My program has to encrypt/decrypt the textfile but I'm getting segmentation fault(core dumped) when I do this:
./program 9999 input.txt output.txt
The program takes every character from the input file and converts it based on the passed key. It compiles fine when I compile in CodeBlocks and does not give any errors. Could smb tell me what's wrong with the code? Thanks!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Checks if the input arguments are less than 2 (starting from 0)
//A user should enter 3 arguments so as not to reach this method
int badProgram(const char *const program){
printf("The program is missing some of the files!");
return -1;
//Encrypts the passed inputFile and
//Produces its output to the passed outputFile
//Key is also passed as the seeding number
int encryptFile(FILE *input, FILE *output){
char c;
char p;
int r = 0;
char p1 = 0;
char c1 = 0;
while((p = fgetc(input)) != EOF){
r = rand() % 97;
//change all displayable characters [0...96]
if(p == 't'){
p1 = 0;
else if(p == '\n'){
p1 = 1;
p1 = p - 30;
c1 = p1 ^ r;//bitwise xor
if(c1 == 0){
c = 't';
else if(c1 == 1){
c = '\n';
c = c1 + 30;
fprintf(output, "%c", c);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//Check the number of the entered arguments
if(argc < 2){
return badProgram(argv[0]);
FILE *input;
FILE *output;
//Seed a number into Random Generator
int key = *argv[0];
input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
output = fopen(argv[2], "w");
encryptFile(input, output);
return 0;
The **input.txt** looks like this:
Hello, World!
Couple of things that are wrong with your code:
int key = *argv[0]; is most likely not doing what you think it does. What it actually does is the following:
assign an ASCII value of the first character of the [0] argument (program name) to an int variable
It is likely that what you intended to do there is:
int key = atoi(argv[1]); // this converts "9999" into an int 9999
input = fopen(argv[1], "r"); opens a file named (in your case) "9999" for reading and fails. You never check for the error so this is causing a crash the moment you are trying to use the input FILE pointer. The fix is to use the argv[2]
Similarly you should be using argv[3] for the output file
Your encryptFile function must return a value as it is declared int (don't know why you want to return a value from it as you never use it)
Once you fix the above issues your program no longer crashes
A bit of explanation for the above issues and general info:
The argv lists all the input parameters as strings (char*) where the first ([0]) argument is the executable name and is not your first argument "after" the program name
One should always check the results of file operations as they are quite likely to fail during "normal" program operation
C/C++ doesn't "automatically" convert a string into an int (or a double, for that matter) but provides a whole set of functions to deal with numbers' parsing. Some examples of those functions are: 'atoi', 'atol', 'atof'
I'm trying to do some simple tasks in C and run them from the command line in Linux.
I'm having some problems with both C and running the code from the command line with a given filename given as a parameter. I've never written code in C before.
Remove the even numbers from a file. The file name is transferred to
the program as a parameter in the command line. The program changes
this file.
How do I do these?
read from a file and write the results over the same file
read numbers and not digits from the file (ex: I need to be able to read "22" as a single input, not two separate chars containing "2")
give the filename through a parameter in Linux. (ex: ./main.c file.txt)
my attempt at writing the c code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
FILE *f = fopen ("arr.txt", "r");
char c = getc (f);
int count = 0;
int arr[20];
while (c != EOF)
if(c % 2 != 0){
arr[count] = c;
count = count + 1;
c = getc (f);
for (int i=0; i<count; i++){
fclose (f);
getchar ();
return 0;
Here's a complete program which meets your requirements:
write the results over the same file - It keeps a read and write position in the file and copies characters towards the file beginning in case numbers have been removed; at the end, the now shorter file has to be truncated. (Note that with large files, it will be more efficient to write to a second file.)
read numbers and not digits from the file - It is not necessary to read whole numbers, it suffices to store the write start position of a number (this can be done at every non-digit) and the parity of the last digit.
give the filename through a parameter - If you define int main(int argc, char *argv[]), the first parameter is in argv[1] if argc is at least 2.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 2) return 1; // no argument given
FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "rb+");
if (!f) return 1; // if fopen failed
// read, write and number position
long rpos = 0, wpos = 0, npos = 0;
int even = 0, c; // int to hold EOF
while (c = getc(f), c != EOF)
if (isdigit(c)) even = c%2 == 0;
if (even) wpos = npos, even = 0;
npos = wpos+1; // next may be number
fseek(f, wpos++, SEEK_SET);
putc(c, f);
fseek(f, ++rpos, SEEK_SET);
ftruncate(fileno(f), wpos); // shorten the file
I'd do that like this (removing extra declarations => micro optimizations)
* Check if file is avaiable.
if (f == NULL)
printf("File is not available \n");
* Populate array with even numbers.
while ((ch = fgetc(f)) != EOF)
ch % 2 != 0 ? push(arr, ch); : continue;
* Write to file those numbers.
