How to add custom data to hystrix-metrics-event-stream? - hystrix

I would like to add some more JSON fields to the hystrix-metrics-event-stream for each HystrixCommand.
What is the proposed way to do it?
Thanks for any hint


Wagtail - how to put two fields in one row in admin form?

I would like to put two fields next to each other. I didn't find any instructions in the wagtail documentation so I think it's more tricky or not possible in the current wagtail solution. I suppose that the only way to achieve it is the override edit form the HTML file, right?
I would like to have something like this:
You probably need the FieldRowPanel. Reference:

Get data from odk Aggregate

I want to get form data using api's.
http://localhost:8080/ODKAggregate/view/submissionList?formId=abcd returns me a list of uuid's like:
Now I want to download each submission individually using downloadSubmission api described here
Can anybody tell what will be the exact format to call downloadSubmission?
Thanks in advance!
*Look this up prefixed with each question in your form's XML

List style article in drupal 7

I'm trying to create a content type that allows me to post multiple images from an external database in this sort of style:
In an ideal world this is what I would like my group of fields to look like in the article creation screen.
Any idea how I would achieve this using best practices? To post articles like this I'm currently using a piece of php code but it's confusing for my contributors, so would like to use fields. I've never made a module or custom field before.
Thank you!
I have done something similar using the Field Group module, you may give it a try.

Implementing copy-paste directive in my table using Angularjs directive

I am displaying some data in tabular format. I am trying to add the ability to copy contents of one cell and paste into another. i know I have to do something like
$scope.textToBeCopied = element.innerHTML;
and then let the cursor move to the relevant position and implement a similar paste function.
Those with knowhow of how to implement this feature kindly advice.
I have a plnkr here:
figured it out.
Those who wanna take a look or offer a better solution please see the here
Focus on the file copyOn.js
This is where I have defined the copy-paste directive

Is possible to change pagination url names in cakephp?

Is possible to change pagination url names in cakephp?
For example:
Thank you all. But I am beginner in cakephp and pleased to see an example.
I read the documentation. but there is nothing about things I want.
Maybe I can translate those parameters and give to the Paginator class. but how?
Yes. Use routing.
Just create a rewrite rule for it.
Pagination Works with named parameters, and there is not a simple way to rename them. You will need to modify the PaginatorComponent and PaginatorHelper to modify the parameters of the pagination.
