Bison's analysis Pascal grammar in C - c
I am writing program to analyse Pascal grammar. I want to check correctness of input Pascal file and show where errors are.
I have a problem with finding more than one error, after finding an error parser ends.
Also parser doesnt't show in which line error is only display " Syntax error at or before [declaration], line" but i want to this line where is an error.
I used :
* pascal.l
* lex input file for pascal scanner
* extensions: to ways to spell "external" and "->" ok for "^".
#include <stdio.h>
#include ""
int line_no = 1;
A [aA]
B [bB]
C [cC]
D [dD]
E [eE]
F [fF]
G [gG]
H [hH]
I [iI]
J [jJ]
K [kK]
L [lL]
M [mM]
N [nN]
O [oO]
P [pP]
Q [qQ]
R [rR]
S [sS]
T [tT]
U [uU]
V [vV]
W [wW]
X [xX]
Y [yY]
Z [zZ]
{A}{N}{D} return(AND);
{A}{R}{R}{A}{Y} return(ARRAY);
{C}{A}{S}{E} return(CASE);
{C}{O}{N}{S}{T} return(CONST);
{D}{I}{V} return(DIV);
{D}{O} return(DO);
{D}{O}{W}{N}{T}{O} return(DOWNTO);
{E}{L}{S}{E} return(ELSE);
{E}{N}{D} return(END);
{E}{X}{T}{E}{R}{N} |
{E}{X}{T}{E}{R}{N}{A}{L} return(EXTERNAL);
{F}{O}{R} return(FOR);
{F}{O}{R}{W}{A}{R}{D} return(FORWARD);
{F}{U}{N}{C}{T}{I}{O}{N} return(FUNCTION);
{G}{O}{T}{O} return(GOTO);
{I}{F} return(IF);
{I}{N} return(IN);
{L}{A}{B}{E}{L} return(LABEL);
{M}{O}{D} return(MOD);
{N}{I}{L} return(NIL);
{N}{O}{T} return(NOT);
{O}{F} return(OF);
{O}{R} return(OR);
{O}{T}{H}{E}{R}{W}{I}{S}{E} return(OTHERWISE);
{P}{A}{C}{K}{E}{D} return(PACKED);
{B}{E}{G}{I}{N} return(PBEGIN);
{F}{I}{L}{E} return(PFILE);
{P}{R}{O}{C}{E}{D}{U}{R}{E} return(PROCEDURE);
{P}{R}{O}{G}{R}{A}{M} return(PROGRAM);
{R}{E}{C}{O}{R}{D} return(RECORD);
{R}{E}{P}{E}{A}{T} return(REPEAT);
{S}{E}{T} return(SET);
{T}{H}{E}{N} return(THEN);
{T}{O} return(TO);
{T}{Y}{P}{E} return(TYPE);
{U}{N}{T}{I}{L} return(UNTIL);
{V}{A}{R} return(VAR);
{W}{H}{I}{L}{E} return(WHILE);
{W}{I}{T}{H} return(WITH);
[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9\-])* return(IDENTIFIER);
":=" return(ASSIGNMENT);
'({NQUOTE}|'')+' return(CHARACTER_STRING);
":" return(COLON);
"," return(COMMA);
[0-9]+ return(DIGSEQ);
"." return(DOT);
".." return(DOTDOT);
"=" return(EQUAL);
">=" return(GE);
">" return(GT);
"[" return(LBRAC);
"<=" return(LE);
"(" return(LPAREN);
"<" return(LT);
"-" return(MINUS);
"<>" return(NOTEQUAL);
"+" return(PLUS);
"]" return(RBRAC);
[0-9]+"."[0-9]+ return(REALNUMBER);
")" return(RPAREN);
";" return(SEMICOLON);
"/" return(SLASH);
"*" return(STAR);
"**" return(STARSTAR);
"->" |
"^" return(UPARROW);
"(*" |
"{" { register int c;
while ((c = input()))
if (c == '}')
else if (c == '*')
if ((c = input()) == ')')
unput (c);
else if (c == '\n')
else if (c == 0)
[\t\f " "] ;
\n line_no++;
. { fprintf (stderr,
"'%c' (0%o): illegal character at line %d\n",
yytext[0], yytext[0], line_no);
fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected EOF inside comment at line %d\n", line_no);
exit (1);
yywrap ()
return (1);
* pascal.y
* Pascal grammar in Yacc format, based originally on BNF given
* in "Standard Pascal -- User Reference Manual", by Doug Cooper.
