Login with Google using Ionic framework gives 404 on callback - angularjs

I am trying to implement login with Google in an Ionic browser based app. These are the commands I ran to install and create my app:
ionic start tracker sidemenu
cd tracker
cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser.git
ionic platform add browser
When I click my login button, the Google auth comes up ok. However when the callback is called I get a 404:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
This OAuth 2 Ionic example gave this code:
var clientId = 'xxxxxx-3rpu226qm-xxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com';
var scope = 'profile email';
var ref = window.open('https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=' + clientId +
'_blank', 'location=no');
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function (event) {
console.log('listener event.url: ' + event.url);
if ((event.url).startsWith("http://localhost:8100/callback")) {
var requestToken = (event.url).split("code=")[1];
console.log('request token from google: ' + requestToken);
Why isn't the eventListener catching the callback?

Its a known issue of the cordova-plugin-inappbrowser that loadstart and loaderror events are not being fired in the browser.
Source: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser#browser-quirks-1
You might want to look at an other javascript library like hello.js for the browser case (https://adodson.com/hello.js/#hellojs). Or implement it yourself. Here you can find an example for how to do it for google oath2 yourself: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2UserAgent


AngularJS 404 error on json file on GitHub Pages

I created a GitHub Pages project with AngularJS, the Angular content does not load from the json file, and I am getting a 404 error in the console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () birds.json
It is supposed to be just a client-side app. What is going on here? Does it have something to do with html5mode?
Related Questions:
Can one host an AngularJS based static blog on github?
AngularJS html5mode support on GitHub Pages
It's because your birds.json lies in the angular-birds directory. Try to change
var promise = $http.get('/birds.json').then(function (response) {
return response.data;
var promise = $http.get('angular-birds/birds.json').then(function (response) {
return response.data;
You may check out this AngularJS repository which I used to build and deploy my own website on github pages. Here is the demo.

integrating linkedin login with angularjs application

I am new to angular js .I would like to know the procedure to get api key and integrating linked in sign in ,sign up with angularjs application.
You can use LinkedIn SDK to handle authorisation and sing up or sing off users.
Documentation: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/getting-started-js-sdk
You have to initial SDK. You will need to create an app in your LinkedIn Developer panel. Then you get an API Key there.
Then in your app you have to create a service that will call LinkedIn API.
Something like this:
export class LinkedIn {
constructor($q, $window) {
this.$q = $q;
this.$window = $window;
get() {
let doc = this.$window.document;
let script = doc.createElement('script');
let deferred = this.$q.defer();
script.src = 'http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js';
script.innerHTML = [
'api_key: ' + YOUR_API_KEY,
'authorize: ' + 'true',
'lang: ' + 'en-US',
'onLoad: onLinkedInApiLoad',
'scope: ' + YOUR_APP_SCOPE
this.$window.onLinkedInApiLoad = () => {
return deferred.promise;
Next you need to decide where and when you want to initial this call. You can do that in .run block or made some middleware to handle it. After that you will receive LinkedIn API object.
When you have got your LinkedIn API object you can request authorisation, check if user has been already logged in and etc. Options are describe in documentation. You can authorise user calling IN.User.authorize(handler || angular.noop) or logout IN.User.logout(handler || angular.noop)
There is also options to do a callback on Event where user log in or log out for example:
IN.Event.on(IN, eventName, callback, callbackScope, extraData);
IN.Event.onOnce(IN, eventName, callback, callbackScope, extraData);
You can use angular module for linkedIn authentication. angular-social-login

Firebase AngularFire Facebook Login no login transports available error

I'm currently using Firebase's AngularFire and trying to login with some code I found in their documentation for facebook logins.
This is my html code (with ng-click to start login):
<a ng-click="loginWithFacebook()" class="btn btn-block btn-social btn-facebook">
This is what my angularjs code looks like (I've set up a login controller):
var app = angular.module("loginApp", ["firebase"]);
app.controller("loginCtrl", function($scope, $firebaseObject) {
var ref = new Firebase("firebaseUrl");
$scope.loginWithFacebook = function() {
ref.authWithOAuthPopup("facebook", function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
alert("That didn't work");
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
document.write("You're logged in!");
So when I click, the button works except it keeps giving me this error message:
Error: There are no login transports available for the requested method.
at Error (native)
at yg (https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.2.4/firebase.js:139:1271)
at https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.2.4/firebase.js:160:141
I've taken a look in the documentation for firebase, and the error message and explanation is pretty cryptic and I have no idea what it means.
Could someone tell me whats going on and how I can be able login using Facebook and invoke a Facebook popup?
Just realized I still have this question unanswered:
I actually realized that it was merely because I didn't have a Web server set up to handle API calls to Firebase, it was a silly mistake on my part and I will leave this here for future Firebase users so that they understand that you would have to either use nodejs/rails or other backend frameworks to handle API calls or use something like Github Pages to just host your code online.

access web services with angularjs

$scope.url = "http://localhost/MerchantProgramService.svc/GetMerchantProfile";
myXHRService.getData($scope.url).then(function(data) {
var xhrData = angular.fromJson(data);
// $scope.xhrData = xhrData.data.children;
I am trying to access web services with angularjs and i am failed to do it as i am new to angular.
POST http://localhost/MerchantProgramService.svc/GetMerchantProfile 404 (Not Found)
i am getting this error in console. i am using google chorme and using CORS extension to Access cross origin.

bacbkone router redirect if not authenticated

I am trying to implement a simple app that needs a login and user authentication. As I am new to backbone and marionette, I have been trying to follow the example for this tutorial: https://github.com/davidsulc/marionette-gentle-introduction
Generally I have set up a new app:
var App = new Marionette.Application({});
headerRegion : "#nav-region",
mainRegion : "#main-region"
App.navigate = function(route, options){
options || (options = {});
Backbone.history.navigate(route, options);
App.getCurrentRoute = function(){
return Backbone.history.fragment
App.on("start", function(){
And routers are defined in modules, e.g.:
App.module("ContentManagementApp", function(ContentManagementApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _){
ContentManagementApp.Router = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes : {
"contentmanagement/:dsid(/:dspageclassid)": "showContentMananagement",
var API = {
showContentMananagement : function(dsid, dspageclassid){
// If not set, set to frontpage
ContentManagementApp.Show.Controller.showDSPage(dsid, dspageclassid);
App.execute("set:active:header", "contentmanagement");
App.on("contentmanagement:show", function(dsid, dspageclassid){
App.navigate("contentmanagement/" + dsid + "/" + dspageclassid);
API.showContentMananagement(dsid, dspageclassid);
new ContentManagementApp.Router({
controller : API
I would like to test if the user is logged and redirect to the login page when the app starts, but it seems like App.addInitializer is called before. Does it mean I have to do the check in each module, or can I get by it somehow?
How do you determine if the user is logged or not?
If it's a call to an API that could fail (due to the user being unauthenticated), it will probably return an HTTP error code 403. I usually do this using a global jQuery ajax.error() handler, I check if it's a 403 (Forbidden) for any of my normal API calls (model fetching and so on) and if it is, I redirect to a login url.
Otherwise, if you want to check for a cookie or similar, you should do it before calling Backbone.history.start(). Only start the app if the user is logged. :)
I just set this up in my app - in your backend when the user is logged in create a cookie/destroy it when they sign-out. Then I use the jquery-cookie-rails gem to access the cookie as $.cookie('cookie_name') and if it isn't there I route them to the signin path.
I would note - I also check to see if the user is signed on the backend when hitting different controller actions and route them appropriately. I just like the extra protection :).
