How to specify filtered Backbone collection for Marionette view - backbone.js

I have a Marionette composite view that displays a collection, which I set in my Application start handler:
App.on('start', function() {
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
// I load up this.appsCollection in my before:start handler
var tblView = new this.appsTableView({
collection: this.appsCollection
This works as expected, displaying my entire collection. In my models, I have a state field, and I want to display only models with state 0. I tried:
collection: this.appsCollection.where({state: 0})
but that doesn't work. I actually want to display states in 0 and 1, but I'm trying to just display state in 0 for right now.
What am I missing?

The problem probably resides in that .where() doesn't return a collection, but an array. This was supposedly to maintain compatibility with underscore.
If you change the line to:
collection: new Backbone.Collection( this.appsCollection.where( { state: 0 } ))
Does that help?

I was able to override the filter method in my Marionette CompositeView:


Backbone Marionette: How to use preventDestroy: true

For some reason, I can't get preventDestroy: true to work.
In my example, the loading view is removed, when the applicationsListView is showing - even though I pass in preventDestroy true.
var loadingView = new App.Common.Loading.View();;
// Fetch the applications
var fetchingApplications = App.request('application:entities');
$.when(fetchingApplications).done(function(applications) {
var applicationsListView = new List.Applications({
collection: applications
});, { preventDestroy: true });
It is removed from region but not destroyed.
When you pass preventDestroy : true, it means that marionette doesn't itself call destroy method and event on previous view. Destroy method provides ubinding events and calls destroy on subviews and so on (
But call show with preventDestroy : true still clear innerHTML and put new view in region (look at attachHtml method in backbone.marionette/src/marionette.region.js).
It can be helpfull if you reuse your existing loading view.

In Backbone.js how do you handle Ordinal Numbering and changing numbering based on jQuery Sortable in the view?

Here is my situation. I have a bunch of "Question" model inside a "Questions" collection.
The Question Collection is represented by a SurveyBuilder view.
The Question Model is represented by a QuestionBuilder view.
So basically you have an UL of QuestionBuilder views. The UL has a jQuery sortable attached (so you can reorder the questions). The question is once I'm done reordering I want to update the changed "question_number"s in the models to reflect their position.
The Questions collection has a comparator of 'question_number' so collection should be sorted. Now I just need a way to make their .index() in the UL reflect their question_number. Any ideas?
Another problem is DELETEing a question, I need to update all the question numbers. Right now I handle it using:
var deleted_number = question.get('question_number');
var counter = deleted_number;
var questions = this.each(function(question) {
if (question.get('question_number') > deleted_number) {
question.set('question_number', question.get('question_number') - 1);
if (this.last()) {
this.questionCounter = this.last().get('question_number') + 1;
} else {
this.questionCounter = 1;
But it seems there's got to be a much more straighforward way to do it.
Ideally whenever a remove is called on the collection or the sortstop is called on the UL in the view, it would get the .index() of each QuestionuBuilder view, update it's models's question_number to the .index() + 1, and save().
My Models,Views, and Collections:
More than one way to do this but I would use Backbone Events. Emit an event either when the user clicks something like done sorting, hasn't sorted in N seconds, or as each sort occurs using a jQuery sortable event such as sort. Listen for the event inside v.SurveyBuilder.
Then do something like this. Not tested obviously but should get you there relatively easily. Update, this should handle your deletions as well becuase it doesn't care what things used to be, only what they are now. Handle the delete then trigger this event. Update 2, first examples weren't good; so much for coding in my head. You'll have to modify your views to insert the model's cid in a data-cid attribute on the li. Then you can update the correct model using your collection's .get method. I see you've found an answer of your own, as I said there are multiple approaches.
v.SurveyBuilder = v.Page.extend({
template: JST["app/templates/pages/survey-builder.hb"],
initialize: function() {
this.eventHub = EventHub;
this.questions = new c.Questions();
this.questions.on('add', this.addQuestion, this);
this.eventHub.on('questions:doneSorting', this.updateIndexes)
updateIndexes: function(e) {
var that = this;
this.$('li').each(function(index) {
var cid = $(this).attr('data-cid');
that.questions.get(cid).set('question_number', index);
I figured out a way to do it!!!
Make an array of child views under the parent view (in my example this.qbViews maintains an array of QuestionBuilder views) for the SurveyBuilder view
For your collection (in my case this.questions), set the remove event using on to updateIndexes. That means it will run updateIndexes every time something is removed from this.questions
In your events object in the parent view, add a sortstop event for your sortable object (in my case startstop .question-builders, which is the UL holding the questionBuilder views) to also point to updateIndexes
In updateIndexes do the following:
updateIndexes: function(){
//Go through each of our Views and set the underlying model's question_number to
//whatever the index is in the list + 1
_.each(this.qbViews, function(qbView){
var index = qbView.$el.index();
//Only actually `set`s if it changed
qbView.model.set('question_number', index + 1);
And there is my full code for SurveyBuilder view:
v.SurveyBuilder = v.Page.extend({
template: JST["app/templates/pages/survey-builder.hb"],
initialize: function() {
this.qbViews = []; //will hold all of our QuestionBuilder views
this.questions = new c.Questions(); //will hold the Questions collection
this.questions.on('add', this.addQuestion, this);
this.questions.on('remove', this.updateIndexes, this); //We need to update Question Numbers
bindSortable: function() {
items: '>li',
handle: '.move-question',
placeholder: 'placeholder span11'
addQuestion: function(question) {
var view = new v.QuestionBuilder({
model: question
//Push it onto the Views array
updateIndexes: function(){
//Go through each of our Views and set the underlying model's question_number to
//whatever the index is in the list + 1
_.each(this.qbViews, function(qbView){
var index = qbView.$el.index();
//Only actually `set`s if it changed
qbView.model.set('question_number', index + 1);
events: {
'click .add-question': function() {
//need to update question numbers when we resort
'sortstop .question-builders': 'updateIndexes'
And here is the permalink to my Views file for the full code:

