Execute Microsoft SQL query on R Shiny - sql-server

I am writing an R-Shiny app. Can some one tell me how to execute a Microsoft SQL query in R Shiny ?
This is what I have done so far:
data <- reactive({
conn <- reactive ({ databaseOpen(serverName="[serverName]", databaseName=[dbName])})
qr <- reactive ({ SELECT * from myTable })
res <- reactive ({databaseQuery(conn = conn,query = qr)})
Any help is appreciated !

I was able to call a query by creating a function outside of the server and ui functions (in other words, in a global.r). Then the server function could call that query function using one of the inputs in the function.
Here is my code:
queryfunction <- function(zipper){
odbcChannel <- odbcConnect("myconnection")
querydoc <- paste0("
SELECT distinct *
FROM mydb
where substring(nppes_provider_zip,1,2) = '43'
and [provider_type] = 'General Practice'
pricetable <- sqlQuery(odbcChannel, querydoc)
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$mytable1 <- renderDataTable(data.table(queryfunction(input$zip)))

I figured it out. It can be done as:
serverfun<-function(input, output){
# Storing values in myData variable
myData <- reactive({
# Opening database connection
conn <- databaseOpen(serverName = "myServer",databaseName = "myDB")
# Sample query which uses some input
qr <- paste( "SELECT name FROM Genes g WHERE Id = ",input$myId," ORDER BY name")
# Storing results
res <- databaseQuery(conn = conn,query = qr)
# closing database
# Returning results
output$tbTable <- renderTable({
# Checking if myData is not null
if(is.null(myData())){return ()}
# return myData
headerPanel("Hide Side Bar example"),
textInput("Id", "Enter ID below","1234")
tabPanel("Data", tableOutput("tbTable"))


Lapply function to anova and post hoc test cld

I am new to r and I am trying to get my mind around the apply function. So far I managed to run my anovas for all the the variables on my data and I got the pairwise comparison.
varlist <- names(dt)[5:length(dt)]
# loop
models <- lapply(X = varlist,
FUN = function(t) lm(formula = paste0("`", t, "` ~ block+irrigation*genotype"), data = dt))
#Name the list of models to the column name
names(models) = varlist
## apply anova to each model stored in the list, models
lapply(models, anova)
res.model1 <- lapply(models, function(x) pairs(emmeans(x, ~genotype:irrigation)))
So far so good, now I want to create a compact letter list so I can use to plot it. Previously I used the following but I can't work out how to apply an lapply function to the following code
CLD = cld(res.model1,
I use the CLD data to create graphs
I manage to get the letters with the following code but then I am not getting the full anova table.
tx <- with(dt, interaction(irrigation, genotype)) # determining the factors
model2 <- lapply(varlist, function(x) {
lm(substitute(i~block+tx, list(i = as.name(x))), data = dt)}) # using the factors already in "tx"
lapply(model2, anova)
letters = lapply(model2, function(m) HSD.test((m), "tx", alpha = 0.05, group = TRUE, console = TRUE))
Any suggestions to achieve what I need.
Thank you

Shiny assign reactive variable from input using loop

I'm trying to assign reactive variable based on my input using loop. For example, I want to select the column (from input) in iris data set. Then get the unique value from that column. And I want to do this in the loop. I find it works for my 'joke' variable, but not for my 'Group[[paste0('Gcol',i)]]' variable. I've been searching answer for this for days.
Thank you for your help in advance!
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),
column(9,wellPanel(lapply(1:5, function(i) {
selectizeInput(paste0('GroupVar',i), paste0('Group ',i), choices = sort(colnames(data)),
options = list(placeholder = 'Select one',
onInitialize = I('function() {
this.setValue(""); }')))
fluidRow(column(6, wellPanel(
lapply(1:5, function(i) {
uiOutput(paste0('GroupOpt', i))
server <- function(input, output) {
for (i in 1:5){
lapply(1:5, function(i) { output[[paste0('GroupOpt',i)]] = renderUI({
selectInput(paste0("GroupOpt",i), "Select group",multiple=TRUE,
output$try4 = renderText({print(paste0('it
output$try2 = renderText({print(dim( Group[[paste0('Gcol',1)]]()))})
output$try21 = renderText({print(class( Group[[paste0('Gcol',1)]]()))})
output$try3 =
output$try = renderText({print(unique(as.character(joke())))})
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
data[, which(colnames(data)=="Species")] is not a dataframe, this is the column Species, a factor. If you want to allow a one-column dataframe, do data[, which(colnames(data)=="Species"), drop=FALSE]
Replace your loop with the following one, and your app works (but maybe not as you expect; I'm not sure to understand what you want).
for (i in 1:5){
ii <- i

How to import data from SQL Server into quantmod?

