So I've been trying to write a batch file which will sync my local Google Drive folder with my flash drive when I run it. Since robocopy is a one-way process, I set up my code so it asks you whether you want to either sync TO Google Drive or FROM Google Drive. This is so that regardless of which of the two locations I make or edit something, I can always sync the newest version onto both locations.
Before anything happens, the code also verifies that it's plugged into my computer and not someone else's by checking its name.
This is what my code looks like right now:
#echo off
If "%computername%"=="JAKE-PC" (
color 02
set /P c=Sync TO or FROM Google Drive[T/F]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "T" goto :to
if /I "%c%" EQU "F" goto :from
goto :choice
echo Syncing to Google Drive...
robocopy ".\Google Drive\ " "C:\Users\Jake\Google Drive\ " * /mir /xo
goto :done
echo Syncing from Google Drive...
robocopy "C:\Users\Jake\Google Drive\ " ".\Google Drive\ " * /mir /xo
goto :done
echo Sync Complete.
If NOT "%computername%"=="JAKE-PC" (
color 04
echo Not Jake's PC!
It seems to work okay. If I make a change on the flash drive, I run the batch file and type T which will sync my changes to Google Drive. If I make a change on Google Drive, I type F which will sync changes from Google Drive.
There's only one flaw however, and that's if each location has new content to sync. If I create "a.txt" on my flash drive and "b.txt" on Google Drive, and then if I:
-sync TO Google Drive, a.txt is copied to Google Drive from my flash drive but b.txt is gone from both.
-sync FROM Google Drive, b.txt is copied to my flash drive from Google Drive but a.txt is gone from both.
So this causes the problem of files being lost forever if there's new content on both locations. Is there any way to fix this? I just need a two-way method of syncing both locations without the possibility of losing files/folders from one of them. Maybe even without robocopy.
As per ROBOCOPY /? (or ROBOCOPY.exe doc), /MIR option forces implicite /PURGE:
/MIR : MIRror a directory tree - equivalent to /PURGE plus all subfolders (/E)
/PURGE : Delete destination files/folders that no longer exist in source.
/XO : eXclude Older - if destination file exists and is the same date or newer
than the source - don’t bother to overwrite it.
/E : Copy Subfolders, including Empty Subfolders.
Use /E instead of /MIR option and perform copy in both ways unattended:
#echo off
If "%computername%"=="JAKE-PC" goto :sync
color 04
echo Not Jake's PC!
goto :done
color 02
echo Syncing to Google Drive...
robocopy ".\Google Drive\\" "C:\Users\Jake\Google Drive\\" * /E /XO
echo Syncing from Google Drive...
robocopy "C:\Users\Jake\Google Drive\\" ".\Google Drive\\" * /E /XO
echo Sync Complete.
Or something similar to next code snippet (keeping set /P user's interpelation):
#echo off
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
If "%computername%"=="JAKE-PC" goto :sync
color 04
echo Not Jake's PC!
goto :done
echo Syncing to Google Drive...
robocopy ".\Google Drive\\" "C:\Users\Jake\Google Drive\\" * /E /XO
goto :eof
echo Syncing from Google Drive...
robocopy "C:\Users\Jake\Google Drive\\" ".\Google Drive\\" * /E /XO
goto :eof
color 02
set /P c=Sync TO or FROM Google Drive or BOTH or NOTHING [T/F/B/N]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "T" ( call :to
goto :done
if /I "%c%" EQU "F" ( call :from
goto :done
if /I "%c%" EQU "B" (
call :to
call :from
goto :done
if /I not "%c%" EQU "N" goto :sync
echo No Sync
echo Sync Complete.
Note that if Command Extensions are disabled GOTO will no longer recognise the :EOF label (use exit /B instead of goto :EOF in the case). Although Command Extensions are enabled by default, we can't presume in it. That's why I use SETLOCAL EnableExtensions as a matter of general principle.
