Primary keys with Apache Spark - database

I am having a JDBC connection with Apache Spark and PostgreSQL and I want to insert some data into my database. When I use append mode I need to specify id for each DataFrame.Row. Is there any way for Spark to create primary keys?

If all you need is unique numbers you can use zipWithUniqueId and recreate DataFrame. First some imports and dummy data:
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, LongType}
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("a", -1.0), ("b", -2.0), ("c", -3.0))).toDF("foo", "bar")
Extract schema for further usage:
val schema = df.schema
Add id field:
val rows ={
case (r: Row, id: Long) => Row.fromSeq(id +: r.toSeq)}
Create DataFrame:
val dfWithPK = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
rows, StructType(StructField("id", LongType, false) +: schema.fields))
The same thing in Python:
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField, StructType, LongType
row = Row("foo", "bar")
row_with_index = Row(*["id"] + df.columns)
df = sc.parallelize([row("a", -1.0), row("b", -2.0), row("c", -3.0)]).toDF()
def make_row(columns):
def _make_row(row, uid):
row_dict = row.asDict()
return row_with_index(*[uid] + [row_dict.get(c) for c in columns])
return _make_row
f = make_row(df.columns)
df_with_pk = (df.rdd
.map(lambda x: f(*x))
.toDF(StructType([StructField("id", LongType(), False)] + df.schema.fields)))
If you prefer consecutive number your can replace zipWithUniqueId with zipWithIndex but it is a little bit more expensive.
Directly with DataFrame API:
(universal Scala, Python, Java, R with pretty much the same syntax)
Previously I've missed monotonicallyIncreasingId function which should work just fine as long as you don't require consecutive numbers:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.monotonicallyIncreasingId
df.withColumn("id", monotonicallyIncreasingId).show()
// +---+----+-----------+
// |foo| bar| id|
// +---+----+-----------+
// | a|-1.0|17179869184|
// | b|-2.0|42949672960|
// | c|-3.0|60129542144|
// +---+----+-----------+
While useful monotonicallyIncreasingId is non-deterministic. Not only ids may be different from execution to execution but without additional tricks cannot be used to identify rows when subsequent operations contain filters.
It is also possible to use rowNumber window function:
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import rowNumber
w = Window().orderBy()
df.withColumn("id", rowNumber().over(w)).show()
WARN Window: No Partition Defined for Window operation! Moving all data to a single partition, this can cause serious performance degradation.
So unless you have a natural way to partition your data and ensure uniqueness is not particularly useful at this moment.

from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id
df.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id()).show()
Note that the 2nd argument of df.withColumn is monotonically_increasing_id() not monotonically_increasing_id .

I found the following solution to be relatively straightforward for the case where zipWithIndex() is the desired behavior, i.e. for those desirng consecutive integers.
In this case, we're using pyspark and relying on dictionary comprehension to map the original row object to a new dictionary which fits a new schema including the unique index.
# read the initial dataframe without index
dfNoIndex =
# Need to zip together with a unique integer
# First create a new schema with uuid field appended
newSchema = StructType([StructField("uuid", IntegerType(), False)]
+ dfNoIndex.schema.fields)
# zip with the index, map it to a dictionary which includes new field
df = dfNoIndex.rdd.zipWithIndex()\
.map(lambda (row, id): {k:v
for k, v
in row.asDict().items() + [("uuid", id)]})\

For anyone else who doesn't require integer types, concatenating the values of several columns whose combinations are unique across the data can be a simple alternative. You have to handle nulls since concat/concat_ws won't do that for you. You can also hash the output if the concatenated values are long:
import pyspark.sql.functions as sf
unique_id_sub_cols = ["a", "b", "c"]
df = df.withColumn(
sf.when(sf.col(sub_col).isNull(), sf.lit("Missing")).otherwise(
for sub_col in unique_id_sub_cols


How to assign a unique ID to each row in a table in the Flink Table API?

