Create and destroy Angular watchers - angularjs

I would like to turn off this watcher because it keeps hitting "kendoWidgetCreated" event over and over again, and causes an infinite loop where I hit the kendoGrid.refresh() .
How can I turn it off, then turn back on ?
scope.$on("kendoWidgetCreated", function (ev, widget) {
var kendoGrid = widget.element.parent().find('.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
if (kendoGrid != undefined) {
I tried something like this, but couldn't get the watcher to trigger :
var kendoWidgetWatcher = scope.$watch("kendoWidgetCreated", refreshKendoWidgets);
var refreshKendoWidgets = function (ev, widget) {
// widget compile/refresh code here...
Advice is always appreciated...
***** UPDATE ****
My initial idea for creating an anonymous function was NOT working; however, Pankar's answer below worked for me.
Here's the updated, working version :
// setup new 'kendoWidgetWatcher' object for Kendo widget watcher, compile/refresh Kendo grids/charts
var kendoWidgetWatcher;
function registerWatcher() {
kendoWidgetWatcher = scope.$on("kendoWidgetCreated", refreshKendoWidgets);
function refreshKendoWidgets(ev, widget) {
var ht = widget.getSize().height;
var wt = widget.getSize().width;
var kendoGrid = widget.element.parent().find('.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
if (kendoGrid != undefined) {
if (kendoWidgetWatcher) {
kendoWidgetWatcher(); // disable watch
kendoGrid.$angular_scope.compileTemplate(); // recompile the html tempate, then refresh kendo widget
registerWatcher(); // re-enable

You could easily turn off your your watcher by calling the watcher reference as function, and re-register it whenever you want it.
var kendoWidgetWatcher;
function refreshKendoWidgets(ev, widget) {
var kendoGrid = widget.element.parent().find('.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
if (kendoGrid != undefined) {
function registerWatcher (){
kendoWidgetWatcher = scope.$watch("kendoWidgetCreated", refreshKendoWidgets);
//you could call below code for re-registering the watcher
kendoWidgetWatcher(); //to deregister it.
registerWatcher(); //re-register it.


UI-grid saveState service circular logic

Here is a summary of the problem: I set up a column sortChange() listener, which responds to sort changes by firing off a query to fetch newly sorted data. I save the grid state before the fetch, and restore the grid state after the fetch. The problem is that the restore gridState mechanism triggers the original sort listener, causing the whole process to start over again, and again, and again.
scope.sitesGrid.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
scope.gridApi = gridApi;
scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged(scope, function () {
// load new sites on a sort change
scope.initialize = function() {
// save current grid state
scope.gridApi && (scope.gridState =;
fetchSites().then(function (sites) { = sites
// restore current grid state, but inadvertently retrigger the 'sortChanged' listener
I was thinking that I could set up a click listener on each column header, instead of using a sortChange listener, however this solution seems ugly and requires going into every header cell template and making changes.
How about some kind of scope variable to track the loading of data?
scope.gridApi.core.on.sortChanged(scope, function () {
if (!scope.isLoading) {
fetchSites().then(function (sites) {
scope.isLoading = true; = sites;
scope.isLoading = false;
You might need to add some timeout() calls in places if there are timing issues with this. Creating a Plunker to demonstrate this would help in that case.
I think i find solution. I created restore function in my directive (u can use it where you want). I just block executing next iteration until action is finished.
function restoreState() {
if ($scope.gridState.columns !== undefined && !isRestoring) { //check is any state exists and is restored
isRestoring = true; //set flag
$scope.gridApi.saveState.restore($scope, $scope.gridState)
.then(function () {
isRestoring = false; //after execute release flag
function saveState() {
if (!isRestoring) {
$scope.gridState = $;

angular `$broadcast` issue - how to fix this?

In my app, I am boradcasting a event for certain point, with checking some value. it works fine But the issue is, later on whenever i am trigger the broadcast, still my conditions works, that means my condition is working all times after the trigger happend.
here is my code :
scope.$watch('', function(newcity, oldcity) {
if (!newcity) {
scope.preloadMsg = false;
scope.$on('cfpLoadingBar:started', function() {
$timeout(function() {
if (newcity && newcity.originalObject.stateId) { //the condition not works after the first time means alwasy appends the text
console.log('each time');
$('#loading-bar-spinner').find('.spinner-icon span')
.text('Finding install sites...');
}, 100);
you can deregister the watcher by storing its reference in a variable and then calling it:
var myWatch = scope.$watch('', function(){
if( someCondition === true ){
myWatch(); //deregister the watcher by calling its reference
if you want to switch logic, just set some variable somewhere that dictates the control flow of the method:
var myWatch = scope.$watch('', function(){
scope.calledOnce = false;
//... run this the first time
scope.calledOnce = true;
else {
// run this the second time (and every other time if you do not deregister this watch or change the variable)
// if you don't need this $watch anymore afterwards, just deregister it like so:

$compile an HTML template and perform a printing operation only after $compile is completed

