Showing a hierarchy using ng-repeat in a table - angularjs

I need to display some hierarchical data stored in a json object in an html table. I tried with the following code from jsfiddle:
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<my-table rows='rows'></my-table>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive('myTable', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var html = '<table>';
angular.forEach(scope[attrs.rows], function (row, index) {
html += '<tr><td>' + + '</td></tr>';
if ('subrows' in row) {
angular.forEach(row.subrows, function (subrow, index) {
html += '<tr><td>' + + '</td></tr>';
html += '</table>';
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.rows = [
{ name: 'a', subrows: [{ name: 'a.1' }, { name: 'a.2' }] },
{ name: 'b', subrows: [{ name: 'b.1',subrows: [{ name: 'b.1.1' }, { name: 'b.1.2' }] }, { name: 'b.2' }] }
I get the output as:
But I need to get:
I should be able to traverse as many levels as possible and show them in a table. How can I do that?

It seems that you have a data structure in the shape of a tree and you could solve it with a recursive function to explore your tree.
I wrote the following piece of code that should get you on your way. I'm pretty sure it can be done a bit more elegantly by using additional variables.
JS: (did not alter your controller)
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive('myTable', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var text = '';
function tableRec(array) {
if(array.length === 0) {
return text;
} else {
var obj = array.shift();
text += '<tr><td>' + + '</td></tr>';
//if there are subrows we go deeper into the recursion
if(obj.subrows) {
var html = '<table>' + text + '</table>';
HTML: (unaltered)
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<my-table rows='rows'></my-table>
You can also find my plunker here.


AngularJS Directive: display multiple times in the same page

I have an array with a lot of data.
I need to display it in different areas (about 10 times) in the same page (with different filtering).
To prevent long loading time (of multiple 'ng-repeat'), i'm trying to put it in a directive and show the same directive multiple times (instead of 'ng-repeat').
I want the directive to show every time it's same instance and not create new objects (and in that way to speed up the loading).
How can i get the directive to show the same instance and not create itself over and over again?
My example code:
var contec = angular.module('app', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,$rootScope) {
$scope.change = function(){
var id = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 0);
var val = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
$[id].id = val;
$ = {
items: [{
id: 1,
name: "first"
}, {
id: 2,
name: "second"
}, {
id: 3,
name: "third"
}, {
id: 4,
name: "forth"
contec.directive('firstDirective', function($rootScope,$compile) {
return {
replace: true,
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
data: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var template = '';
angular.forEach($, function(item, key) {
var tmp = '<div second-directive data="' + key + '"></div>';
template = template + tmp;
contec.directive('secondDirective', function($rootScope,$compile) {
var comp = function(scope,element, attrs,firstDirective){
var index =;
scope.item = $[index];
var template = '<ng-include src="\'itemTemplate.html\'"></ng-include>';
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: comp,
scope: {
data: '='
I think the best way to make your data instance available is to wrap it in a Service (specifically, a factory)
contec.factory('DataFactory', function() {
var data = {
items: [{
id: 1,
name: "first"
}, {
id: 2,
name: "second"
}, {
id: 3,
name: "third"
}, {
id: 4,
name: "forth"
return {
getData(): function() {
return data;
Then you'll be able to inject the factory in any controller that requires it.
contec.controller('ExampleController', ['DataFactory', ExampleController]);
function ExampleController(DataFactory) { = DataFactory.getData();
This approach has the added benefit of being more testable, since you can easily inject mock data in your unit tests.

