How to use Silverlight spy tool with Selenium WebDriver - silverlight

I have downloaded free version of silverlight spy tool to capture object defitions of silverlight controls. I want to use these definitions into my script which I am executing using selenium web driver.
Could anyone help me on how to capture object definitions so that these can be used in Selenium webdriver framework.

Selenium does not interact with Silverlight on its own. You will have to find a library, etc. that will allow you to interface with Silverlight and Selenium together. I found an old post that talks about one such library.
How can automation testing on Silverlight using Selenium be done?


How to automate desktop application using Selenium

What are the different ways to automate desktop applications using selenium?
We tried automating 360tc java application using Leanft
Some of the objects were not getting identified as expected
Hence decided to try with Selenium
Winium.Desktop.Driver.exe: you can download it from vl.6.0. This will act as a server and communicate internally via JSON wired protocol as selenium does.
From the top of the Selenium homepage:
Selenium automates browsers. That's it!
So, there aren’t any ways to use it to automate desktop applications (with the exception of the browsers it is designed to work with).

Is it possible to create your own WinDriver class for windows standalone application via implementing selenium WebDriver interface?

Please tell me the process if its possible to create a driver for windows application using selenium webdriver.
No two windows applications use the same tools to build their UI, nor will they use the same language for their UI, so I would say no, it is not possible to build a driver for "windows applications". It might be possible for one specific application, but most likely not, as UI hooks are generally not exposed anywhere outside the application source code, so selenium would have no way to find the elements.

why selenium web driver does not have a GUI?

I saw selenium IDE has a GUI. but why selenium web driver and selenium RC don't have a GUI. I am asking this question, because I am trying to develop a UI automation system by using selenium web driver with a GUI?
remember selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite so that have diferent tools for automate, in this case selenium web driver lets you automate web applications through the "webDriver", so that is not neccessary a UI for it. Here I attach you an image explaining all selenium test suite and its evolution
Selenium test suite

Selenium for WPF UI automation testing

Can I use Selenium to do WPF UI automation testing?
Support for WPF automation exists in WPF itself. Check out AutomationPeer. This article might help. This article is more detailed. All this is good if you want to automate interaction with the UI itself (the usefulness of which is debatable).
Another course of action is to unit test the business logic without touching the UI - if the application uses MVVM then the loose coupling between View and ViewModel should make unit testing a breeze. I get the impression that you're more into automating the UI though.
Yes, you can use Appium which is based on Selenium.
There is a pretty good introductory blog post by Scott Hanselman: WinAppDriver - Test any app with Appium's Selenium-like tests on Windows.
You'll need the WinAppDriver that "supports testing Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Classic Windows (Win32) apps on Windows 10 PCs".
Selenium can be used to automate only web applications. If your WPF is an windows application you can not automate it.
If you WPF application runs in a web browser using XBAP, still you will not be able to automate the application. So the answer is NO.

Where are the dlls -WebDriver.Common and WebDriver.Firefox in Selenium Web Driver?

I am running some tests on Selenium Web Driver. But looks like that I need some dlls like WebDriver.Common.dll, WebDriver.Firefox.dll.
I had downloaded the web driver api from this link
And when I unzip, could not find the dll that I mentioned in the subject.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 & creating a class library.
Please let me know if there is another link to download the mentioned dll or another way to get this working.
WebDriver.Common.dll, WebDriver.Firefox.dll, and all of the other browser-specific assemblies were combined into a single WebDriver.dll assembly for the final 2.0.0 (and later) releases. You should only have to create a reference to WebDriver.dll to be able to use all of the functionality of the Selenium WebDriver API.
Another helpful step to point out is adding the proper using statements for each driver type.
For Example:
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
