ui.bootstrap popover close on click - angularjs

I have this popover with template
<i class="fa fa-link" popover-placement="right" uib-popover-template="'newReferenceTemplate.html'" popover-title="New link"> Add new external reference </i>
So when I click on that link icon, a popover opens witht this tamplate
<script type="text/ng-template" id="newReferenceTemplate.html">
<label>Title</label> <br>
<input ng-model="link.Title"> <br>
<label>Url</label> <br>
<input ng-model="link.Url"><br>
<i class="fa fa-floppy-o" > Save </i>
When I press that 'floppy' icon, I'd like to close the popover. Are there any ways of doing this?
All I can find on documentation is the popover-is-open value, but I don't know if I can use this somehow, any thoughts?

Step 1 : Add popover-is-open="isOpen" to the trigger link.
<i class="fa fa-link add-link"
popover-title="New link"> Add new external reference </i>
Step 2 : When you click the floppy icon inside the popover, set isOpen to false:
This is the save icon of the popover:
<i class="fa fa-floppy-o" ng-click="save()"> Save </i>
This is in the controller:
$scope.save = function () {
$scope.isOpen = false;
See plunker

What had worked for me (in an angularJs app) is using
be aware to use it as it is, means, hard copy of string
If u don't use angularJs, u can just write:
<div uib-popover-template="'ApproveReject.html'"


angular-xeditable onsave event

I am using angular package angular-xeditable the problem is I want to call its event onaftersave after i edit the label here is my html:
<h4 >{{ title.key || 'empty' }}
<span onaftersave="save()" editable-text="title.key ">
<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" "></i></span>
the event onaftersave is called even if i click on the edit button and also while typing in the field
what I want is to call the event only when I click the button
Try to use this code this will helps to prevent function call.
<a onaftersave="save();" data-ng-model="title.key" e-placeholder="Your text" editable-text="title.key">
<span>{{title.key || 'empty'}}</span>

How to add an icon to materialize tooltip?

We have this font awesome icon fa fa-twitter which at the current time sides next to the actual tooltip button of materialize what i need to do is to put it inside the tooltip
<div class="center">
<i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>
<a class="btn tooltipped" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data-customcss="csszzz" data-tooltip="I am tooltip" >Hover me!</a>
i know there is a data-customcss implementation aswell so theoritically we could implement it via .css also with url link of a photo icon but i can't figure out how that could be with angular
At the moment the data-customcss="csszzz" doesn't do anything as a pointed css class eg. .csszzz
just add data-html="true" to your anchor element and move icon inside of tooltip:
<div class="center">
<a class="btn tooltipped"
data-tooltip="<i class='fa fa-twitter'></i> I am tooltip" >Hover me!</a>
please look at http://materializecss.com/dialogs.html#tooltip for reference
plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/3cZtphZ984R1ZqnkuLBX?p=preview

AngularJS unable to update ng-repeat items failure in table "edit mode"

I am trying to implement a "edit mode" feature.
When edit button is clicked, function backup will back up the item.
When save button is clicked, function save will save it.
But it does not work for Recover
<a><i class="fa fa-lg" ng-click="item.editable? item.enable = !item.enable:''" ng-class="item.enable? 'fa-toggle-on text-success': 'fa-toggle-off text-danger'"></i></a>
<a ng-if="!item.editable"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-pencil-square text-primary" ng-click="backup(item)"></i></a>
<a ng-if="item.editable"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-check-square text-primary" ng-click="save(item)"></i></a>
<a ng-if="item.editable"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-reply text-danger" ng-click="recover(item)"></i></a>
Please look at my Edited plunker .. I've added an angular.extend(item, backup_item) to properly update the item object with it's backup.
Hope this helps

How to trigger ng-click inside ng-repeat angularJS

ng-click does not work inside ng-repeat. I have read all the guides and similar questions, but nothing work in my code. If I click on the tag inside the ng-repeat nothing happen, but if I click on my button the function is called.
<div ng-repeat="sykdom in sykdommer" ng-model="sykdom.name" ng-click="test();">
<a class="item item-icon-right" href="#" ng-click="test();" >
<i class="icon ion-ios-arrow-right"></i>
<button ng-click="test()> test </button>
$scope.sykdommer = [{name:'test1'},
$scope.test = function(){
alert('you clicked!');
I have tried with ng-click="$parent.test()" and ng-model="sykdom.name" without any luck. Please help, really stuck on this problem :(
Here is an example i've made with your data: http://plnkr.co/edit/o4sqPd
Template should be like:
<div ng-repeat="sykdom in sykdommer">
<a class="item item-icon-right" href="#" ng-click="test(sykdom.name);" >
<i class="icon ion-ios-arrow-right"></i>
You should use ng-model directive only in case if it's a part of you changeable data - in input/textarea etc. tags (documentation: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngModel)

angularjs collapse + ng-if doesn't work ng-show works

I've got a button linked to a UI Bootstrap
Collapse directive if I click on it
the script show a form to reply a comment.
when the form is showed I want to hide the button
but I've got a strange behavior
this doesn't work:
<a data-ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed" data-ng-if="isCollapsed" class="btn btn-info btn-xs" title="reply comment">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Reply
this work:
<a data-ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed" data-ng-show="isCollapsed" class="btn btn-info btn-xs" title="reply comment">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></span> Reply
and I don't really know why !
Can you enlighten me, please ?
This is expected because ng-if creates new child scope and isCollapsed property is created in it on the first click. But ng-if itself is looking at the parent scope.
Try using toggle() function declared on controller level for ng-click
$scope.toggle = function () {
$scope.isCollapsed = !$scope.isCollapsed;
Consider using the rule:
Treat $scope as read only in templates.
