Delete 4x4 matrix at specific index - arrays

I have 50 4x4 matrices. I want to delete a matrix at specific index e.g. index 2, 12 and 34. I have tried this but I am not getting the desired result:
for i = 1:50
index = true(length(AB));
index([2,12,34]) = false;
AB(:,:,i) = AB(:,:,index);

You are apparently using a 3D matrix AB of size 4 x 4 x 50. Removing elements can be done like this:
index = [2 12 34];
AB(:,:,index) = [];
note that this will change your indices, since indices 2, 12 and 34 have been removed.
To set the element to 0 however:
index = [2 12 34];
AB(:,:,index) = 0;


How do a create a list of indexes based on the value and a new array from that? MATLAB

I would like to eliminate all the columns in which the third row contain zero values in my dataset.
As an example:
original_data = [1 2 3 4 5; 1 2 3 4 5; 0 0 0 1 2]
For the first three columns (with zeros on third line), I would like to create a new array in which the colums with zeros in third line are deleted to get the result:
new_data = [ 4 5; 4 5; 1 2]
I would also like an array of the column indices of the non-zero values in the original array.
For example:
original_indices = [4, 5]
I tried:
dados_teste = dados_out_15;
dados_p6 = [];
[m,n] = size(dados_teste)
for i = 1:n
if dados_teste(3:i) == 0;
dados_p6 = dados_teste(:,i)
dados_p6 = dados_teste(:,n)
But it clearly does not work...
I would apply the find() function to find all the non-zero indices, then apply matrix indexing to generate a new array that only contains the columns corresponding to the non-zero indices in the third row.
Sample_Array = [20 30 40 50; 30 20 70 90; 0 2 1 2];
%Grabbing the third row of the matrix%
Third_Row = Sample_Array(3,:);
%Finding all the non-zero indices%
[Non_Zero_Indices] = find(Third_Row);
%Using matrix indices to generate a new array based on the non-zero
New_Matrix = Sample_Array(:,Non_Zero_Indices);
%Printing matrices%

reversing shuffling of array by indexing

I have a matrix whose columns which was shuffled according to some index. I know want to find the index that 'unshuffles' the array back into its original state.
For example:
myArray = [10 20 30 40 50 60]';
myShuffledArray = nan(6,3)
myShufflingIndex = nan(6,3)
for x = 1:3
myShufflingIndex(:,x) = randperm(length(myArray))';
myShuffledArray(:,x) = myArray(myShufflingIndex(:,x));
Now I want to find a matrix myUnshufflingIndex, which reverses the shuffling to get an array myUnshuffledArray = [10 20 30 40 50 60; 10 20 30 40 50 60; 10 20 30 40 50 60]'
I expect to use myUnshufflingIndex in the following way:
for x = 1:3
myUnShuffledArray(:,x) = myShuffledArray(myUnshufflingIndex(:,x), x);
For example, if one column in myShufflingIndex = [2 4 6 3 5 1]', then the corresponding column in myUnshufflingIndex is [6 1 4 2 5 3]'
Any ideas on how to get myUnshufflingIndex in a neat vectorised way? Also, is there a better way to unshuffle the array columnwise than in a loop?
You can get myUnshufflingIndex with a single call to sort:
[~, myUnshufflingIndex] = sort(myShufflingIndex, 1);
Alternatively, you don't even need to compute myUnshufflingIndex, since you can just use myShufflingIndex on the left hand side of the assignment to unshuffle the data:
for x = 1:3
myUnShuffledArray(myShufflingIndex(:, x), x) = myShuffledArray(:, x);
And if you'd like to avoid a for loop while unshuffling, you can vectorize it by adding an offset to each column of your index, turning it into a matrix of linear indices instead of just row indices:
[nRows, nCols] = size(myShufflingIndex);
myUnshufflingIndex = myShufflingIndex+repmat(0:nRows:(nRows*(nCols-1)), nRows, 1);
myUnShuffledArray = nan(nRows, nCols); % Preallocate
myUnShuffledArray(myUnshufflingIndex) = myShuffledArray;

Delete values between specific ranges of indices in an array

I have an array :
Z = [1 24 3 4 52 66 77 8 21 100 101 120 155];
I have another array:
deletevaluesatindex=[1 3; 6 7;10 12]
I want to delete the values in array Z at indices (1 to 3, 6 to 7, 10 to 12) represented in the array deletevaluesatindex
So the result of Z is:
Z=[4 52 8 21 155];
I tried to use the expression below, but it does not work:
Another solution using bsxfun and cumsum:
%// create index matrix
idx = bsxfun(#plus , deletevaluesatindex.', [0; 1])
%// create mask
mask = zeros(numel(Z),1);
mask(idx(:)) = (-1).^(0:numel(idx)-1)
%// extract unmasked elements
out = Z(~cumsum(mask))
out = 4 52 8 21 155
This will do it:
rdvi= size(deletevaluesatindex,1); %finding rows of 'deletevaluesatindex'
temp = cell(1,rdvi); %Pre-allocation
for i=1:rdvi
%making a cell array of elements to be removed
temp = cell2mat(temp); %Now temp array contains the elements to be removed
Z(temp)=[] % Removing the elements
If you control how deletevaluesatindex is generated, you can instead directly generate the ranges using MATLAB's colon operator and concatenate them together using
deletevaluesatindex=[1:3 6:7 10:12]
then use the expression you suggested
If you have to use deletevaluesatindex as it is given, you can generate the concatenated range using a loop or something like this
lo = deletevaluseatindex(:,1)
up = deletevaluseatindex(:,2)
x = cumsum(accumarray(cumsum([1;up(:)-lo(:)+1]),[lo(:);0]-[0;up(:)]-1)+1);
deleteat = x(1:end-1)
Edit: as in comments noted this solution only works in GNU Octave
with bsxfun this is possible:
Z=[1 24 3 4 52 66 77 8 21 100 101 120 155];
deletevaluesatindex = [1 3; 6 7;10 12];
idx = 1:size(deletevaluesatindex ,1);
idx_rm=bsxfun(#(A,B) (A(B):deletevaluesatindex (B,2))',deletevaluesatindex (:,1),idx);
Z(idx_rm(idx_rm ~= 0))=[]