* This in turn is the BNF given by the ANSI and ISO Pascal standards,
* and so, is PUBLIC DOMAIN. The grammar is for ISO Level 0 Pascal.
* The grammar has been massaged somewhat to make it LALR, and added
* the following extensions.
* constant expressions
* otherwise statement in a case
* productions to correctly match else's with if's
* beginnings of a separate compilation facility
file : program
| module
program : program_heading semicolon block DOT
program_heading : PROGRAM identifier
| PROGRAM identifier LPAREN identifier_list RPAREN
identifier_list : identifier_list COMMA identifier
| identifier
block : label_declaration_part
module : constant_definition_part
label_declaration_part : LABEL label_list semicolon
label_list : label_list comma label
| label
label : DIGSEQ
constant_definition_part : CONST constant_list
constant_list : constant_list constant_definition
| constant_definition
constant_definition : identifier EQUAL cexpression semicolon
/*constant : cexpression ; /* good stuff! */
cexpression : csimple_expression
| csimple_expression relop csimple_expression
csimple_expression : cterm
| csimple_expression addop cterm
cterm : cfactor
| cterm mulop cfactor
cfactor : sign cfactor
| cexponentiation
cexponentiation : cprimary
| cprimary STARSTAR cexponentiation
cprimary : identifier
| LPAREN cexpression RPAREN
| unsigned_constant
| NOT cprimary
constant : non_string
| sign non_string
sign : PLUS
non_string : DIGSEQ
| identifier
type_definition_part : TYPE type_definition_list
type_definition_list : type_definition_list type_definition
| type_definition
type_definition : identifier EQUAL type_denoter semicolon
type_denoter : identifier
| new_type
new_type : new_ordinal_type
| new_structured_type
| new_pointer_type
new_ordinal_type : enumerated_type
| subrange_type
enumerated_type : LPAREN identifier_list RPAREN
subrange_type : constant DOTDOT constant
new_structured_type : structured_type
| PACKED structured_type
structured_type : array_type
| record_type
| set_type
| file_type
array_type : ARRAY LBRAC index_list RBRAC OF component_type
index_list : index_list comma index_type
| index_type
index_type : ordinal_type ;
ordinal_type : new_ordinal_type
| identifier
component_type : type_denoter ;
record_type : RECORD record_section_list END
| RECORD record_section_list semicolon variant_part END
| RECORD variant_part END
record_section_list : record_section_list semicolon record_section
| record_section
record_section : identifier_list COLON type_denoter
variant_part : CASE variant_selector OF variant_list semicolon
| CASE variant_selector OF variant_list
variant_selector : tag_field COLON tag_type
| tag_type
variant_list : variant_list semicolon variant
| variant
variant : case_constant_list COLON LPAREN record_section_list RPAREN
| case_constant_list COLON LPAREN record_section_list semicolon
variant_part RPAREN
| case_constant_list COLON LPAREN variant_part RPAREN
case_constant_list : case_constant_list comma case_constant
| case_constant
case_constant : constant
| constant DOTDOT constant
tag_field : identifier ;
tag_type : identifier ;
set_type : SET OF base_type
base_type : ordinal_type ;
file_type : PFILE OF component_type
new_pointer_type : UPARROW domain_type
domain_type : identifier ;
variable_declaration_part : VAR variable_declaration_list semicolon
variable_declaration_list :
variable_declaration_list semicolon variable_declaration
| variable_declaration
variable_declaration : identifier_list COLON type_denoter
procedure_and_function_declaration_part :
proc_or_func_declaration_list semicolon
proc_or_func_declaration_list :
proc_or_func_declaration_list semicolon proc_or_func_declaration
| proc_or_func_declaration
proc_or_func_declaration : procedure_declaration
| function_declaration
procedure_declaration : procedure_heading semicolon directive
| procedure_heading semicolon procedure_block
procedure_heading : procedure_identification
| procedure_identification formal_parameter_list
directive : FORWARD
formal_parameter_list : LPAREN formal_parameter_section_list RPAREN ;
formal_parameter_section_list :
formal_parameter_section_list semicolon formal_parameter_section
| formal_parameter_section
formal_parameter_section : value_parameter_specification
| variable_parameter_specification
| procedural_parameter_specification
| functional_parameter_specification
value_parameter_specification : identifier_list COLON identifier
variable_parameter_specification : VAR identifier_list COLON identifier
procedural_parameter_specification : procedure_heading ;
functional_parameter_specification : function_heading ;
procedure_identification : PROCEDURE identifier ;
procedure_block : block ;
function_declaration : function_heading semicolon directive
| function_identification semicolon function_block
| function_heading semicolon function_block
