Angular 1.2.28 not working in IE9 with nginx server - angularjs

I faced with pretty interesting issue.
I'm developing an Angular application and it doesn't work in IE9. I figured out where is the problem.
An nginx server that serves the application in some cases sends different index.html files (using try_files directive) based on requested urls (using location if conditions) (also, note that different index.html has different Angular applications inside). So handling by url doesn't work for IE9 because IE9 doesn't support History API and it falls back for using hashes # and hash fragments are not sent to the server at all. How to fix this? Could you suggest a good way to serve different index.html for different url hash fragments in case of IE9?


How can I properly use HTML5 url with AngularJS?

I'm pretty new with AngularJS and server config stuff, and this is a problem I haven't found a satisfactory solution so far.
I would like to be able to use the HTML5 url on a website (without hashbangs), so that I could use addresses like "mydomain/contact" to navigate (I'll stick with the "contact" example for simplicity).
To do that, as I've found so far, one should do two things:
Enable HTML5 on the client side
Enable the HTML5 format on the app/app.js file (also adding the dependency)
It makes possible to click on links and get the proper url. Still, it doesn't allow someone to access directly the HTML5 url. To get to the "contact" page, I still can't directly access "mydomain/contact" (we get a 404) and I know it makes sense. To solve this, it is still necessary to implement something server-side.
Server-side config
Configure the server to respond with the right file, i.e., I should configure the server to make it respond the same way when I request "mydomain/#/contact" and "mydomain/contact".
The last item is where I'm stuck. I've found many answers like this: "you should configure your server" (they assume the reader already knows how to do this. I don't), but I can't find a complete example on how to do that or where to put any needed files.
I'm using AngularJS 1.6.x and npm 3.10.9 (npm start). My question is: is there any complete example on how to fully use HTML5 urls with AngularJS?
The only problem that exists is that angular can't handle requests it doesn't receive. You need some catch-all so that all routes (/contact etc) are passed to your main index-file.
When you say .htaccess I assume apache. Even so I'd still put nginx in front of apache since it's lightweight and easy to configure (at least compared to the apache behemoth). Sorry, I know that is a very opinionated answer. Anyway with nginx the entire config could look like this:
# usually this file goes in /etc/nginx/conf.d/anyfilename.conf
# but it might vary with os/distro.
server {
listen 80
root /var/www/myapp;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ index.html;
# And if you want to pass some route to apache:
location /apache {
proxy_pass; # Apache listening on port 81.
I'm sure the same can be achieved with apache alone, but I couldn't tell you how. But perhaps this can be of help: htaccess redirect for Angular routes
There are so many silly toolpacks and utilities I've wasted time learning in my life, but nginx is the one tool I'll never regret I picked up.

HTML snippets for AngularJS app that uses pushState?