If Command Extensions are enabled GOTO changes as follows:
GOTO command now accepts a target label of :EOF which transfers
control to the end of the current batch script file. This is an easy
way to exit a batch script file without defining a label.
Type CALL /? for a description of extensions to the CALL command
that make this feature useful.
Also note that Using GOTO within parentheses - including FOR and IF commands - will break their context.
/XX switch to eXclude eXtra files and directories should do what you need as per this answer:
An "extra" file is present in destination but not source; excluding extras will prevent any deletions from the destination.
I am trying to write a batch file and use the robocopy command to backup a directory. However, I need multiple backups to be kept. Let's say I have a directory "A" in "C:\Source Path" and a backup location "C:\Backup Path".
I need the following to happen:
During the backup, If "C:\Backup Path\A Dir" already exists then the copy result should make "C:\Backup Path\A Dir2"; or a similar numbering system.
During the restore, the highest-numbered backup directory in "C:\Backup Path" should replace "C:\Original Path\A Dir"
My current script does not do any versioning and looks like below:
#echo off
set originalPath="C:\Original Path\A"
set backupPath="C:\Backup Path\A"
echo 1. Backup save files
echo 2. Restore save files
echo 3. Exit
set /p choice=Select an option:
if %choice% equ 1 goto :BACKUP
if %choice% equ 2 goto :RESTORE
if %choice% equ 3 goto :EOF
goto :L1
robocopy %originalPath% %backupPath% /E
goto :L1
robocopy %backupPath% %originalPath% /E
goto :L1
Is such an operation possible using robocopy alone?
I am trying to make a batch file that will back up the contents of a folder onto my flash drive and rename the previous folder on the flash drive. Here is the code.
#echo off
echo Are you sure you want to erase the previous backup file? (Y,N)
set /p ans=
if %ans%==Y goto Backup
goto Exit
rd "E:\Batch\BFiles Backup" /s
ren "E:\Batch\BFiles" "BFiles Backup"
mkdir E:\Batch\BFiles
xcopy C:\Users\Habib\Documents\BFiles /E /Y E:\Batch\BFiles
echo Files have successfully been copied!
When I run the batch file, it copies the files but doesn't rename the already existing folder because "Access is denied". I have tried running it in the administrator version of Cmd, but it still didn't work. My user is an administrator also, so i don't know why access has been denied.
First thing, remove your #ECHO OFF until you are done debugging your code..
Add PAUSE statements so you can stop and see what is going on..
Let's re-format your code a bit..
ECHO Are you sure you want to erase the previous backup file? (Y,N)
set /p ans=
if %ans%==Y goto Backup
goto Exit
IF EXIST "E:\Batch\BFiles Backup\." rd "E:\Batch\BFiles Backup" /s
IF NOT EXIST "E:\Batch\BFiles Backup\." ren "E:\Batch\BFiles" "BFiles Backup"
IF NOT EXIST "E:\Batch\BFiles\." mkdir E:\Batch\BFiles
xcopy C:\Users\Habib\Documents\BFiles /E /Y E:\Batch\BFiles
IF errorlevel 0 echo Files have successfully been copied!
Then, when things start looking correct, remove the PAUSE statements one by one...
Hope this helps!
My working batch file scans a long list of remote servers, copies anything there to a local server, checks the log file for a keyword, and if the keyword is found sends an email. I noticed it is always sending emails, even with a blank log file.
I discovered both FOR loops are using the %1 variable for their output - as seen in ECHO %1 and each line of the called :servermove. For lack of a better explanation it is not resetting %1 to null between loops.
I reviewed almost a dozen SO posts and am somewhat confident using SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION would resolve this. That is where my understanding ends and I am unsuccessful thus far.
