is used, and also you need the modulus to find even/odd).
