Limit data based on UniqueCount - database

I have charts on a tab, that should only show if 1 value from a column filter is selected.
For example if a field named: BUSINESS_UNIT has values of "HR","FIN","IT" The charts should only show data if 1 value is filtered on. Such as "HR."
These charts do not contain the BUSINESS_UNIT field itself.
I tried using the Limit Data Using expression, but for some reason the limit expression UniqueCount(BUSINESS_UNIT)=1 doesn't work.
How would I hide the data in the charts, unless 1 BUSINESS_UNIT is selected?

What you could do is hide the filters panel and create radio buttons on a new text area for each property to mark data. If you need help setting this up let me know. Then in your visualisations limit data using markings and show an empty visualisation if no items are marked.
One downside to this is maintenance, if the values change you will have to update the UI.
Another possible solution (untested) is to change the filter panel properties from checkboxes to radio buttons.
Filter Panel Properties:
You want it to look something like this:


Hiding a chart based on a condition in VEEML

I've got lots of items in a dimension and the display by default is really bad.
How can I show this chart only if the user select less than 5 items in that dimension ?
You could use a display condition on the object.
Open the setting window of the chart holding the click on the chart
Fill the change option button with a statement as below:
{"display_condition":{"condition":"COUNT(DISTINCT *your_dimension*)=2", "message":"Please select only 2 items of *your_dimension* to see the chart !"}}
Leave the message property empty to see the default message or just write a space if you don't want any message.

How to add different image with pagination in ng-grid

I have a grid that displays images as values in one of its column using following code.
field: 'TR',
displayName: 'Trigger Redundancy',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText" ng-class="col.colIndex()"><span ng-cell-text><img src=""></img></span></div>'
Now I want few more alterations to my grid which I am unable to do,
Instead displaying one image as value for a column, I want five different images that should be shown on the basis of numeric value from 0-4.
I want to include bootstrap pagination to my grid.
After images are displayed, when I right click on it, it should provide me some functionality using which I could be able to change my image to some different image.
I want 1st column that should provide me a button, by clicking on it I should be able to display information of that row in some textbox below my grid.
I want to apply filtration on three of my columns such that I will provide user a textbox to search whatever he will type in that, that should be filtered from these three columns.
How can I achieve this? Possibly a working example?
I have a working demo Plunker of my grid
I have make chenges to show the images from 0 to 4 based on the data and even for the click function but i think to show some option you should avoid right click and you use left click and if you will make changes to the data source of gird it will automatically display the required value in the grid for showing different images.

Show either chart or table based on radio button or checkbox in ssrs

I have a report request to show either chart or table using SSRS. I am mew to SSRS so not sure of woraround to make this work.
So far I tried below:
1. Create a "ShowDetails" parameter with
Data type - Boolean
Parameter Visibility - True
Available values - none
Default Values (non queried)- =False
2 In the chart properties set the Hidden to -> =Not(Parameters!ShowDetails.Value)
and toggle to textbox1 which I created for expand and collapse option.
Problem is radio button is not working ie., when I change the option to true no action on chart.Have to control the chart only by expand and collapse option.
Looking for other solution to show either chart or table based on show or hide parameter.
Thank You
I would write the expression in the Hidden Property of the chart like this instead.
The above expression with some work around got me the answer. Below are the steps
Create a "ShowDetails" parameter with Data type - Boolean,Parameter Visibility - True Available values - Label-No, Value -True and Label-Yes, Value -False Default Values (non queried)- =True
2 In the chart properties set the visibility->Hidden -> =IIF(Parameters!ShowChart.Value="1",True,False)
With the above solution am able to hide and show the chart based on input parameter.
Thank You

Grid not updating upon change in model in angularjs

I am using ng-grid to display a list of items.
I want to give my users ability to rearrange the rows in the list.
i.e move the rows up and down as they please.
However when I update the grid data in the backend i.e say change the index of a particular row, that row does not automatically change locations in the front-end.
What am i missing here ?
I have created a plunker to describe the problem
The grid doesn't use the index of the array to order it, so even if you are changing it, because the data is still there nothing happens.
What you could do is define an order field and update the value then changing the values as shown in this plukr. The order field you can hide it from the grid if required using columnDefs to explicitly defined which column should be shown.

How to dynamically update summary type for grid in extjs4.1

How to dynamically update summary feature for grid in extjs4.1?
In my application the grid summary will become filled at the time of loading the page, the grid by calculating a total using the summary feature. I have a combo box drop down in the screen. If a user selects from the combo box, I need to update the grid records from store and also need to update the calculated summary value using records coming from another store.
Can anybody tell me how to do that? Thanks
Assuming that yourGridItemId is the first/only grid with this itemId, the following code should work:
