Prism, IConfirmNavigationRequest, InteractionRequest and Async - wpf

I have an issue, i coded my view, viewmodel creation into the ModuleInit.Initialize method
this.container.RegisterType<IControlPanel, ViewModels.SeveritiesViewModel>("SeveritiesViewModel");
this.container.RegisterType<object, Views.SeveritiesView>("SeveritiesView", new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<IControlPanel>("SeveritiesViewModel")));
SeveritiesVeiwModel inherits from ViewModelBase
public class ViewModelBase : BindableBase, IControlPanel, INavigationAware, IConfirmNavigationRequest
Constructor for ViewModelBase calls two virtual methods. Initialize and GetData.
GetData performs some data access methods using async await.
so the problem i have is Prism constructs my SeveritiesViewModel, the GetData method runs, and throws and exception which i catch. i would then like to display a dialog using the InteractionRequest, however the view.DataContext has not yet be set, hence no bindings or Interaction.Triggers to receive the InteractionRequest.
so i thought i should look into RegionManager.RequestNaviagte using a callback. i thought since all my viewmodels implement IConfirmNavigationRequest i could return false in the NavigationResult from the View/viewmodel being injected. however ConfirmNavigationRequest is never called. this is wpf not silverlight?
so how do i work this extremely decoupled application. do i need to implement some type of shared service?
I guess i am going to need to store exceptions until the view has finished binding with the viewmodel, perhaps implement my own interface with a method to check an exceptions collection and in the view call the interface method?
why is ConfirmNavigationRequest never called?
InteractionRequest work great after the DataContext is set, but before; i'm at a loss.
Any advise would be appreciated.
here is some code.
toolbar button command click runs the following.
this.regionManager.RequestNavigate("ContentRegion", "SeveritiesView");
here is the code behind for the view.
public partial class SeveritiesView : UserControl, IApplicationView
public SeveritiesView(IControlPanel model)
this.DataContext = model;
public string ViewName
get { return "SeveritiesView"; }
protected ViewModelBase(bool initializeDB = true)
notifications = new List<NotificationWindowNotification>();
this.uiFactory = new TaskFactory(TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
NotificationRequest = new InteractionRequest<NotificationWindowNotification>();
ConfirmationRequest = new InteractionRequest<ConfirmationWindowNotification>();
if (initializeDB)
EntityConnectionStringBuilder entityBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
entityBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = EventLogAnalysis.Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString;
db = new ServerEventLogEntities(entityBuilder.ToString());
ThrobberVisible = Visibility.Visible;
public SeveritiesViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) : base()
this.regionManager = regionManager;
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
catch(Exception e)
uiFactory.StartNew(() =>
NotificationRequest.Raise(new NotificationWindowNotification()
Title = string.Format("Error during {0}.{1}"
, ModuleName, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name),
Content = string.Format("{0}", e.Message)
protected async override void GetData()
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ContinueWith((t) =>
ThrobberVisible = Visibility.Collapsed;
eventAggregator.GetEvent<RecordStatusEvent>().Publish(new RecordStatusMessage() { CanAdd = true, CanDelete =(currentEventFilterSeverity != null), IsClosing = false });
, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
catch(Exception e)
notifications.Add(new NotificationWindowNotification()
Title = string.Format("Error during {0}.{1}"
, ModuleName, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name),
Content = string.Format("{0}", e.Message)
protected async Task GetEventFilterSeverities()
throw new NullReferenceException("My exception");
ObservableCollection<EventFilterSeverity> _eventFilterSeverities = new ObservableCollection<EventFilterSeverity>();
var eventFilterSeverities = await (from sg in db.EventFilterSeverities
orderby sg.EventFilterSeverityID
select sg).ToListAsync();
foreach (EventFilterSeverity efs in eventFilterSeverities)
EventFilterSeverities = _eventFilterSeverities;
catch(Exception e)
notifications.Add(new NotificationWindowNotification()
Title = string.Format("Error during {0}.{1}"
, ModuleName, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name),
Content = string.Format("{0}", e.Message)

Two fairly easy solutions;
Do not start data access until the Shell has been displayed and interactions are possible
Catch the exception and immediatly await on a Task that completes when the interaction request becomes available. Is this when the navigation completes? This effectively queues the interaction for when it can be displayed.

