SQL Server Linked Server, Error running query firebird - sql-server

I'm doing a query on the firebird external database from SQL Server (2008, 2012). The server connects seamlessly to the linked server, but to consult the following error.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
You can not run the script.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Program location:
on Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ConnectionManager.UpdateDatabaseEngineType()
on Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ConnectionManager.get_DatabaseEngineType()
on Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ScriptAndResultsEditorControl.DebugWrapper.Start()
on Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ScriptAndResultsEditorControl.OnDebugScript(Object sender, EventArgs a)
The query worked until a few days ago, but now I get this error.
Might be wrong?
this is the query:
I run the query in SQL management studio and came out the same mistake as I configured the linked server several times, but no error above shows create. Connection test shows no problems

It's not easy to identify the problem outside of your network. The think I've in mind is verify if the connections between the servers are OK, firewalls servers and security rules.
Try to make a simple select between the servers to be sure that the connections are working well.


ssis moving data between sql and access databases

In SQL Server Data Tools 2015, I would like to move data from a SQL Server 2012 database into a new access database(2005) and need to create the access table as part of the process. Can this be done all in one Execute SQL process under control flow. This will be part of a loop to run through a list of tables that need to be dynamically created and loaded into an empty access db.
I have created a connection manager and that is in the connection field for the access database and put the code into the SQL statement field under the general tab of the Execute SQL Task component.
Both databases are on my local machine.
"SELECT a.* into providers from OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'SELECT * FROM newResults.dbo.providers') as a"
I get the following error:
SSIS package "C:\Users\chris\source\repos\Integration Services
Project5\Integration Services Project5\Package1.dtsx" starting. Error:
0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task 2, Execute SQL Task: Executing the
query "SELECT a.* into providers from OPENQUERYSET('SQLN..." failed
with the following error: "Syntax error in FROM clause.". Possible
failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set
correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established
correctly. Task failed: Execute SQL Task 2 SSIS package
"C:\Users\chris\source\repos\Integration Services Project5\Integration
Services Project5\Package1.dtsx" finished: Success.
The SQL contained in the Execute SQL Task is executed in the destination's context. The SELECT INTO FROM OPENQUERYSET statement is being passed to Access. Access doesn't have the OPENQUERYSET function and even if it did, your source is SQL Server, which Access doesn't know about unless you have made a connection to SQL Server in Access. Copy your SQL statement into Access and try to execute it and you'll see the same or a similar error. That's what the Execute SQL Task is doing.
Dynamic data is one of the more challenging problems in SSIS. The COZYROC tools include a lot of support for handling dynamic scenarios. Check out the videos for their Data Flow Task Plus for some ideas.

Linked Server Connectivity Issues?

My linked server was fine until now and i was selecting data using some join statement for filtering the but suddenly its returning following error. i cannot execute any query against my linked server.
Linked server is still available as i tried a TEST CONNECTION from server object and it was successful
Msg 65535, Level 16,State 1, Line 0
Sql Server Interface:Error Loading Server/Instance Specified
oledb provider sqlnc111 for linked server "MSNAC/MSDB5" returned an
error " A login time out expired
A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while
establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not
accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is
configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL
Server Books Online.
How to solve this issue ?
If nobody has made any configuration changes, your queries may be timing out because of a big data change. Try to, at least temporarily, set the following option:
USE Yourdatabase;
EXEC sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 0;
If it goes fine with these settings, your queries were simply timing out because of the set limit. Experiment a bit with your queries, see what is an appropriate limit to put in this properties (leaving it to infinity isn't a good idea) and reconfigure once again.
NOTE: the number is in seconds.
To read up more on this issue, check the documentation for remote query timeout.