function_heading : FUNCTION identifier COLON result_type
| FUNCTION identifier formal_parameter_list COLON result_type
result_type : identifier ;
function_identification : FUNCTION identifier ;
function_block : block ;
statement_part : compound_statement ;
compound_statement : PBEGIN statement_sequence END ;
statement_sequence : statement_sequence semicolon statement
| statement
statement : open_statement
| closed_statement
open_statement : label COLON non_labeled_open_statement
| non_labeled_open_statement
closed_statement : label COLON non_labeled_closed_statement
| non_labeled_closed_statement
non_labeled_closed_statement : assignment_statement
| procedure_statement
| goto_statement
| compound_statement
| case_statement
| repeat_statement
| closed_with_statement
| closed_if_statement
| closed_while_statement
| closed_for_statement
non_labeled_open_statement : open_with_statement
| open_if_statement
| open_while_statement
| open_for_statement
repeat_statement : REPEAT statement_sequence UNTIL boolean_expression
open_while_statement : WHILE boolean_expression DO open_statement
closed_while_statement : WHILE boolean_expression DO closed_statement
open_for_statement : FOR control_variable ASSIGNMENT initial_value direction
final_value DO open_statement
closed_for_statement : FOR control_variable ASSIGNMENT initial_value direction
final_value DO closed_statement
open_with_statement : WITH record_variable_list DO open_statement
closed_with_statement : WITH record_variable_list DO closed_statement
open_if_statement : IF boolean_expression THEN statement
| IF boolean_expression THEN closed_statement ELSE open_statement
closed_if_statement : IF boolean_expression THEN closed_statement
ELSE closed_statement
assignment_statement : variable_access ASSIGNMENT expression
variable_access : identifier
| indexed_variable
| field_designator
| variable_access UPARROW
indexed_variable : variable_access LBRAC index_expression_list RBRAC
index_expression_list : index_expression_list comma index_expression
| index_expression
index_expression : expression ;
field_designator : variable_access DOT identifier
procedure_statement : identifier params
| identifier
params : LPAREN actual_parameter_list RPAREN ;
actual_parameter_list : actual_parameter_list comma actual_parameter
| actual_parameter
* this forces you to check all this to be sure that only write and
* writeln use the 2nd and 3rd forms, you really can't do it easily in
* the grammar, especially since write and writeln aren't reserved
actual_parameter : expression
| expression COLON expression
| expression COLON expression COLON expression
goto_statement : GOTO label
case_statement : CASE case_index OF case_list_element_list END
| CASE case_index OF case_list_element_list semicolon END
| CASE case_index OF case_list_element_list semicolon
otherwisepart statement END
| CASE case_index OF case_list_element_list semicolon
otherwisepart statement semicolon END
case_index : expression ;
case_list_element_list : case_list_element_list semicolon case_list_element
| case_list_element
case_list_element : case_constant_list COLON statement
otherwisepart : OTHERWISE
control_variable : identifier ;
initial_value : expression ;
direction : TO
final_value : expression ;
record_variable_list : record_variable_list comma variable_access
| variable_access
boolean_expression : expression ;
expression : simple_expression
| simple_expression relop simple_expression
simple_expression : term
| simple_expression addop term
term : factor
| term mulop factor
factor : sign factor
| exponentiation
exponentiation : primary
| primary STARSTAR exponentiation
primary : variable_access
| unsigned_constant
| function_designator
| set_constructor
| LPAREN expression RPAREN
| NOT primary
unsigned_constant : unsigned_number
unsigned_number : unsigned_integer | unsigned_real ;
unsigned_integer : DIGSEQ
unsigned_real : REALNUMBER
/* functions with no params will be handled by plain identifier */
function_designator : identifier params
set_constructor : LBRAC member_designator_list RBRAC
member_designator_list : member_designator_list comma member_designator
| member_designator
member_designator : member_designator DOTDOT expression
| expression
addop: PLUS
| OR
mulop : STAR
relop : EQUAL
| LT
| GT
| LE
| GE
| IN
identifier : IDENTIFIER
semicolon : SEMICOLON
comma : COMMA
extern int line_no;
extern char *yytext;
int yyerror(s)
char *s;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: at or before '%s', line %d\n",
s, yytext, line_no);
main (void) {
extern int init();
extern FILE *yyin;
extern int yylex();
extern int yylineno;
extern char *yytext;
yyin = fopen("D:\\helloword.pascal", "r");
else {
Pascal input file
program Hello;
begin someErrorText1
writeln ('Hello, world.') someErrorText2
writeln ('Hello, world2.')
