Raspberry Pi can't send data to PC through serial communication - c

I am trying to send/receive data over the serial connection (GPIO UART pins) between a Raspberry Pi 2(raspian wheezy) and an STM32F4 board. I am using the sample code in the link: http://www.raspberry-projects.com/pi/programming-in-c/uart-serial-port/using-the-uart.
It works when I connect the TX and RX pins on the board together. However, when I connect RPI to my laptop by module USB-TTL PL2303 and use hyper terminal to see the result, the received characters are garbage characters. I don't understand why. Is there anything I missed?
Could you give me some advice I could look for, please? Thank you!

Most likely you are using incorrect baud rate. It should be 115200 (115200-8-N-1) (you can use else but then you need to set both endpoints to the same baud). Check the baud rate of the serial connection using stty
stty -F /dev/ttyX
or setserial. In case of baud rate error you can try what authors say:
Try using a slower BAUD rate (or a single 0xFF byte which only has the
start bit low) and see if it works. We had a problem using 115k2 baud
rate where our microcontroller communicating with the RPi could hit
113636baud or 119047baud. 113636baud had the lowest error margin so
we used it and TX from the RPi being received by the microcontroller
worked fine. However when transmitting to the RPi nothing was ever
received. Changing the microcontroller to use 119047baud caused RX to


Raspberry Pi - UART - disable TX and enable RX in program C

I need connect my raspberry pi 4 model b with a servo via UART, but it is possible only via 1 wire. That means I must connect pin TX and RX together. In order to do so, I must have a way how to manually disable only TX or RX in my C program.
I am able to easily disable RX thanks to termios.h library, but I didn't find any way how to disable TX.
I was trying to disable it through this
tcflow(fd_myUART, TCOOFF); // it should suspend output
But that didn't work, so I thought that maybe if I change the pin of TX to INPUT, it will change the pin from UART to GPIO, but that didn't work either.
Do you have a way, how to do that, please?
First of all, just "randomly" connecting both wires is a bad idea.
Below image shows how to do it better for a prototype.
Slave devices are able to pull the IO line low during a read bit or a reset while the TX signal is high.
When used in this configuration, you should not disable RX nor TX. You can use "normal" UART operation.
More information can be found here (maxim integrated tutorial 214 "USING A UART TO IMPLEMENT A 1-WIRE BUS MASTER")
Since you will have a lot of connected slave, you should consider using a dedicated chip:
I use a DS2482S-100 over I2C.

RS485 communication not supported using FTDI cable

I'm trying to port a program, which communicates over RS485 half-duplex UART, to Raspberry Pi. Since Pi's built-in UARTs don't support the RS485 standard, I'm using the USB-RS485-WE-1800-BT FTDI cable.
When connected, I can confirm that the cable's FTDI chip shows up in dmesg, the ftdi_sio driver is loaded, and properly exposes the /dev/ttyUSB0 serial terminal to the rest of the system. However, when I attempt to enable RS485 mode from a simple C program:
struct serial_rs485 config = {
.delay_rts_before_send = 0,
.delay_rts_after_send = 0
if (ioctl(fd, TIOCSRS485, &config) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ioctl failed (%d): %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
... I get the following error:
ioctl failed (25): Inappropriate ioctl for device
Looking into a schematic, I realized that the FTDI cable internally uses 2 components:
the FT232R chip, which is controlled by the ftdi_sio driver over USB and produces conventional serial output, and
the ZT485EEN chip, which transforms conventional serial comms to RS485.
So, given that FT232R doesn't technically emit RS485, I understand why its driver complains when asked to enable RS485 mode. What it doesn't know, though, is that the second chip takes care of format conversion transparently.
Having researched this topic for a bit and read answers to a similar question, I'm now curious how to proceed. Should I change the request ID in my ioctl() call to something else than TIOCSRS485? Should I remove the ioctl() call entirely? And if I do that, how can RS485 flags and RTS delays be set? Finally, if this means that enabling RS485 mode is not required in this configuration, can the FTDI cable be bypassed entirely by using Raspberry Pi's built-in UARTs combined with a chip like ZT485EEN?
Should I change the request ID in my ioctl() call to something else than TIOCSRS485? Should I remove the ioctl() call entirely?
Removing the ioctl() would be the appropriate thing to do in this case, as the serial converter is handling it entirely for you. As far as you are concerned, it is just a serial port that you read and write to.
And if I do that, how can RS485 flags and RTS delays be set?
You can't set any flags or delay using the FTDI cable. However, since the data that comes out of the cable is already RS485, there's no need to set anything. As long as whatever it is you're talking to is half-duplex(it does not talk at the same time as you do), this isn't an issue, and you can use it just like an RS232 cable. This depends on your specific use-case though. I have never encountered the need to have an RTS delay.
Finally, if this means that enabling RS485 mode is not required in this configuration, can the FTDI cable be bypassed entirely by using Raspberry Pi's built-in UARTs combined with a chip like ZT485EEN?
Sure, you can do that. There are also many different models of RS485 transcievers that you could use; Electronics.SE would the the place to ask for more information on that. You may need to enable RS485 at that point with TIOCSRS485, but that's going to be driver-dependent. I don't know about the Pi, but at least on some Atmel chips that I have used before setting the RS485 mode sets a certain bit in the peripheral on the chip that automatically toggles the RTS pin to enable/disable the RS485 transciever; otherwise, Linux needs to toggle a GPIO in order to set the transciever into the correct state.
Specifically on the FTDI, there are GPIOs that can be set that will turn on/off at appropriate times. One of these is the TXDEN signal, which controls the transciever for you automatically. Others are used for the Tx/Rx LEDs.
There’s no “rs485” mode. Just forget about it and everything will be OK. RS485 is just an electrical standard, and the ZT485 does the electrical translation from logic levels to differential signaling and back. You could use that chip (or any equivalent) directly with the UART pins on the Raspberry PI: those are not RS232 nor RS485, just bare asynchronous logic level UART pins. Your assertion that Raspberry PI “doesn’t support” RS485 is meaningless: it doesn’t support RS232 either, and it’s not supposed to. Those electrical standards require level translation/interface chips, and the “other side” is always the same: logic level asynchronous serial streams and control lines. The only “pitfall” is choosing the proper logic levels (3.3V be 5V - I don’t offhand remember what does RPI support).

