Maven build on karaf - opendaylight - karaf

i am new to open daylight project.. i want to install open daylight controller and integrate my yang model with this .. so if i execute my POST query on controller it get responded.
i went through this tutorial
to start karaf - but while building maven in the git clone ... cd
integration/distributions/extra/karaf mvn clean install.. step my
build is struck.. It remains in '[DEBUG] Using connector
WagonRepositoryConnector with priority 0 for Downloading:'
and build get failed.
Please help me resolve this issue

I don't know if I have understood correctly your question, but you can clone opendaylight controller project repository from:
Just try with:
git clone
and once it be downloaded, you can try to compile it executing:
mvn clean install
I will add controller to .m2 repository.
Anyway, if you want to add any controller feature into your project, you can add it into your features.xml file, as follows:
That will add mdsal feature to your project.
And modify features/pom.xml with the next dependency:
I hope that my info helps you. Let me know if you need more info.


How should I include aws-appsync in AngularJS project

I am working on a AngularJS project that uses bower as package manager and gulp to inject the dependencies into the index.html file. I am not very familiar with both of these tools.
I now want to use AWS AppSync, but it is not available as a bower package.
Currently the AWS SDK is specified as a file dependency in bower.json as:
"aws-sdk": "./thirdparty/script/aws-sdk-2.69.0.min.js",
When I install aws-appsync with npm npm install aws-appsync the node_modules folder for aws-appsync contains multiple js files in the lib directory.
How can I include these with bower or is there another way to do this altogether?
I am currently unable to change much of the build and dependency management process so any suggestions working with the current tools would be much appreciated.
Thanks for reaching out!
The Bower team itself has recommended that people migrate to npm or yarn, and so aws-appsync has not been pushed to Bower.
It might be worth investigating whether you can install directly from github using something like...
bower install <github url>.git
... and install directly from the appsync-sdk github repo.
In the end I hacked together an interim solution until I can move the whole project over to npm and browserify.
I added the aws-appsync package using npm and required it in a new file. This file is then passed through a gulp task that uses the browserify plugin. The added file is then included into the rest of the build process as before.

Intellij IDEA unable to resolve appengine-maven-plugin dependency

I created a new google appengine java project using mvn archetype:generate, as specified in this page.
I executed mvn clean install and project got successfully built.
But, when I opened the project with Intellij IDEA, it indefinitely keeps on resolving dependencies. Only when I comment out the appengine-maven-plugin plugin dependency, IDEA completes the dependency resolution.
What could be the cause for IDEA being unable to resolve appengine-maven-plugin dependency?
Not sure what fixed the issue, but after following commands, it worked.
mvn dependency:resolve-plugins
mvn appengine:devserver

ngBoilerplate upgrade to angularJS 1.5.5

Recently, I would like to start a new project. So, I clone framework as a starting point.
I have follow the steps to start. And the angular version was installed as 1.2.29.
I would like to install 1.5.5.
I tried this commend:
$ bower install angular#1.5.5
But, it stop here...
I have tried commend
$ bower cache clean
But it shows the same result.
Any one can help me=[.
Thank you so much!!!

How to add grunt to my project?

I am new to grunt, I am not able to understand initial setup. What I have done all is installed node and grunt and this is no where related to my project. My question is
1. how to add grunt to my project. I am using angular project. Do I have to add grunt inside my project folder? if yes, Where should I add and how should I add?
2. Many of the document says to update gruntfile.js. When I search I
can see so many gruntfile.js inside grunt\node_modules folder. Which
gruntfile.js file I should modify?
Grunt doesn't actually go into your angular project. Only libraries that are meant to show up in your client's browser (i.e. to actually run the webapp) should be injected into Angular.
Think of grunt as a tool to help you manage the build system outside of your angular project.
You could run npm install grunt --save-dev and it would create a package.json file with information regarding your dependencies. has some great resources on learning Grunt and Angular, as does
Consider also looking into npm, gulp, webpack and other alternatives.
Step1 - Install node and npm
Step2 - npm install -g grunt-cli
Step3 - Create Gruntfile.js in your project root folder. Click here for sample file
Step4 - register a task
Step5 - Run Grunt

Why is the node_modules folder not committed to Git?

When I create an AngularJS project with
yo angular
it creates a node_modules/ directory but puts that directory in .gitignore. When I clone the project elsewhere and run
grunt server
I get
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
If you're seeing this message, either a Gruntfile wasn't found or
grunt hasn't been installed locally to your project. For more
information about installing and configuring grunt, please see the
Getting Started guide:
The getting started guide doesn't say anything about how to handle the missing node_modules/ directory however.
The node_modules/ directory is missing deliberately because yeoman put it in .gitignore.
What's the right way to use Yeoman and Grunt in this case?
Is there some better documentation for Yeoman and Grunt?
That is the correct behaviour. The contents of node_modules is not meant to be committed to source control. The idea behind npm is that it tracks all required node dependencies in a file called package.json. This file should be committed to source control. Then on a different machine, you can check out the code and run
npm install
This looks at the package.json file and downloads all required files from the cloud and puts them all into a new node_modules directory.
If you do enough searching on the topic you'll eventually run across the following article which states that if you're building an application that you should check-in your dependencies. Reliance on package.json can cause issues as module authors publish updates, a better solution is to use
npm shrinkwrap
which creates a file locking down your dependencies and your dependencies dependencies but even this can be brittle as it is possible for a module author to re-publish the same version with different code.
Since yo angular is creating an application IMHO node_modules should not be included in .gitignore, however as I just rudely discovered if you're on Windows there's a significant chance that you can't check-in the modules in that folder due to path lengths...sigh.