I'm using Flink to compute a series of operations. Each operation produces a table which is both used for the next operation as well as stored in S3. This makes it possible to view the data at each intermediate step in the calculation and see the effect of each operation.
I need to assign a unique identifier to each row in each table, so that when that identifier appears again in the following step (possibly in a different column) I know that two rows are associated with each other.
The first obvious candidate for this seems to be the ROW_NUMBER() function, but:
It doesn't seem to be anywhere in the table expression API. Do I have to construct SQL strings?
How do I use it? When I try this query:
I get this error:
org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Over Agg: The window rank function without order by. please re-check the over window statement.
Does it always require sorting the table? This seems like an overhead I'd rather avoid.
The next option was just to generate a random UUID for every row. But when I try this, the same UUID is never used twice, so it's completely useless. Here's an example:
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.table.api._
import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.scala.StreamTableEnvironment
object Sandbox {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(
val inp = env.fromValues("id"))
val out1 = inp.addColumns(uuid().as("u"))
val out2 = out1.addColumns($"u".as("u2"))
WITH ('connector' = 'print')
WITH ('connector' = 'print')
.addInsert("out1", out1)
.addInsert("out2", out2)
// Equivalent to the createStatementSet method:
The output I get:
[info] +I(1,4e6008ad-868a-4f95-88b0-38ee7969067d)
[info] +I(1,55da264d-1e15-4c40-94d4-822e1cd5db9c,c9a78f93-580c-456d-9883-08bc998124ed)
I need the UUID from out1 to reappear in out2 in both columns, e.g:
[info] +I(1,4e6008ad-868a-4f95-88b0-38ee7969067d)
[info] +I(1,4e6008ad-868a-4f95-88b0-38ee7969067d,4e6008ad-868a-4f95-88b0-38ee7969067d)
I suppose this is due to this note in the docs:
This function is not deterministic which means the value would be recalculated for each record.
How can I calculate a UUID just once and make it 'concrete' so that the same value is sent to both out1 and out2?
I get a similar result with a user defined function:
class uuidUdf extends ScalarFunction {
def eval(): String = UUID.randomUUID().toString
val out1 = inp.addColumns(call(new uuidUdf()).as("u"))

Rename columns with multiple value dictionary

I have a dataframe and would like to rename the columns based on a dictionary with multiple values per key. The dictionary key has the desired column name, and the values hold possible old column names. The column names have no pattern.
import pandas as pd
column_dict = {'a':['col_a','col_1'], 'b':['col_b','col_2'], 'c':'col_c','col_3']}
df = pd.DataFrame([(1,2.,'Hello'), (2,3.,"World")], columns=['col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3'])
Function to replace text with key
def replace_names(text, dict):
for key in dict:
text = text.replace(dict[key],key)
return text
Gives an error when called on column names
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'replace'
Is there another way to do this?
You can use df.rename(columns=...) if you supply a dict which maps old column names to new column names:
import pandas as pd
column_dict = {'a':['col_a','col_1'], 'b':['col_b','col_2'], 'c':['col_c','col_3']}
df = pd.DataFrame([(1,2.,'Hello'), (2,3.,"World")], columns=['col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3'])
col_map = {col:key for key, cols in column_dict.items() for col in cols}
df = df.rename(columns=col_map)
a b c
0 1 2.0 Hello
1 2 3.0 World

Anorm SQL Folding a List into a class result

please pardon the level of detail. I'm not completely sure how to phrase this question.
I am new to scala and still learning the intricacies of the language. I have a project where all the data I need is contained in a table with a layout like this:
CREATE TABLE demo_data ( table_key varchar(10), description varchar(40), data_key varchar(10), data_value varchar(10) );
Where the table_key column contains the main key I'm searching on, and the description repeats for every row with that table_key. In addition there are descriptive keys and values contained in the data_key and data_value pairs.
I need to consolidate a set of these data_keys into my resulting class so that the class will end up like this:
case class Tab ( tableKey: String, description: String, valA: String, valB: String, valC: String )
object Tab {
val simple = {
get[String]("table_key") ~
get[String]("description") ~
get[String]("val_a") ~
get[String]("val_b") ~
get[String]("val_c") map {
case tableKey ~ description ~ valA ~ valB ~ valC => Tab(table_key, description, valA, valB, valC)
def list(tabKey: String) : List[Tab] = {
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
val tabs = SQL(
SELECT DISTINCT p.table_key, p.description,
a.data_value val_a,
b.data_value val_b,
c.data_value val_c
FROM demo_data p
JOIN demo_data a on p.table_key = a.table_key and a.data_key = 'A'
JOIN demo_data b on p.table_key = b.table_key and b.data_key = 'B'
JOIN demo_data c on p.table_key = c.table_key and c.data_key = 'C'
WHERE p.table_key = {tabKey}
).on('tabKey -> tabKey).as(Tab.simple *)
return tabs
which will return what I want, however I have more than 30 data keys that I wish to retrieve in this manner, and the joins to itself rapidly becomes unmanageable. As in the query ran for 1.5 hours and used up 20GB worth of temporary tablespace before running out of disk space.
So instead I am doing a separate class that retrieves a list of data keys and data values for a given table key using the "where data_key in ('A','B','C',...)", and now I'd like to "flatten" the returned list into a resulting object that will have the valA, valB, valC, ... in it. I still want to return a list of the flattened objects to the calling routine.
Let me try to idealize what I'd like to accomplish..
Take a header result set and a detail result set, extract out the keys out of the detail result set to populate additional elements/properties in the header result set and produce a list of classes containing the all the elements of the header result set, and the selected properties from the detail result set. So I get a list of TabHeader(tabKey,Desc) and for each I retrieve a list of interesting TabDetail(DataKey,DataValue), I then extract out the element where the DataKey == 'A' and put the DataValue element in Tab(valA), and do the same for DataKey == 'B', 'C', ... After I'm done I wish to produce a Tab(tabKey, Desc, valA, valB, valC, ...) in place of the corresponding TabHeader. I could quite possibly muddle through this in Java, but I'm treating this as a learning opportunity and would like to know a good way to do this in Scala.
I'm feeling that something with the scala mapping should do what I need, but I haven't been able to track down exactly what.

