Using ion-side-menu with Ionic header - angularjs

<div ng-if="showHeader">
<ion-header-bar class="bar bar-header navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="row">
<span class="navbar-brand" href="#">
<div class="button button-icon" ng-click="">
<div id="customSubHeader">
<ion-nav-view name="PageView"></ion-nav-view>
I tried replacing it with
<div ng-if="showHeader">
<ion-header-bar class="bar bar-header navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="row">
<div class="button button-icon topPull" ng-click="toggleTopMenu()">
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<h2 style="margin-top:80px;">Side Menu</h2 >
but no help.
How do I integrate an Ionic side menu in <ion-header-bar></ion-header-bar>? I don't think I can replace header bar with navbar now and having header bar in ion-side-menu does not display anything.

You have to create your menu state something like this
$stateProvider.state('menu', {
url: '/menu',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'templates/menu.html'
your menu.html file will have the header something like this
<ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views="false">
<ion-nav-view name="menuContent"></ion-nav-view>
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<ion-content class="list-black">
<ion-item class="background-black" menu-close href="#/menu/home">
and then your template page will be something like this
<ion-header-bar class="header-black">
<button class="button button-icon button-clear" menu-toggle="left"><i class="icon-icon-hamburger icon-white"></i></button>
<h1 class="title light header-title">App header for home page</h1>
<div class="buttons" side="left">
<button class="button button-clear button-light" ng-click="toggleLayout()">
<i ng-show="layoutOptions.value == 'grid'" class="icon-icon-list icon-white icon-36"></i>
<i ng-show="layoutOptions.value == 'list'" class="ion-android-apps icon-white icon-30"></i>
<button class="button button-clear button-light"><i class="icon-icon-notification icon-white icon-30"></i></button> <span class="badge badge-assertive">13</span>
<ion-content ng-show="layoutOptions.value == 'grid'">


Sidemenus in ionic framework

This is my file in angularjs. I am not able to insert the code for sidemenus. If I include that code, the style of ion-nav-view changes and the page is blank. Pls help me to get to know the exact place I should insert the menu.
<ion-nav-view class="dashboard_pane">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<button menu-toggle = "left" class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click="toggleSideMenu()"></button>
<h1 class="title">DASHBOARD</h1>
<button class="button" ng-click="getSyncData()" style='background-image:url(../img/sync.png);width:35px;height:35px;background-size:cover'></button>
<ion-content padding="true" >
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-60 col-offset-60" style='background-image:url(../img/schbg1.png);width:15px;height:160px;background-size: 100% 100%;'><img ng-src='../img/about.png' ng-click="AboutUs()"/></div>
<div class="col col-60 col-offset-60" style='background-image:url(../img/schbg1.png);width:15px;height:160px;background-size:100% 100%'><img ng-src='../img/contact.png' ng-click="ContactUs()" /></div>
<div class="bar bar-footer bar-light" style='background-image:url(../img/advertisement_button.png);background-size:cover;width:100%;height:8%;'></div>
Is the header section fine ?
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<button menu-toggle = "left" class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click="toggleSideMenu()"></button>
<h1 class="title">DASHBOARD</h1>
<button class="button" ng-click="getSyncData()" style='background-image:url(../img/sync.png);width:35px;height:35px;background-size:cover'></button>
To create side menus in ionic, you have to use <ion-side-menus> directive as parent directive. Inside that you have use 2 directive (3 directives if you are using both right and left menu):
One for main body content <ion-side-menu-content> Main body or <ion-nav-view> will go here. Another for left/right menu : <ion-side-menu side="left">
Example Code:
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive header-color">
<!-- Header title and back button codes-->
<ion-nav-view animation="slide-ios">
<!-- Main body content will go here -->
<ion-side-menu side="left" enable-menu-with-back-views="false" width="290">
<ion-content has-header="false">
<!-- Left menu code will go here-->
<!-- You can also create a separate html file for left menu and include like this -->
<div ng-include src="'templates/left-menu.html'"></div>
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive header-color">
<!-- Header title and back button codes-->
<ion-nav-view animation="slide-ios" class="dashboard_pane">
<!-- Main body content will go here -->
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<button menu-toggle = "left" class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click="toggleSideMenu()"></button>
<h1 class="title">DASHBOARD</h1>
<button class="button" ng-click="getSyncData()" style='background-image:url(../img/sync.png);width:35px;height:35px;background-size:cover'></button>
<ion-content padding="true" >
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-60 col-offset-60" style='background-image:url(../img/schbg1.png);width:15px;height:160px;background-size: 100% 100%;'><img ng-src='../img/about.png' ng-click="AboutUs()"/></div>
<div class="col col-60 col-offset-60" style='background-image:url(../img/schbg1.png);width:15px;height:160px;background-size:100% 100%'><img ng-src='../img/contact.png' ng-click="ContactUs()" /></div>
<ion-side-menu side="left" enable-menu-with-back-views="false" width="290">
<ion-content has-header="false">
<!-- Left menu code will go here-->
<!-- You can also create a separate html file for left menu and include like this -->
<!--<div ng-include src="'menu.html'"></div> -->
<ion-item nav-clear menu-close href="#/app/search">
<ion-item nav-clear menu-close href="#/app/browse">
<ion-item nav-clear menu-close href="#/app/playlists">