This looks promising.
in the view
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Raised" SourceObject="{Binding NotificationRequest}">
<dialogs:PopupWindowAction IsModal="True"/>
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
<ei:CallMethodAction TargetObject="{Binding Mode=OneWay}" MethodName="DisplayPreBoundExceptions"/>
In the ViewModelBase
public void DisplayPreBoundExceptions()
notifications.ForEach((t) => NotificationRequest.Raise(t));


Datagrid remains empty after asynchronous initialization in view model constructor

I have a WPF application with a view containing a data grid and a view model with an observable collection that is initialized by calling an asynchronous method in the constructor. But the data grid remains empty upon running the code.
The view model class looks like this.
internal class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly IBookingRecordService service;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
private ObservableCollection<BookingRecord> bookingRecords = new();
public ObservableCollection<BookingRecord> BookingRecords
get => bookingRecords;
bookingRecords = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(BookingRecords)));
public MainWindowViewModel()
service = new BookingRecordService();
Task.Run(() => LoadBookingRecords());
private async Task LoadBookingRecords()
BookingRecords = new ObservableCollection<BookingRecord>(await service.Get());
I all LoadBookingRecords() in the constructor, so that the data starts loading on initialization of the view model already but I do it asynchronously, so it does not block the UI thread and makes the application unresponsive.
I have tried waiting for the completion of the task in the constructor via
Task.Run(() => LoadBookingRecords()).Wait();
to check that this has something to do with the asynchronous function call. And indeed, if I wait for the method to finish in the constructor, the data grid displays correctly. But I don't want to wait for the task to finish on the UI thread because it blocks the UI.
I have read that you must raise the PropertyChanged event on the UI thread to trigger a UI update and I suppose that is the problem here. I have also read that one can use
to schedule a delegate to run on the UI thread as soon as possible, so I tried the following.
private async Task LoadBookingRecords()
await Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(async () =>
BookingRecords = new ObservableCollection<BookingRecord>(await service.Get());
But this leaves the DataGrid empty as well.
"'asynchronous ... in constructor" is something you must avoid.
Async calls must be awaited, which can not be done in a constructor. Declare an awaitable Initialize method instead
public Task Initialize()
return LoadBookingRecords();
and call it in an async Loaded event handler in your MainWindow:
private static async void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
await viewModel.Initialize();
Alternatively, create a factory method like
public static async Task<MainWindowViewModel> Create()
var viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
await viewModel.LoadBookingRecords();
return viewModel;
and call that in the Loaded handler:
private static async void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DataContext = await MainWindowViewModel.Create();
Building on Clemens' answer, I tried something a little different in order to avoid touching the MainWindow code-behind.
I removed the call on LoadBookingRecords in the constructor and instead created a delegate command as a property that holds this method.
internal class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly IBookingRecordService service;
private ObservableCollection<BookingRecord> bookingRecords = new();
public ICommand LoadBookingRecordsCommand { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<BookingRecord> BookingRecords
get => bookingRecords;
bookingRecords = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(BookingRecords)));
public MainWindowViewModel()
service = new BookingRecordService();
LoadBookingRecordsCommand = new DelegateCommand(async _ => await LoadBookingRecords());
private async Task LoadBookingRecords()
BookingRecords = new ObservableCollection<BookingRecord>(await service.Get());
I then added the NuGet package Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf to the project and added the following namespace to the MainWindow XAML.
Finally, I bound the delegate command to the MainWindow's Loaded event.
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding LoadBookingRecordsCommand}" />
Now the data grid displays correctly after being loaded.