I'm looking for some guidance and hope that I did the right thing posting it in here. I'm looking to input data to Quantmod with GetSymbols from SQL Server. I'm new to R but have a background working with SQL Server, not a pro but finding my way.
I have imported all my data into one table in SQL Server named Quotes with the following columns;
- Ticker Varchar(10)
- Name varchar(50)
- [Date] datetime
- [Open] Decimal(19,9)
- High Decimal(19,9)
- Low Decimal(19,9)
- [Close] Decimal(19,9)
- Volume Decimal(19,9)
- Signal Decimal(19,9)
I'm able to connect to the database using the RODBC package:
- (cn <- odbcDriverConnect(connection="Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};server=localhost;database=DB;trusted_connection=yes;"))
and make various select statement in R, but I'm lost in getting the data into Quantmod without having to do other workaround like exporting to csv from SQL. Importing the data from Yahoo is a problem as I cannot find a complete Yahoo-tickerlist.
Is there a way to get data directly into R and quantmod from SQL Server?
Something like this should do the trick.
getPrices.DB <- function(Symbol, from=NA) {
cn <- "add your connection info here"
qry <- sprintf("select [Date], [Open],[High],[Low],[Close],[Volume],[Signal] from MarketPrice where Ticker = '%s'", Symbol)
if (!is.na(from)) { qry <- paste(qry, sprintf(" and [Date]>= '%s'", from)) }
DB <- odbcDriverConnect(cn)
r <- sqlQuery(DB, qry, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(r) && NROW(r) >= 1) {
x <- xts(r[, 2:7], order.by = as.POSIXct(r[, 1], tz = "UTC"))#can eliminate tz if you want in local timezone
indexFormat(x) <- "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%OS3 %z" #option. I find useful for debuggging
colnames(x) <- paste(Symbol, c("Open", "High","Low", "Close", "Volume", "Signal"), sep = ".")
} else {
Now hook into the quantmod infrastructure:
getSymbols.DB <- function(Symbols, env, ...) {
this.env <- environment()
for (var in names(list(...))) {assign(var, list(...)[[var]], this.env)}
if (!hasArg(from)) from <- NA
if (!hasArg(verbose)) verbose <- FALSE
if (!hasArg(auto.assign)) auto.assign <- FALSE
for (i in 1:length(Symbols)) {
if (verbose) cat(paste("Loading ", Symbols[[i]], paste(rep(".", 10 - nchar(Symbols[[i]])), collapse = ""), sep = ""))
x <- getPrices.DB(Symbols[[i]], from = from)
if (auto.assign) assign(Symbols[[i]], x, env)
if (verbose) cat("done\n")
if (auto.assign)
example usage:
APPL <- getSymbols("AAPL", src="DB", auto.assign=F)