Ionic navbar hides hamburger icon

I am new to angular and ionic and would was trying to make an app
<ion-side-menus >
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-assertive nav-title-slide-ios7">
<button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-energized ">
<h1 class="title">My Test</h1>
<ion-content class="has-header">
<ion-item href="#/" class="item-icon-left" menu-close><i class="icon ion-home"></i> Home</ion-item>
My side menu hamburger icon doesnt show up and is always hidden behind the navbar.If i remove the navbar then the icon is visible! how to resolve this please help!
Working code.. Use Ion header .You was using 2 times
<ion-side-menus >
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
<h1 class="title" >Slider </h1>
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-energized ">
<h1 class="title">My Test</h1>
<ion-content class="has-header">
<ion-item href="#/" class="item-icon-left" menu-close><i class="icon ion-home"></i> Home</ion-item>

$ionicScrollDelegate not working in ion-side-menu angualrjs

I am currently working on $ionicScrollDelegate in my mobile app. My objectives is when the user click the header bar, it will scroll to top automatically.The problem I have right now is when I include the ion-side-menu in my code, the $ionicScrollDelegate cannot scroll back, I created a button which it returns their position, but cannot scroll back. I am trying to figure out why $ionicScrollDelegate cannot scroll back to top when I included the side menu but when I removed the side menu, the $ionicScrollDelegate seems to work fine and it can scroll back to top.
Working code - without ion-side-menu
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<button class="button button-icon" ng-click="toggleLeft()" menu-toggle="left">
<i class="icon ion-navicon"></i>
<h1 class="title">Details </h1>
<ion-content delegate-handle="mainContent" ng-controller="detailCtrl">
Load More
<ion-list can-swipe="listCanSwipe">
<ion-item ng-repeat="data in tempData |limitTo: limit"
Date:{{data.modifiedDate | date: "yyyy-MM-dd"}}<br />
<ion-option-button class="button-assertive"
<ion-option-button class="button-calm"
ng-disabled="data.status!= 'Draft'">
<button class="button button-icon ion-android-arrow-up" ng-click="scrollListToTop()">Scroll Top</button>
Not working - With side menu
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<button class="button button-icon" ng-click="toggleLeft()" menu-toggle="left">
<i class="icon ion-navicon"></i>
<h1 class="title">Expenses Details</h1>
<a class="button button-icon ion-plus-round" href="#/addExpensesForm"></a>
<ion-content delegate-handle="mainContent" ng-controller="detailCtrl">
Load More
<ion-list can-swipe="listCanSwipe">
<ion-item ng-repeat="data in tempData |limitTo: limit"
Date:{{data.modifiedDate | date: "yyyy-MM-dd"}}<br />
<ion-option-button class="button-assertive"
<ion-option-button class="button-calm"
ng-disabled="data.status!= 'Draft'">
<button class="button button-icon ion-android-arrow-up" ng-click="scrollListToTop()">Scroll Top</button>
<ion-side-menu side="left">
<header class="bar bar-header bar-assertive">
<h1 class="title">Menu</h1>
<ul class="list">
<a ui-sref="tabs.home" class="item">Home</a>
<a ui-sref="about" class="item">About</a>
<a ui-sref="tabs.setting" class="item">Settings</a>
In My controller, I have
$scope.scrollListToTop = function () {
var result = $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('mainContent').getScrollPosition();
alert('Result:' + + " " + result.left);
It may be related to your markup structure.
Both the links below suggest that ion-side-menu-content should contain an ion-nav-bar then an ion-nav-view and
Switching that around and putting your ion-content in there may give you back control.
Drop us a codepen or similar if not.