Dynamically generating widgets from json data without performance losses

Here is the problem I'm trying to solve: generating a form from a variable set of widgets where the exact widgets and their ordering is directed by the data, namely schema. The first approach I've taken looks like (omitting the unnecessary details):
angular.module('app').controller(function($scope) {
$ = {
actions: [{
name: 'Action1',
base: 'nova.create_server',
baseInput: {
flavorId: {
title: 'Flavor Id',
type: 'string'
imageId: {
title: 'Image Id',
type: 'string'
input: [''],
output: [{
type: 'string',
value: ''
}, {
type: 'dictionary',
value: {
key1: '',
key2: ''
}, {
type: 'list',
value: ['', '']
$scope.schema = {
action: [{
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
}, {
name: 'base',
type: 'string',
}, {
name: 'baseInput',
type: 'frozendict',
}, {
name: 'input',
type: 'list',
}, {
name: 'output',
type: 'varlist',
<div ng-controller="actionCtrl" ng-repeat="item in data.actions">
<div ng-repeat="spec in schema.action" ng-class="{'right-column': $even && isAtomic(spec.type), 'left-column': $odd && isAtomic(spec.type)}">
<div class="clearfix" ng-show="$even"></div>
.directive('typedField', function($http, $templateCache, $compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
'/static/mistral/js/angular-templates/fields/' + scope.spec.type + '.html',
{cache: $templateCache}).success(function(templateContent) {
Among the templates located inside '/fields/' the simplest possible template for the string-type field is
<div class="form-group">
<label>{$ spec.title || makeTitle( $}</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="item[]">
This approach works for - all the widgets are rendered, model bindings work, but on once I type a single letter inside of these widgets, the scope changes and the widgets are redrawn, causing:
* focus losing
* some time delay effective meaning poor performance.
Trying to overcome this drawback, I've rewritten my app in the following way:
<div ng-controller="actionCtrl" ng-repeat="item in data.actions">
.directive('typedField', function($http, $templateCache, idGenerator, $compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: true,
compile: function ($element, $attrs) {
'/static/mistral/js/angular-templates/fields/' + $attrs.type + '.html',
{cache: $templateCache}).success(function (templateContent) {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.title = $attrs.title;
scope.type = $attrs.type; = $;
.directive('action', function($compile, schema, isAtomic) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
function(spec, index) {
var cls = '', elt;
if ( isAtomic(spec.type) ) {
cls = index % 2 ? 'class="right-column"' : 'class="left-column"';
elt = '<div ' + cls + '><typed-field type="' + spec.type + '" name="' + + '"></typed-field>';
if ( index % 2 ) {
elt += '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
elt += '</div>';
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
Instead of getting schema from scope, I'm providing it via dependency injection into compile phase of a directive (which is run only the first time - which seemed quite the thing I needed to avoid repetitive full redraw of widgets). But now instead of nicely looking widgets (as before) I get raw html with data bindings not evaluated at all. I guess that I'm doing something wrong, but fail to graps how should I correctly use the compile function to avoid performance issues. Could you please give an advice on what should be fixed?
Finally I have found out what should be returned from the directive's compile function in that case
.directive('action', function($compile, schema, isAtomic) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
function(spec, index) {
var cls = '', elt;
if ( isAtomic(spec.type) ) {
cls = index % 2 ? 'class="right-column"' : 'class="left-column"';
elt = '<div ' + cls + '><typed-field type="' + spec.type + '" name="' + + '"></typed-field>';
if ( index % 2 ) {
elt += '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
elt += '</div>';
var linkFns = [];
tElement.children().each(function(tElem) {
return function(scope) {
linkFns.forEach(function(linkFn) {
What actually $compile does is calling the 'compile' function of each directive it encounters - thus calling $compile on current directive's template lead to infinite recursion, but calling it for each child of this directive worked fine.

AngularJS Directive using Compile cannot access child elements

My intent was to create a directive that could rearrange (not reorder) its child elements into a Bootstrap CSS Grid, but I am having a lot of difficulty getting access to the child elements.
I've tried a lot of different things and have researched Compile vs Link vs Controller directive options. I think I might have to change the 'compile' to 'link' in my directive to get this to work, but I am unsure how to do that.
I have an AngularJS directive on GitHub that takes an array or object of parameters to render a simple or complex grid.
In the example below you can see the = [3, 4] which means the grid will have 3 cells in the top row and 4 in the second. This is working well.
The second step is that I would like to render some divs as child elements of the directive and the directive will place these in the cells of the grid as it is created. This is shown by the layoutOptions.content = ['apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'banana', 'lime', 'lemon', 'grape'] but this needs to be de-coupled so that it could be literally anything.
HTML Input
<div ng-app="blerg">
<div ng-controller="DemoCtrl">
<div class="container" hr-layout="layoutOptions">
<div ng-transclude ng-repeat="fruit in layoutOptions.content">{{fruit}}</div>
Desired (not actual) Output
Actual output is as below, but does not include the inner DIVs with fruit names
<div class="container hr-layout" hr-layout="layoutOptions">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>apple</div></div>
<div class="col-md-4"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>orange</div></div>
<div class="col-md-4"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>pear</div></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>banana</div></div>
<div class="col-md-3"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>lime</div></div>
<div class="col-md-3"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>lemon</div></div>
<div class="col-md-3"><!-- from ng-repeat --><div>grape</div></div>
And a jsFiddle that uses it here:
angular.module('blerg', [])
.controller('DemoCtrl', function($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.layoutOptions = {
data: [3, 4],
content: ['apple', 'orange', 'pear', 'banana', 'lime', 'lemon', 'grape']
.directive("hrLayout", [
"$compile", "$q", "$parse", "$http", function ($compile, $q, $parse, $http) {
return {
restrict: "A",
transclude: true,
compile: function(scope, element, attrs) {
//var content = element.children();
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
var contentCount = 0;
var renderTemplate = function(value, content) {
if (typeof content === 'undefined' || content.length <= contentCount)
var cellContent = 'Test content(col-'+value+')';
else if ( === '[object Array]')
var cellContent = content[contentCount];
var cellContent = content;
return '<div class="col-md-'+value+'">'+cellContent+'</div>';
var renderLayout = function(values, content) {
var renderedHTML = '';
var rowCnt = 0;
var subWidth = 0;
angular.forEach(values, function(value) {
renderedHTML += '<div class="row">';
if( === '[object Array]') {
angular.forEach(value, function(subvalue) {
if(typeof subvalue === 'object') {
renderedHTML += renderTemplate(
subvalue.w.substring(4), renderLayout(subvalue.d)
} else {
renderedHTML += renderTemplate(subvalue.substring(4));
} else {
if(value > 12) {
value = 12;
} else if (value <= 0) {
value = 1;
subWidth = Math.floor(12 / value);
for (var i=0; i< value-1; i++) {
renderedHTML += renderTemplate(subWidth);
renderedHTML += renderTemplate((12-subWidth*(value-1)));
renderedHTML += '</div>';
return renderedHTML;
scope.$watch(attrs.hrLayout, function(value) {
This may help -
App.directive('hrLayout', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
// allows transclusion
transclude: true,
// transcludes the content of an element on which hr-layout was placed
template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs, transcludeFn) {
return function (scope, el, tAttrs) {
var data = scope.$eval(tAttrs.hrLayout),
dom = '';
transcludeFn(scope, function cloneConnectFn(cElement) {
// hide the transcluded content
window.setTimeout(function() {
for(var row = 0; row <; row++) {
dom+= '<div class="row">';
for(var col = 0; col <[row]; col++) {
dom+= '<div class="col-md-' +[row] + '">' + tElement.children('div[ng-transclude]').children(':eq(' + ( row + col ) + ')').html() + '</div>';
dom+= '</div>';
}, 0);
Your approach looks like too complex. Maybe you should use ngRepeat directive and orderBy filter insted of updating html of element every time when hrLayout was updated?

How to create a tree list in Angular with ajax loading of each new layer?