shiny selecting specific columns from uploaded data frame

I have merged different sources of code to make an app that allows one to upload a file (data frame).
However, beyond this I would also like to make it possible to select specific columns from the data frame and analyse them. This is difficult however as one must predefine the given data frame in order to be able to refer to it in the ui.R script....
So when a previously undefined data frame is uploaded to the site, one can not revere to it in the ui.R as it is defined in the server....
predefined variables
vchoices <- 1:ncol(mtcars)
names(vchoices) <- names(mtcars)
ui = basicPage(
h2('The uploaded file data'),
fileInput('file', 'Choose info-file to upload',
accept = c(
actionButton("choice", "incorporate external information"),
selectInput("columns", "Select Columns", choices=vchoices, inline = T),
#notice that the 'choices' in selectInput are set to the predefined
#variables above whereas I would like to set them equal to the
#not yet defined uploaded file below in server.R
Notice that the 'choices' in selectInput are set to the predefined variables above whereas I would like to set them equal to the not yet defined uploaded file below in server.R
server = function(input, output) {
info <- eventReactive(input$choice, {
inFile <- input$file
if (is.null(inFile))
isolate(f<-read.table(inFile$datapath, header = T,
sep = "\t"))
f<-subset(f, select=input$columns) #subsetting takes place here
Does anyone know of a way to refer to a variable that's defined in in the server, in the ui and thus allow for interactive manipulation?
You can use a family of functions update*Input - in this case updateSelectInput. Its first argument has to be session and you also have to add session to server <- function(input, output) to be able to update your widget.
You could make an update of the widget immediately after clicking on the actionButton - so, you had to use updateSelectInput within eventReactive.
Let's take a look how we can do that:
First, you can save the names of columns of the new uploaded dataset in a variable, say, vars and then pass it to the function updateSelectInput.
(The choices of the selectInput are initially set to NULL - we don't need to specify them before because they are going to be updated anyway)
info <- eventReactive(input$choice, {
inFile <- input$file
# Instead # if (is.null(inFile)) ... use "req"
# Changes in read.table
f <- read.table(inFile$datapath, header = input$header, sep = input$sep, quote = input$quote)
vars <- names(f)
# Update select input immediately after clicking on the action button.
updateSelectInput(session, "columns","Select Columns", choices = vars)
I've added a small upload interface to your code.
The other way would be to define widgets on the server side and then to pass them to the client side via renderUI function. You can find here an example.
Full example:
ui <- fluidPage(
h2('The uploaded file data'),
fileInput('file', 'Choose info-file to upload',
accept = c(
# Taken from: http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/file-upload.html
checkboxInput('header', 'Header', TRUE),
radioButtons('sep', 'Separator',
radioButtons('quote', 'Quote',
'Double Quote'='"',
'Single Quote'="'"),
actionButton("choice", "incorporate external information"),
selectInput("columns", "Select Columns", choices = NULL), # no choices before uploading
server <- function(input, output, session) { # added session for updateSelectInput
info <- eventReactive(input$choice, {
inFile <- input$file
# Instead # if (is.null(inFile)) ... use "req"
# Changes in read.table
f <- read.table(inFile$datapath, header = input$header, sep = input$sep, quote = input$quote)
vars <- names(f)
# Update select input immediately after clicking on the action button.
updateSelectInput(session, "columns","Select Columns", choices = vars)
output$table_display <- renderTable({
f <- info()
f <- subset(f, select = input$columns) #subsetting takes place here
shinyApp(ui, server)