Here is the relevant code:
SET DATE=%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%
SET HH=%time:~0,2%
SET MN=%time:~3,2%
SET TSTAMP=Time Run is %HH%%MN%
SET LOGFILE="\\nt980a3\CreditFileImagesTransmission\LogFiles\%DATETIME%-File Move Log.txt"
SET MailDst=
SET MailSrc=
SET MailSrcName=Center to LDSD File Mover
SET OKMailSub=A Branch Has Sent You Some Files
FOR /F "tokens=1" %%A IN (%~dp0SourceServers.txt) DO CALL :ServerMove %%A
PUSHD "\\nt980a3\CreditFileImagesTransmission\LogFiles" &&(
FORFILES /S /M *.txt /D -45 /C "CMD /C DEL /Q #path"
) & POPD
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%LOGFILE%) DO CALL :searchlog "%%A"
ECHO %1 | find "\\nt">NUL
GOTO exit
IF EXIST %temp%\to.txt DEL %temp%\to.txt
FOR %%a IN (%MailDst%) DO ECHO %%a>>%temp%\to.txt
"%~dp0sendmail.exe" /TO=%temp%\to.txt /FROM=%MailSrcName% ^<%MailSrc%^> /REF=%OKMailSub% /MESSAGE=%LOGFILE% /HOST=
DIR /S /B \\%1\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.* >> %LOGFILE%
XCOPY /E /C /I /Y "\\%1\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.*" "\\nt980a3\CreditFileImagesTransmission\%DATE%\%HH%%MN%\"
FOR /D %%P IN ("\\%1\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.*") DO RMDIR "%%P" /Q /S
DEL /Q /S "\\%1\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.*"
I tried changing :mailtest to use %%B in both instances but that also fails. Placing SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION and its counterpart ENDLOCAL before one or the other loop and changing the %%A to !A! does not work either.
Would someone kindly point out the error in my ways and offer suggestions or resources that will help me resolve this?
%1 is the first parameter provided to the procedure - either from the command-line (in the main procedure) or the parameter following the procedure name in call :procedurename parameter1.
In your case, %1 to :servermove is an entry from SourceServers.txt and %1 to :searchlog is each line from %LOGFILE%.
Since you've censored your batch, what you've posted makes little sense. For instance, the :searchlogs routine will take the first line from %LOGFILE% and go to successmail or cleanlogs depending on whether that first line contains the target string \\nt. What it does from there, we can't tell.
We're faced with an XY problem - trying to fix a solution, not a problem.
First problem: Don't use date as a user-variable. It's a "magic variable" which contains the date but it's overridden by a specific set statement.
Having run :servermove for each entry in SourceServers.txt, you are
- accumulating a directory list from \CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.* on that server.
- copying those files to server nt980a3 with a date/timestamp but not including the source-servername so any duplicate name anywhere will overwrite an earlier version. I suggest you include %1 into your destination-name.
- deleting subdirectories
- deleting files.
I'd suggest you simply remove the directory \\%1\CreditFileImagesTransmission\, then re-create it.
I'd also suggest that you add an extra line
goto :eof
after the del /q /s... line. This will cause execution to be transferred to the end-of-file (the colon in :eof is required) and may seem superfluous, but it ensures that the routine has a defined endpoint - if you add a further routine, there is no way the :servermove routine will continue into your new code.
After each server has been processed, you proceed to the :cleanuplogs routine, which I presume deletes logs older than 45 days.
Your next statement is a real problem. What it will do is grab the very first line of the logfile (which contains "%DATE% at %HH%%MN%" with the date resolved as you've set at the start and it then processes this line in :searchlog; there is no \\nt in this line, so errorlevel is set to 1, and the batch proceeds to :EXIT (not a good label in my view, since it's a keyword); executes an exitand should terminate the batch.
This appears not to be what it is actually doing, and I'm at a loss to explain why.
I'd suggest changing
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%LOGFILE%) DO CALL :searchlog "%%A"
ECHO %1 | find "\\nt">NUL
GOTO exit
find "\\nt" %LOGFILE%>NUL
echo "\\nt" was found in the log
GOTO exit
but I can't test that...