Updating progress log message from Model to ViewModel in MVVM

I have a method defined in the Model that would execute a long running script where I want to capture the output message when the script is in progress and output to the View via the ViewModel. I understand in order to get realtime update of the output message I should run the Model method in a backgroundworker and raise its ReportProgress event when it has output message to report in order to run the UI update and the script on two separate threads. The problem I have is the backgroundworker object is defined in the ViewModel, so using it to call the Model method is straight forward, but how do I raise the ReportProgress event from the Model method? The only way I can think of is passing in the backgroundworker as input parameter into the method but I feel uneasy about this. Can anyone tell me if this is the right approach in implementing the MVVM framework?
Here are my code stripped to the most bare bone. In my View xaml I have a TextBox bind to the Logger property and DeployCommand command in my ViewModel:
<TextBox Grid.Row="1 " Name="txtOutput" MinHeight="40"
Text="{Binding Logger}"
IsReadOnly="True" Margin="10,10" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
IsEnabled="True" MaxLines="2000" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow"/>
<Button x:Name="BtnDeploy"
Command="{Binding DeployCommand}"
In my ViewModel, the DeployCommand command will trigger the method OnDeploy which in turn will call the Deploy method in Model using the backgroundworker object:
private string logger = string.Empty;
public string Logger
get { return logger; }
logger = value;
public ICommand DeployCommand { get; private set; }
public MainWindowViewModel()
_worker = new BackgroundWorker()
WorkerReportsProgress = true,
WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
_worker.DoWork += worker_DoWork;
// _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_RunWorkerCompleted;
_worker.ProgressChanged += worker_ProgressChanged;
DeployController = new DeploymentModel();
this.DeployCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(this.OnDeploy);
private void OnDeploy(object obj)
Logger += #"Offline Deployment Started" + System.Environment.NewLine;
if (!_worker.IsBusy)
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
var worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
var deployModel = (DeploymentModel)e.Argument;
private void worker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
Logger += e.UserState.ToString();
Finally in the Model:
public bool Deploy(string ScriptFile)
bool Success = true;
string strCmdText = string.Format(#"/c ""{0}""", ScriptFile);
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
WorkingDirectory = kitFolder,
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
FileName = "cmd.exe",
CreateNoWindow = true,
Arguments = strCmdText,
// Launch shell command to run powersheel script
using (Process myProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))
// capturing script output message
myProcess.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) =>
LogMessage("ExecuteDeploymentKit: " + e.Data);
myProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) =>
Success = false;
LogMessage("ExecuteDeploymentKit: ! > " + e.Data);
catch (Exception ex)
LogMessage("ExecuteDeploymentKit: " + ex.Message);
return false;
if (Success)
LogMessage("ExecuteDeploymentKit: Offline Deployment Kit executed successfully");
LogMessage("ExecuteDeploymentKit: Offline Deployment Kit failed");
return Success;
I have added workder_ProgressChanged to handle the ProgressChanged event of the backgroundworker in order to update the View in the UI thread but without the backgroundworker object in my Model, I can't raise the ProgressChanged event from the method Deploy()
The standard way would be for your VM to implement the IProgress interface and pass your M the VM cast as an IProgress object. You shouldn't pass it the VM since that could be a reference nightmare.
But really, the background worker should be implemented in the VM, not the M. And you shouldn't use BackgroundWorker anymore and move onto the new async methods.
If I understand your question right, you might be breaking core principles of MVVM by letting the Model drive your viewmodel and view. Without really having much to go off of, I would suspect that the best approach to this would be to actually create a "service".
Keep your model dumb and let it only contain data. Think POCO. Then, utilize a service that implements a background worker. Have your View Model run the service. The View model can call the service and provide that service a reference to your instantiated model. This way, you aren't heavily coupling your model to your view model.