Backbone sync on collection add

I'm adding an item to my backbone collection like this:
item = existingItem.clone()
I have overwritten sync in MyCollection like this:
sync: function() {
console.log('sync is called')
however it seems that sync does not get called after the add - which executes successfully and fires an 'add' event. Am I missing something? or is this the correct behavior?
What you want is myCollection.create(item).
Check the Backbone Collection.create() doc
Collection.create returns the model, but in some cases you might need access to the xhr object. In that case you can do:
// add the model to the collection first
// so that model.url() will reference the collection's URL
// now save. this will trigger a POST to the collection URL
// save() returns the xhr so we can attach .done/.fail handlers
.done(function(res) {
console.log('it worked')
.fail(function(err) {
console.log('it failed')
// might be a good idea to remove the model from the collection
// since it's not on the server

How do you properly display a Backbone marionette collection view based on a model javascript array property?

*UPDATE: See final answer code in the last code block below.*
Currently I am having an issue displaying a collection in a collection view. The collection is a property of an existing model like so (pseudo code)
ApplicationVersion { Id: 1, VersionName: "", ApplicationCategories[] }
So essentially ApplicationVersion has a property called ApplicationCategories that is a javascript array. Currently when I render the collection view associated with ApplicationCategories nothing is rendered. If I debug in Chrome's javascript debugger it appears that the categories have not been populated yet (so I assume ApplicationVersion has not been fetched yet). Here is my code as it stands currently
ApplicationCategory Model, Collection, and Views
ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategory = Backbone.Model.extend({
ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategories = Recruit.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(){
* By default backbone does not bind the collection change event to the comparator
* for performance reasons. I am choosing to not preoptimize though and do the
* binding. This may need to change later if performance becomes an issue.
* See
* Note also this is only nescessary for the default sort. By using the
* SortableCollectionMixin in other sorting methods, we do the binding
* there as well.
this.on("change", this.sort);
comparator: function(applicationCategory) {
return applicationCategory.get("order");
byName: function() {
return this.sortedBy(function(applicationCategory) {
return applicationCategory.get("name");
_.extend(ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategories.prototype, SortableCollectionMixin);
ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategoryView = Recruit.ItemView.extend({
ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategoriesView = Recruit.CollectionView.extend({
ApplicationCategory template
<section id="<%=name%>">
ApplicationVersion Model, Collection, and Views
ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersion = Backbone.Model.extend({
ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersions = Recruit.Collection.extend({
ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersionLayout = Recruit.Layout.extend({
regions: {
applicationVersionHeader: "#applicationVersionHeader",
applicationVersionCategories: "#applicationVersionCategories",
applicationVersionFooter: "#applicationVersionFooter"
ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersionController = {
showApplicationVersion: function (applicationVersionId) {
ApplicationModule.applicationVersion = new ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersion({id : applicationVersionId});
var applicationVersionLayout = new Recruit.ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersionLayout({
ApplicationModule.applicationVersion.fetch({success: function(){
var applicationVersionCategories = new Recruit.ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategoriesView({
collection: ApplicationModule.applicationVersion.application_categories
// Fake server responds to the request
Here is my ApplicationVersion template
<section id="applicationVersionOuterSection">
<header id="applicationVersionHeader">
Your Application Header <%= id %>
<section id="applicationVersionCategories">
<footer id="applicationVersionFooter">
Your footer
One thing to note I am currently using Sinon to mock my server response, but I don't think this is causing the issues as it is responding with the information as I expect looking through the javascript debugger (and like I said it is displaying ApplicationVersion id correctly). I can provide this code as well if it helps
It is currently displaying the application version id (id in the template), so I know it is fetching the data correctly for normal properties, it just is not rendering my ApplicationCategories javascript array property.
So ultimately I am binding to the success of the fetch for ApplicationVersion, then setting up the view for the ApplicationCategories. Since this isn't working like I expect I am wondering if there is a better way to create this collection view?
Thanks for any help
UPDATE: Working code example that Derek Bailey lead me too.
ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersionController = {
showApplicationVersion: function (applicationVersionId) {
ApplicationModule.applicationVersion = new ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersion({id : applicationVersionId});
var applicationVersionLayout = new Recruit.ApplicationModule.ApplicationVersionLayout({
// Fake server responds to the request
var applicationVersionCategories = new Recruit.ApplicationModule.ApplicationCategoriesView({
collection: new Backbone.Collection(ApplicationModule.applicationVersion.get('application_categories'))
Marionette's CollectionView requires a valid Backbone.Collection, not a simple array. You need to create a Backbone.Collection from your array when passing it to the view:
new MyView({
collection: new Backbone.Collection(MyModel.Something.ArrayOfThings)

Pagination in Backbone.js

I know that there is a component for this but based on what i see you have to create a new collection with the component extended. Is there another way to do pagination in backbone?
All i need is just a previous and next button limit the items per page to 12. i've been creating it on javascript ( not a good solution for production environment ). Any ideas?
Since Backbone collection has underscore methods extended, you might want to create helper pagination method very easy. I use something like :
var Paginated = Backbone.Collection.extend({
pagination : function(perPage, page) {
page = page-1;
var collection = this;
collection = _(*page));
collection = _(collection.first(perPage));
return function(model) { return model.toJSON() } );
This returns toJSON of your collection, you may play with it in the jsfiddle :