I'm new to Angular and trying to wrap my brain around how to do stuff.
I'm trying to create a list that's populated on page load by an ajax call to a REST API service, and the elements of that list would fire ajax calls to that same service when clicked on that populated sub-lists below those elements, and so on to depth n.
The initial population of the list is easy: the controller makes the ajax call, gets the JSON object, assigns it to scope and the DOM is handled with a ng-repeat directive. I'm having trouble with the subsequent loading of the sub-lists.
In jQuery, I would have a function tied to each appropriately classed element clicked upon via onClick which would get the required parameters, take the JSON output, parse it into HTML and append that HTML after the element which fired the event. This is direct DOM manipulation and therefore Angular heresy.
I've already looked at this question here, but I still don't quite understand how to implement something like this "the Angular way".
Edit: Solved this problem by making a recursive directive. Instructions from here:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.directive('uiTree', function() {
return {
template: '<ul class="uiTree"><ui-tree-node ng-repeat="node in tree"></ui-tree-node></ul>',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
tree: '=ngModel',
attrNodeId: "#",
loadFn: '=',
expandTo: '=',
selectedId: '='
controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$scope.loadFnName = $attrs.loadFn;
// this seems like an egregious hack, but it is necessary for recursively-generated
// trees to have access to the loader function
$scope.loadFn = $scope.$parent.loadFn;
// TODO expandTo shouldn't be two-way, currently we're copying it
if($scope.expandTo && $scope.expandTo.length) {
$scope.expansionNodes = angular.copy($scope.expandTo);
var arrExpandTo = $scope.expansionNodes.split(",");
$scope.nextExpandTo = arrExpandTo.shift();
$scope.expansionNodes = arrExpandTo.join(",");
.directive('uiTreeNode', ['$compile', '$timeout', function($compile, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<li>' +
'<div class="node" data-node-id="{{ nodeId() }}">' +
'<a class="icon" ng-click="toggleNode(nodeId())""></a>' +
'<a ng-hide="selectedId" ng-href="#/assets/{{ nodeId() }}">{{ }}</a>' +
'<span ng-show="selectedId" ng-class="css()" ng-click="setSelected(node)">' +
'{{ }}</span>' +
'</div>' +
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
scope.nodeId = function(node) {
var localNode = node || scope.node;
return localNode[scope.attrNodeId];
scope.toggleNode = function(nodeId) {
var isVisible = elm.children(".uiTree:visible").length > 0;
var childrenTree = elm.children(".uiTree");
if(isVisible) {
scope.$emit('nodeCollapsed', nodeId);
} else if(nodeId) {
scope.$emit('nodeExpanded', nodeId);
if(!isVisible && scope.loadFn && childrenTree.length === 0) {
// load the children asynchronously
var callback = function(arrChildren) {
scope.node.children = arrChildren;
elm.find("a.icon i").show();
elm.find("a.icon img").remove();
scope.toggleNode(); // show it
var promiseOrNodes = scope.loadFn(nodeId, callback);
if(promiseOrNodes && promiseOrNodes.then) {
} else {
$timeout(function() {
}, 0);
elm.find("a.icon i").hide();
var imgUrl = "";
elm.find("a.icon").append('<img src="' + imgUrl + '" width="18" height="18">');
} else {
elm.find("a.icon i").toggleClass("icon-chevron-right");
elm.find("a.icon i").toggleClass("icon-chevron-down");
scope.appendChildren = function() {
// Add children by $compiling and doing a new ui-tree directive
// We need the load-fn attribute in there if it has been provided
var childrenHtml = '<ui-tree ng-model="node.children" attr-node-id="' +
scope.attrNodeId + '"';
if(scope.loadFn) {
childrenHtml += ' load-fn="' + scope.loadFnName + '"';
// pass along all the variables
if(scope.expansionNodes) {
childrenHtml += ' expand-to="expansionNodes"';
if(scope.selectedId) {
childrenHtml += ' selected-id="selectedId"';
childrenHtml += ' style="display: none"></ui-tree>';
return elm.append($compile(childrenHtml)(scope));
scope.css = function() {
return {
nodeLabel: true,
selected: scope.selectedId && scope.nodeId() === scope.selectedId
// emit an event up the scope. Then, from the scope above this tree, a "selectNode"
// event is expected to be broadcasted downwards to each node in the tree.
// TODO this needs to be re-thought such that the controller doesn't need to manually
// broadcast "selectNode" from outside of the directive scope.
scope.setSelected = function(node) {
scope.$emit("nodeSelected", node);
scope.$on("selectNode", function(event, node) {
scope.selectedId = scope.nodeId(node);
if(scope.node.hasChildren) {
elm.find("a.icon").append('<i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>');
if(scope.nextExpandTo && scope.nodeId() == parseInt(scope.nextExpandTo, 10)) {
function MyCtrl($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.assets = [
{ assetId: 1, name: "parent 1", hasChildren: true},
{ assetId: 2, name: "parent 2", hasChildren: false}
$scope.selected = {name: "child 111"};
$scope.hierarchy = "1,11";
$scope.loadChildren = function(nodeId) {
return [
{assetId: parseInt(nodeId + "1"), name: "child " + nodeId + "1", hasChildren: true},
{assetId: parseInt(nodeId + "2"), name: "child " + nodeId + "2"}
$scope.$on("nodeSelected", function(event, node) {
$scope.selected = node;
$scope.$broadcast("selectNode", node);
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ui-tree ng-model="assets" load-fn="loadChildren" expand-to="hierarchy" selected-id="111" attr-node-id="assetId"></ui-tree>
<div>selected: {{ }}</div>
Here's a solution which I prototyped for my own use.
Link updated