Writing a single column of R object into pre-existing postgres db table

I have a working knowledge of R but I haven't used it in conjunction with databases too much. My question seems very similar to this question:
update table in postgresql database through r
But I can't get that code to work and the doMC package is not available for recent versions of R.
I'm able to connect to the geodatabase, read in data and manipulate it. I can also write an R object into the geodatabase as an entire table. I'm having trouble though, appending an existing geodatabase table with an R object. Unfortunately it's a secure database, so I can't give my connection information out.
-"wearing", "weekday", and "days" are blank columns in a pre-existing table in the geodatabase
-"participant_id", "date_id" and "gps_time" are populated columns in the pre-existing table that I would like to merge on.
-ucsd is the schema name and sage_choi is the existing table name
choifnl <- structure(list(wearing = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("nw",
"w"), class = "factor"), weekday = c("Saturday", "Saturday",
"Saturday", "Saturday", "Saturday", "Saturday"), days = c(1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1), participant_id = c("0adf37c4-f950-40ad-9370-6bee2f93e935",
"0adf37c4-f950-40ad-9370-6bee2f93e935", "0adf37c4-f950-40ad-9370-6bee2f93e935",
"0adf37c4-f950-40ad-9370-6bee2f93e935", "0adf37c4-f950-40ad-9370-6bee2f93e935",
"0adf37c4-f950-40ad-9370-6bee2f93e935"), date = c("20130202",
"20130202", "20130202", "20130202", "20130202", "20130202"),
time = structure(1:6, .Label = c("00:00:00", "00:01:00",
"00:02:00", "00:03:00", "00:04:00", "00:05:00", "00:06:00",
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"23:02:00", "23:03:00", "23:04:00", "23:05:00", "23:06:00",
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"23:27:00", "23:28:00", "23:29:00", "23:30:00", "23:31:00",
"23:32:00", "23:33:00", "23:34:00", "23:35:00", "23:36:00",
"23:37:00", "23:38:00", "23:39:00", "23:40:00", "23:41:00",
"23:42:00", "23:43:00", "23:44:00", "23:45:00", "23:46:00",
"23:47:00", "23:48:00", "23:49:00", "23:50:00", "23:51:00",
"23:52:00", "23:53:00", "23:54:00", "23:55:00", "23:56:00",
"23:57:00", "23:58:00", "23:59:00"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("wearing",
"weekday", "days", "participant_id", "date", "time"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
update <- function(i) {
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "", host = "",port <- , user = "", password = "") ##connect w/username and password
txt <- paste("UPDATE ucsd.sage_choi SET wearing=",choifnl$wearing[i],",weekday=",
choifnl$weekday[i],",days=",choifnl$days[i],",where participant_id=",
choifnl$participant_id[i],",AND date_id=", choifnl$date[i],
"AND gps_time=", choifnl$time[i])
dbGetQuery(con, txt)
foreach(i = 1:length(choifnl$wearing), .inorder=FALSE,.packages="RPostgreSQL")%dopar%{
This is the final solution (connection info omitted) that works well. I had some issues with encoding and also including the right kinds of quotes (single).
update <- function(con,i) {
txt <- paste("UPDATE ucsd.sage_final_choi SET wearing=", paste("'",choifnl$wearing[i],"'",sep=""),
", weekday=", paste("'",choifnl$weekday[i],"'",sep=""),
", days=", choifnl$days[i],
"WHERE participant_id=",paste("'",choifnl$participant_id[i],"'",sep=""),
"AND date_id=", paste("'",choifnl$date[i],"'",sep=""),
"AND gps_time=", paste("'",choifnl$time[i],"'",sep=""), ";")
dbSendQuery(con, txt) # edit 2
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "", host = "",
port <- 5432, user = "", password = "",options="-c search_path= schemaName") ##connect w/username and password
foreach(i = 1:length(choifnl$wearing), .inorder=FALSE,.packages="RPostgreSQL")%do%{
update(con,i) # passing in the open connection as an argument
I'm assuming here you are using the CRAN library RPostgreSQL and that your question is,
"How can I update an existing postgresql record using R?"
If I interpreted your question correctly, I have good news and I'll make minor mods to your existing code to get it working below. Now, the good news:
The error is in your SQL and
You do not need doMC (nor foreach, for that matter).
You're already connected to your database--that's usually the more onerous part!
If you really need parallelism you can see the basic format for initializing multiple workers with doSNOW. Either way, it is much easier to debug a single-threaded application so you should just straight up change your loop to a single-threaded loop by changing the %dopar% argument at the end of your foreach statement to %do% and then register your parallel backend AFTER you get the SQL working.
foreach(i = 1:length(choifnl$wearing),.inorder=FALSE,.packages="RPostgreSQL") %do% {
Then you might see that your SQL has a syntax error, notably in that "where" and your first "and" erroneously follow commas. I typically break large statements into more human readable form like below so it is easier to spot inconsistencies in form. I removed the inadvertent commas in this snippet below:
### SQL error resolved
update <- function(i) {
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "", host = "",port <- , user = "", password = "") ##connect w/username and password
txt <- paste("UPDATE ucsd.sage_choi SET wearing=", choifnl$wearing[i],
", weekday=", choifnl$weekday[i],
", days=", choifnl$days[i],
"where participant_id=",choifnl$participant_id[i],
"AND date_id=", choifnl$date[i],
"AND gps_time=", choifnl$time[i])
dbGetQuery(con, txt)
From a performance standpoint, you are going to do much better if you initialize your connection outside the for loop because you do not need to sink the time and cost to re-establish the connection for each record.
### SQL error resolved, connection made outside loop
update <- function(con,i) {
txt <- paste("UPDATE ucsd.sage_choi SET wearing=", choifnl$wearing[i],
", weekday=", choifnl$weekday[i],
", days=", choifnl$days[i],
"where participant_id=",choifnl$participant_id[i],
"AND date_id=", choifnl$date[i],
"AND gps_time=", choifnl$time[i])
dbSendQuery(con, txt) # edit 2
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "", host = "",port <- , user = "", password = "") ##connect w/username and password
foreach(i = 1:length(choifnl$wearing), .inorder=FALSE,.packages="RPostgreSQL")%dopar%{
update(con,i) # passing in the open connection as an argument
If I understood the question correctly, this is fairly easy using dplyr's ability to connect to databases
my_db <- src_postgres(host="<HOST>",
db = "ucsd")
sage_choi <- tbl(my_db,"sage_choi")
sage_choi %>%
select( participant_id, date_id, gps_time) %>%
left_join( choifnl, copy=TRUE, by=c("participant_id"="participant_id",
"gps_time"="time")) %>%
compute(name="sage_choi2", temporary=FALSE)
Once you run the code, table sage_choi2 would contain the populated columns.