And you see error is in line 2 but parser show 3, and doesn't show second error.
I have a question about this code I would like to create a IF / ELSE in YACC and LEX. but I have difficulties to detect the condition and execute the right block (because it's depend on the condition!) I have to make a calculator that takes into account the IF and ELSE I have added TOKEN. expr allows to evaluate an expression stmt and stmtlist allows nesting. %% // US : liste de ... (commande, assignation, expression) liste : | liste error RC { yyerrok; yyclearin; code (STOP); return 1;} | liste stmtList RC { printf("stmtList\n"); code((instr_t)printExprCode); code (STOP); return 3;} | liste cmd RC { code (STOP); return 6;} ; // US : Commande cmd : opCmd { code ((instr_t)*($1->U.pFct));} | DBG sym { dbgSymbol($2); } ; // US : Expression algébrique expr : ENTIER { code2((instr_t)intPush, (instr_t)$1); } | REEL { code2((instr_t)floPush, (instr_t)$1);} | IVAR { code3((instr_t)varPush, (instr_t)$1, (instr_t)varEval);} | FVAR { code3((instr_t)varPush, (instr_t)$1, (instr_t)varEval);} | UNDEF | PO expr PF { printf("test&\n, $$=%f"); $$=$2; } | expr opAlg expr { code ((instr_t)*($2->U.pFct)); } | SUB expr { code((instr_t)negate); } %prec UNARY_MINUS | PREDEF PO expr PF { code2((instr_t)predef, (instr_t)$1); } | PO ENTIER LT ENTIER PF { code3((instr_t)intPush, (instr_t)$1, (instr_t)intPush);} | expr opCOMP expr { code ((instr_t)*($2->U.pFct)); } ; assgn : IVAR AFF expr { code3((instr_t)varPush, (instr_t)$1, (instr_t)varAssign); } | FVAR AFF expr { code3((instr_t)varPush, (instr_t)$1, (instr_t)varAssign); } | UNDEF AFF expr { code3((instr_t)varPush, (instr_t)$1, (instr_t)varAssign); } ; // US : Statement cond : PO expr PF { printf("Condition");} ; //cond : PO ENTIER LT ENTIER PF { printf("ok"); if($1<$3){$$=1;}else{$$=0;}}; stmt : expr | assgn | IF expr stmt {$$ = code(IF,)} ; // US : Statement List stmtList : {data_t d; d.value = 0; push(d);} | stmt | stmtList DEL stmtList | AO stmtList AF ; // US : Statement List block : AO stmtList AF ; // US : sym, nbr, var, opAlg, opCmc sym : nbr | var | PREDEF | opAlg | opCmd | opCOMP ; nbr : ENTIER | REEL ; var : UNDEF | IVAR | FVAR ; opAlg : ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV ; opCmd : PR_TS | PR_TS2 | DBG_TS | DBG_TS2 ; opCOMP : LT | GT | EQ | NE ; %%
Generally, for this you'll want an "embedded" action in the middle of the rule. Something like: stmt: IF expr { // generate code to branch to a label if the preceeding expression was false } stmtList { // generate the label that is branched to } You can communicate between these two fragments by setting $$ to something in the first action and then using that value (as $3) in the second action. The final action needs to set $$ for the final result of the rule. For an IF/ELSE, you need something more complex with two labels (one at the end and one just after the ELSE) and two branches (conditional to the else label as with the simple if and unconditional to the end label just before the else label)
Problem when try get $4 with some arguments- YACC -> C
i was stack when i tried got 2 or more arguments to another condition. The big idea is to build Symbol Table to identify errors in code, i was build a tree but now we need build the table, but i didnt want to use this tree.. so i try to use with LinkList that i made. this is my linklist in c: typedef struct linkList { char* data; struct linkList* next; }linkList; sorry that it's not clarity, i will try to explain with exmple. Here some of my condition: s: Program { }; Program: Proc_Func {$$ = mknode("CODE",$1,NULL); }; Proc_Func: Proc_Func Funct {$$ = mknode("",$1,$2); } | Proc_Func Proce {$$ = mknode("",$1,$2); } | Funct {$$ =$1;}// mknode("",$1,NULL); } | Statement {$$ = mknode("",$1,NULL); } | Proce {$$ = mknode("",$1,NULL); } |{$$=NULL;}; Funct: FUNC id LBRACKET Param RBRACKET RETURN Type LBRACE