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
fprintf(f, "%s", arr[i]);
Push implementation:
void push(int el, int **arr)
int *arr_temp = *arr;
*arr = NULL;
*arr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*(n - 1));
(*arr)[0] = el;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)n - 1; i++)
(*arr)[i + 1] = arr_temp[i];
In order to write to the same file, without closing and opening it, you should provide both methods, w+ (writing and reading), and this method will clear it's content.
So, change the line where you open the file, for this.
FILE *f = fopen ("arr.txt", "w+");
You should look for ways of implementing dynamic arrays (pointers and memory management).
With this example you could simply go ahead and write yourself, inside the main loop, a temporary variable that stores a sequence of numbers, and stack those values
Something like this (pseudocode, have fun :)):
DELIMITER one of (',' | '|' | '.' | etc);
char[] temp;
if(ch not DELIMITER)
push ch on temp;
push temp to arr and clear it's content;
Hope this was useful.
I'm trying to solve this question regarding moving data from a file to another in C. Running the program gives a segmentation error 11. I've attached a picture of the question. Exercise 4
I believe there is a problem in opening the files, I entered inside the terminal the C code script name: code.c file1.txt file2.bin -b. The files are included in the path.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
size_t k;
char read1[100] = {};
FILE* s;
FILE* d;
if (argc < 4) {
if (strcmp(argv[4], "-b") == 0) {
printf("binary file output\n");
d = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
if (d == NULL) {
printf("cant open d");
} else {
if (strcmp(argv[4], "-t") == 0) {
printf("textual file output\n");
d = fopen(argv[3], "w");
} else {
s = fopen(argv[2], "r");
if (s == NULL) {
printf("cant open s");
k = fread(read1, sizeof(char),100, s);
while (k != 0) {
fwrite(read1, k,1, s);
k = fread(read1, sizeof(char),100, s);
fwrite(read1, k,1, s);
return 1;
I expect to move all the data from file 1 to file 2, and file2 output can be binary or textual depending on the user input stream. Ignored the 'hexadecimal' case.
You seem to want to write a program that takes the name of an input file, an output file and a flag (-b or -t), so I guess you're calling your program like this:
program infile outfile [-b|-t]
Those are 3 arguments. They will be argv[1], argv[2] and argv[3] respectively. You should not access argv[4]. Your program will segfault on strcmp(argv[4], "-b"). All your argv[x] should be shifted back by one. The check if (argc < 4) is ok though.
Another thing that can cause segmentation fault is reading from a FILE* that is not valid. You're not checking if d == NULL after the second fopen(). You should do that, and exit with an error in case it's NULL.
Other than this, other problems with your code are:
You should not call fwrite after exiting the while loop. You know that k == 0 when out of the loop. It is not harmful, but it's useless and will print nothing.
You should reorder the arguments of fwrite like this: fwrite(read1, 1, k, s).
Your last return 1 statement makes no sense, you should return 0, not 1, for sucessful program execution.
You don't need to initialize the array with char read1[100] = {}; since you don't use it before overwriting its content. Doing char read[100]; is just fine.
PS: you should learn to use GDB to debug your programs. Problems like this one are very easy to spot using GDB by just stepping through the instructions one by one.
I need to count the usage of alphabetical characters in some plain text file. This is what i have came with. Basically just run through the text file and compare each character with the ASCII value of specific searched character.
When I run it, all I can see is just the first printf() string and just error of terminated status when I close the console.
I do have a text.txt file in same folder as the .exe file but I can't see anything.
Not sure if just my syntax is bad or even semantics.
Thx for help! :-)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ASCIIstart 65
#define ASCIIend 90
void main(){
FILE *fopen(), *fp;
int c;
unsigned int sum;
fp = fopen("text.txt","r");
printf("Characters found in text: \n");
for (int i = ASCIIstart; i <= ASCIIend; i++){
sum = 0;
c = toupper(getc(fp));
while (c != EOF){
if (c == i){
sum = sum++;
c = toupper(getc(fp));
if (sum > 0){
printf("%c: %u\n",i,sum);
Instead of looking up the entire file for each character, you could do
FILE *fp;
int c, sum[ASCIIend - ASCIIstart + 1]={0};
fp = fopen("file.txt,"r");
return 1;
int i;
while( (c = toupper(getc(fp)))!= EOF)
if(c>=ASCIIstart && c<=ASCIIend)
for(i=ASCIIstart; i<=ASCIIend; ++i)
printf("\n%c: %d", i, sum[i-ASCIIstart]);
You must check the return value of fopen() to ensure that the file was successfully opened.
