Save not working using mssql - sql-server

I'm trying the following code but not working in mssql and not producing any error message in CakePHP, using version 2.6:
$product_id = $this->request->data['products']['product_id'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['id'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['retailerId'] = $this->request->data['products']['retailer_id'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['productCode'] = $product_id;
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['productType'] = $this->request->data['products']['product_type'];
//$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['mmGroupId'] = $this->request->data['products']['merchandise_id'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['name'] = $this->request->data['products']['product_name'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['description'] = $this->request->data['products']['product_desp'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['isLayawayable'] = $this->request->data['products']['product_layway'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['isTaxExemptible'] = $this->request->data['products']['product_tax'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['productURL'] = $this->request->data['products']['product_url'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['status'] = 2;
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['lastModified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['isDeleted'] = 0;
$pjson_arr = $this->request->data['pjosn'];
$this->request->data['ProductTbl']['propertiesJson'] = json_encode($pjson_arr);
$last_id = $this->ProductTbl->getLastInsertID();

why are u using second argument 'false' in save function ???
i thinks possible issue should be second argument. I am using cakePHP 2.7.5 and according to me your save query will be ::
$res = $this->ProductTbl->save($this->request->data);
// do whatever you wants
Or the second issue may be in following code :
$pjson_arr = $this->request->data['pjosn'];
in json_encode your data will be in joson format ( like : {"key1":value1,"key2":value2,"key3":value3,"key4":value4,"key5":value5} ) which will not be accepted by cakePHP insert query.


node_save() failing when creating node programatically

I am trying to create a node programatically like so,
$newNode = (object) NULL;
$newNode->type = 'job';
$newNode->title = $data['JobTitle'];
$newNode->uid = $user->uid;
$newNode->created = strtotime("now");
$newNode->changed = strtotime("now");
$newNode->status = 1;
$newNode->comment = 0;
$newNode->promote = 0;
$newNode->moderate = 0;
$newNode->sticky = 0;
$newNode->tid = 0;
$newNode->summary['und'][0]['value'] = $data['JobSummary'];
$newNode->body['und'][0]['value'] = $data['JobDescription'];
$newNode->field_employment_type['und'] = strtolower($data['JobType']);
$newNode->field_job_reference['und'][0]['value'] = $data['JobReference'];
$newNode->field_salary['und'][0]['value'] = "";
$newNode->field_salary_from['und'][0]['value'] = $data['SalaryFrom'];
$newNode->field_salary_to['und'][0]['value'] = $data['SalaryTo'];
$newNode->field_salary_override['und'][0]['value'] = $data['Salary'];
$newNode->field_application_email['und'][0]['value'] = $data['ApplicationEmail'];
$newNode->field_job_category['und'][2] = 2;
$newNode->field_job_category['und'][4] = 4;
// save node
Here I have potentially 4 taxonomies to pick from (their id indicated in brackets) Creative (2), Technical (3), Marketing (4), Client Services (6).
On node_save I am getting the following error,
500 Internal Server Error : An error occurred (23000):
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'tid'
cannot be null
How do I overcome this this I would have thought setting the field_job_category to the id of the taxonomy would be enough?
Delete $newNode->tid = 0; and prepare object :
$newNode = new stdClass();
$newNode->type = 'job';
$newNode->title = $data['JobTitle'];
$newNode->uid = $user->uid;
$newNode->created = strtotime("now");
$newNode->changed = strtotime("now");
$newNode->status = 1;
$newNode->comment = 0;
$newNode->promote = 0;
$newNode->moderate = 0;
$newNode->sticky = 0;
$newNode->summary['und'][0]['value'] = $data['JobSummary'];
$newNode->body['und'][0]['value'] = $data['JobDescription'];
$newNode->field_employment_type['und'] = strtolower($data['JobType']);
$newNode->field_job_reference['und'][0]['value'] = $data['JobReference'];
$newNode->field_salary['und'][0]['value'] = "";
$newNode->field_salary_from['und'][0]['value'] = $data['SalaryFrom'];
$newNode->field_salary_to['und'][0]['value'] = $data['SalaryTo'];
$newNode->field_salary_override['und'][0]['value'] = $data['Salary'];
$newNode->field_application_email['und'][0]['value'] = $data['ApplicationEmail'];
$newNode->field_job_category['und'][]['tid'] = 2; // right syntax
$newNode->field_job_category['und'][]['tid']= 4; // right syntax
// save node
If you want to have only one term id associated:
$newNode->field_category[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid'] = <actual term id>
If you have multiple term ids to associate:
Iterate over your array of term ids, and increment index. Something like:
$newNode->field_category[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['tid'] = <actual term id>
$newNode->field_category[LANGUAGE_NONE][1]['tid'] = <actual term id>
$newNode->field_category[LANGUAGE_NONE][2]['tid'] = <actual term id>
Note the index values above.
And, I usually set following attributes set for a new node:

Change an array to an integer percentage value

I have a function that gives me a value in the form of an array as an output when run but I need the output as an integer percentage for a results piece
def pred_datsci(file_path):
prev_precompute = learn.precompute
learn.precompute = False
trn_tfms, val_tfms = tfms_from_model(arch,sz)
test_img = open_image(file_path)
im = val_tfms(test_img)
pred = learn.predict_array(im[None])
class_index = (np.exp(pred))
class_index1 = np.argmax(np.exp(pred))
return data.classes[class_index1]
learn.precompute = prev_precompute
This is what the output looks like:
My question is how do I get these two values to display as :
Cat % = 15.81724%
Dog % = 84.18274%
You can use zip function as:
for z in zip(['Cat', 'Dog'], [15.3, 84.6]):
print('%s %% = %s%%'%(z[0], z[1]))

Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS error 'must be used only with select' when i'm doing it

I have the same problem when i try to make a custom sql. My Prestashop version
$sql_order_detail = 'SELECT `id_order_detail`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `unit_price_tax_incl` FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail WHERE `id_order` = ' . $id_order;
$order_details = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($this->sql_order_detail, $array = true, $use_cache = 0);
I test my sql through logs and phpMyAdmin:
SELECT `id_order_detail`, `product_id`, `product_quantity`, `unit_price_tax_incl` FROM ps_order_detail WHERE `id_order` = 24
The error is:
stderr: Db->executeS() must be used only with select, show, explain or describe queries,
Solved using:
$sql = new DbQuery();
$sql->where('id_order = ' . $id_order);
$order_details = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);

Biopython for Loop IndexError

I get "IndexError: list is out of range" when I input this code. Also, the retmax is set at 614 because that's the total number of results when I make the request. Is there a way to make the retmode equal to the number of results using a variable that changes depending on the search results?
#!/usr/bin/env python
from Bio import Entrez = ""
handle1 = Entrez.esearch(db = "nucleotide", term = "dengue full genome", retmax = 614)
record =
IdNums = [int(i) for i in record['IdList']]
while i >= 0 and i <= len(IdNums):
handle2 = Entrez.esearch(db = "nucleotide", id = IdNums[i], type = "gb", retmode = "text")
record =
i += 1
Rather than using a while loop, you can use a for loop...
from Bio import Entrez = 'youremailaddress'
handle1 = Entrez.esearch(db = 'nucleotide', term = 'dengue full genome', retmax = 614)
record =
IdNums = [int(i) for i in record['IdList']]
for i in IdNums:
handle2 = Entrez.esearch(db = 'nucleotide', term = 'dengue full genome', id = i, rettype = 'gb', retmode = 'text')
record =
I ran it on my computer and it seems to work. The for loop solved the out of bounds, and adding the term to handle2 solved the calling error.

String or binary data would be truncated when updating datatable

I am trying to update customer info. I use this code to load 5 fields:
Dim cust_da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [customers] where [custID]=" & txtCustPhone.Text, cust_cn)
txtCustPhone.Text = cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("custID")
txtCustFirstName.Text = cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("first")
txtCustLastName.Text = cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("last")
txtCustAddress.Text = cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("address")
txtCustZip.Text = cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("zip")
and this works fine. When I try to modify one of the fields (change zip code on an existing customer)
with this code:
If cust_datatable.Rows.Count <> 0 Then
cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("custID") = txtCustPhone.Text
cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("first") = txtCustFirstName.Text
cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("last") = txtCustLastName
cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("address") = txtCustAddress.Text
cust_datatable.Rows(0).Item("zip") = txtCustZip.Text
'cust_datatable.Rows(custrecord)("custID") = txtCustPhone.Text
'cust_datatable.Rows(custrecord)("first") = txtCustFirstName.Text
'cust_datatable.Rows(custrecord)("last") = txtCustLastName.Text
'cust_datatable.Rows(custrecord)("address") = txtCustAddress.Text
'cust_datatable.Rows(custrecord)("zip") = txtCustZip.Text
End If
I get the error: "String or binary data would be truncated"
I originally tried to update using the commented section, but it was only modifying the first record in the database.
Any thoughts?