I'm deciding whether it's safe to develop my client-facing app in AngularJS using pushState.
I've read that when using pushState in an AngularJS app, we don't need to worry about Googlebot because it can now execute enough JS to produce an HTML snippet for itself. But then I wonder about Bing, Facebook and other bots and scrapers. The tutorials I've seen for making AngularJS SEO-friendly all deal with apps that use hashbangs (#!). These don't apply to me since I'm not using hashbangs.
Does anyone have insight into this problem? What are some methods for ensuring an AngularJS app that uses pushState is SEO-friendly and Social-scraper-friendly? If you use a service like Seo4Ajax or I'd appreciate your thoughts on it.
Note: As I understand it, when developing single page apps in the last couple of years it has been necessary to send HTML snippets to SEO crawlers. This was accomplished by using hashbangs and a meta tag that let Google, Bing and Facebook know that it needed to replace the bang (!) with an _escaped_string when making a request. On the server you'd listed for requests with _escaped_string and deliver the appropriate HTML snippet using a tool to generate HTML snippets like phantomJS.
Now that we have pushState, I don't see how we indicate to javascript-less bots what part of the URL to rewrite with an _escaped_string or even if it's necessary. I'm having trouble finding any information beyond "you're site will be okay with google ;)".
Here are some other SO questions that are similar but have gone unanswered.
Angularjs vs SEO vs pushState
.htaccess for SEO bots crawling single page applications without hashbangs
Here's a solution I posted in that question and am considering for myself in case I want to send HTML snippets to bots. This would be a solution for a Symfony2 backend:
Use prerender or another service to generate static snippets of all your pages. Store them somewhere accessible by your router.
In your Symfony2 routing file, create a route that matches your SPA. I have a test SPA running at, so my route would look like this:
# Adding a trailing / to this route breaks it. Not sure why.
# This is also not formatting correctly in StackOverflow. This is yaml.
----path: /ng-test/{one}/{two}/{three}/{four}
--------_controller: DriverSideSiteBundle:NgTest:ngTestReroute
--------'one': null
--------'two': null
--------'three': null
--------'four': null
----methods: [GET]
In your Symfony2 controller, check user-agent to see if it's googlebot or bingbot. You should be able to do this with the code below, and then use this list to target the bots you're interested in (
if(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot"))
// what to do
If your controller finds a match to a bot, send it the HTML snippet. Otherwise, as in the case with my AngularJS app, just send the user to the index page and Angular will correctly do the rest.
Supposedly, Bing also supports pushState. For Facebook, make sure your website takes advantage of Open Graph META tags.

Removing the hashtag from AngularJS when working with SailsJS

I'm getting really frustrated with configuring the Routing on our app, which is using sailsJS and angularJS.
The problem is, that the browser doesn't know about angular, so any request like /login returns a 404 Error from sails. I need a solution, to keep the sails routes from the angular ones,
One solution would be to disable html5Mode, but i really don't like the look of URLs with the /#/ which is typical for angular.
I have researched a lot on this and haven't yet found a good answer or maybe a working project for this.
Is what I am trying to do even possible right now?
If you're using HTML5 mode with Angular, then you need to configure your web server (in this case SailsJS) to respond with your index.html file for requests to /login or any arbitrary routes.
If you navigate directly to http://localhost:3000/login in your web browser (assuming you're running Sails on localhost:3000), Sails needs to respond with your index.html so that your Angular app can bootstrap and then display the appropriate route. Then, subsequent links that the user clicks on in your app will be intercepted directly by the Angular router instead of Sails directly.
Angular has documentation about making HTML5 mode work correctly here.
Using this mode requires URL rewriting on server side, basically you have to rewrite all your links to entry point of your application (e.g. index.html). Requiring a <base> tag is also important for this case, as it allows Angular to differentiate between the part of the url that is the application base and the path that should be handeled by the application.