How to add Sybase SQL Anywhere DB as linked server to MS SQL Server properly

I used the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Anywhere to create a linked server, it shows remote databases and tables, I can read data, but writing data seems to work only using OPENQUERY() and when doing the connection_authentication using EXEC ... AT ... directly in the script.
How can I have the SQL Server do the authentication automatically when opening a connection?
How can I make normal write operations work without OPENQUERY()?
Sorry for not adding detailed error messages, I will add them later maybe, when I have access to the server again... But they were not meaningful anyway, i.e. when the weird authentication was missing, it just said "could not insert" or "failed" instead of indicating any authentication issue.
How to get the real error messages that come from Sybase?
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16 (OEM Authenticated Edition) <-> MS SQL Server 2014
INSERT INTO OPENQUERY(linkedserver, 'SELECT column FROM table WHERE 0=1') VALUES ('')
...that's not nice.
Even more details:
This is how I created the linked server
This is the authentication I'm talking about

sp_reset_connection error in SQL Azure Linked Server RPC

I have a problem calling a remote Stored Procedure (RPC) on my SQL Azure, passing through a Linked Server (build on a Sql Server 2008 R2 instance: 10.50.2550.0 - x64 - Enterprise Edition).
This issue is not difficult to reproduce, and it's not really related with "calling" the Stored Procedure, but with its internal execution (I think)...
Take a look to my simple code:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[myStoredProcedure]
#AccountId INT = NULL
DELETE FROM [dbo].[myTable];
INSERT INTO [dbo].[myTable] (Col1, Col2)
, Value2
FROM [dbo].[myTableSource];
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[myStoredProcedure] TO [myDbRole]
When I launch this through my Linked Server, using this code (on a connection from my local instance, where the Linked Server has been created)...
EXEC('[AZURE_LINKEDSERVER].[myDatabase].[dbo].[myStoredProcedure] #AccountId = NULL')
...I get this error (that seems a warning!):
Message 2812, level 16, state 62, row 1
Could not find stored procedure 'sp_reset_connection'.
And obviously I checked everywhere and I'm not calling that Stored Procedure...that I think it's internally used by Sql Server.
I also tried this code, same result:
EXEC sp_sqlexec '[AZURE_LINKEDSERVER].[myDatabase].[dbo].[myStoredProcedure] NULL'
The Linked Server has "remote RPC enabled" (rpc and rpc out options are both set to True) and works great with other Stored Procedure and every other OPENQUERY code I used until now: also permissions work fine.
The strange thing is that the first part of the SP is correctly executed (I see query result count in the Messages window of SSMS), but the second is not called at all.
Can you please tell what's the SP sp_reset_connection is related to?
Do you know a workaround to call my SP without errors?
I tried everything...
SQL Azure in use has version 11.0.9231
sp_reset_connection is not an actual stored procedure it is a flag in the TDS stream that says "Reset the connection" so you can use connection pooling. It should exist on all SQL Servers implicitly but cannot be called by your code.
what type of linked server have you setup? follow this to create a linked server to azure:

How to query remote index catalogs

I've been trying to create a linked server in SQL Server that accesses a
remote Index Service catalog, but I can't seem to do it. Let's call
the remote server "remoteServer" and the Catalog "remoteCatalog"
I've tried this:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver remoteIndexServer, 'Index Server', 'MSIDXS',
and then i did run the SQL
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(remoteIndexServer,'select filename from scope()') AS Q
But i got the error as
OLE DB provider "MSIDXS" for linked server "remoteIndexServer" returned message "Service is not running. ".
Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
Cannot execute the query "select filename from scope()" against OLE DB provider "MSIDXS" for linked server "remoteIndexServer".
I have experienced this issue before. This is from memory so excuse any errors but if I recall correctly you will need to do the following.
Install the indexing service on your local SQL Server (this is so the provider is available).
Add a linked server to this LOCAL indexing service.
You can then run you query as below
'select filename from RemoteServer.CatalogName..scope()'
) AS Q
If that doesn't work let me know, there is a post somewhere that describes how to do this. I can look it up if necessary but I think the above is right.