Execute Method from Codehind using ViewModel WPF

I've abandoned the MVVM midway through app development just to get this app out.
I've written a method in the code behind to update the database/datagrid etc.
My application navigation is using Commands to the ViewModel firing some event but never touches the code-behind except one time to initialize the class.
So basically I push the button one time and it works with the default initial setting but I can't call my code-behind Update() method anymore once the view as been intialized.
How can I call this code-behind method from the view model?
Update code
//Navigation ViewModel
public CommandExtension NewAssignmentCommand { get; set; }
private void CreateCommands()
NewAssignmentCommand = new CommandExtension(NewAssignment, CanNewAssignment);
GlobalCommands.NewAssignmentCommand = NewAssignmentCommand;
private bool CanNewGroupAssignment(object obj)
return true;
private void NewGroupAssignment(object obj)
// [Events]
void _PaneVm_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "NewGroupAssignmentCommand")
WorkspaceVm.CurrentVm = new NewAssignmentsVm();
public NewAssignmentsVm()
var rc = new RepositoryContext();
_RoResearchers = new ObservableCollection<Researcher>(rc.ResearcherData.GetAllResearchers());
_QuarterDateTime = DateTime.Now;
//The method
private void UpdateGrid()
report_datagrid.ItemsSource = null;
using (var rc = new RepositoryContext())
if (quarter_datepicker.SelectedDate != null)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportType))
researchers = rc.ResearcherData.GetResearchersWeeksByQuarter(Convert.ToDateTime(quarter_datepicker.SelectedDate), reportType).ToList();
I solved my problem based off this answer. I created a Global Action
public static class GlobalCommands
public static Action UpdateGrid { get; set; }
Then in my code-behind constructor I set the value public
GlobalCommands.UpdateGrid = new Action(() => this.UpdateGrid());
Didn't need to bind to the context again. Everything else was the same. Thank you
Main idea is:
class MyCodeBehind
public MyCodeBehind()
Action action = new Action(()=> this.SomeMethodIWantToCall());
var myVM = new MyVM(action); // This is your ViewModel
this.DataContext = myVM;
private void SomeMethodIWantToCall(){...}
class MyVM
private Action action;
public MyVM(Action someAction)
this.action = someAction;
private void SomeMethodInVM()
this.action(); // Calls the method SomeMethodIWantToCall() in your code behind
Instead of letting code-behind know about viewmodel, You can make use of NotifyOnSourceUpdated in your xaml binding.
Something like this:
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Name="RentText"
Text="{Binding Path=Rent, Mode=OneWay, NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True}"
Here, 'OnTargetUpdated' is a handler in your code behind. This handler will be invoked when "Rent" property of ViewModel is changed.
Details at MSDN

Resolving windows in Structure Map or how to manage multiple windows in WPF MVVM?