There's an array sum which holds the the number of occurrences of each character within the range denoted with ASCIIend and ASCIIstart macros.
The size of the array is just the number of characters whose number of occurrences is to be counted.
sum[c-ASCIIstart] is used because the difference between the ASCII value (if the encoding is indeed ASCII) of c and ASCIIstart would give the index associated with c.
I don't know what you meant with FILE *fopen(), fp; but fopen() is the name of a function in C used to open files.
And by
FILE *fopen(), *fp;
you gave a prototype of a function fopen().
But in stdio.h, there's already a prototype for fopen() like
FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
yet no errors (if so) were shown because fopen() means that the function can have any number of arguments. Have a look here.
Had the return type of your FILE *fopen(); were not FILE * or if it were shown to other parameter types like int, you would definitely have got an error.
And, void main() is not considered good practice. Use int main() instead. Look here.
You can use a character array and parse the file contents with one time traversal and display the array count finally.
#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
FILE *fopen(), *fp;
int c;
fp = fopen("test.txt","r");
printf("Characters found in text: \n");
char charArr[26]= {0};
c = toupper(fgetc(fp));
while(c!=EOF) {
c = toupper(fgetc(fp));
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
printf("\nChar: %c | Count= %d ",i+65,charArr[i]);
Hope this helps!!
because after first time you are end of the file.
and your c = toupper(getc(fp)); returning -1 after that.
For counting just one character, you are reading the whole file and repeating this for each and every character. Instead, you can do:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define ASCIIstart 65
#define ASCIIend 90
int main(){
FILE *fp;
int c, i;
int alphabets[26] = {0};
fp = fopen("text.txt","r");
if (fp == NULL){
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open file\n");
return -1;
while ((c = toupper(fgetc(fp))) != EOF){
if (c >= ASCIIstart && c <= ASCIIend)
alphabets[c - ASCIIstart]++;
fprintf(stdout, "Characters found in text: \n");
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
fprintf (stdout, "%c: %d\n", i+ASCIIstart, alphabets[i]);
return 0;
Working with your code, your loops are inside-out.
I'll answer in pseudo-code to keep the concepts straightforward.
Right now you are doing this:
The problem is you are running through the file with character 'A' and then reaching the end of file so nothing gets done for 'B'...'Z'
If you swapped this:
Obviously doing 26 checks for each letter is too much so perhaps a better approach.
You can translate the pseudo code to C as an exercise.
Rewind the pointer to the beginning of the file at the end of your for loop?
This has been posted before: Resetting pointer to the start of file
P.S. - maybe use an array for your output values : int charactercount[pow(2,sizeof(char))] so that you don't have to parse the file repeatedly?
edit: was missing pow()
I'm trying to read information printed by program A from program B. How can I pass data from A to B using read()?.
code for A
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, j;
char instruc_list[11][3] = {"sa", "sb", "ss", "pa", "pb",
"ra", "rb", "rr", "rra", "rrb", "rrr"};
i = 0;
while (i < 11)
j = 0;
while (j < 3)
printf("%c", instruc_list[i][j]);
return (0);
code for B
int main()
char buf[4];
while ((read(0,buf, 4)))
printf("%s", buf);
return 0;
When I run this two programs, I get the following result.
Use the popen() and pclose() functions defined in stdio.h to pipe output between programs.
Here's an example program of how to print the output of the ls shell command in your program, taken from this link:
FILE *fp;
int status;
char path[PATH_MAX];
fp = popen("ls *", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
/* Handle error */;
while (fgets(path, PATH_MAX, fp) != NULL)
printf("%s", path);
status = pclose(fp);
if (status == -1) {
/* Error reported by pclose() */
} else {
/* Use macros described under wait() to inspect `status' in order
to determine success/failure of command executed by popen() */
For your case, you'd call popen("./A", "r");.
You can use popen() to read the output of program A from program B.
Compile the first program:
gcc a.c -o a
In the program B:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char buf[4];
FILE *fp;
fp = popen("./a", "r");
while( !feof(fp)) {
fscanf(fp, "%s", buf);
printf("%s\n", buf);
return 0;
Now compile and execute the program B:
gcc b.c -o b
me#linux:$ ./b
The output I got is:
In program A, you're not writing the null terminators for the 3-letter strings... and in program B, you're not adding a null char after the characters you read (and haven't initialised buf, so it might not contain one). That's why you're getting garbage between the 3-letter strings you read... printf() is continuing past the characters you read because it hasn't found a null yet.
Also note that read() can return -1 for error, which would still test as true for your while loop. You should at least check that read() returns greater than 0 (rather than just non-zero), if not put in more thorough error handling.