Oscilloscope reads correct data from UART but not the receiving microcontroller

I have a rather short question, which is the following...
I am sending data via UART from my RPi to my PSoC. Before connecting to the PSoC, I am reading the signal with my oscilloscope, which among other things shows a correct baud rate and the data is right too.
However, when I connect to the PSoC, it only receives garbage. What could be the reason for this? I am convinced it has something to do with the hardware, since I have a bidirectional voltage level-converter between the RPi and the PSoC.
My setup looks like this:

STM32 I2C set SDA to low

Is there any way to set the SDA and SCL pin of the I2C1 connection of the STM32 to low or high signal?
I use a security chip and I have to send a wake condition, with the following condition:
if SDA is held low for a period of greater than 60us, the device will exit low power mode and
after a delay of 1500us, it will be ready to receive I2C commands.
I've already tried to toggle the actual pin with HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_9);, but this isn't working.
I've configured my project with STM32CubeMX.
Thanks for your help.
In I2C, the START condition requires a High to Low transition, if you then send a dummy address 0, a NACK will be generated (or rather the lack of any response will be interpreted as a NACK). In a normal transaction, the software would respond to the NACK by generating a repeated START or a STOP condition, however this must be done in software, so all you have to do is nothing for 1.5ms. Thereafter you can generate the START with the device's actual address, and if the device is running it will generate an ACK.
I am not familiar with the HAL library driver, and frankly the documentation is abysmal, but it is possible that it does not give you the necessary control, and you will have to access the I2C peripheral at the register level for at least this procedure. You might try a zero-length I2C_MasterRequestWrite() call to address zero followed by a delay. An oscilloscope would be useful here to ensure the expected signal timing is being generated.
When you initialize I2C, GPIO pins mode is set to ALTERNATE MODE,so writing HAL commands won't work on it.
Using normal HAL libraries won't help you in this. You have to configure I2C protocol on your own using stm32 registers.
I recommend that the ownaddress of the slave address using the device of the using I2C channel sets like the below code.
I2C_InitStructure.I2C_OwnAddress1 = 0x30; // the unique slave address of the deviecs
because the master could be send the broadcast operation not the unique operation.


I'm working on reading flow rates from a sensrion lg16 flow rate sensor using a USB FTDI I2C dongle. I have all the wiring done and I am able to write to it and verify I am able to write to it correctly using an oscilloscope with an I2C analyzer. My problem is when i try to do a read from the sensor, even when reading to a register after writing to it i dont get missing Acks on the I2C bus.
here my code to read the register i want to see at the moment
//buffer[bytesToTransfer++]= 0x7f;
status = I2C_DeviceWrite(ftHandle, slaveAddress, bytesToTransfer, buffer, \