Sort and keep index of a n-dimension array -- MATLAB

I have a 12-D array and am using each dimension as an index value in an optimization problem.
each index value i is a value from 1 to 5.
I want to sort A from greatest to least and keep track of the indices so I know which indices correspond to to what value of A.
So my ideal output would be a 2 column cell/array with one column being the value and the other other column being the index values.
For a simple 3D example: say I have a 3D array: A(:,:,i1).
A(:,:,1) = 2
A(:,:,2) = 6
A(:,:,3) = 13
A(:,:,4) = 11
A(:,:,5) = 5
I would like my output to be:
13 3
11 4
6 2
5 5
2 1
assume I have 1x1x3x3 sized input such that
A(1,1,1,1) = 3
A(1,1,2,1) = 1
A(1,1,3,1) = 23
A(1,1,1,2) = 12
A(1,1,2,2) = 9
A(1,1,3,2) = 8
A(1,1,1,3) = 33
A(1,1,2,3) = 14
A(1,1,3,3) = 6
the expected output would be:
33 [1,1,1,3]
23 [1,1,3,1]
14 [1,1,2,3]
12 [1,1,1,2]
9 [1,1,2,2]
8 [1,1,3,2]
6 [1,1,3,3]
3 [1,1,1,1]
1 [1,1,2,1]
This should be a generic code for any multi-dimensional input array -
%// Sort A and get the indices
[sorted_vals,sorted_idx] = sort(A(:),'descend');
%// Set storage for indices as a cell array and then store sorted indices into it
c = cell([1 numel(size(A))]);
[c{:}] = ind2sub(size(A),sorted_idx);
%// Convert c to the requested format and concatenate with cell arary version of
%// sorted values for the desired output
out = [num2cell(sorted_vals) mat2cell([c{:}],ones(1,numel(A)),numel(size(A)))];
The generic code owes its gratitude to this fine solution.
I guess this is what you want:
%arranging in the form you want
%arranging indices -> maybe vectorized way is there for putting values in "yourCell"
for i=1:size(b,1)
yourCell{i,2}=[dim1(i) dim2(i) dim3(i) dim4(i)];
For the array A, given by you, my output looks like:
33 [1,1,1,3]
23 [1,1,3,1]
14 [1,1,2,3]
12 [1,1,1,2]
9 [1,1,2,2]
8 [1,1,3,2]
6 [1,1,3,3]
3 [1,1,1,1]
1 [1,1,2,1]
which matches with your output.

Finding location of elements w.r.t original matrix after reshape in Matlab

I have a 1*262144 matrix which I have reshaped into a 512*512 matrix. Now, I need certain elements from my 2nd matrix and want to know their location as it was in the original row matrix. Say, i need element which is at (256,4) in my reshaped matrix. How can I know the position of this element in my original row only matrix?
matri_working_now = C(1,:);
matrix_working_now = reshape(matri_working_now,512,512);
[nrows,ncols] = size(matrix_stables); %matrix_stables is a matrix over which I am looping over which contains the locations of the desired elements as per the reshaped matrix. this itself is a 30839*2 matrix
for row = 1:nrows
for col = 1:ncols
%fprintf('iteration is equal to %6.2f.\n',row,col);
[rowss colum] = ind2sub(size(matri_working_now),sub2ind(size(matrix_working_now),matrix_stable(row),matrix_stable(col))); % i am accessing the elements of matrix_stables which provide me the row and column numbers;
Any suggestions/ideas?
Since your original matrix is a vector, you only need to convert from subindices to linear index, with sub2ind:
col = sub2ind(size(reshapedMatrix), 256,4);
In general, if the original matrix is not necessarily a vector, you need a second step with ind2sub:
[row col] = ind2sub(size(originalMatrix), sub2ind(size(reshapedMatrix), 256,4));
>> originalMatrix = (1:10).^2
originalMatrix =
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
>> reshapedMatrix = reshape(originalMatrix, 2,5)
reshapedMatrix =
1 9 25 49 81
4 16 36 64 100
>> reshapedMatrix(2,3)
ans =
>> [row col] = ind2sub(size(originalMatrix), sub2ind(size(reshapedMatrix), 2,3))
row =
col =
>> originalMatrix(row,col)
ans =