I have been reading Mark Seeman's book on dependency injection in .NET and I'm struggling to configure composition root in WPF application.
My container will be registered in the application startup method:
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
var container = new Container();
container.Configure(r =>
This makes sense as the application startup represents my composition root.
WPF windows in my application are based on view models. View models use constructor injection. E.g. I may compose a view model by injecting implementation of IAccountServices.
When it comes to creating my main window, I can do the following inside of the OnStartup method:
var mainWindow = container.GetInstance<MainWindow>();
Once I'm inside of the main window, I might want open up another window. So far I've been able to come up with one way of doing this, which is to create a window factory and ask window factory to resolve instance of the window. I'll have to make sure that window factory is available in every view model that might need to open a new window. In my mind this is as bad as passing IoC container around my application (service locator anti-pattern comes to mind).
Does this approach seem right to you? My gut feeling tells me that this is wrong, but I haven't come up with a better way of achieving this (yet).
I think before implement patterns of behavior, such as a Mediator, and the like, need to decide on a generic pattern for easy application structure. For this purpose, namely, for the create independent windows, well suited Abstract factory pattern.
Creation of the windows can be implemented on the side ViewModel using methods such as IDialogService. But I think that this task should be implemented on the side View, because the Window object refers to the View and not to ViewModel. So, you must create MVVM style architecture that it allows create independent windows using design patterns.
I created a project in which an Abstract factory creates a Window on the side of the View using the attached behavior. Abstract factory also implements the Singleton pattern to create a global point of access and to ensure the uniqueness of the newly constructed object. Attached behavior implicitly implements pattern Decorator who is a wrapper for an abstract factory that is used on the side of XAML. To an Abstract factory does not refer to objects which are located in ViewModel is used a Proxy pattern which is a ContentControl with DataTemplate without DataType. Also used Command pattern for independent action between objects. As a result, this project uses the following patterns:
Abstract factory
The project structure looks like this:
In the attached behavior has attached dependency property Name, which is transmitted in the name of the new window. For him registered PropertyChangedEvent, which is a call Make method an abstract factory:
private static void IsFactoryStart(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var window = sender as Window;
if (window == null)
if (e.NewValue is String && String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)e.NewValue) == false)
_typeWindow = (string)e.NewValue;
if (_typeWindow != null)
var newWindow = WindowFactory.Instance.Make(_typeWindow);
WindowFactory together with the Singleton pattern looks like this:
public class WindowFactory : IWindowFactory
#region WindowFactory Singleton Instance
private static WindowFactory _instance = null;
private static readonly object padlock = new object();
public static WindowFactory Instance
lock (padlock)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new WindowFactory();
return _instance;
public Window Make(string TypeWindow)
if (TypeWindow.Equals("WindowOneViewProxy"))
var windowOne = new Window();
windowOne.Width = 450;
windowOne.Height = 250;
windowOne.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
windowOne.Title = TypeWindow;
windowOne.ContentTemplate = Application.Current.Resources[TypeWindow] as DataTemplate;
return windowOne;
else if (TypeWindow.Equals("WindowTwoViewProxy"))
var windowTwo = new Window();
windowTwo.Width = 500;
windowTwo.Height = 200;
windowTwo.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
windowTwo.Title = TypeWindow;
windowTwo.ContentTemplate = Application.Current.Resources[TypeWindow] as DataTemplate;
return windowTwo;
else if (TypeWindow.Equals("WindowThreeViewProxy"))
var windowThree = new Window();
windowThree.Width = 400;
windowThree.Height = 140;
windowThree.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
windowThree.Title = TypeWindow;
windowThree.ContentTemplate = Application.Current.Resources[TypeWindow] as DataTemplate;
return windowThree;
throw new Exception("Factory can not create a: {0}" + TypeWindow);
For the property Window.ContentTemplate set DataTemplate from resources. ContentTemplate is responsible for the visual representation, in order to bind properties from ViewModel, you need to set the object to Content. But in this case, the Abstract factory reference will to ViewModel, and to avoid them and using the proxy pattern as follows:
<DataTemplate x:Key="WindowOneViewProxy">
<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{StaticResource WindowOneViewRealObject}">
<ViewModels:WindowOneViewModel />
<DataTemplate x:Key="WindowOneViewRealObject" DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:WindowOneViewModel}">
<Label Content="{Binding Path=WindowOneModel.TextContent}"
Background="Beige" />
<Button Content="One command"
Command="{Binding OneCommand}" />
In DataTemplate proxy is not specified DataType, but it is in the real object.
In MainViewModel has commands to simply set the window name, which will give input for attached behavior:
public class MainModel : NotificationObject
#region TypeName
private string _typeName = null;
public string TypeName
return _typeName;
_typeName = value;
public class MainViewModel
#region MainModel
private MainModel _mainModel = null;
public MainModel MainModel
return _mainModel;
_mainModel = value;