In a directive link function, I want to add to document's DIV a compiled ad-hoc template and then print the window. I try the following code and printer preview appears, but the data in preview is still not compiled.
// create a div
printSection = document.createElement('div'); = 'printSection';
// Trying to add some template to div
scope.someVar = "This is print header";
var htmlTemplate = "<h1>{{someVar}}</h1>";
var ps = angular.element(printSection);
// What I must do to turn information inside printSection into compiled result
// (I need later to have a table rendered using ng-repeat?)
// ... currently shows page with "{{someVar}}", not "This is print header"
Is it also so that $compile is not synchronous? How I can trigger window.print() only after it finished compilation?
you just need to finish the current digestion process to be able to print
so changing
_.defer(function() {
or $timeout, or any deferred handler.
will do the trick.
The other way (probably the 'right' approach) is to force the newly compilated content's watchers to execute before exiting the current $apply phase :
module.factory("scopeUtils", function($parse) {
var scopeUtils = {
* Apply watchers of given scope even if a digest progress is already in process on another level.
* This will only do a one-time cycle of watchers, without cascade digest.
* Please note that this is (almost) a hack, behaviour may be hazardous so please use with caution.
* #param {Scope} scope : scope to apply watchers from.
applyWatchers : function(scope) {
scopeUtils.traverseScopeTree(scope, function(scope) {
var watchers = scope.$$watchers;
if(!watchers) {
var watcher;
for(var i=0; i<watchers.length; i++) {
watcher = watchers[i];
var value = watcher.get(scope);
watcher.fn(value, value, scope);
traverseScopeTree : function(parentScope, traverseFn) {
var next,
current = parentScope,
target = parentScope;
do {
if (!(next = (current.$$childHead ||
(current !== target && current.$$nextSibling)))) {
while(current !== target && !(next = current.$$nextSibling)) {
current = current.$parent;
} while((current = next));
return scopeUtils;
use like this :

Is it okay to call initialize() to initialize a view?

In my Backbone app, I have the following
playlistView = new PlaylistView({ model: Playlist });
Playlist.getNewSongs(function() {
}, genre, numSongs);
Playlist.getNewSongs() is called back when some ajax request is finished. I want to re-initialize the view then. However, I believe the way I'm doing it leads to this problem of a view listening to a same event twice. Is calling initialize() like this acceptable? If not, what should I do instead?
I wrote this chrome extension in Backbone to learn Backbone, and it's in a design hell at the moment. I am in the middle of refactoring the entire codebase. The snippet below is my PlaylistView initialize() code block.
var PlaylistView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#expanded-container',
initialize: function() {
var playlistModel = this.model;
var bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
if (!bg.player) {
console.log("aborting playlistView initialize because player isn't ready");
this.listenTo(playlistModel.get('songs'), 'add', function (song) {
var songView = new SongView({ model: song });
// Empty the current playlist and populate with newly loaded songs
var songs = playlistModel.get('songs').models;
// Add a search form
var userLocale = chrome.i18n.getMessage("##ui_locale");
var inputEl = '<input class="form-control flat" id="song-search-form" type="search" placeholder="John Lennon Imagine">' +
'<span class="search-heart-icon fa fa-heart"></span>'+
'<span class="search-input-icon fui-search"></span>';
var form = this.$('input');
$(form).keypress(function (e) {
if (e.charCode == 13) {
var query = form.val();
// Fetch song models from bg.Songs's localStorage
// Pass in reset option to prevent fetch() from calling "add" event
// for every Song stored in localStorage
if (playlistModel.get('musicChart').source == "myself") {
playlistModel.get('songs').fetch({ reset: true });
songs = playlistModel.get('songs').models;
// Create and render a song view for each song model in the collection
_.each(songs, function (song) {
var songView = new SongView({ model: song });
}, this);
// Highlight the currently played song
var currentSong = playlistModel.get('currentSong');
if (currentSong)
var currentVideoId = currentSong.get('videoId');
else {
var firstSong = playlistModel.get('songs').at(0);
if (!firstSong) {
// FIXME: this should be done via triggering event and by Popup model
//console.log("something wrong with the chart");
var currentVideoId = firstSong.get('videoId');
_.find($('.list-group-item'), function (item) {
if ( == currentVideoId)
return $(item).addClass('active');
It is not wrong but probably not a good practice. You did not post the code in your initialize but maybe you have too much logic here.
If you are simply initializing the view again so that the new data is rendered, you should use event listener as such:
myView = Backbone. View.extend ({
initialize : function() {
// We bind the render method to the change event of the model.
//When the data of the model of the view changes, the method will be called.
this.model.bind( "change" , this.render, this);
// Other init code that you only need once goes here ...
this.template = _.template (templateLoader. get( 'config'));
// In the render method we update the view to represent the current model
render : function(eventName) {
$ (this.el ).html(this .template ((this.model .toJSON())));
return this;
If the logic in your initiialize is something totally else, please include it. Maybe there is a beter place for it.

wait for backbone template to be appended to the dom

I am trying to bind events to elements that are placed by appending a backbone template:
appendEditTemplateAndSetEvents: function() {
var associatedCollection = App.Helpers.findAssociatedCollection(this.allCollections, this.associatedCollectionId);
var template = this.setEditTemplateForElement(associatedCollection.type);
var modalBody = this.$el.find('.modal-body');
var firstModel =;
if(template.mainTemplate !== null) {
//each mode in collection
if(model.get('positionInContainer') === 1) {
firstModel = model;
if( template.templateValidation.length !== 0 ) {
_.each(template.templateValidation, function(val, index) {
//set listeners and handlers that apply when a edit modal is open
Now the problem is that when the last two functions are called the html of the templates isn't appended yet so the the events are binded to an object with a length of 0.
Does anyone have a decent solution for this async problem? I tried $.Defferred but that did not work, but maybe someone get's it working.
I solved this by using this.$el.find(...) in the functions:
I don't know if it's still an async problem, but this solves it.
