The cygwin bash console only resets the cursor to the top of the screen, it does not clear the screen. vi does funny things with the cursor - hard to explain, but the cursor seems double wide when in vi. top output is mostly double-spaced, but sometimes single spaces.
When I use mintty I have none of these issues.
I've tried all kinds of settings in the last several hours, too many to list. Seems like I'm going backwards. I've got conemu working great on another computer, and I've tried replicating the setup but there must be something I'm missing.
What information can I provide to help solve these issues?
I've someone else runs into this issue: you probably need to set TERM=cygwin in your .bashrc.
Turns out the problem machine had an old version of Cygwin. Mintty received a major upgrade in July 2015. Numerous other packages have been upgraded also in the 2 years since I installed Cygwin in that machine. After upgrading Cygwin, the problems went away.
Downloaded & Installed/unzipped Eclipse 2020-9 to see if my old version ( Mars ) was broken.
When I do something simple like
Add a Folder
I get two "create folder dialogues"
2 popups
Same when I right click to delete a folder, I get two delete dialogue boxes.
these are just two examples, I'm guessing most actions will have two reactions!
Cannot debug a target get an error ( Stop the first session before staring a new one )
guessing Run->Debug is fired twice too.
I'm a long time eclipse user, so really curious why this is happening
issue started when I got a 'new' win 7 pc, discovering this bug while setting up my environment
any hints are welcome.
Used OpenJDK and Oracles Java 8 same issue ( Tried two versions of eclipse, same issue )
Eclipse is used for C development with ARM MCUs with OpenOCD and Gcc for ARM.
Many thanks for taking time to read this.
Fixed nVidia graphic driver application software was the culprit, the one that makes enhances the user experience by making windows go transparent when you drag them, good useful stuff like that. Uninstall nVidia desktop enhancing tools and Eclipse (and Notepad++ ) work perfectly Eclipse was never the problem, just the side effect.
I accidentally ran a normal code this morning with the only difference that instead of starting with #include <stdio.h>, it started as follows: code #include <stdio.h> and the rest of the usual stuff: main(), etc.. Not sure if that has something to do to what is happening right now, but it was right after that and don't really see anything else that I did differently.
Anyway, I keep getting the below tab every time I run any piece of code. I have already reinstalled Dev-C++ a couple of times, but still getting this. I am running it on a Mac using Parallels Desktop. Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you guys!
I resorted to reinstalling Windows 10 in Parallels Desktop. Now all is working fine. In any case, thank you very much for the help guys! :-)
Try to install the Dev C++ to a different disc or to another storage medium(HDD/SSD).
For, my case, it was also not opening even after I uninstalled and installed Dev C++ several times.
Then unlike another time, I installed it on a different disc.
It worked for me.
Hope this fixed your problem.
today I saw 2 different versions of ARC in my "Programs and features" Windows 10 list, so I choosed to uninstall the older one because I needed a bit of space. At the end of the uninstall, both of them where disappeared!
So, I downloaded the new version from, run as Admin and approved changes to S.O., the program started the installation but stucked at 1/3 of it. I waited for a few minutes, then closed it. Every time I try launching it, it stucks at about 1/3 of the installation.
I've tried searching for registry keys, and simply restarting the PC, with no luck.
Please help me if you can, because I really need that prog.
Thanks in advance
Had the same problem. Uninstall from program files didn't work for me either. I used ccleaner to remove then reinstall. Ccleaner will find appropriate registries.
In addition to using CCleaner, as suggested by Ray above, I had to do the following:
1) In the classic "Programs and Features" list (Control Panel style) of Windows 10, I chose Uninstall, upon which Windows 10 said it cannot find the program and asked if I want to remove the program from the list. I answered Yes.
2) Manually delete the folders "Advanced Rest Client" and "advanced-rest-client" (I had both) from %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming and from %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local (had only one of them).
After that, a fresh installation with the newest arc-setup.exe (version 15.0.5) worked.
I have this problems with Xcode
when i try to compile a program the Xcode just close (randomly) the project where i'am working, this happen with any type of code, like "printf("%d",1+1) or any other more complex code. And don't happen every time, just some times.
And that it's, i don't know why this start to happen. Anyone know how to fix this issue?
I'm working with Command Line Tool, and the language is C.
Did you recently upgrade to Yosemite? One of the reasons might be the upgrade.
Un-install and re-install Xcode and try.
For other internal problems you will need to send the code or a log of the error report.
Windows 7 64-bit.
OracleXE installed since February.
Oracle instantclient 11.2 installed as well, so I have both c:\oracle\ and c:\oraclexe.
I use SQLPlus every day.
It's location is C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin\sqlplus.exe
I have not changed my environment variables during this 6 month period.
Yet, suddenly, SQLPlus stopped working. Permanently. Even after reboots:
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
Now there are TONS AND TONS of pages of people discussing this exact problem. Every single solution involves setting ORACLE_HOME. None of these fix my problems. In fact, ORACLE_HOME was not an environment variable at any point between February and today!
These pages are all repeats of each other, and I've satisfied every solution condition on every one of those pages to no avail. And they are almost wholly about people who JUST installed Oracle.
But what about me? My install was perfect for 6 months, and just rotted away one day without me changing anything.
1) I've done the set ORACLE_HOME=c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\ to no avail. I've also taken about 10 shots in the dark with setting it to different levels in that path (like c:\oraclexe), but everything I've read suggestions it should point to the server folder.
2) I know it's not a path problem because I have no problem running SQLPlus. The error is generated by SQLPlus.
3) I've tried set LANG=us {even though I didn't need this at any point in the past}
4) I've even tried set NLS_LANG=American_America.we8iso8859p15 to no avail.
5) Yes, sp1us.msb is indeed at: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\sqlplus\mesg\sp1us.msb
6) I've even used Sysinternals Procmon to see where SQLPlus.exe is looking. It's a lot of output to wade through and I'm not too familiar with the tool, but it seems to indicate that SQLPlus is looking for the file... Right where it is! So why can't it find it?
7) I don't think it's file permissions. Ran fine for 6 months. I've ensured that I own the files via takeown and icalcs -- but only after the problems started.
8) It's not antivirus.
Twice I've mucked around and managed to get it run correctly, and both times it only ran once and stopped working correctly. So I could never verify a step that consistently got it to work. It makes no sense to me that it would run once, but not twice - It's almost as if SQLPlus itself is changing the environment to prevent SQLPlus from working.
I found the problem!
I was setting an environment varaible SQLPLUS in my own script.
I was using it for non-Oracle-specific purposes.
I guess I collided with a variable they wanted to use.
Strangely, I've been using this script (a sqlplus.bat that forks to different sqlplus behavior) for 2 years, and my choice in temporary environment variable only presented a problem this week.
Very odd!