How to make AngularJS compile the code generated by directive?

Please help me on, How can we make AngularJS compile the code generated by directive ?
You can even find the same code here,
<div ng-controller="myController">
{{names[0]}} {{names[1]}}
<br/> <hello-world my-username="names[0]"></hello-world>
<br/> <hello-world my-username="names[1]"></hello-world>
<br/><button ng-click="clicked()">Click Me</button>
var components= angular.module('components', []);
function ($scope) {
var counter = 1;
$scope.names = ["Number0","lorem","Epsum"];
$scope.clicked = function() {
$scope.names[0] = "Number" + counter++;
// **Here is the directive code**
components.directive('helloWorld', function() {
var directiveObj = {
link:function(scope, element, attrs) {
var strTemplate, strUserT = attrs.myUsername || "";
if(strUserT) {
strTemplate = "<DIV> Hello" + "{{" + strUserT +"}} </DIV>" ;
} else {
strTemplate = "<DIV>Sorry, No user to greet!</DIV>" ;
restrict: 'E'
return directiveObj;
Here's a version that doesn't use a compile function nor a link function:
myApp.directive('helloWorld', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
myUsername: '#'
template: '<span><div ng-show="myUsername">Hello {{myUsername}}</div>'
+ '<div ng-hide="myUsername">Sorry, No user to greet!</div></span>',
Note that the template is wrapped in a <span> because a template needs to have one root element. (Without the <span>, it would have two <div> root elements.)
The HTML needs to be modified slightly, to interpolate:
<hello-world my-username="{{names[0]}}"></hello-world>
components.directive('helloWorld', function() {
var directiveObj = {
compile:function(element, attrs) {
var strTemplate, strUserT = attrs.myUsername || "";
if(strUserT) {
strTemplate = "<DIV> Hello " + "{{" + strUserT +"}} </DIV>" ;
} else {
strTemplate = "<DIV>Sorry, No user to greet!</DIV>" ;
restrict: 'E'
return directiveObj;
Explanation: The same code should be used in compile function rather than linking function. AngularJS does compile the generated content of compile function.
You need to create an angular element from the template and use the $compile service
components.directive('helloWorld', ['$compile', function(compile) {
var directiveObj = {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var strTemplate, strUserT = attrs.myUsername || "";
if (strUserT) {
strTemplate = "<DIV> Hello" + "{{" + strUserT +"}} </DIV>" ;
} else {
strTemplate = "<DIV>Sorry, No user to greet!</DIV>" ;
var e = angular.element(strTemplate);
template: function() {
return "Hello";
restrict: 'E'
return directiveObj;