How to pass data.frame for UPDATE with R DBI

With RODBC, there were functions like sqlUpdate(channel, dat, ...) that allowed you pass dat = data.frame(...) instead of having to construct your own SQL string.
However, with R's DBI, all I see are functions like dbSendQuery(conn, statement, ...) which only take a string statement and gives no opportunity to specify a data.frame directly.
So how to UPDATE using a data.frame with DBI?
Really late, my answer, but maybe still helpful...
There is no single function (I know) in the DBI/odbc package but you can replicate the update behavior using a prepared update statement (which should work faster than RODBC's sqlUpdate since it sends the parameter values as a batch to the SQL server:
con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), driver="{SQL Server Native Client 11.0}", server="\\default,1234", Trusted_Connection = "yes", database = "test") # assumes Microsoft SQL Server
dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris, row.names = TRUE) # create and populate a table (adding the row names as a separate columns used as row ID)
update <- dbSendQuery(con, 'update iris set "Sepal.Length"=?, "Sepal.Width"=?, "Petal.Length"=?, "Petal.Width"=?, "Species"=? WHERE row_names=?')
# create a modified version of `iris`
iris2 <- iris
iris2$Sepal.Length <- 5
iris2$Petal.Width[2] <- 1
iris2$row_names <- rownames(iris) # use the row names as unique row ID
dbBind(update, iris2) # send the updated data
dbClearResult(update) # release the prepared statement
# now read the modified data - you will see the updates did work
data1 <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")
This works only if you have a primary key which I created in the above example by using the row names which are a unique number increased by one for each row...
For more information about the odbc package I have used in the DBI dbConnect statement see:
Building on R Yoda's answer, I made myself the helper function below. This allows using a dataframe to specify update conditions.
While I built this to run transaction updates (i.e. single rows), it can in theory update multiple rows passing a condition. However, that's not the same as updating multiple rows using an input dataframe. Maybe somebody else can build on this...
dbUpdateCustom = function(x, key_cols, con, schema_name, table_name) {
if (nrow(x) != 1) stop("Input dataframe must be exactly 1 row")
if (!all(key_cols %in% colnames(x))) stop("All columns specified in 'key_cols' must be present in 'x'")
# Build the update string --------------------------------------------------
df_key <- dplyr::select(x, one_of(key_cols))
df_upt <- dplyr::select(x, -one_of(key_cols))
set_str <- purrr::map_chr(colnames(df_upt), ~glue::glue_sql('{`.x`} = {x[[.x]]}', .con = con))
set_str <- paste(set_str, collapse = ", ")
where_str <- purrr::map_chr(colnames(df_key), ~glue::glue_sql("{`.x`} = {x[[.x]]}", .con = con))
where_str <- paste(where_str, collapse = " AND ")
update_str <- glue::glue('UPDATE {schema_name}.{table_name} SET {set_str} WHERE {where_str}')
# Execute ------------------------------------------------------------------
query_res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, update_str)
return (invisible(TRUE))
x: 1-row dataframe that contains 1+ key columns, and 1+ update columns.
key_cols: character vector, of 1 or more column names that are the keys (i.e. used in the WHERE clause)
Here is a little helper function I put together using REPLACE INTO to update a table using DBI, replacing old duplicate entries with the new values. It's basic and for my own needs, but should be easy to modify. All you need to pass to the function is the connection, table name, and dataframe. Note that the table must have a PRIMARY KEY column. I've also included a simple working example.
row_to_list <- function(Y) suppressWarnings(split(Y, f = row(Y)))
sql_val <- function(y){
to_sql_row <- function(x) paste0("(",paste("c", lapply(x, FUN = sql_val)), collapse = ", "),")")
bracket <- function(x) paste0("`",x,"`")
to_sql_string <- function(x) paste0("(",paste(sapply(x, FUN = bracket), collapse = ", "),")")
replace_into_table <- function(con, table_name, new_data){
#new_data <- data.table(new_data)
cols <- to_sql_string(names(new_data))
vals <- paste(lapply(row_to_list(new_data), FUN = to_sql_row), collapse = ", ")
query <- paste("REPLACE INTO", table_name, cols, "VALUES", vals)
rs <- dbExecute(con, query)
tb <- data.frame("id" = letters[1:20], "A" = 1:20, "B" = seq(.1,2,.1)) # sample data
dbWriteTable(con, "test_table", tb) # create table
dbExecute(con, "ALTER TABLE test_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)") # set primary key
new_data <- data.frame("id" = letters[19:23], "A" = 1:5, "B" = seq(101,105)) # new data
new_data[4,2] <- NA # add some NA values
new_data[5,3] <- NA
table_name <- "test_table"
replace_into_table(con, "test_table", new_data)
result <- dbReadTable(con, "test_table")

Between query equivalent on App Engine datastore?