Disable swipe to view sidemenu when using tabs

I'm writing a small ionic app and have an issue. I'm using a sidemenu and also tabs. I have an ionic slide-box in one of my views, when I wipe this slidebox from left to right the side menu slides out. I've read through various related topics on the ionic forum but none have worked.
I've tried adding drag-content="false" to various tags and also added $ionicSideMenuDelegate.canDragContent(false); to my controller.
Neither worked. I think it's because I'm using a sidemenu, with tabs and views in the tabs. Heres my code:
<!-- Header bar -->
<ion-side-menu-content ng-controller="NavCtrl" drag-content="false">
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive">
<ion-nav-back-button class="button-icon ion-ios7-arrow-back">
<!-- Page content -->
<ion-nav-view drag-content="false" animation="slide-left-right"></ion-nav-view>
<!-- Side menu -->
<ion-side-menu side="left" class="side-menu">
<ion-header-bar class="bar bar-header bar-dark">
<h1 class="title">Menu</h1>
<ion-content has-header="true">
<div ng-if="authData.twitter" class="logged-in-user item item-avatar">
<img ng-src="{{authData.twitter.cachedUserProfile.profile_image_url}}"/>
<h2>Hello, {{authData.twitter.displayName}}</h2>
<p>Logged in via Twitter</p>
<div ng-if="authData.facebook" class="logged-in-user item item-avatar">
<img ng-src="{{}}"/>
<h2>Hello, {{authData.facebook.displayName}}</h2>
<p>Logged in via Facebook</p>
<ul class="list">
<a class="item item-icon-left" menu-close nav-clear href="#/venue">
<i class="icon ion-ios7-location"></i>Venue
<a class="item item-icon-left" menu-close nav-clear href="#/lunch">
<i class="icon ion-pizza"></i>Lunch
<a class="item item-icon-left" menu-close nav-clear href="#/wifi">
<i class="icon ion-wifi"></i>Wifi
<ion-footer-bar class="bar bar-dark">
<button class="button button-icon icon ion-log-out menu-close nav-clear" ng-controller="LoginCtrl" ng-click="logout()"> Logout</button>
and my view:
<ion-view title="Agenda">
<ion-content drag-content="false">
<ion-slide-box on-slide-changed="slideHasChanged($index)">
<div class="header-card header-card--image">
<div class="overlay">
<div class="item item-text-wrap">
<h3 class="header-card__heading">Happening now</h3>
<img ng-src="img/me.jpeg" class="header-card__avatar"/>
<h2 class="header-card__heading">some guy</h2>
<p class="header-card__text">Some title</p>
<div class="header-card header-card--image">
<div class="overlay">
<div class="item item-text-wrap">
<h3 class="header-card__heading">Coming Next</h3>
<img ng-src="img/me.jpeg" class="header-card__avatar"/>
<h2 class="header-card__heading">Some guy</h2>
<p class="header-card__text">Slowly taking over the world</p>
<ion-item ng-repeat="(id,agendaItem) in agendaItems" type="item-text-wrap" href="#/tab/agendaItem/{{agendaItem.$id}}" class="item item-avatar item-with-grid">
<img ng-src="{{agendaItem.image}}">
<p>{{agendaItem.startTime}} <i ng-if="agendaItem.hasNotificationSet == true" class="icon-left ion-ios7-bell"></i></p>
<ion-option-button ng-class="agendaItem.hasNotificationSet ? 'button-balanced icon ion-ios7-bell' : 'button-positive icon ion-ios7-bell-outline'" ng-controller="NotificationCtrl" ng-click="add(agendaItem)"></ion-option-button>
<!--<ion-option-button ng-click="getNotificationIds()"></ion-option-button>-->
and my controller:
.controller('AgendaCtrl', function($scope, AgendaFactory, $ionicSideMenuDelegate, $rootScope, $ionicPopup, $timeout, $cordovaLocalNotification, NotificationFactory) {
$ionicSideMenuDelegate.canDragContent(false); // doesn't seem to work
var agendaItems = AgendaFactory.getAgenda();
// Loop through agenda itens and check which have notifications set
agendaItems.$loaded().then(function(array) {
angular.forEach(array, function(value, key) {
if (NotificationFactory.isNotificationScheduled(value.notificationId) == true) {
value.hasNotificationSet = true;
} else {
value.hasNotificationSet = false;
$scope.getNotificationIds = function () {
$cordovaLocalNotification.getScheduledIds().then(function (scheduledIds) {
$scope.agendaItems = agendaItems;
$scope.firstTimeLogin = $rootScope.firstTimeLogin;
I'm using something like this on my app:
.controller('AgendaCtrl', function($scope, $ionicSideMenuDelegate){
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(){
$scope.$on('$ionicView.leave', function(){
now, when you leave the view it's draggable again.
ion-side-menu-content drag-content="false" put this code in your ion-sidemenu's ion-pane tag
<ion-side-menu-content drag-content="false">
this is sample code follow #Chetan Buddh's answer