Recommended nginx setup for AngularJS as front end and Symfony2 as back end

I want to use Symfony2 as back end to create a REST API and use AngularJS as front end. The 2 are completely separated ie Symfony 2 will not render anything, it'll just send json data to AngularJS.
I'm not sure on how to configure my web server (nginx).
The Symfony documentation gives the configuration but it's intended for a site that only uses Symfony, and so everything outside of the /web/ folder is not accessible.
I can see several possibilities:
Create 2 different directories (eg /path/frontend and /path/backend) and a corresponding website for both. I would then have 2 different addresses to access the front end and the back end (eg and The problem I see is that I probably won't be able to directly use AJAX calls in AngularJS.
Create 2 different directories (eg /website/frontend and /website/backend) and only one website. I would then probably need to access the front end and back end with something like and I'm not sure how to configure the web server though (issue with root /website/backend/web).
Put the AngularJS directory inside the web folder of Symfony, but then I'd need to also change the configuration so that nginx doesn't only server app.php, app_dev.php and config.php.
Put the AngularJS directory in the src folder of Symfony, and have Symfony handle the routing. I don't know if it will mess with AngularJS' one routing. Also I will probably have a few other php that should be accessible, so I'd need to route them through Symfony also.
What would you suggest and why? Maybe I'm missing something obivous?
I guess you could accomplish your task using any of those methods. It would come down to how you want to structure you application and what it's objectives are. For large scale projects the first method (having the API separate from the AngularJS) would serve you well. Twitter really made that software model big.
So I would suggest going with method one. All you would have to do is specify an Nginx header in your server block that allows cross domain access to another domain. So you would specify the following directive in your site:
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin;
This way every time a page request comes in on your front end app Nginx tells the browser that it is safe to access another domain (your symfony setup).
These are 2 frameworks that both have powerful routing capabilities, and it looks like you are going for a best of both worlds. There are many pros and cons to any setup, so I'll list a few that come to mind:
Angular routing / templating is great but it will leave you with SEO and meta issues to solve . It's probably better to manage your major pages with symfony2 and any routing within each page with angular. This would allow you to still make dynamic pages w/out compromising your meta and SEO control. Access Control seems flexible but probably not necessary, I would just put all calls to REST API under and if I need another setup something like, nginx can route or proxypass this without leaving the domain.
Locating partials gets a little wonky but that's probably fine for a large application. Just note that you will probably need to search the js location object for [host] / [path] /web/bundles/someBundle/public/blah.... Or you can setup a '/partials' path in nginx.
Twig and Angular tpl may end up a confusing mix as they both use {{foo}}. This alone would make me reconsider mixing the 2, and I might look to go with a frontend server, like node with ejs where I could also benefit from the streaming transfer of the data sent from the API.
You can get around it easy enough with but it's still concerning:
angular.module('myApp', []).config(function($interpolateProvider){
You do get the benefit of angular partials as symfony twig, which can be good or bad depending on how you see the flexibility being used. I have seen guys making examples of forms that fill out values with symfony data, but they are just undermining the power of angulars binding.
Don't get me wrong, I actually do really like the idea of the two harmonizing.
Just food for thought - cheers

Getting Nginx with Backbone pushState and Slim Framework to work

First time using Backbone's pushState and not getting it 100% working, so help would be appreciated. My needs are:
Must work with deeply nested URLs both navigating to them from the default route and
With direct linking (or page refresh) to deeply nested URLs
Must be able to call my PHP backend API (using Slim Framework) properly with Backbone sync.
I was unable to get all 3 of these things working, although with Nginx rewrites I could achieve #1 and #2.
To achieve #1 I did the standard
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
redirecting to index.html which is documented well.
However this does not work with #2. If I go directly to a nested URL like I would get errors being unable to load my require.js files, which were being looked for at . Naturally this is not right.
I could make #2 work with some rewrite rules that remove the unwanted part of the URL (the /store/item123 part). Is this correct? And if so, is there a universal rewrite to make this work?
I could never get #3 to work fully. Whenever I was in a nested route (e.g. store/someitem123/subitem345), Backbone would append the intermediate parts of the URL to backend API call, which would give a 404 naturally. So instead of the needed (/php/api/args/) I would get (store/someitem123/php/api/args).
There must be a way to either override Backbone's sync function or use an Nginx rewrite to remove the intermediate parts that aren't needed (the store/someitem123 part in my example).
For reference I have to have this block in the Nginx configuration to make the backend calls work at all. But currently they will only work when in at routes that don't have deeply nested URLs.
location /php/ {
try_files $uri $uri/ /php/chs_rest.php?$args;
Looks to me like the crux of the issue is route URL rewriting. Based on the Slim documentation for nginx, your conf file is incorrect. See the nginx section here:
EDIT: Updated to address OP comment below.
In your specific situation, the best recommendation I can make is to split the Backbone.js application and the Slim application into separate apps.
The popular Backbone Wine Cellar tutorial's sample application is an excellent example of this. The Slim portion of the app is a few years old, but it would make an excellent reference for building a current app.
The benefits of splitting the app are numerous, perhaps the largest of which is the fact that each app will be much closer to standard Backbone and Slim applications. The resources at your disposal for learning and problem solving would expand greatly, as blog posts and documentation and SO questions would apply directly to your applications. Future maintenance and continued development will be much easier.
I'm confident that the effort to split the applications would have an extremely high return on investment.