#region ShowWindowOneCommand
private ICommand _showWindowOneCommand = null;
public ICommand ShowWindowOneCommand
if (_showWindowOneCommand == null)
_showWindowOneCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.ShowWindowOne(), null);
return _showWindowOneCommand;
private void ShowWindowOne()
MainModel.TypeName = "WindowOneViewProxy";
#region ShowWindowTwoCommand
private ICommand _showWindowTwoCommand = null;
public ICommand ShowWindowTwoCommand
if (_showWindowTwoCommand == null)
_showWindowTwoCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.ShowWindowTwo(), null);
return _showWindowTwoCommand;
private void ShowWindowTwo()
MainModel.TypeName = "WindowTwoViewProxy";
#region ShowWindowThreeCommand
private ICommand _showWindowThreeCommand = null;
public ICommand ShowWindowThreeCommand
if (_showWindowThreeCommand == null)
_showWindowThreeCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.ShowWindowThree(), null);
return _showWindowThreeCommand;
private void ShowWindowThree()
MainModel.TypeName = "WindowThreeViewProxy";
public MainViewModel()
MainModel = new MainModel();
MainWindow looks as:
<Window x:Class="WindowFactoryNamespace.MainWindow"
AttachedBehaviors:WindowFactoryBehavior.Name="{Binding Path=MainModel.TypeName}"
Title="MainWindow" Height="300" Width="300">
<this:MainViewModel />
<Button Content="WindowOne"
Command="{Binding ShowWindowOneCommand}" />
<Button Content="WindowTwo"
Command="{Binding ShowWindowTwoCommand}" />
<Button Content="WindowThree"
Command="{Binding ShowWindowThreeCommand}" />
Test View-ViewModel for the first window looks like this (they practically identical):
public class WindowOneModel : NotificationObject
#region TextContent
private string _textContent = "Text content for WindowOneView";
public string TextContent
return _textContent;
_textContent = value;
public class WindowOneViewModel
#region WindowOneModel
private WindowOneModel _windowOneModel = null;
public WindowOneModel WindowOneModel
return _windowOneModel;
_windowOneModel = value;
#region OneCommand
private ICommand _oneCommand = null;
public ICommand OneCommand
if (_oneCommand == null)
_oneCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.One(), null);
return _oneCommand;
private void One()
WindowOneModel.TextContent = "Command One change TextContent";
public WindowOneViewModel()
WindowOneModel = new WindowOneModel();
This project is available at this link.
IMHO, there is no need to over complicate the solution for the sake of MVVM purity. You risk the subsequent developers not understanding your elegant solution and break it. In fact there is a good chance of that as "pure" implementations tend to be not that readable because of the complexity.
IMHO, any solution where a problem is permanently solved under an abstraction with minimal code overhead and simplicity in its usage is better than doing considerable overhead every time the solution is used even if "purity" is achieved(it won't serve any purpose). The problem of showing dialog in the application has to be solved once and it should be easy to use it in the future.
Composing view models is perfectly fine, and could make life easier by allowing view models to interact without drama
A dialog service can be created which will act as a wrapper for all your dialog needs in the application. You can inject the Dialog Service and the child view models which needs to be displayed in a window, to your parent view model. When you need to display the window, ask the Dialog service to do it, passing it the view model instance and view name.
Note:code is not complied or tested
public class DialogService : IDialogService
IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
bool _fatalError;
//Provides a wrapper function which will connect your view and view model and open a
public Window ShowCustomDialog<TViewModel>(string name, TViewModel viewModel, bool
modal, double left, double top, Action<bool?> OnClose, int width, int height)
if (_fatalError == true)
return null;
Window view = new Window(name);
if (viewModel != null)
view.DataContext = viewModel;
if (left != -1.0 && top != -1.0)
view.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual;
view.Left = left;
view.Top = top;
view.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
if (width != -1 && height != -1)
view.Width = width;
view.Height = height;
view.Closed += (o, e) =>
if (OnClose != null)
view.Loaded += (o, e) =>
Window window = o as Window;
if (window != null)
double dialogWidth = window.ActualWidth;
double screenWidth =
double dialogLeft = window.Left;
if (dialogLeft + dialogWidth > screenWidth)
window.Left = screenWidth - dialogWidth;
double dialogHeight = window.ActualHeight;
double screenHeight =
double dialogTop = window.Top;
if (dialogTop + dialogHeight > screenHeight)
window.Top = screenHeight - dialogHeight;
if (modal)
return view;
//Add more functions. For example to pop up a message box etc.
public class ComposedVM
public ViewModelA objA{get;set;}
public ViewModelB objB{get;set;}
IDialogService dialogService{get;set;}
public ComposedVM(ViewModelA a, ViewModelB b, IDialogService dlg )
objA = a;
objB = b;
dialogService = dlg
public void OnShowWindowACommand()
dialogService .ShowCustomDialog<object>(
DialogNames.ViewA/*view name constant*/, objA, true, -1.0, -1.0,
result =>
if (result == true)
An event/message based communication can be used between modules. Using it for related view models in a module is an overkill IMHO.
Pushing container instance through constructor is a bad idea in 99% of cases, because container is a service locator. The main disadvantages of this approach are:
dependency from concrete implementation of container;
unclear API of your classes, which also leads to fragile unit tests.
There are many ways to create window in MVVM fashion:
using Mediators (like IMessenger in MvvmLight, IEventAggregator in Caliburn.Micro);
using special IDialogService;
using attached behaviours;
using Action that inserted via ViewModel constructor;
using Controllers.

