Does AngularJs work without bootstrap - angularjs

I want to start using Angular, but i noticed all tutorials include bootstrap first lesson bootstrapping.. I'm not a big fan of grid systems and css frameworks so my question is can you use Angular without bootstrap or the bootstrap is required?

AngularJS has no dependencies on other libraries. It even includes a stripped-down version of jQuery, but it will use the full jQuery library if it's loaded before AngularJS.


Is Bootsrap5 compatible with React 18?

Is Bootstrap 5 compatible with React?
I've read that prior versions of Bootstrap (before version 5) effect the DOM, and therefore are not compatible with React. However, I heard that Bootstrap 5 is pure CSS. Does this mean that it is compatible with React?
I stand corrected. It does use vanilla JS, but jQuery is removed.
I'm reading
Vanilla JavaScript instead of jQuery Ever since Bootstrap was introduced, it utilized jQuery as a dependency to offer dynamic
features such as menu expansion, carousel, dropdowns etc. However,
this forced dependency on jQuery was not liked by many developers who
wanted to use Bootstrap with modern JavaScript frameworks such as
React and Vue.js. With Bootstrap 5, they have removed this dependency.
It KIND of sounds like they remove jQuery, and that it allows compatibility with React and Vue.js. But it doesn't actually says it's compatible.
I think you have try to use some component library from bootstrap. some updated library compatible with Bootstrap v5
i.e. reactstrap using Bootstrap v5.1.0

How to get Bootstrap Calendar Default look using Angular Bootstrap

How to get Bootstrap default datepicker look and feel using Angular UI Bootstrap
Angular UI Bootstrap calendar view : code here
What I want :
The Angular UI Bootstrap project has no CSS, rather we defer directly to Bootstrap's CSS. You can override Bootstrap's default themes or download one of the literally thousands of other BS themes out there.
You are trying to use the CSS of one project as a replacement for CSS in another. This usually requires quite a bit of manual work. As you can see here, the project you want to imulate uses its own CSS.

Any conflicts between UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap?

Are there any conflicts between Angular UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap?
I am trying to avoid using jQuery-UI with AngularJS if a more Angular-friendly UI package is available. I already started with Twitter Bootstrap, so I do not wish to unload Twitter Bootstrap.
No, there are no conflicts. Especially since ui-bootstrap is dependent on Twitter Bootstrap.
From the linked docs:
This repository contains a set of native AngularJS directives based on Bootstrap's markup and CSS. As a result no dependency on jQuery or Bootstrap's JavaScript is required. The only required dependencies are:
AngularJS (requires AngularJS 1.3.x, tested with 1.3.13). 0.12.0 is the last version of this library that supports AngularJS 1.2.x.
Bootstrap CSS (tested with version 3.1.1). This version of the library (0.13.0) works only with Bootstrap CSS in version 3.x. 0.8.0 is the last version of this library that supports Bootstrap CSS in version 2.3.x.
If you are going all in on Angular then stick with either AngularStrap or Angular UI Bootstrap, do not mix it with Twitter Bootstrap JS library. Both of the Angular projects mentioned utilize the Bootstrap CSS, but they completely replace the Bootstrap JS library, with pretty much all functionality included.
Apart from the unnecessary bloat to load both libraries, you'll end up with issues integrating the Bootstrap JS library with Angular for stuff like model binding.

Is there a way to have autocompletion for Backbone.js in Notepad++?

As the title says. I can't find a plugin or something that will help me code in backbone.
Disclaimer: I haven't used this package but it seems to fit your needs.
Bundled Frameworks.
Twitter bootstrap.
HTML 5 Modernizer

Angular UI Bootstrap: *Instead* of bootstrap3's js, or in *addition* to it?

The Github readme is not entirely clear on this point... Are they alternatives, or, meant to work together?
UI Bootstrap is a replacement for the bootstrap JS portion it is clearly stated but not on the main page.
Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Twitter's Bootstrap. Small
footprint (5kB gzipped!), no 3rd party JS dependencies (jQuery,
bootstrap JS) required!
Dean Sofer on the subject:
Think that explains it rather well... And give you insight into "Why" as well...
We have 2 projects: the AngularUI Bootstrap project which is recreating everything in pure AngularJS code, and removes the Bootstrap.js dependency. Then we have the new Angular-Strap which simply wraps the existing Bootstrap.js creating additional dependencies and imposing a fairly opinionated templating scheme.
And some links to the to mentioned projects for completeness:
Angular UI Bootstrap:
Angular Strap:
What side to agree with is up to you.