I have a model containing ranges of IP addresses, similar to this:
class Country(db.Model):
begin_ipnum = db.IntegerProperty()
end_ipnum = db.IntegerProperty()
On a SQL database, I would be able to find rows which contained an IP in a certain range like this:
SELECT * FROM Country WHERE ipnum BETWEEN begin_ipnum AND end_ipnum
or this:
SELECT * FROM Country WHERE begin_ipnum < ipnum AND end_ipnum > ipnum
Sadly, GQL only allows inequality filters on one property, and doesn't support the BETWEEN syntax. How can I work around this and construct a query equivalent to these on App Engine?
Also, can a ListProperty be 'live' or does it have to be computed when the record is created?
question updated with a first stab at a solution:
So based on David's answer below and articles such as these:
I'm trying to add a custom field to my model like so:
class IpRangeProperty(db.Property):
def __init__(self, begin=None, end=None, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(begin, db.IntegerProperty) or not isinstance(end, db.IntegerProperty):
raise TypeError('Begin and End must be Integers.')
self.begin = begin
self.end = end
super(IpRangeProperty, self).__init__(self.begin, self.end, **kwargs)
def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance):
begin = self.begin.get_value_for_datastore(model_instance)
end = self.end.get_value_for_datastore(model_instance)
if begin is not None and end is not None:
return range(begin, end)
class Country(db.Model):
begin_ipnum = db.IntegerProperty()
end_ipnum = db.IntegerProperty()
ip_range = IpRangeProperty(begin=begin_ipnum, end=end_ipnum)
The thinking is that after i add the custom property i can just import my dataset as is and then run queries on based on the ListProperty like so:
q = Country.gql('WHERE ip_range = :1', my_num_ipaddress)
When i try to insert new Country objects this fails though, complaning about not being able to create the name:
File "/Applications/", line 619, in _attr_name
return '_' +
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'IntegerProperty' objects
I tried defining an attr_name method for the new property or just setting but that does not seem to help. Hopelessly stuck or heading in the right direction?
Short answer: Between queries aren't really supported at the moment. However, if you know a priori that your range is going to be relatively small, then you can fake it: just store a list on the entity with every number in the range. Then you can use a simple equality filter to get entities whose ranges contain a particular value. Obviously this won't work if your range is large. But here's how it would work:
class M(db.Model):
r = db.ListProperty(int)
# create an instance of M which has a range from `begin` to `end` (inclusive)
M(r=range(begin, end+1)).put()
# query to find instances of M which contain a value `v`
q = M.gql('WHERE r = :1', v)
The better solution (eventually - for now the following only works on the development server due to a bug (see issue 798). In theory, you can work around the limitations you mentioned and perform a range query by taking advantage of how db.ListProperty is queried. The idea is to store both the start and end of your range in a list (in your case, integers representing IP addresses). Then to get entities whose ranges contain some value v (i.e., between the two values in your list), you simply perform a query with two inequality filters on the list - one to ensure that v is at least as big as the smallest element in the list, and one to ensure that v is at least as small as the biggest element in the list.
Here's a simple example of how to implement this technique:
class M(db.Model):
r = db.ListProperty(int)
# create an instance of M which has a rnage from `begin` to `end` (inclusive)
M(r=[begin, end]).put()
# query to find instances of M which contain a value `v`
q = M.gql('WHERE r >= :1 AND r <= :1', v)
My solution doesn't follow the pattern you have requested, but I think it would work well on app engine. I'm using a list of strings of CIDR ranges to define the IP blocks instead of specific begin and end numbers.
from google.appengine.ext import db
class Country(db.Model):
subnets = db.StringListProperty()
country_code = db.StringProperty()
c = Country()
c.subnets = ['', '', '']
c.country_code = 'US'
c = Country()
c.subnets = ['', '', '']
c.country_code = 'CA'
# Search for starting with most specific block and then expanding until found
result = Country.all().filter('subnets =', '').fetch(1)
result = Country.all().filter('subnets =', '').fetch(1)
result = Country.all().filter('subnets =', '').fetch(1)
result = Country.all().filter('subnets =', '').fetch(1)
# ... repeat until found
# optimize by starting with the largest routing prefix actually found in your data (probably not 32)