making async calls using mvvm in silverlight

I am trying to make a call to a wcf service with my silverlight application and I am having some trouble understanding how the model returns the result back to the view model. Within my view model I have the following command:
public DelegateCommand GetSearchResultCommand
if (this._getSearchResultCommand == null)
this._getSearchResultCommand = new DelegateCommand(GetSearchResultCommandExecute, CanGetSearchResultsCommandExecute);
return this._getSearchResultCommand;
private void GetSearchResultCommandExecute(object parameter)
this.SearchResults = this._DataModel.GetSearchResults(this.SearchTerm);
/// <summary>
/// Bindable property for SearchResults
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> SearchResults
return this._SearchResults;
private set
if (this._SearchResults == value)
// Set the new value and notify
this._SearchResults = value;
then within my model I have the following code
public ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> GetSearchResults(string searchQuery)
//return type cannot be void needs to be a collection
SearchClient sc = new SearchClient();
//TODO: stubbed in placeholder for Endpoint Address used to retreive proxy address at runtime
// sc.Endpoint.Address = (clientProxy);
sc.QueryCompleted += new EventHandler<QueryCompletedEventArgs>(sc_QueryCompleted);
sc.QueryAsync(new Query { QueryText = searchQuery });
return LastSearchResults;
void sc_QueryCompleted(object sender, QueryCompletedEventArgs e)
ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> results = new ObservableCollection<QueryResponse>();
this.LastSearchResults = results;
When I insert breakpoints within the model I see where the query is being executed and a result is returned within the model (this.LastSearchResults = results) however I cannot seem to get this collection to update/ notify the view model of the result. I've generated and run a similar test using just a method and dummy class and it seems to work so I suspect the issue is due to the async call /threading. I have INotifyPropertyChanged within the ViewModel to sync the View and ViewModel. Do I need to also implement INotifyPropChng within the model as well? I'm new to mvvm so any help / example of how I should approach this would be appreciated.
Thank you,
In further testing I added INotifyPropertyChanged to the model and changed the Completed event as follows:
void sc_QueryCompleted(object sender, QueryCompletedEventArgs e)
ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> results = new ObservableCollection<QueryResponse>();
//this.LastSearchResults = results;
SearchResults = results;
Placing a watch on Search Results I now see it is updated with results from teh WCF. My question is still around is this teh correct approach? It seems to work right now however I am curious if I am missing something else or if I should not be placing INotify within the Model.
Thank you,
I've found that it's best to encapsulate my WCF services in an additional layer of Service classes. This allows me to more easily Unit Test my ViewModels. There are several patterns when doing this, though this is the simplest I've used. The pattern is to create a method that matches the definition of the service call, though also contains an Action that can be invoked after the service call completes.
public class Service : IService
public void GetSearchResults(string searchQuery, Action<ObservableCollection<QueryResponse>> reply)
//return type cannot be void needs to be a collection
SearchClient sc = new SearchClient();
//TODO: stubbed in placeholder for Endpoint Address used to retreive proxy address at runtime
// sc.Endpoint.Address = (clientProxy);
sc.QueryCompleted += (s,e) =>
ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> results = new ObservableCollection<QueryResponse>();
sc.QueryAsync(new Query { QueryText = searchQuery });
You can also provide an interface that your ViewModel can use. This makes Unit Testing even easier, though is optional.
public interface IService
void GetSearchResults(string searchQuery, Action<ObservableCollection<QueryResponse>> reply);
Your ViewModel would then look something like this:
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private IService _service;
public MyViewModel()
: this(new Service())
{ }
public MyViewModel(IService service)
_service = service;
SearchResults = new ObservableCollection<QueryResponse>();
private ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> _searchResults
public ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> SearchResults
get { return _searchResults; }
_searchResults = value;
public void Search()
_service.GetSearchResults("abcd", results =>
protected void NotifyPropertyChanged(string property)
var handler = this.PropertyChanged;
if(handler != null)
handler(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
An additional reason for encapsulating your service calls into another class like this is that it can provide a single place for such things as logging and error handling. That way your ViewModel itself doesn't need to take care of those things specifically related to the Service.
I would likely use something along the lines of:
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly IModel model;
private readonly DelegateCommand getSearchResultsCommand;
public DelegateCommand GetSearchResultsCommand
get { return getSearchResultsCommand; }
public ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> SearchResults
get { return model.SearchResults; }
public ViewModel(IModel model)
this.model = model;
this.model.SearchResultsRetrieved += new EventHandler(model_SearchResultsRetrieved);
this.getSearchResultsCommand = new DelegateCommand(model.GetSearchResultCommandExecute, model.CanGetSearchResultsCommandExecute);
private void model_SearchResultsRetrieved(object sender, EventArgs e)
public interface IModel
event EventHandler SearchResultsRetrieved;
void GetSearchResultCommandExecute(object parameter);
bool CanGetSearchResultsCommandExecute(object parameter);
ObservableCollection<QueryResponse> SearchResults { get; }
With the SearchResultsRetrieved event being fired by the Model when its SearchResults collection has been filled with the appropriate data. I prefer to have custom events rather than implement INotifyPropertyChanged on my models, particularly if there are only one, or a few, events that need to be communicated to the viewmodel.