Body RBRACE {$$ = mknode("FUNC",mknode("",mknode("",$2,NULL),mknode("ARGS",$4,mknode("RETURN",$7,NULL))),mknode("",$9,NULL)); buildLinkList($2,$4,$7,$9);}; Proce: PROC id LBRACKET Param RBRACKET LBRACE Body RBRACE {$$ = mknode("PROC",mknode("",mknode("",$2,NULL),mknode("ARGS",$4,mknode("",$7,NULL))),NULL); }; Param: Param_list {$$ = mknode("",$1,NULL); } |{$$ =NULL;}; Param_list: Var_id COLON Type {$$ = mknode("",$3,mknode("",$1,mknode(")",NULL,NULL))); } | Param_list SEMICOLON Param_list {$$ = mknode("",$1,mknode("",$3,NULL)); }; Var_id: id COMMA Var_id {$$ = $1;}//mknode("",mknode("",$1,NULL),$3); } | id {$$ = mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL);}; Type: BOOL {$$ = mknode("BOOLEAN",NULL,NULL); } | CHAR {$$ = mknode("CHAR",NULL,NULL); } | INT {$$ = mknode("INT",NULL,NULL); } | REAL {$$ = mknode("REAL",NULL,NULL); } | INT_P {$$ = mknode("INT_P",NULL,NULL); } | REAL_P {$$ = mknode("REAL_P",NULL,NULL); } | CHAR_P {$$ = mknode("CHAR_P",NULL,NULL); }; Body: Proc_Func Declares Statements {$$= mknode ("BODY",mknode("",$1,NULL),mknode("",$2,mknode("",$3,mknode("",NULL,NULL))));}; Declares: Declares Declare {$$= mknode ("",$1,$2);} |{$$=NULL;}; Declare: VAR Var_id COLON Type SEMICOLON {$$= mknode ("VAR",$2,$4);}; Statements: Statements Statement {$$= mknode ("",$1,$2);} |{$$=NULL;}; Statement: IF LBRACKET exp RBRACKET ST_Block {$$ = mknode("IF",mknode("(",$3,mknode(")",NULL,NULL)),$5);} | IF LBRACKET exp RBRACKET ST_Block ELSE ST_Block {$$=mknode("IF ELSE", mknode("",$3,mknode("",NULL,NULL)),mknode("",$5,mknode("",$7,NULL)));} | WHILE LBRACKET exp RBRACKET ST_Block {$$=mknode("WHILE",mknode("(",$3,mknode(")",NULL,NULL)),$5);} | ST_Assign SEMICOLON {$$=mknode("",$1,NULL);} | exp SEMICOLON {$$=$1;} | RETURN exp SEMICOLON {$$=mknode("RETURN",$2,NULL);} | NEW_Block {$$=$1;}; ST_Block: Statement {$$=$1;} | Declare {$$=$1;} | Proce {$$=$1;} | Funct {$$=$1;} | SEMICOLON {$$=mknode("",NULL,NULL);}; NEW_Block: LBRACE Proc_Func Declares Statements RBRACE {$$= mknode ("{",$2,mknode("",$3,mknode("",$4,("}",NULL,NULL))));}; ST_Assign: Ll ASSIGN exp {$$= mknode("=",$1,$3);}; Ll: id LSQRBR exp RSQRBR | id {$$ = mknode("",$1,NULL); } | ; exp: exp EQUAL exp {$$= mknode ("==",$1,$3);} | exp NOTEQ exp {$$= mknode ("!=",$1,$3);} | exp BIGGER exp {$$= mknode (">",$1,$3);} | exp BIGGEREQ exp {$$= mknode (">=",$1,$3);} | exp SMALLER exp {$$= mknode ("<",$1,$3);} | exp SMALLEREQ exp {$$= mknode ("<=",$1,$3);} | exp AND exp {$$= mknode ("&&",$1,$3);} | exp OR exp {$$= mknode ("||",$1,$3);} | exp PLUS exp {$$= mknode ("+",$1,$3);} | exp MINUS exp {$$= mknode ("-",$1,$3);} | exp MULTIPLY exp {$$= mknode ("*",$1,$3);} | exp DIV exp {$$= mknode ("/",$1,$3);} | NOT exp {$$= mknode ("!",$2,NULL);} | BOOLTRUE {$$= mknode ("",mknode("BOOLEAN",$1,NULL),NULL);} | BOOLFALSE {$$= mknode ("",mknode("BOOLEAN",$1,NULL),NULL);} |id {$$ = mknode("",$1,NULL); } |CHAR_LTL {$$= mknode ($1,mknode("CHAR",NULL,NULL),NULL);} | NUM {$$ = mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL); }; id: ID {$$ = $1; mknode(yytext,NULL,NULL); }; //| NULLL; and this is the function to build the link list: void buildLinkList(char *d1,char *d2,char *d3,char *d4) { linkList *link1 = NULL; link1=(linkList*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); link1->data = (char*)malloc(sizeof(d1)+1); strcpy(link1->data,d1); linkList* link2= (linkList*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); link2->data=(char*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); strcpy(link2->data,d2); link1->next=link2; linkList *link3= (linkList*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); link3->data=(char*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); strcpy(link3->data,d3); link2->next=link3; linkList* link4= (linkList*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); link4->data=(char*)malloc(sizeof(linkList)); strcpy(link4->data,d4); link3->next=link4; //printf("%s",link1->data); //printf("%s",link2->data); i try to return the linklist but its not working.. so i try to send all argument to one list. In condition "Funct" you can see the i called the function buildLinkList, i send $2,$4,$7,$9. $2- i can "cache" it in my list and sucsses to print it.. but $4 is "param" and it return me some of varible, i cant to push them in my list, when i try to print it i get garbage. i tried a lot of ways to pass it and another ideas, please help me to crack it, another ideas will be welcomes. thank you !