So with some changes to address these issues, program B might become:
int main()
char buf[4];
int ret; // ** for the return from read()
while ((ret = read(0,buf, 4)) > 0) // ** read >0 (no error, and bytes read)
fwrite(buf, 1, ret, stdout); // ** write the number of chars
// you read to stdout
return 0;
As for program A, right now it writes 3 characters for both the 2-letter and the 3-letter strings -- which means it includes the null char for the 2-letter strings but not for the 3-letter strings. With the changes to program B above, you don't need to write the null characters at all... so you could change:
while (j < 3)
while (j < 3 && instruc_list[i][j] != 0)
to stop when the null character is reached (though it's still inefficient to use a printf() call just to write a single char -- perhaps putchar(instruc_list[i][j]); would be better). Or, you could just replace that inner while loop with:
fputs(instruc_list[i], stdout);
...which would then write the string in instruc_list[i] up to but not including the null char, and also change instruc_list[11][3] to instruc_list[11][4] so that it has room for the null char from the 3-letter string literals in the initialiser list.
I posted a problem yesterday regarding a certain segment of my code. The aim was to basically scan in data values from a .dat file into an array, print the values whilst also counting how many values were in the file.
Sounds pretty simple, but my program only seemed to print a certain number of the values. More specifically, of a data file containing over 300000 values, it would only print the last 20000 and nothing else.
So I left it, finished the rest of my code and now it's the last part I have to sort. I've made a few changes and tried actually printing an output .dat file now so I can see what I'm getting. The code is below by the way.
Initally I assumed perhaps it was something related to the memory allocation of my array (was getting a segmentation error? when putting the whole code together) so I created an external function that counted the number of values instead (that works).
My only problem now is that it still only chooses to print 20000 values and then the rest are 0s. I was thinking perhaps it had something to do with the type but they all contain 7 dps in scientific notation. Here's a sample of some of the values:
8.4730000e+01 1.0024256e+01
8.4740000e+01 8.2065599e+00
8.4750000e+01 8.3354644e+00
8.4760000e+01 8.3379525e+00
8.4770000e+01 9.8741315e+00
8.4780000e+01 9.0966478e+00
8.4790000e+01 9.4760274e+00
8.4800000e+01 7.1199807e+00
8.4810000e+01 7.1990172e+00
Anyone see where I'm going wrong? I'm sorry for the long question, it's just been bugging me for the last day or so and no matter what I change nothing seems to help. Any kind of input would be greatly appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int count(int);
const char df[]="data_file.dat";
const char of[]="output_file.dat";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *input, *output;
int i, N;
float *array;
N = count(i);
input = fopen(df, "r");
output = fopen(of, "w");
array = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
if((input != (FILE*) NULL) && (output != (FILE*) NULL))
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
fscanf(input, "%e", &array[i]);
fprintf(output, "%d %e\n", i, array[i]);
printf("Input file could not be opened\n");
int count(int i)
FILE *input;
input = fopen(df, "r");
int N = 0;
while (1)
i = fgetc(input);
if (i == EOF)
Your biggest problem is that count() doesn't count float values; it counts how many characters are in the file. Then you try to loop and call fscanf() more times than there are values in the file. The first times, fscanf() finds a float value and scans it; but once the loop reaches the end of file, fscanf() will be returning an EOF status. It seems possible that fscanf() will set the float value to 0.0 when it returns EOF.
I suggest you rewrite so that you don't try to pre-count the float values. Write a loop that just repeatedly calls fscanf() until it returns an EOF result, then break out of the loop and close the files.
P.S. If you are going to write a function like count(), you should pass in the filename as an argument instead of hard-coding it. And your version of count() takes an integer argument but just ignores the value; instead, just declare a temp variable inside of count().
EDIT: Okay, here is a complete working program to solve this problem.
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *in_file, *out_file;
unsigned int i;
if (argc != 3)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: this_program_name <input_file> <output_file>\n");
return 1; // error exit with status 1
in_file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!in_file)
fprintf(stderr, "unable to open input file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
return 1; // error exit with status 1
out_file = fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (!out_file)
fprintf(stderr, "unable to open output file '%s'\n", argv[2]);
return 1; // error exit with status 1
for (i = 0; ; ++i)
int result;
float x;
result = fscanf(in_file, "%e", &x);
if (1 != result)
fprintf(out_file, "%d %e\n", i, x);
return 0; // successful exit
Note that this version doesn't need to allocate a large array; it just needs a single temporary float variable. Maybe your program will need to store all the float values. In that case, write a count() function that uses a loop similar to the above loop, using fscanf() to count float values.
Also note that this program checks for errors after calling fopen() and fscanf().
You are allocating far more floats in memory (N) than you need because your N is the number of characters in the file, not the number of values in it.
Also, how did you determine that there are 300000 values in the file?