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%LOGFILE%) DO CALL :searchlog "%%A"
You are missing a GOTO :EOF or similar goto here because it will drop through to the routine below once the above is finished.
ECHO %1 | find "\\nt">NUL
GOTO exit
I feel you can not carry the %1 of first for loop to others. Try to transfer that to another variable like below.
set servername=%1
DIR /S /B \\%servername%\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.* >> %LOGFILE%
XCOPY /E /C /I /Y "\\%servername%\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.*" "\\nt980a3\CreditFileImagesTransmission\%DATE%\%HH%%MN%\"
FOR /D %%P IN ("\\%servername%\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.*") DO RMDIR "%%P" /Q /S
DEL /Q /S "\\%servername%\CreditFileImagesTransmission\*.*"
Cheers, G
How could i make a batch file that would track and keep internet history (from google chrome) and after i run CCleaner and cleared history through google chrome, the batch file would have already created a text file and have the history still on it? I need this to be a batch file that would create and update a text file about this.
Batch code begins here:
#echo off
echo Welcome to the history tracker!
echo Turn on? [1]-Yes [2]-No
set /P variable=Enter choice:
IF "%variable%"=="1" (GOTO start)
IF "%variable%"=="2" (GOTO end)
REM I don't know what else to do
#echo off
for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%i in ('ipconfig /displaydns^|find "Record Name"') do (find "%%i" /i history.txt >nul 2>&1|| echo %%i >>history.txt)
timeout /nobreak 5 >nul 2>&1
sort history.txt /o history.txt
goto top
this will give you a list of all the SITES visited. not the individual pages on the sites, but the sites.
I'm messing around with dos and batch files for the first time and I am trying to make a "program" to backup my Minecraft saves (lol). I want the program to rename the current save (in my MinecraftSaves folder) as "Backup#" before the next one is copied into the MinecraftSaves folder. Its simple enough to rename it, but I want it to save multiple folders, each incrementing a number at the end of the folder name (ie Backup1, Backup2, Backup3). Any help? I've looked all over but I couldn't find something exactly to fit my needs.
#Echo off
title Minecraft Backup
echo Do you want to backup you're Single Player World?
SET /P ANSWER=Do you want to continue (Y/N)?
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={n} (goto :no)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={no} (goto :no)
PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL
ren C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\MinecraftSaves\SinglePlayer Backup
xcopy C:\Users\Josh\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\MinecraftSaves /-y /e /h
Thats what I have so far. I want to change the following to rename the SinglePlayer folder as backup1, and the next time I run it have it rename the new SinglePlayer folder as backup2. I'm trying to explain this as best I can. Maybe theres a simpler way to do this. I just need it to make backups with numbers on the backup folders. Hope thats clear enough.
Excuse me. I think I did not really understood your question. However, the following Batch file take an existent folder named CurrentSave and rename it to Backup-# adding 1 to the last Backup-# existent folder. The dash in the folder name make things easier.
#echo off
for /D %%d in (Backup-*) do set lastfolder=%%d
for /F "tokens=2 delims=-" %%n in ("%lastfolder%") do set /A nextnumber=%%n+1
move CurrentSave Backup-%nextnumber%
If this is not what you want, give us more details so we may help you.
OK. The code I posted above works right, just a couple details are needed. Below is the code you must insert from :yes label on:
set lastfolder=Backup-0
for /D %%d in (C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\MinecraftSaves\Backup-*) do set lastfolder=%%~Nd
for /F "tokens=2 delims=-" %%n in ("%lastfolder%") do set /A nextnumber=%%n+1
ren C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\MinecraftSaves\SinglePlayer Backup-%nextnumber%
xcopy C:\Users\Josh\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\MinecraftSaves /-y /e /h
May I suggest you another modification?
SET /P ANSWER=Do you want to continue (Y/N)?
for %%a in (y yes) do if /i "%ANSWER%"=="%%a" goto yes
Please let me know if you solved your problem.