I believe the issue is here (and in the related lines): link1->data = (char*)malloc(sizeof(d1)+1); Here, sizeof(d1) gives you the size of the pointer named d1, not the size of the string it points at. For strings longer than the pointer size, this will underallocate the space for the string that you then copy over. To fix this, change sizeof(d1) to strlen(d1). Alternatively, look into using strdup, which both allocates the space you need and copies over the string contents into that space.
Bison shift/reduce conflicts warning [duplicate]
I'm having trouble fixing a shift reduce conflict in my grammar. I tried to add -v to read the output of the issue and it guides me towards State 0 and mentions that my INT and FLOAT is reduced to variable_definitions by rule 9. I cannot see the conflict and I'm having trouble finding a solution. %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> %} %token INT FLOAT %token ADDOP MULOP INCOP %token WHILE IF ELSE RETURN %token NUM ID %token INCLUDE %token STREAMIN ENDL STREAMOUT %token CIN COUT %token NOT %token FLT_LITERAL INT_LITERAL STR_LITERAL %right ASSIGNOP %left AND OR %left RELOP %% program: variable_definitions | function_definitions ; function_definitions: function_head block | function_definitions function_head block ; identifier_list: ID | ID '[' INT_LITERAL ']' | identifier_list ',' ID | identifier_list ',' ID '[' INT_LITERAL ']' ; variable_definitions: | variable_definitions type identifier_list ';' ; type: INT | FLOAT ; function_head: type ID arguments ; arguments: '('parameter_list')' ; parameter_list: |parameters ; parameters: type ID | type ID '['']' | parameters ',' type ID | parameters ',' type ID '['']' ; block: '{'variable_definitions statements'}' ; statements: | statements statement ; statement: expression ';' | compound_statement | RETURN expression ';' | IF '('bool_expression')' statement ELSE statement | WHILE '('bool_expression')' statement | input_statement ';' | output_statement ';' ; input_statement: CIN | input_statement STREAMIN variable ; output_statement: COUT | output_statement STREAMOUT expression | output_statement STREAMOUT STR_LITERAL | output_statement STREAMOUT ENDL ; compound_statement: '{'statements'}' ; variable: ID | ID '['expression']' ; expression_list: | expressions ; expressions: expression | expressions ',' expression ; expression: variable ASSIGNOP expression | variable INCOP expression | simple_expression ; simple_expression: term | ADDOP term | simple_expression ADDOP term ; term: factor | term MULOP factor ; factor: ID | ID '('expression_list')' | literal | '('expression')' | ID '['expression']' ; literal: INT_LITERAL | FLT_LITERAL ; bool_expression: bool_term | bool_expression OR bool_term ; bool_term: bool_factor | bool_term AND bool_factor ; bool_factor: NOT bool_factor | '('bool_expression')' | simple_expression RELOP simple_expression ; %%