Prevent change state (page) in Ionic

I have this page ( with the user could upload and view photos.
Clicking view button call this function:
$scope.delPhoto = function(IDphoto,name) {
${template: 'Elimino la foto...', duration:500});
$''+name).success(function(data, status, headers){
alert("foto eliminata");
$http({method: 'GET', url: ''}).success(function(data){
$ = data;
alert("Foto non eliminata!")});
return false
My problem is that when the function succeeds, the page change (go automatically to app.welcome), so I add $state.go('app.profilo') but this cause a bad effect (first go to app.welcome and than to
Is it possible only to refresh the view
Ok I solved.... i make ng-click (or on-hold it's same) in a href! I'm so stupid!
But now I've another problem... After success I would go to tab inside view.
This is my page code:
<ion-view title="PROFILO" ng-controller="loadProfilo">
<ion-nav-buttons side="left" >
<button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
<ion-nav-buttons side="right" >
<button menu-toggle="right" class="button button-icon icon ion-chatbubbles"></button>
<ion-tabs tabs-type="tabs-icon-only" class="tabs-icon-top tabs-dark">
<ion-tab title="I MIEI DATI" icon-on="ion-person-add" icon-off="ion-person">
<ion-content has-header="true" padding="true">
<h2>I MIEI DATI</h2>
<div class="list card">
<div class="item item-avatar"> <img ng-src="{{profilo.photo_url}}">
<h1>{{}} </h1>
<p>{{profilo.anni}} anni</p>
<div class="item item-body">
<p>Nome: <b>{{profilo.nome}}</b></p>
<p>Cognome: <b>{{profilo.cognome}}</b></p>
<p>Città: {{}} <b>({{profilo.provincia}})</b></p>
<p> {{profilo.desc}} </p>
<ion-tab title="FOTO" icon-on="ion-social-instagram" icon-off="ion-social-instagram-outline">
<ion-content has-header="true" padding="true" ng-controller="CameraCtrl">
<p>Scegli una foto oppure scattane subito una per farti conoscere dagli utenti della Community!</p>
<div class="button-bar"> <a class="button" ng-click="takePicture();">Scatta</a> <a class="button" ng-click="selectPicture();">Scegli</a> <a class="button" ng-click="viewPictures();">Vedi</a> </div>
<div ng-show="picData" class="item item-image"><img id="myImage" class="item" ng-src="{{picData}}" ng-click="uploadPicture();" style="height:200px;"/></div>
<div class="home-sq">
<div ng-repeat="photo in photos" ng-click="setPhoto($index,, profilo.user_id)" on-hold="delPhoto($index," style="background-image:url({{photo.file}});background-size:120% auto"> </div>
<ion-tab title="ABILITA'" icon-on="ion-ios7-cog" icon-off="ion-ios7-cog-outline">
<ion-content has-header="true" padding="true">
<h2>LE MIE ABILITA'</h2>
When I call the ng-click"setPhoto()" I'm on tab named "FOTO". I would go, after success setPhoto, to tab named "I MIEI DATI".
Is it possible?