Your definition of a program is that it is either a list of variable definitions or a list of function definitions (program: variable_definitions | function_definitions;). That seems a bit odd to me. What if I want to define both a function and a variable? Do I have to write two programs and somehow link them together? This is not the cause of your problem, but fixing it would probably fix the problem as well. The immediate cause is that function_definitions is one or more function definition while variable_definitions is zero or more variable definitions. In other words, the base case of the function_definitions recursion is a function definition, while the base case of variable_definitions is the empty sequence. So a list of variable definitions starts with an empty sequence. But both function definitions and variable definitions start with a type. So if the first token of a program is int, it could be the start of a function definition with return type int or a variable definition of type int. In the former case, the parser should shift the int in order to produce the function_definitions base case:; in the latter case, it should immediately reduce an empty variable_definitions base case. If you really wanted a program to be either function definitions or variable definitions, but not both. you would need to make variable_definitions have the same form as function_definitions, by changing the base case from empty to type identifier_list ';'. Then you could add an empty production to program so that the parser could recognize empty inputs. But as I said at the beginning, you probably want a program to be a sequence of definitions, each of which could either be a variable or a function: program: %empty | program type identifier_list ';' | program function_head block By the way, you are misreading the output file produced by -v. It shows the following actions for State 0: INT shift, and go to state 1 FLOAT shift, and go to state 2 INT [reduce using rule 9 (variable_definitions)] FLOAT [reduce using rule 9 (variable_definitions)] Here, INT and FLOAT are possible lookaheads. So the interpretation of the line INT [reduce using rule 9 (variable_definitions)] is "if the lookahead is INT, immediately reduce using production 9". Production 9 produces the empty sequence, so the reduction reduces zero tokens at the top of the parser stack into a variable_definitions. Reductions do not use the lookahead token, so after the reduction, the lookahead token is still INT. However, the parser doesn't actually do that because it has a different action for INT, which is to shift it and go to state 1. as indicated by the first line start INT. The brackets [...] indicate that this action is not taken because it is a conflict and the resolution of the conflict was some other action. So the more accurate interpretation of that line is "if it weren't for the preceding action on INT, the lookahead INT would cause a reduction using rule 9."
Bison C to Matlab
I need to translate a for loop from C to Matlab. I have the following grammar: stmt : stmt_while | stmt_for |... ; stmt_for : FOR '(' for_exp ')' stmt { } ; for_exp : exp ';' exp ';' exp { } | exp ';' exp ';' { } | exp ';' ';' exp { } | exp ';' ';' { } | ';' exp ';' exp { } | ';' exp ';' { } | ';' ';' exp { } | ';' ';' { } ; The for loops in Matlab have a completely different syntax so I do not know how to implement the translation. The simplest solution seems to me to translate it in a while: exp1; for(exp1; exp2; exp3){ while(exp2){ for_body... ==> for_body... } exp3; } You have other solutions? Thank you all.
Bison loop for conflict
to solve the dangling else problem, I used the following solution: stmt : stmt_matched | stmt_unmatched ; stmt_unmatched : IF '(' exp ')' stmt | IF '(' exp ')' stmt_matched ELSE stmt_unmatched ; stmt_matched : IF '(' exp ')' stmt_matched ELSE stmt_matched | stmt_for | ... ; For defining the rules of grammar about the for loop, I produce a conflict shift/reduce due to the same problem: stmt_for : FOR '(' exp ';' exp ';' exp ')' stmt ; How can I solve this problem?
Not all for statements are matched. Consider, for example if (c) for (;;) if (d) ; else ; So it is necessary to divide for statements into for_matched and for_unmatched. (And similarly with other compound statements such as while.)